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Black Ops Battleship Rebalance

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Jayne Fillon
#1 - 2013-09-11 20:38:59 UTC
Greetings, Capsuleers!

It would be an understatement to say that I’m passionate about flying covert ops and black ops ships – as I've done so for nearly my entire eve career. I've flown bombers and recons in wormholes, been a director within a black ops mercenary corporation, and most recently have been proudly serving as the Head FC for Bombers Bar.

In this thread, I’d like to address the upcoming rebalance for black ops battleships. I've drawn inspiration from my experiences in operating these ships, in seeing how other groups use them in their current state, and through many other resources such as dev blogs, and the CSM minutes.

I will start with a critique of black ops ships in their current form, proceed to suggestions on how to rebalance the existing hulls, and conclude with options in which to create an entirely new line of black ops battleships. If you would like clarification, have any questions, or disagree with any suggestions I've made, please post a reply and I’ll try to answer the best I can.


Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#2 - 2013-09-11 20:39:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
Black Ops Battleship Rebalance Suggestions

The current state of the black ops battleship is a mess.

The class is plagued by a myriad of different bonuses of which some are utilized and others are completely useless. This is no secret, either – the CSM are well aware of the deficiencies which are present within the class and CCP themselves consider the class lame.

There is no shortage of examples for why these hulls are deficient, for example:

Widows provide the same jam strength of a Falcon, comparable damage to a Manticore, and no bonus to jamming range as present in the T1 Scorpion hull.

The Sin’s drone bonus is in stark contrast to the Black Ops’ inane ability to cloak, and the potential to use sentry drones is seemingly contradicted by an agility bonus which would suggest a much different combat style.

Furthermore, the Panther gains a questionable velocity bonus on a primarily Artillery wielding platform, while the Redeemer gains a capacitor bonus on a hull that will almost always utilize a cap booster.

This hodgepodge of bonuses on the different black ops battleships gives no clear benefit towards a distinct play style beyond the homogenized and unique ability to use covert jump portal generators, effectively turning the ship into a mini-Titan. Using the black ops ship in this role is quite common, and will frequently see the specific ship using cargo expanders in the lows and rigs to maximize both the amount of fuel carried and the number of bridgeable ships.

Although quite effective – reaching cargo capacities upwards of 5500m3 before fuel bay – this removes the necessity for the blockade runner as a support ship entirely, while simultaneously and completely crippling the black ops’ ability to be used in combat without refitting.

How are black ops currently used?

If black ops battleships aren’t being used in ways that are congruent to their specific bonuses, this begs the question of how are they being used in actuality on TQ. Despite being the runt of the family, they are currently used in several various ways: Remote repair modules used to repair cyno ships, smartbombs for clandestine pipe bombing fleets, energy neutralizing “Bhaaldeemers” for anti-capital warfare, and of course the incursion Widow to draw and maintain NPC aggression.

Is this to say that black ops battleships are never used in direct PvP combat? No, of course not - Alliances and Corporations do exist that fight with black ops on a regular basis, and they have earned my utmost respect from doing so. However, most of these groups will drop an overwhelming number of these ships onto a solo target - most often on PvE fits or Industrials. Even when this does occur, the flaws in the combat capabilities of these ships are hard to be ignored as can be demonstrated in this engagement by Black Legion.

Although 28B ISK was destroyed in the fight against sixteen Mackinaws, an Orca, and an Obelisk, one of Black Legion’s twenty-one black ops were destroyed during the engagement. Furthermore, the black ops battleships did not use their own built in jump drives to engage the target, but were instead bridged by a Titan along with a handful of bombers and interdictors. This means that the black ops were not used for the unique bridging ability, role bonus, or hull bonus – and many of the kill mails show 25M ISK bombers out damaging the 1B ISK battleships. So why were they used at all? There is no clear reasoning, and this simple fact must change before the black ops hulls are properly balanced.

To recap: the current iteration of black ops battleships is too weak to engage in active combat, have bonuses that are neither useful nor utilized, have poor damage application compared to similar hulls, has a unique ability that cripples the ship when actually used, and has equal (or fewer!) bonuses than the T1 hulls they are based on. With this in mind, it is abundantly clear that the hull requires a dramatic change, but how can this be done?

