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Crime & Punishment

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.


First post
BoSau Hotim
Uitraan Diversified Holdings Incorporated
#21 - 2013-09-19 02:20:17 UTC
Axirillon Grinder wrote:
Domanique Altares wrote:
Axirillon Grinder wrote:
Yawn making a deal, then not sticking to it is wrong, I'd be okay if they rejected the offer of a ransom OR stuck to it. Doing neither is sad, but just by looking at the replies I got so far this community is what it is. Just hope someone else figures out that they will screw them anyways.

- Axi

Maybe next time you'll get better responses by posting in the appropriate forums.

You seem to have expectation issues. You should have that checked out.

appropriate forums? You kidding right? I don't expect anything to happen because in reality nothing will, what I hope for is for 1 person to read this and realise they this is screw me online rather than anything else, moral is "I will screw the **** outta my fellow players, just because I can" but hey I'm a naïve guy, I put trust in my fellow man, shame on me.

- Axi

I think your taking this a bit too far. You didn't put your trust in your fellow man. You put your trust in a person who is playing a pvp game. Hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow and be able to look at it for what it really is.

If you log onto Battlefield 3 you would expect to get shot/blown up right? Well if you expect that getting blown up - along with a myriad of other types of attacks - will happen to you in EvE, then you can learn to protect yourself and how to survive and do well in this game. CCP puts new players in a cocoon in the starter systems and they don't reallize what a harsh game this is until they leave the nursery (unless this happened in a starter system in which case it's a whole different story)

I'm not a carebear... I'm a SPACE BARBIE!  Now... where's Ken?

Plastic Psycho
#22 - 2013-09-19 02:22:29 UTC
Tuggboat wrote:
Never trust a man that doesn't mine

Never trust a man who does, either.
Deaf Armada
#23 - 2013-09-19 02:28:19 UTC
I am sure it is easier to make list of all pirate who honor ransom.
Domanique Altares
#24 - 2013-09-19 02:30:36 UTC
Axirillon Grinder wrote:
He he, guess we're at a difference of opinion, "whining" imho would be crying that it was unfair, all I am trying to achieve is to raise some awareness, crime and punishment imho would refer to something against the rules and thus punishable, this doesn't seem like it thus for raising awareness I'd guess general discussion would be the right place.

- Axi

You'd be wrong.
Axirillon Grinder
#25 - 2013-09-19 02:42:31 UTC
as said difference of opinion and yes it's a harsh game, I repeat, just attempting to raise awareness for the random rookie trolling the forums and coming across this so he'll be forewarned and maybe not make the same mistake I made, if it can happen it will happen and putting my faith in my fellow man was not an understatement, experienced enough rip-offs, scams, screw overs on the internet, can live with that, alas real life ain't any better, of course there are exceptions, some people do deserve the trust others put in them, just wish there were more of those, that's all.

- Axi
Desimus Maximus
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#26 - 2013-09-19 02:45:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Desimus Maximus
Just confirming.. you believe EvE pilots may, just may, be dishonest.

This changes everything!

Rule #1: Don't trust anyone in EvE, even if it's your mom. She will screw you out of ISK before your ship can say 'the capacitor is empty'.

Rule #2: EvE is a COLD and CRUEL universe.

Rule # 3: Never, ever..... ever....... trust anyone in EvE.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#27 - 2013-09-19 02:48:25 UTC
Crime & Punishment is not for game rule breaks. The Petition system is used for those.
Crime & Punishment is for 'In Character' laws being broken, such as failing to honour a ransom. Or corp theft etc.

That is why people are saying to use that forum.
Axirillon Grinder
#28 - 2013-09-19 02:48:28 UTC
Yup, there's some good rules.

- Axi
Axirillon Grinder
#29 - 2013-09-19 02:59:18 UTC
Would love to see people actually read. It is not about these particular players and more about AWARENESS for new players like myself that they fully realize how harsh this game can be, the situation named is mainly an EXAMPLE of what happens when you are naïve about your fellow players in this game and hence I am still convinced that the topic is in the right spot although I might just troll over to that forum to spam the crap out of it about how dishonest these guys are, but nope, it is part of the game, I gambled, I lost, I live on, the fact remains I intend this topic for NEW PLAYERS, so you forum warriors please get off my back that the topic is in the wrong place, it is not intended for you, your opinion is noted and I reject it by my arguments named above. If it bugs you that bad then get a forum mod to move this topic.

- Axi
Malcolm Shinhwa
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2013-09-19 03:04:32 UTC
Axirillon Grinder wrote:
Yup a harsh lesson, had faith in humanity, got bitchslapped in the face with reality, too many sad people and then there are people that are actually surprised at homocidal maniacs. But hey it's a game, I learned something new.

- Axi

No reason to loose faith in humanity. The people who betrayed you were avatars playing a role. IRL those guys are most likely normal decent bros. Its a game. It has rules. Play within those rules is valid. Cops and robbers would be no fun without the robbers. If you are set on demonizing other players in a sandbox game, I think you're going to have a miserable time here.

