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Competitive Gaming

First post
Harry Forever
#141 - 2013-09-11 21:02:07 UTC
Ustrello wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
Ustrello wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

he just run into my guns

I shotdown a billion goon haulers in their backyard, still need to find anybody who got the balls for that

all others just hide within fleets of hundrets, every kid can do that... there are just a handful good pilots out there

the others are just sheeps running in the herd

solo pilots are the elite

See harry is too scared to fight me

you are no solo pilot, you guys just gank in groups of 30 vs. 1

thats no fighting... I know how you roll...

no system where you can sneak up with your friends...

I come and get you... just wait for it

Here is the thing you are too scared to do it. You are too scared to fight anything that can actually shoot back. I figured you would be a coward and not want to fight back but I wanted to prove it, and so you have.

yea you are too unimportant to get killed by me, sorry
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#142 - 2013-09-11 21:04:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Harry Forever wrote:
and the masses are important, it proofs that you are right, only when you hit the mass market you are on track and will succeed over the long run

So you're saying that Justin Bieber, One Direction and Miley Cyrus are actually talented, and will be more than flash in the pan performers? After all they appeal to the masses.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#143 - 2013-09-11 21:19:30 UTC
Its called the Alliance tournament. But I suppose a CCP putting in a few more large/small scale fleet options for AT would be fun. Solo/duo, the current format, and maybe a 50/50 fleet fight.

Sanity is fun leaving the body.

Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#144 - 2013-09-11 21:23:20 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:

I only see you guys shoot rats and mining 90% of your time... if I shorten up that waiting time, thats just smart, more gaming less waiting... that logic seems to be not understandable by you guys

You fail to understand that things can have a value because they are not instantly available. If loosing your new shiny ship means that you loose the profits from ten hours of grinding, you fly it alot more carefully than if instant replacements would be available. Things like d-scan, scouting bookmarks, safespots etc. are only relevant game mechanics because they prevent massive losses, but they are still interesting mechanics.

Harry Forever wrote:

and the masses are important, it proofs that you are right, only when you hit the mass market you are on track and will succeed over the long run

Niche market. Google it. Seriously. Specifically "Small capital providers usually opt for a niche market with narrow demographics as a measure of increasing their financial gain margins.". By going for a limited audience, CCP avoids directly competing with developers like Blizzard, which probably wouldn't end well.

Harry Forever wrote:

I'm not talking just 10 years here, a lot of companies succeed 10 years but then fail miserably because they do not adapt to their customers, do not adapt to what is needed

That simply isn't true for the MMO market:

Star Wars Galaxies - dead after 8 years, on life support for most of that time.
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning - dead after 4 years, at least 2 of those on life support
Star Wars: The Old Republic - started of so badly that within the first year it had to be turned into a money-sucking micro transaction vampire that makes you pay RL money for armor dyes. RANDOM armor dyes. A fate shard with a large number of other titles that were released as "AAA" titles, such as LOTR online, STO, GW2 and even some MMO ancients such as EQ.
Harry Forever
#145 - 2013-09-11 21:30:04 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
and the masses are important, it proofs that you are right, only when you hit the mass market you are on track and will succeed over the long run

So you're saying that Justin Bieber, One Direction and Miley Cyrus are actually talented? After all they appeal to the masses.

I would not know one of their songs, but for sure they are hard workers to bring it up there... i have respect for the successful, cause i know what it takes to be the best Cool
Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#146 - 2013-09-11 21:33:35 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
and the masses are important, it proofs that you are right, only when you hit the mass market you are on track and will succeed over the long run

So you're saying that Justin Bieber, One Direction and Miley Cyrus are actually talented? After all they appeal to the masses.

I would not know one of their songs, but for sure they are hard workers to bring it up there... i have respect for the successful, cause i know what it takes to be the best Cool

So - the secret to success are repeated blows to the head until delusions of grandeur set in?
Harry Forever
#147 - 2013-09-11 21:35:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Harry Forever
Barzai Mekhar wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

I only see you guys shoot rats and mining 90% of your time... if I shorten up that waiting time, thats just smart, more gaming less waiting... that logic seems to be not understandable by you guys

You fail to understand that things can have a value because they are not instantly available. If loosing your new shiny ship means that you loose the profits from ten hours of grinding, you fly it alot more carefully than if instant replacements would be available. Things like d-scan, scouting bookmarks, safespots etc. are only relevant game mechanics because they prevent massive losses, but they are still interesting mechanics.

Harry Forever wrote:

and the masses are important, it proofs that you are right, only when you hit the mass market you are on track and will succeed over the long run

Niche market. Google it. Seriously. Specifically "Small capital providers usually opt for a niche market with narrow demographics as a measure of increasing their financial gain margins.". By going for a limited audience, CCP avoids directly competing with developers like Blizzard, which probably wouldn't end well.