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#3 - 2013-09-11 20:39:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
A pragmatic approach to Black Ops rebalancing

The following criteria were used as a baseline to try to arrive at a black ops ship that was balanced yet not overpowered. This involves making sure any changes made do not encroach on the roles played by other ship classes of the same hull size.

• A black ops battleship fit used for bridging must not preclude usage in combat and vice versa.
• There must be a distinct advantage to fielding black ops in combat over a bomber/recon.
• Must not perform better in PvE scenarios than marauders, or pirate faction battleships.
• Must not be more effective in conventional PvP fleet doctrines than non-cloaking battleships.

This logic is reinforced by the following quotes from CCP regarding in the recent marauder rebalance quoting that “we believe designing [ships] for a very specific activity doesn’t fit the emergent nature of EVE.” In the framing of the black ops battleships I have interpreted this as not to prevent a black ops from removing the cloak and running incursions, or engaging in fleet warfare with triage support, but to ensure that it does not make those ships who primarily engage in these types of activities obsolete.

The following changes should be implemented on each of the black ops battleship of hulls:

• Remove of all penalties to scan resolution and velocity when using an improved cloak.
• Replace the velocity while cloaked bonus with a role bonus, or as a buff to base speed.
• Reduce cargo capacity dramatically, and increase capacitor recharge and fuel bay slightly.
Increase resists or EHP to at least match the equivalent T1 variants of each hull.
• Refitting of covert ships to allow for removal/replacement of cynos and bomb launchers.

Skill bonuses and attributes of proposed black ops

Racial Battleship Bonuses

• Gunnery ships should receive a bonus to optimal range and a STRONG bonus to tracking.
• Missile ships should receive a bonus to missile velocity and a STRONG bonus to explosion radius.

Black Ops Bonuses

• Gallente should receive a range bonus to warp disruptors, and a bonus to speed and/or agility.
• Caldari should receive a range bonus to ECM, as well as a bonus to ECM strength and ECM burst.
• Minmatar should receive a bonus to web range, as well as web velocity factor. (Possibly OP?)
• Amarr should receive a bonus to energy neutralizing amount, not range, and capacitor amount.

Role Bonuses

• 100% reduction in penalty to scan resolution and velocity when using an improved cloak.
• Ability to fit covert jump portal generators and covert cyno generators.
• Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds.
• No targeting delay after decloaking.
• Increase in velocity while cloaked.

With the proposed changes above I believe that the black ops battleships would be balanced enough to encourage their original intended usage. This would be accomplished without limiting or removing previous uses or outperforming marauders and pirate faction battleships in their specific niches.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#4 - 2013-09-11 20:39:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
What changes do the CSM and CCP want?

This very interesting quote was included in the 2012 CSM minutes.

There are two quotes I would like to pull from this segment and discuss, the first of which:

Alek stated some reservations about having bridging-only black ops, arguing that simply bridging and flying around cloaked was a bit boring – they should want and be able to fight.

I agree with this sentiment entirely, and my initial proposal is based upon the ability to both bridge and fight without sacrificing the ability to perform either function. This is critical to encourage the usage of this ship in a myriad of environments, especially hostile ones, which was the ship’s intended purpose when it was released in the Trinity expansion.

The creation of covert black ops battleships

[CCP] stated that their vision for a future [black ops] revamp was that it would include two lines – a combat-oriented [black ops] and a bridging/covert oriented one.

The proposed changes to the black ops that I outlined above would roughly fall under the “bridging/covert oriented” design, however I disagree that a covert ops cloak is necessary for the ship class to be functional and balanced. Being that a black ops ship’s main method of transportation is (and should be) by cynosural fields, the ability to warp cloaked is a bonus that is not required.

However, if it were to be included, the possibility of solo black ops would instantly become reality. Although this would drastically increase their popularity and usage, there are too many variables to judge whether or not it would be completely overpowered. In my opinion this is a moot point, as regardless of effectiveness or balance, this goes against the very concept and purpose of bridge capable black ops.

The description of the current black ops clearly states that the purpose of black ops battleships is to “stealthily plant reconnaissance forces into enemy territory,” meaning that a specialty cyno ship must be sent in advance to the destination. These are ships that are meant to be very hard to catch, of which the strategic cruiser is a recent and notable addition to the list. The interdiction nullified subsystem allows for unmolested travel and the covert reconfiguration allows for cynosural field generation, covert bridging capabilities, and cloaked warp. It is this kind of ship whose functionality would be broken without the use of a covert ops cloak.

