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Stop letting Goonswarm control your game

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Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#21 - 2011-11-14 18:28:03 UTC
There are no goons.
Shovel Bros
#22 - 2011-11-14 18:52:48 UTC
Sen Ria wrote:
I will read over it again sober, judging someone based on a drunk ramble, and insulting them, doesnt seem very intelligent to me either.

Posting while drunk is what isn't very intelligent. Flaming a drunk rant is just trolling someone who did something stupid. *shrug*

And as to your real issue, a Goon telling you to leave an ice belt. The only law in Eve is what someone can enforce. The Goon guy can't force you to leave the belt, they can only persuade you to leave the belt or try and blow you up. If they do try to blow you up, bring friends and blow him up instead. Either way, he didn't force you to leave the belt, he asked you to and you meekly complied.

Instead of complaining that the Goons control Gallente ice (or anything else for that matter), fight back. It's a sandbox game, you can do anything that the Goons can do; the difference is between the people that decide to take charge and the people that meekly accept it and cry to CCP that nothing changes while they're sitting on their butts.

TL;DR: Sandbox game is working as intended
Miss CEO
Universal Excavation Services
#23 - 2011-11-14 19:35:23 UTC
All part of the sandbox and these things tend to balance themselves on their own.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2011-11-14 19:41:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Goodgodyourface
One one hand.... Carebears complain that gankers/pirates are violating their sandboxing as miners, missioners, etc. Hurr de durr griefers keeping me from playing how I want to, this shouldn't be allowed!

On the other hand...

Carebears complain about other people who are sandboxing as crime syndicates, creating protection rackets, etc. Hurr de durr they are playing how they want to, this shouldn't be allowed!

I love how there is no middle ground. Carebears want PVP banned entirely (in combat, marketing, sovereignty, every aspect of players competing with other players) except in designated areas. No one should be allowed to play the game how they want to! That's unfair for other players, it keeps them from playing how they want to! See the circle, here?

Let me resort to a cliche: THIS. IS. NOT. WOW. In Eve, EVERY AREA IS FREE-PVP. If you don't ******* like that, don't play the game.

I don't like being ganked, but when I am... I accept it. Because it's part of the game.

mxzf wrote:
And as to your real issue, a Goon telling you to leave an ice belt. The only law in Eve is what someone can enforce. The Goon guy can't force you to leave the belt, they can only persuade you to leave the belt or try and blow you up. If they do try to blow you up, bring friends and blow him up instead. Either way, he didn't force you to leave the belt, he asked you to and you meekly complied.

Instead of complaining that the Goons control Gallente ice (or anything else for that matter), fight back. It's a sandbox game, you can do anything that the Goons can do; the difference is between the people that decide to take charge and the people that meekly accept it and cry to CCP that nothing changes while they're sitting on their butts.

TL;DR: Sandbox game is working as intended

This is EXACTLY MY POINT. In any other ****** generic MMO, the GMs will godmod the game to fix it for the crying cowards. In this game, you take your own destiny in your hands. Don't like the oppression of the Goons? Get together, take action, fight back! When the Goons realize you are no easy meat, they'll back off; and in the meanwhile, you'll have a blast knowing that you are fighting a real, player-driven war without the GMs having to institute some sort of scripted bullshit. Don't like fighting? Then go to a different system. But realize that if you want to play EVE, you can't be content with a happy-go-lucky world where you can do anything you want without making the effort to. Emphasis here, carebears insist that gankers are restricting their ability to run missions 23/7 or mine belts all day... again, this is a different brand of game, where it isn't a foregone conclusion that you can do these things safely.

If you don't like that, feel free to leave. But don't say "hurr CCP cheated me", if you had done the research before you subbed you would know that this is the case.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#25 - 2011-11-14 19:45:55 UTC
Sen Ria wrote:
Goose99 wrote:
What are those "goons" that you speak of? Oh you meant tards, well, they're always a constant background noise, aren't they?Lol

well.....yea i guess youre right lol but they are a background noise that is controlling the economy, which is fine with me if it works in my favor.

Join goons then, if you pay them 500mill they will even get your stuff to 0.0
Ghezer Aramih
#26 - 2011-11-14 19:48:42 UTC
but I just talked to them and asked if there was something we could do to mine ice

What about two Mackinaws with repair drones engaged on each other? Would it be enough to tank their ganking squads?