Harry Forever wrote:

I'm not talking just 10 years here, a lot of companies succeed 10 years but then fail miserably because they do not adapt to their customers, do not adapt to what is needed

That simply isn't true for the MMO market:

Star Wars Galaxies - dead after 8 years, on life support for most of that time.
Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning - dead after 4 years, at least 2 of those on life support
Star Wars: The Old Republic - started of so badly that within the first year it had to be turned into a money-sucking micro transaction vampire that makes you pay RL money for armor dyes. RANDOM armor dyes. A fate shard with a large number of other titles that were released as "AAA" titles, such as LOTR online, STO, GW2 and even some MMO ancients such as EQ.

small fish get eaten, trust me that, you better be the biggest, niche market just succeeds at the beginning, then you have to bring it to the broughter audience...

you know what, for me the game just feels a bit like you don't have stuff available to assure you stay subscribed longer, thats a disadvantage, I want to stay subscribed longer because of the gameplay, not because of the skill waiting time

in the past that might was a good formula to keep people, but now people tend to not have that much time anymore, so you need to provide them the maximum entertainment in the shortest time available
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#148 - 2013-09-11 21:45:18 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:

small fish get eaten, trust me that, you better be the biggest, niche market just succeeds at the beginning, then you have to bring it to the broughter audience...

you know what, for me the game just feels a bit like you don't have stuff available to assure you stay subscribed longer, thats a disadvantage, I want to stay subscribed longer because of the gameplay, not because of the skill waiting time

in the past that might was a good formula to keep people, but now people tend to not have that much time anymore, so you need to provide them the maximum entertainment in the shortest time available

EVE is growing still while WoW bled 1.5 million subs last year alone.

Seems people do not want what you are demanding.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#149 - 2013-09-11 21:47:32 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
small fish get eaten, trust me that, you better be the biggest, niche market just succeeds at the beginning, then you have to bring it to the broughter audience...

you know what, for me the game just feels a bit like you don't have stuff available to assure you stay subscribed longer, thats a disadvantage, I want to stay subscribed longer because of the gameplay, not because of the skill waiting time

in the past that might was a good formula to keep people, but now people tend to not have that much time anymore, so you need to provide them the maximum entertainment in the shortest time available

At least you're finally be honest about your intentions. You don't want good just want to kill the entire game.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#150 - 2013-09-11 21:53:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Rhes wrote:

At least you're finally be honest about your intentions. You don't want good just want to kill the entire game.
I'm considering petitioning him, under the new "totally not changed" ToS, for impersonating someone who actually has more than one brain cell.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#151 - 2013-09-11 21:53:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Barzai Mekhar
Harry Forever wrote:

small fish get eaten, trust me that, you better be the biggest, niche market just succeeds at the beginning, then you have to bring it to the broughter audience...

Let me guess, you also teach Buisness Econ 101 somewhere, right?

Harry Forever wrote:

you know what, for me the game just feels a bit like you don't have stuff available to assure you stay subscribed longer, thats a disadvantage, I want to stay subscribed longer because of the gameplay, not because of the skill waiting time

in the past that might was a good formula to keep people, but now people tend to not have that much time anymore, so you need to provide them the maximum entertainment in the shortest time available

Well sure, camping the goon home system in a stealthbomber wouldn't keep me motivated either. As i mentioned, eve is a game for people who like to plan. My plans for the next three months:
- finish my personal 4 ship mining fleet, in case I ever need some secure income I can make while watching Breaking Bad on my second monitor. Admittedly, that one is mostly waiting for skilltraining to finish, still, the interesting part is to optimize the manual multiboxing of four accounts.
- either set up a second POS or a larger POS as soon as my next production alt is ready. The challenge is finding the perfect system to tie my POS into my other endeavours.
- scrounge up the ISK for my first freighter.
- somehow install jumpclones for both my exploration and my ratting alt in deep NPC nullsec and acquire the necessary ships in the respective region.
- do at least a few wormhole ratting daytrips
- get into faction warfare.
- and make enough ISK to pay for all the stupid mistakes I'm likely to make doing all the above.

are more than enough to keep me motivated and busy. If you limit yourself to sitting around and shouting "me want pvp now", then you've got no one but yourself to blame if you're bored.
Harry Forever
#152 - 2013-09-11 21:56:10 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

small fish get eaten, trust me that, you better be the biggest, niche market just succeeds at the beginning, then you have to bring it to the broughter audience...

you know what, for me the game just feels a bit like you don't have stuff available to assure you stay subscribed longer, thats a disadvantage, I want to stay subscribed longer because of the gameplay, not because of the skill waiting time

in the past that might was a good formula to keep people, but now people tend to not have that much time anymore, so you need to provide them the maximum entertainment in the shortest time available

EVE is growing still while WoW bled 1.5 million subs last year alone.