Under no circumstance can I imagine black ops requiring the ability to fit a covert cloak beyond hunting solo or in a small gang; however, conducting PvE in hostile territory would become feasible much in the same way that covert Tengus in Venal are a common sight. There is certainly no group benefit in true black ops fleet (this is a multiplayer game, after all) in having the bridging ship able to warp cloaked – if anything it provides a much needed vulnerability to a class that would otherwise be nigh uncatchable.

On the creation of a second racial black ops battleship

The most important statement from the quote deals with CCP wanting to include an entirely new line of black ops ships – one for each faction – specifically a dedicated “combat-oriented’ black ops; and although I don’t view this as a necessity for the success or balance of the class as whole, here are some ideas on how this could be accomplished.

The most likely possibility would be to go ahead and create the entirely new line with original bonuses and attributes directly benefiting damage and tank, with no EWAR or support bonuses. This assumption is based on the precedent set by the introduction of the bastion module for marauders.

Regardless of the methodology used to create the new line of black ops, or capabilities for the hulls, I believe the focus of a pure combat-oriented black ops must be carefully selected to ensure there is no overlap in the roles played by bombers, recons, or (the proposed) black ops. Much in the same way that bombers utilize their stealth and oversized weapon systems to attack larger targets, I believe that one of the combat black ops’ role can be found serving as an anti-capital platform. This would involve a module that provides the following bonuses to the ship:

• Dramatic increase in damage, either through a RoF buff or a straight damage multiplier.
• Decrease in optimal range, falloff, targeting range, and scan resolution.
• Decrease tracking to prevent damage application against fast moving or smaller targets.
• Decrease signature radius to mitigate damage from dreadnaughts.
• Increased resistances, with decreased cap recharge/quantity to prevent self repair.
• Immunity to targeted EWAR, but unable to receive any kind of remote assistance.
• Warp drive (and MJD) disabled for duration of cycle, however mobility unhindered.

The bonuses that the module will grant have been chosen in order to maximum this ships effectiveness against both dreadnaughts and triage carriers, while mitigating if not eliminating incoming damage from those sources entirely. However, the ship in this mode would be extremely vulnerable against sub capitals, as it would be helpless to apply damage to lower hull sizes, and the inability to repair itself would lead to an early death if tackled. Ultimately, this would require the remainder of a conventional black ops fleet to clear the field of potential threats to the ship proceeding with the assault.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#5 - 2013-09-11 20:39:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
Additionally, when not using the module, the black ops should have low EHP but receive a bonus to self repair as this would discourage their use in both conventional fleet warfare, and incursions, while allowing them to maintain combat effectiveness. This would keep them in their proper place amongst the rebalancing chart, and although not eliminate the possibility of these ships to be used in these other ways, it would ensure that pirate faction battleships remain more useful in their niche.

If CCP is still determined to grant one of the ship classes the ability to use the covert ops cloak, it should undoubtedly be this “combat” variety as opposed to the bridging black ops. Whereas the bridging black ops primarily moves and supports fleets through a chain of cynosural fields, the combat black ops would be better suited to solo and small gang roaming PvP with the inclusion of the covert ops cloak. This idea if implemented would require careful design, as the creation of a stealth battleship with more damage and tank than non-cloaking navy battleships would be game breaking to say the least.

In conclusion

TL;DR black ops are lame and in need of fixing, and I wrote some stuff about how to fix them.

In the comments below please post other changes you would like to see, disagreements with any part of the proposal, or questions that I can help clarify. I’ll try to respond to any questions you may have, and discuss other possibilities for rebalancing this ship class into a exciting and useful ship. If the forums aren’t your thing, feel free to join the “Bombers Bar” chat in game and talk with us and discuss absolutely anything about cloaky ships – including potential future rebalancing.


Bombers Bar Head FC

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

HTC NecoSino
Suddenly Carebears
#6 - 2013-09-11 20:41:53 UTC
That's an awful lot of reserved...
Myo Megas
Almost Dangerous
Wolves Amongst Strangers
#7 - 2013-09-11 20:57:49 UTC
covert ops blops!
Quantum Lotus
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-09-11 21:00:41 UTC
Good stuff here. Hope it gives CCP some idea or direction.
Arya Regnar
Darwins Right Hand
#9 - 2013-09-11 21:18:38 UTC
Good stuff some things need to be considered but a lot of this I agree with.