If that's not enough, maybe team up a few ice miners with logistics, keep reppers running continuously on the barges. A Guardian or Basilisk is harder to suicide gank than a barge, hopefully.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2011-11-14 19:51:40 UTC
Dutarro wrote:
but I just talked to them and asked if there was something we could do to mine ice

What about two Mackinaws with repair drones engaged on each other? Would it be enough to tank their ganking squads?

If that's not enough, maybe team up a few ice miners with logistics, keep reppers running continuously on the barges. A Guardian or Basilisk is harder to suicide gank than a barge, hopefully.

Find creative ways to deal with emergent gameplay?

Nawww, CCP should just magically get rid of all the Goons, these people pay good money to click on asteroids all day!
3 R Corporation
#28 - 2011-11-15 11:59:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Ptraci
Andski wrote:
we don't control the game, what is this nonsense

we're all playing skyrim

I can confirm this, having mined 2 billion isk worth of Gallente Ice yesterday with not a single goon in sight. They are all playing Skyrim. The price of Ice however is now out of the goon's hands and in the hands of the speculators. You can now buy Blue ice at over 300k per unit and make a profit refining it and selling the products. Ouch, hope you don't have a gallente tower. Lord have mercy on us.
Insane Randomness
Stellar Pilgrimage
#29 - 2011-11-16 05:42:21 UTC
Sen Ria wrote:
Velicitia wrote:
protip -- It's called "Emergent Gameplay"

As much as I hate to say it, the goons are actually playing eve the way it's meant to be played...

Well they seem like the empire in star wars to me. They seem impossible to stop but any day now Luke skywalker will come in and shoot a torpedo down some random hole in their operation that for some reason blows up the whole damn thing. Whoever designed the death star needs to be shot....or at least fired.

Anyway, guess we should all just join the goons and live in peace.

Aye, someone already did that. His name was Kartoon. Look him up.

And unfortunately, just like the empire and emperor, Goonswarm refuses too die.

If your having issues with Gallente ice fields, there are always plenty more ice roids in other empire areas.
Pelador Rova
No Luck Corp
#30 - 2011-11-16 05:56:14 UTC
Why is this thread in technology and research? (You all thougt it, I was dumb enough to risk the question first, ner, ner, ner, ner, ner!!!!)

Or is the OP asking for an anti Goon ECM mod, I can't really tell?
Jint Hikaru
OffWorld Exploration Inc
#31 - 2011-11-16 09:20:25 UTC
Sen Ria wrote:
Emperor Salazar wrote:
Post your loss mail.

I personally didn't lose anything, but I was told to leave the ice belt, and I cooperated. Should have went out with guns a blazin but then the cops woulda shown up and besides I was in an orca. I guess I don't have the right to mine ice in gallente space because the goons/test is the new law.

edit: I just enjoy the ice prices, but I understand there are higher powers at work. If I fully understood what was going on I think I wouldn't have anything to complain about.

Um... were you afraid that they would suicide gank your Orca?????

Jint Hikaru - Miner / Salvager / Explorer / SpaceBum In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Independant Celestial Enterprises
#32 - 2011-11-16 10:17:24 UTC  |  Edited by: draconothese
just head to actee if you want to mine ice or go to a low sec area goons never go there to much of a pain with the low sec and all

in the end goons are just big fuzzy bees they dont really sting most of the time dont even see them

now the hornets watch out for those guys they will **** and pillage you
akuro arishima
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#33 - 2011-11-16 18:32:51 UTC  |  Edited by: akuro arishima
i am not particulary fond if goons myself they ganked a corp member not to long ago.
But i keep mining. Its relaxing and i can other stuff while doing so..
I mined enough to buy me 100 hulks so loosing one dosnt realy hurt anymore.
but i wont let goons tel me not to mine ice or anything else for that matter.

you could actualy see this threating ice miners for another reason. Goons probably have any enemy they are trying to get rid of,
and that enemy could use gallente towers. so by hindering the gallente ice mining you could probably hinder fueling the gallente
towers and starve them to death.. (just a hypothesis)

goons are anoying lotst of miners everywhere lately.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#34 - 2011-11-16 19:01:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Risalo
Taint wrote:
Sen Ria wrote:
Goose99 wrote:
What are those "goons" that you speak of? Oh you meant tards, well, they're always a constant background noise, aren't they?Lol

well.....yea i guess youre right lol but they are a background noise that is controlling the economy, which is fine with me if it works in my favor.

