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So you think you can EVE !

Mr Pragmatic
#21 - 2013-09-08 05:34:24 UTC
My secret? Astroglide.

Super cali hella yolo swaga dopeness.  -Yoloswaggins, in the fellowship of the bling.

Caviar Liberta
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2013-09-08 06:05:36 UTC
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
My secret? Astroglide.

Would this also be known as the Power sliding Orca?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2013-09-08 06:48:53 UTC
You can zoom in or out by holding the left and right mouse buttons and moving the mouse forward and backward.

Now, more than ever, we need a dislike button.

Khen'do Khen
#24 - 2013-09-08 06:55:27 UTC
Not mining.

Sometimes it's not what you do, but what you don't do.
Alara IonStorm
#25 - 2013-09-08 11:53:58 UTC
...and updated my silly song. Never try to rhyme when tired. =/
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2013-09-08 12:47:12 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
I will have you know that...

I am the very model of a modern EvE CEO
I've information on secs Hi, Null, and Low,
I know the Corps of Null Sec, and I quote the blobs historical
From 46DP-O to Asakai, in order categorical;
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters fleets numerical,
I understand the carebears are, both cowards and hysterical,
About probing I'm teeming with a lot o' news,
With many cheerful facts about the firepower a Gnosis spews.

My skills give my very good resists and armor stats;
They've come in handy on my pulse fit Hellcats:
In short, in all secs Hi, Null, and Low,
I am the very model of a modern EvE CEO

I know our mythic history, from Sir Molly to Mittani;
I fit with PG implants, and my tank is always omni,
I can link the killmails of all the ganks I like to tease,
In scan res I can lock a victims pod before it flees;
I can tell limited issues from models both general and of faction,
I know the speed advantage of Minmatar with some satisfaction!
Then I can fit a Vulture of which I've equipped gang links before,
And farm all the ISK from those infernal nonsense datacores.

Then I can write an EvE blog that perfectly informs,
And tell you ev'ry detail of NeX stores Caldari uniforms:
In short, in all secs Hi, Null, and Low,
I am the very model of a modern EvE CEO

In fact, when I know what is meant by being "scammed" and "conned",
When I can tell at sight a Stabber from a T2 Vegabond,
When such affairs as cyno's and snipers I'm more wary at,
And when I know precisely what is meant by "DD that"
When I have learnt what progress has been made in modern rail gunnery,
Yet still don't know why my navies camo'd when there's no space shrubbery,
In short, when I've a smattering of intergalactic strategy
You'll say a better EvE Player has never such a pod a gee.

For my fitting knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury,
Have all been EFT made fits, it is quite the stat directory;
But still, in all secs Hi, Null, and Low,
I am the very model of a modern EvE CEO

/Can't believe I just did that. =/


Dodixie > Hek

Harry Forever
#27 - 2013-09-08 13:19:23 UTC
a good eve player? **** that... I'm the best... I did not try to, it just happened
Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#28 - 2013-09-08 13:35:46 UTC
I don't think they are good or bad, they know something about the game, that's all... Be it pvp or pve.
Archibald Thistlewaite III
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Miners
#29 - 2013-09-08 14:09:59 UTC
Mr Pragmatic wrote:
My secret? Astroglide.

Is that a brand of Lube?

User of 'Bumblefck's Luscious & Luminous Mustachio Wax'

Myriad Blaze
Common Sense Ltd
Nulli Secunda
#30 - 2013-09-08 15:09:20 UTC
Holgrak Blacksmith wrote:
I have Magic The Gathering trained to V, like all leet pvpers.

And here I thought common fleet doctrines require Game of Thrones trained to V these days. P
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#31 - 2013-09-09 08:47:35 UTC
Harry Forever wrote:
a good eve player? **** that... I'm the best... I did not try to, it just happened

So killing cyno ships, dying a LOT, then crying on the forum how everything needs to change cos EvE is harder than WoW is the secret to success?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2013-09-09 09:01:20 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Harry Forever wrote:
a good eve player? **** that... I'm the best... I did not try to, it just happened

So killing cyno ships, dying a LOT, then crying on the forum how everything needs to change cos EvE is harder than WoW is the secret to success?

But Harry has an IQ of 150, we're just too stupid to see how he's achieving victory.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

culo duro
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2013-09-09 09:38:51 UTC
That i'm terrible at pvp according to the people i shoot.

I've starting blogging 

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2013-09-09 09:41:48 UTC
The Hair.... Nuff said.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

The Lobsters
Amarr Empire
#35 - 2013-09-09 09:44:50 UTC
I don't care about losing my ship. I try to engage any fight worth having, even if I know I'm going to lose. I just want to see how long I'll last before I pop.

That man is the noblest creature may be inferred from the fact that no other creature has contested his claim.

Presidente Gallente
Wrecking Machine.
#36 - 2013-09-09 09:54:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Presidente Gallente
- triple boxing to compensate RL multi-boxing against me
- no fear
- obvious bait is obvious
- don't care about losing ships
- don't care about losing ISK
- flying expensive all the time
- addicted to implants

Some may call it: cheating.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#37 - 2013-09-09 10:03:40 UTC
DRGaius Baltar wrote:
invulnerable to wife agro

Will pay for this secret?


Critically Preposterous
#38 - 2013-09-09 10:56:59 UTC
how to win eve:

step #1: log off.
Snagletooth Johnson
Snagle Material Services
#39 - 2013-09-09 11:12:43 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
I will have you know that...

I am the very model of a modern EvE CEO
I've information on secs Hi, Null, and Low,
I know the Corps of Null Sec, and I quote the blobs historical
From 46DP-O to Asakai, in order categorical;
I'm very well acquainted, too, with matters fleets numerical,
I understand the carebears are, both cowards and hysterical,
About probing I'm teeming with a lot o' news,
With many cheerful facts about the firepower a Gnosis spews.

My skills give my very good resists and armor stats;
They've come in handy on my pulse fit Hellcats:
In short, in all secs Hi, Null, and Low,
I am the very model of a modern EvE CEO

I know our mythic history, from Sir Molly to Mittani;
I fit with PG implants, and my tank is always omni,
I can link the killmails of all the ganks I like to tease,
In scan res I can lock a victims pod before it flees;
I can tell limited issues from models both general and of faction,
I know the speed advantage of Minmatar with some satisfaction!
Then I can fit a Vulture of which I've equipped gang links before,
And farm all the ISK from those infernal nonsense datacores.

Then I can write an EvE blog that perfectly informs,
And tell you ev'ry detail of NeX stores Caldari uniforms:
In short, in all secs Hi, Null, and Low,
I am the very model of a modern EvE CEO

In fact, when I know what is meant by being "scammed" and "conned",
When I can tell at sight a Stabber from a T2 Vegabond,
When such affairs as cyno's and snipers I'm more wary at,
And when I know precisely what is meant by "DD that"
When I have learnt what progress has been made in modern rail gunnery,
Yet still don't know why my navies camo'd when there's no space shrubbery,
In short, when I've a smattering of intergalactic strategy
You'll say a better EvE Player has never such a pod a gee.

For my fitting knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury,
Have all been EFT made fits, it is quite the stat directory;
But still, in all secs Hi, Null, and Low,
I am the very model of a modern EvE CEO

/Can't believe I just did that. =/

Does knowing the song you parodied make me a bad heterosexual?
Critically Preposterous
#40 - 2013-09-09 14:44:19 UTC
Alara IonStorm wrote:
I will have you know that...

quiet, Mordin.

i'll have you know that there's no pusieeeeee
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