EvE-Mail me if you need anything.

Admiral Asus
Neurosurgical Reconstruction Centre
#10 - 2013-09-11 21:20:40 UTC
I understand the desire to make black ops actually viable for engagements, and for the most part they are just "mini-titans". Their combat effectiveness is pretty limited and not ideal. Bonus rebalances are definitley in order, but I feel as though it might be too much of a stretch to make them significantly more effective in combat. I think the problem might not be in the ships combat effectiveness, but perhaps in the lack of utility. Changing their logistical effectiveness might be a more beneficial way of balancing these ships. At the moment, their usefulness seems to be bridging and thats about it. Balancing the black ops to fill a niche on the combat field just feels wrong to me. Improving the overall support capabilities of the black ops seems to be the way to go.
Dr0000 Maulerant
Union Nanide and Tooling
#11 - 2013-09-12 01:20:49 UTC
anything that will get me into a t2 hyperion hull.

+1 for blops drops.

Tell me again about how every playstyle you dont engage in "doesn't require any effort" and everyone who does it needs to die in a fire. Be sure to mention about how you tried it once but it was too easy/boring/ethnic-homophobic slur. 

Drake Doe
88Th Tax Haven
#12 - 2013-09-12 03:55:50 UTC
Not a fan of a speed bonused gallente bs, otherwise I like these ideas.

"The homogenization of EVE began when Gallente and Caldari started sharing a weapon system."---Vermaak Doe-- "Ohh squabbles ohh I love my dust trolls like watching an episode of Maury with less " Is he my Dad " but more of " My Neighbor took a dump on my lawn " good episode! pops more corn" ---Evernub--

Aquila Sagitta
#13 - 2013-09-12 04:30:56 UTC
This sounds awesome +1
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#14 - 2013-09-12 06:07:56 UTC
Jayne is right blops need rebelance and i hope it may be part of the Winter Expansion Roll,
or in a Winter Expansion 1.1 Patch P.
And i hope they will be reasonable.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#15 - 2013-09-12 07:05:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Evanga
Greetings fellow capsuleer!

I approve of this message as a pilot who mainly flies the black ops bs. Having all four of them, and also using them, i can say the current ones aren't that bad. It depends how you use them and how you fit them.

Having said that, i still think they can need some tweaking here and there. Also, the current ones need to be specialised before we look into a second batch of shiny bs :)

-Evanga out
Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2013-09-12 13:16:36 UTC
Despite that I'm still yet to participae in "real" black ops fleet (c'mon BB dudes, do you even fly when my timezone isn't about to go to sleep? Smile ), I feel that this thread should get some more attention. Original post outlines an outlook at what blops actually are and should be, something that is even quite eductional for people not in touch with this sort of activity.

Something I wanted to make my uneducated comment on is SMBs on "support" blops. Fitting of bombers is pretty tight and is very dependant on the task at hand. This means that allowing them to refit during ops will have an impact on their possibilities. I guess that this may be enough to be considered a buff to cloakies, but since it's already quite possible to get needed fits ready at some station and then bridge to destination, capability of doing just that off a support BlOps won't be a groundbreaking buff to their potential.

That said, easier logistics can be quite important still and can provide some new capabilities for the class that look rather exiting. For example, think about mid-class wormhole roaming with balck ops gang (note: T3s may be revamped in the future, including cloaky configurations that IMO should be on the list of ships capable os using black ops SMBs, so that this idea doesn't look too ridiculous in the context). Some interesting possibilities and good chunk of immersion there I think.

Hopefully, I will be able to refine some thoughts on "combat blops" a bit later so that they are worth posting here. Meanwhile, I have to go and I hope that this bump will start some discussion on the topic at hand.
Jayne Fillon
#17 - 2013-09-12 14:37:00 UTC
Barrogh Habalu wrote:
Despite that I'm still yet to participae in "real" black ops fleet (c'mon BB dudes, do you even fly when my timezone isn't about to go to sleep? Smile ), I feel that this thread should get some more attention. Original post outlines an outlook at what blops actually are and should be, something that is even quite eductional for people not in touch with this sort of activity.