[i]"The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The sword is more important than the shield and skill is more important than either. The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental[/i]."

Sol Kal'orr
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2013-09-19 03:10:07 UTC
Yep. The Crime and Punishment section is where we discuss EULA breaches. Roll

Also, If your faith in humanity is being shaken by treachery in a game about treachery I recommend avoid games altogether. I found out about this one called 'Risk' the other day. Seems the players try to take over the world. Megalomaniacs.
Julius Priscus
#32 - 2013-09-19 03:12:42 UTC
Axirillon Grinder wrote:
Yup a harsh lesson, had faith in humanity, got bitchslapped in the face with reality, too many sad people and then there are people that are actually surprised at homocidal maniacs. But hey it's a game, I learned something new.

- Axi

there are pilots out there that "honour" ransoms.. if I found out a corpie tried to ransom a pilot then reneged I would pod my corpie my self.

if I cant trust a corp mate to honour a ransom I sure as hell cannot trust that person to have my back.

I always honour ransoms my self.. to the point if I screw up and they have paid me i will refund it in full.

OP sorry to see you got ass raped over a "ransom"
Axirillon Grinder
#33 - 2013-09-19 03:27:51 UTC
Julius, thank you for the support and I would and likely will apply the same stance myself in the future (if I ever get to ransom someone) and it's not the point I can apply these situations to just a game but simply a stance I can apply to general populous, you do it because you can, morality isn't a boon anymore, it's a burden, that it's more evident in this game is obvious, that there are still people out there that believe in fairplay and honor is the reason I am trying to raise awareness XD, I obviously not aware this game was based on threachery, again as said before, I had to find out the hard way and again if I can prevent just about anyone from getting caught I've achieved what I'm trying to accomplish.

- Axi
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2013-09-19 03:51:58 UTC
CCP should change the TOS and ban future ransom fakers for impersonating an honest pirate. Twisted

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2013-09-19 04:12:52 UTC
Never pay ransom. Just punch self destruct, spam a warp-out, and accept your losses as they come.

Best case scenario, you manage to commit to a warp out before they lock the pod down. Worst case scenario, you get popped, podded, and sent home.

Every time you undock, you have to acknowledge that you may not make it back with your ship, cargo, or implants.

Ransom only encourages them and makes it even more profitable than salvaging your modules and cargo.

There is nothing in the game that's enough to get worked up over, unless you did something stupid.

~Weapons R&D technician, arms manufacturer, weapons dealer, wormhole project manager, nulsec fleet pilot, armored warfare command/mindlink specialist, thanatos pilot, alliance executor, now retired~

I've done everything. NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!

ISD Cura Ursus
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#36 - 2013-09-19 04:52:30 UTC
Moved to crime and punishment.

ISD Cura Ursus

Lieutenant Commander

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

#37 - 2013-09-19 05:07:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Teinyhr
Well, this thread shows that the community has changed, and I'm not sure it's for the better. At least some 3-4 years ago ransoms were (usually, obviously not always) honoured and this kind of thread would of gotten much more support from actual pirates chiming in that not honouring ransoms hurts their playstyle. But I suppose "true pirates" are a dying breed as people seem to be only interested in getting killmails at any cost.

Now it's mostly "hurpadurp honour in eve LOL?" Really don't like this change in attitude.
Lt Manshield
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2013-09-19 05:49:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Lt Manshield
Axirillon Grinder wrote:
as said difference of opinion and yes it's a harsh game, I repeat, just attempting to raise awareness for the random rookie trolling the forums and coming across this so he'll be forewarned and maybe not make the same mistake I made, if it can happen it will happen and putting my faith in my fellow man was not an understatement, experienced enough rip-offs, scams, screw overs on the internet, can live with that, alas real life ain't any better, of course there are exceptions, some people do deserve the trust others put in them, just wish there were more of those, that's all.

- Axi

Delicious tears.
Please get scammed in any of the myriad other ways (maybe by me) and then start another thread about it. Player created content, you see :V

Also never not sign your posts
- username which is visible to the left of my post.

Teinyhr wrote:
Well, this thread shows that the community has changed, and I'm not sure it's for the better. At least some 3-4 years ago ransoms were honoured and this kind of thread would of gotten much more support from actual pirates chiming in that not honouring ransoms hurts their playstyle. But I suppose "true pirates" are a dying breed as people seem to be only interested in getting killmails at any cost.

Now it's mostly "hurpadurp honour in eve LOL?" Really don't like this change in attitude.

Unironically HTFU.
#39 - 2013-09-19 07:17:55 UTC
unidenify wrote:
I am sure it is easier to make list of all pirate who honor ransom.

And even easier to have alts submit your main to that list.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#40 - 2013-09-19 09:16:14 UTC
unidenify wrote:
I am sure it is easier to make list of all pirate who honor ransom.

I've got that list somewhere...
Oh here it is:

But yeah, never pay ransoms. Just give them the finger and burn away. If you die, you die. If you are lucky (or not in a bubble), you get to keep your pod.

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