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So you should read this...

Anderson Williams
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-09-20 18:05:05 UTC
Some of you know me as a horrendous **** poaster, and ill take that. Some of you know me as a member of Rote kapelle, until they wise up and Fire me. Some of you just know me as Anderson Williams.

My rl name is Nathan Ale. It's not every day you get to choose your best friend. I got to choose a little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, mainly because I liked his mommy but something about him changed my life forever. That was almost 4 years ago, and this year Landon will be 6. I am beyond blessed to say that Landon has Down Syndrome, and though his life isn't perfect he has been doing an incredible job I think. We have fought back against his heart problems, his traceal malaysia, and the rediculous bouts with RSV then Pneumonia. We are still here, and though in the early parts of his life, he was really sick... those days are long gone and he has been doing so amazing. Next year he is going to start Kindergarten, and I am besides myself with anxiety and excitement. How lucky am I, how could I be so blessed with such an incredible child?

So here we are again. Last year, was an incredible moment for me. It wasn't incredble only because of all the support form the communitie I belong to, but because it showed me and my family that our fears for my son, the fear of rejection -cruelty even though plausible are less likely than we had once thought. The kind words, private messages of encouragement let alone the almost 2 grand sent by people from the Eve community was dumbfounding.

I am a flawed and clueless at times man, and there are few things I can really be sure of. I make no mistake in stating how incredible the people of this community are. Despite our trolling, and our rage I have found some of the most noble and compassionate people that I have known. I am besides myself in admiration of you... and all that you do. Your support has given us new courage and hope for the future of my son and our family. I can never repay the promise of a better day tomorrow that you have given me, thank you so much from the bottom of my heart and from my family to yours.

Trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder characterized by 'too many' chromosomes. It is on the more milder spectrum of MRs, with some individuals being extremely higher functioning. There is no cure for Trisomy 21, because its not a disease. It doesn't need treatment, it doesn't need medication. These individuals, people born with Down Syndrome are human like you and I they just have a different way of living their lives than we do. We could get into the issues facing these children, the classifications... the urger from major organizations to suggest theraputic Abortion to these children... but thats for another day. Today we celebrate them, we celebrate cildren like Landon. You can help us, you can say that you are a buddy to the myriad of individuals with Down Syndrome. Support the Buddy Walk.They need therapy in some instances, and many still have major health problems. Landon has had numerous respiratory conditions, and heart surgery. These take tolls on family, siblings struggle with the stress and the family unit at times may just need a helping hand.

The Buddy Walk was the answer to this. A symbolic walk, this even which is held all over the country is a celebration of life for people with Down Syndrome everywhere. These events accept donations that are then given to Kids Groups to take these kids to places like Sesame Street, pizza parties, and picnics. These instances are just a help for these families, a release. We encourage you to take part in the Buddy Walk Event in any way you can.

Anderson Williams
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-09-21 19:09:27 UTC
Thank you for your donations It means the world.. 20% of our goal in 24 hrs
NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#3 - 2013-09-24 09:22:40 UTC
Wonderful video, good cause. Good luck Team Doo Big smile
Nashuar Attor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2013-09-24 10:32:44 UTC
Great video mate. I can relate as I have a 7 year old son with Downs Syndrome. Yep can relate to it all. Thanks for the post.

You'll have to speak up, I'm wearing a towel.