Something I wanted to make my uneducated comment on is SMBs on "support" blops. Fitting of bombers is pretty tight and is very dependant on the task at hand. This means that allowing them to refit during ops will have an impact on their possibilities. I guess that this may be enough to be considered a buff to cloakies, but since it's already quite possible to get needed fits ready at some station and then bridge to destination, capability of doing just that off a support BlOps won't be a groundbreaking buff to their potential.

That said, easier logistics can be quite important still and can provide some new capabilities for the class that look rather exiting. For example, think about mid-class wormhole roaming with balck ops gang (note: T3s may be revamped in the future, including cloaky configurations that IMO should be on the list of ships capable os using black ops SMBs, so that this idea doesn't look too ridiculous in the context). Some interesting possibilities and good chunk of immersion there I think.

Hopefully, I will be able to refine some thoughts on "combat blops" a bit later so that they are worth posting here. Meanwhile, I have to go and I hope that this bump will start some discussion on the topic at hand.

I hadn't even considered the possibility of using the refitting ability in wormholes for cloaky gangs and T3s; it would be very interesting to consider the implications - although it may be limited by the mass of the black ops itself (being a battleship sized hull).

As long as a strategic cruiser didn't have the option to switch out the covert reconfiguration subsystem on a black ops, this could be potentially very useful.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Barrogh Habalu
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2013-09-13 07:54:29 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:
As long as a strategic cruiser didn't have the option to switch out the covert reconfiguration subsystem on a black ops, this could be potentially very useful.

Yes, I think that subsystem changing shouldn’t be allowed. Then again, considering that solution to subsystem swapping without docking suggested by CCP looks more like workaround that still requires a ship to be temporarily removed from space, I think that doing that at SMBs is still out of question anyways for technical reasons.

Jayne Fillon wrote:
I hadn't even considered the possibility of using the refitting ability in wormholes for cloaky gangs and T3s; it would be very interesting to consider the implications - although it may be limited by the mass of the black ops itself (being a battleship sized hull).

That is a problem somehow, but since you probably will only need one ship for refitting purposes and maybe a BR to actually carry spare parts, it looks somewhat feasible. Of course, I wasn’t talking about something like “combat covops battleships” roams.

Speaking of which, I think that one way they could be implemented is to take T2 painted “tier 3” hulls (as unused) and combine some combat and racial EWar bonuses on them (possibly couples with ability to fit covops cloak, depends) without making them a powerhouse. That could be one way to balance them out while making them work (here I’m deliberately suggesting alternative to the proposal in the OP for diversity’s sake).

That, however, brings up some probems:

1) If we combine those bonuses for “combat” versions, “support” versions become glorified jump bridges with SMBs. Not good, and probably reminds you of something.

2) More controversial point is if those ships will become BS-sized “solo/small gang pwnmobiles” (as long as BS size even allows something along these lines in the context of modern EVE). Ships may look somewhat suitable for that, especially if by “EWar” we mean secondary racial EWar. On the other hand, we had certain T3 configurations with this reputation, and they mostly were reasonable to deal with (although I expect some aspects of them being toned down).

3) What’s about jump drives on them? Should they have it or is it possibly a retreat mechanism too good, especially if those ships are given covops cloaks? Compromise option may include shorter jump distance on them with ability to be bridged by “support” BlOps if needed.

Still throwing around some random ideas and bumping this thread more than anything else though.

Maybe notification in BB mailing list suggesting to visit this thread can help with making this topic more popular?
Dring Dingle
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2013-09-13 11:25:45 UTC
I've always found it strange that a widow (considerably larger investment than a falcon) has the same bonus.....

And that the other three races don't have an ewar equivalent.

BUT CCP have said that they intend to fix this so don't jump the gun :P

(An assault and a support bloops. Yes... New blops's ..... I can't find the thread)

Jayne Fillon
#20 - 2013-09-13 11:34:08 UTC
Dring Dingle wrote:
I've always found it strange that a widow (considerably larger investment than a falcon) has the same bonus.....

And that the other three races don't have an ewar equivalent.

BUT CCP have said that they intend to fix this so don't jump the gun :P

(An assault and a support bloops. Yes... New blops's ..... I can't find the thread)


It was in the CSM minutes that this was reference, not in an actual dev blog or forum post. I believe I've hyper linked it as a source and discussed it - I'll go back and make sure I actually included that.


In regards to the Widow, I highly doubt CCP Rise will be up for buffing anything related to ECM, so we'll have to see!

Once can only hope.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

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