Join goons then, if you pay them 500mill they will even get your stuff to 0.0

Uhh, actually, when i tried to join the goons they wanted to charge me isk just for joining and they wanted my FULL api key, not my limited, the FULL. Not doing that.

To those throwing out the "sandbox" suggestions.

Eve is a "LIMITED" sandbox.

meaning it's controlled by players to a certain extent, but not fully.

Therefore it is not a true sandbox. There is still a vast amount of the game that is not built on a sandbox scenario.

That said, the purpose for limiting the sand box is because if you allow the children to rough house and control everything, then at some point in time the box will get broken and the sand will spill out.

In other words, certain actions committed by the players have to be addressed because it can ruin the game.

High sec is high sec for a reason.

It is territory claimed by the 4 major factions, but yet, they seem to give less of a crap that a corporation has taken control over their systems.

Then concord sits back and says "as long as they're not doing something illegal, then it's not our problem."

Concord is right, the faction is wrong.

Lets dub it out a little.

It's a sandbox game.

in a sandbox, everything has an equal or opposite reaction.

Yet, the sandbox aspect of Eve is only limited to the players.

The NPC's do not respond to the sandbox aspect.

So, ya'll want a sandbox?
Well, lets make npc corps/factions respond to the aspects of the sand box.

Now, since the NPCs would officially be part of the sandbox, the gallente would declare war on the Goons/whoever else is involved and make them free kill targets for anyone in high sec.

They would also inform concord and it would become their problem, and all involved parties would be given a kill on site marker.

How's that sandbox working out now?

Little too sandboxy for ya?

Ahh, you want a sandbox game, but you don't want the sandbox to actually respond?

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2011-11-16 19:44:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Goodgodyourface
Joe Risalo wrote:
Taint wrote:
Sen Ria wrote:
Goose99 wrote:
What are those "goons" that you speak of? Oh you meant tards, well, they're always a constant background noise, aren't they?Lol

well.....yea i guess youre right lol but they are a background noise that is controlling the economy, which is fine with me if it works in my favor.

Join goons then, if you pay them 500mill they will even get your stuff to 0.0

Uhh, actually, when i tried to join the goons they wanted to charge me isk just for joining and they wanted my FULL api key, not my limited, the FULL. Not doing that.

Yeah, it's like trying to join the Mafia's inner circle when you're not Italian... Your point being? Their corp, their rules.

To those throwing out the "sandbox" suggestions.

Eve is a "LIMITED" sandbox.

meaning it's controlled by players to a certain extent, but not fully.

Therefore it is not a true sandbox. There is still a vast amount of the game that is not built on a sandbox scenario.

Okay, I'll give you that, there are some things we aren't fully in control of yet. The sandbox can be improved a bit.

That said, the purpose for limiting the sand box is because if you allow the children to rough house and control everything, then at some point in time the box will get broken and the sand will spill out.

In other words, certain actions committed by the players have to be addressed because it can ruin the game.[/quote]

Except now you want to limit the sandbox, after decrying it for being limited in sandboxing. Also, your example (whenever anyone uses it, for that matter) implies the Goons are using out-of-game methods to beat up the other kids... It's more like they're building a castle around your corner of the sandbox, and you can follow their rules (with regards to the game) while inside it, stay outside it, or mount an 'attack' on it. I see PVP alliances, in the sandbox analogy, as the players bringing in army men and combining that with sandcastle building to make a fun combination game. You're free to just build sandcastles (PVE/Industry/High-sec) or just sit outside the sandbox and play with army men (PVP) or dig in the corner of the sandbox for those building pieces you are sure are hidden there (WH/Exploration), or you're free to combine them (build a sandcastle over the area you're searching for pieces = players making POSes to help them secure WHs).

High sec is high sec for a reason.

Because they're preventing pirates from doing lone actions.

It is territory claimed by the 4 major factions, but yet, they seem to give less of a crap that a corporation has taken control over their systems.

Then concord sits back and says "as long as they're not doing something illegal, then it's not our problem."

Concord is right, the faction is wrong.