Seems people do not want what you are demanding.

not sure why you come up with WOW as example all the time, did never try the game, it looks dated since years, thats the worst example you could bring up

it feels a bit like you got no clue what I'm talking about

I want CCP to try stuff and do not get holdup by players like you who always sees the downfall of EvE because of new added stuff

no game will fail because it adds new stuff, it only will fail because it did not develope
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#153 - 2013-09-11 21:57:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Barzai Mekhar wrote:

- somehow install jumpclones for both my exploration and my ratting alt in deep NPC nullsec and acquire the necessary ships in the respective region.
Look into Estel Arador Corp Services, they're legit & have the standings to plonk a JC just about anywhere, you pay a nominal sum for the JCs (the NPC cost) & only have to join for 24 hours (or less). They do appreciate a donation.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Harry Forever
#154 - 2013-09-11 21:57:26 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
small fish get eaten, trust me that, you better be the biggest, niche market just succeeds at the beginning, then you have to bring it to the broughter audience...

you know what, for me the game just feels a bit like you don't have stuff available to assure you stay subscribed longer, thats a disadvantage, I want to stay subscribed longer because of the gameplay, not because of the skill waiting time

in the past that might was a good formula to keep people, but now people tend to not have that much time anymore, so you need to provide them the maximum entertainment in the shortest time available

At least you're finally be honest about your intentions. You don't want good just want to kill the entire game.

you sure have a bad hair day today, right? you sound a bit sad...
Harry Forever
#155 - 2013-09-11 22:00:04 UTC
Barzai Mekhar wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

small fish get eaten, trust me that, you better be the biggest, niche market just succeeds at the beginning, then you have to bring it to the broughter audience...

Let me guess, you also teach Buisness Econ 101 somewhere, right?

Harry Forever wrote:

you know what, for me the game just feels a bit like you don't have stuff available to assure you stay subscribed longer, thats a disadvantage, I want to stay subscribed longer because of the gameplay, not because of the skill waiting time

in the past that might was a good formula to keep people, but now people tend to not have that much time anymore, so you need to provide them the maximum entertainment in the shortest time available

Well sure, camping the goon home system in a stealthbomber wouldn't keep me motivated either. As i mentioned, eve is a game for people who like to plan. My plans for the next three months:
- finish my personal 4 ship mining fleet, in case I ever need some secure income I can make while watching Breaking Bad on my second monitor. Admittedly, that one is mostly waiting for skilltraining to finish, still, the interesting part is to optimize the manual multiboxing of four accounts.
- either set up a second POS or a larger POS as soon as my next production alt is ready. The challenge is finding the perfect system to tie my POS into my other endeavours.
- scrounge up the ISK for my first freighter.
- somehow install jumpclones for both my exploration and my ratting alt in deep NPC nullsec and acquire the necessary ships in the respective region.
- do at least a few wormhole ratting daytrips
- get into faction warfare.
- and make enough ISK to pay for all the stupid mistakes I'm likely to make doing all the above.

are more than enough to keep me motivated and busy. If you limit yourself to sitting around and shouting "me want pvp now", then you've got no one but yourself to blame if you're bored.

maybe I'm just to good at trading, and do not find enough gameplay to trash my ships
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#156 - 2013-09-11 22:00:08 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:

not sure why you come up with WOW as example all the time, did never try the game, it looks dated since years, thats the worst example you could bring up

it feels a bit like you got no clue what I'm talking about

I want CCP to try stuff and do not get holdup by players like you who always sees the downfall of EvE because of new added stuff

no game will fail because it adds new stuff, it only will fail because it did not develope

WoW has exactly what you are demanding and is the biggest western MMO (the big fish) and is bleeding subs at an astonishing rate.

EVE has seen nothing but year on year growth.

Why would EVE copy WoW?
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#157 - 2013-09-11 22:03:41 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
you sure have a bad hair day today, right? you sound a bit sad...

Sadly I'm going to have to report you for impersonating a stylist and psychotherapist in your post.

EVE is a game about spaceships and there's an enormous amount of work to do on the in-space gameplay before players (or developers) are ready to sacrifice it for a totally new type of gameplay - CCP Rise

Harry Forever
#158 - 2013-09-11 22:03:52 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:

not sure why you come up with WOW as example all the time, did never try the game, it looks dated since years, thats the worst example you could bring up

it feels a bit like you got no clue what I'm talking about

I want CCP to try stuff and do not get holdup by players like you who always sees the downfall of EvE because of new added stuff

no game will fail because it adds new stuff, it only will fail because it did not develope

WoW has exactly what you are demanding and is the biggest western MMO (the big fish) and is bleeding subs at an astonishing rate.

EVE has seen nothing but year on year growth.

Why would EVE copy WoW?

if you are an WoW expert you might want to post on their forums

like mentioned already, I did never look at the game and I'm not interested in it
Harry Forever
#159 - 2013-09-11 22:05:05 UTC
Rhes wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
you sure have a bad hair day today, right? you sound a bit sad...

Sadly I'm going to have to report you for impersonating a stylist and psychotherapist in your post.

do it, and don't forget to tell your mommy as well...
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#160 - 2013-09-11 22:05:59 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:

if you are an WoW expert you might want to post on their forums

like mentioned already, I did never look at the game and I'm not interested in it

How can you not be interested in a game that has exactly what you are demanding be done to EVE?