They're protecting the planets from the Goons. I mean, you're sounding like "hurr de durr why don't teh concord kill da Sanshas during Incursions"? It's not their job. The only people being 'harmed' by the Goon capsuleers' (players) actions is other capsuleers (players). The Goons suicide gank miners, there's no breach of law there or lack of Concord response -- they are doing all they will with regards to capsuleer affairs (killing the Goons that attacked), and then leaving it alone.

Lets dub it out a little.

It's a sandbox game.

in a sandbox, everything has an equal or opposite reaction.

Yet, the sandbox aspect of Eve is only limited to the players.

The NPC's do not respond to the sandbox aspect.

So suicide gankers kill people with impunity? People with low sec status don't get deemed criminals of the Empire and get shot at? Man, I've been dreaming up some crazy ****.

So, ya'll want a sandbox?
Well, lets make npc corps/factions respond to the aspects of the sand box.

Now, since the NPCs would officially be part of the sandbox, the gallente would declare war on the Goons/whoever else is involved and make them free kill targets for anyone in high sec.

They would also inform concord and it would become their problem, and all involved parties would be given a kill on site marker.

Capsuleer affairs, again, are nothing of Concord's concern, so long as they aren't breaking any rules. The Goons aren't enslaving Gallente people, they aren't attacking Gallente sovereignty, they're just watching the ice belts. The ice belts, mind you, that serve the purpose of fueling capsuleer POSes. It's not like they're mining out all the trit and preventing ship manufacturing, they're only restricting the harvesting of Gallente ice. It's not like you're ever going to be out in low or nullsec, with a POS operated with fuel, anyway, so... why do you care so much?

How's that sandbox working out now?

Little too sandboxy for ya?

Ahh, you want a sandbox game, but you don't want the sandbox to actually respond?

If the sand started attacking me, then it's not a sandbox so much as a nightmare from hell. You're trying to impose limits on the sandbox because you don't like that they refuse to join you in only playing a certain way. YOU are the one being restrictive, because you're basically saying the guys who want to play army aren't allowed to play, and if they do you'll tell mommy on them and get them kicked out so you can go back to piling sand on itself. There are other ways to play, and artificially limiting the sandbox makes the game worse, not better -- unless your scale of 'worse' is different from mine, in which case you're free to go back to WoW or other MMOs where the players are highly restricted in the way they play.


Yeah, you kind of were.

This isn't how you make points.

Learn to paragraph
XS Tech
#36 - 2011-11-16 19:44:26 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Taint wrote:
Sen Ria wrote:
Goose99 wrote:
What are those "goons" that you speak of? Oh you meant tards, well, they're always a constant background noise, aren't they?Lol

well.....yea i guess youre right lol but they are a background noise that is controlling the economy, which is fine with me if it works in my favor.

Join goons then, if you pay them 500mill they will even get your stuff to 0.0

Uhh, actually, when i tried to join the goons they wanted to charge me isk just for joining and they wanted my FULL api key, not my limited, the FULL. Not doing that.

To those throwing out the "sandbox" suggestions.

Eve is a "LIMITED" sandbox.

meaning it's controlled by players to a certain extent, but not fully.

Therefore it is not a true sandbox. There is still a vast amount of the game that is not built on a sandbox scenario.

That said, the purpose for limiting the sand box is because if you allow the children to rough house and control everything, then at some point in time the box will get broken and the sand will spill out.

In other words, certain actions committed by the players have to be addressed because it can ruin the game.

High sec is high sec for a reason.

It is territory claimed by the 4 major factions, but yet, they seem to give less of a crap that a corporation has taken control over their systems.

Then concord sits back and says "as long as they're not doing something illegal, then it's not our problem."

Concord is right, the faction is wrong.

Lets dub it out a little.

It's a sandbox game.

in a sandbox, everything has an equal or opposite reaction.

Yet, the sandbox aspect of Eve is only limited to the players.

The NPC's do not respond to the sandbox aspect.

So, ya'll want a sandbox?
Well, lets make npc corps/factions respond to the aspects of the sand box.

Now, since the NPCs would officially be part of the sandbox, the gallente would declare war on the Goons/whoever else is involved and make them free kill targets for anyone in high sec.

They would also inform concord and it would become their problem, and all involved parties would be given a kill on site marker.

How's that sandbox working out now?

Little too sandboxy for ya?

Ahh, you want a sandbox game, but you don't want the sandbox to actually respond?


tl;dr -- remove CONCORD?

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2011-11-16 19:47:34 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
Joe Risalo wrote:
Taint wrote:
Sen Ria wrote:
Goose99 wrote:
What are those "goons" that you speak of? Oh you meant tards, well, they're always a constant background noise, aren't they?Lol

well.....yea i guess youre right lol but they are a background noise that is controlling the economy, which is fine with me if it works in my favor.

Join goons then, if you pay them 500mill they will even get your stuff to 0.0

Uhh, actually, when i tried to join the goons they wanted to charge me isk just for joining and they wanted my FULL api key, not my limited, the FULL. Not doing that.

To those throwing out the "sandbox" suggestions.

Eve is a "LIMITED" sandbox.

meaning it's controlled by players to a certain extent, but not fully.

Therefore it is not a true sandbox. There is still a vast amount of the game that is not built on a sandbox scenario.

That said, the purpose for limiting the sand box is because if you allow the children to rough house and control everything, then at some point in time the box will get broken and the sand will spill out.

In other words, certain actions committed by the players have to be addressed because it can ruin the game.

High sec is high sec for a reason.

It is territory claimed by the 4 major factions, but yet, they seem to give less of a crap that a corporation has taken control over their systems.

Then concord sits back and says "as long as they're not doing something illegal, then it's not our problem."

Concord is right, the faction is wrong.

Lets dub it out a little.

It's a sandbox game.

in a sandbox, everything has an equal or opposite reaction.

Yet, the sandbox aspect of Eve is only limited to the players.

The NPC's do not respond to the sandbox aspect.

So, ya'll want a sandbox?
Well, lets make npc corps/factions respond to the aspects of the sand box.

Now, since the NPCs would officially be part of the sandbox, the gallente would declare war on the Goons/whoever else is involved and make them free kill targets for anyone in high sec.

They would also inform concord and it would become their problem, and all involved parties would be given a kill on site marker.

How's that sandbox working out now?

Little too sandboxy for ya?

Ahh, you want a sandbox game, but you don't want the sandbox to actually respond?


tl;dr -- remove CONCORD?

I'm an alt (not of any PVP alliances, surprisingly), and this is my favorite post on F&I
Wu Phat
InsufficientFunds LLC.
#38 - 2011-11-16 19:52:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Wu Phat
Will it's the eve population fault for being sheep and full of dipshits that cause the problems, and why 85 % of the map is controled by 2 coalitions. Get your a22 out of empire and go to null sec and do somthing about it.
Quark Valhala
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2011-11-16 21:20:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Quark Valhala
Omfg . Put some tanks on your ships and launch agresive drones to get on killmails. Buy a a scimitar and put capstable reps on your hulks while your hanging out the window and flickin your midle finger at the meta/kb "wh ores"
Jaime Wulfe
#40 - 2011-11-17 21:06:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Jaime Wulfe
While trying to remain neutral without sounding neutered...

It is evident that there are two or three coalitions that really control the majority of 0.0. They place exceedingly high standards on those they invite to join, cutting many new players out of the 0.0 learning experience. Even CVA has gotten tight about accepting players.

All of the above, have MANY good reasons I concede.

But at the same time, it benefits no one to continue to complain about the factional status of those controllers and their behavior. Goons are goons, the Russian block is what it is, etc... they all make decisions based on the wealth of their experience and the prospect of profit vs cost. CCP will never control player experiences and motive to such an extent, I hope.

Perhaps, minus a kumbaya and drum circle, IF these massive entities, these controlling masters of 0.0 sov were to step forward and offer to take in newer players, ie EVE UNI style, there might be less whining, more learning, and more fun for all.

The goons nor any alliance is bad because they're smart-asses, and ruthless, or control ICE in Galente space. The problem is that many of these alliances have gotten so big, that they simply cannot be knocked down, and that has engendered an elitist attitude, that under current game mechanics also cannot be altered.

The saddest part is, many good players quit, because they end up alone, ganked, and then scorned while trying to get by. I would not pretend to suggest CCP should do anything. This is a player to player issue that can only be resolved by internal politics in game and in each alliance.

That said...Goons Hated BOB for being elitist then they and many other alliance have become carbon copies of BOB.

Its just my opin... I could be wrong.
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