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Why CCP isn't going to care about current CSM tactics

First post
Prince Kobol
#81 - 2011-09-09 08:15:06 UTC
As I have said before, all the CSM are doing right now is shooting themselves in foot and CCP are laughing their asses off.

The longer there is silence from CCP the more fail posts CSM members will make and the more the community will turn on the CSM.

All that has happened is that the CSM thought they could play with the Big Boys and instead have made themselves look like the little tiny fish in a big ass pond that they are.
Meryl SinGarda
Belligerent Underpaid Tactical Team
#82 - 2011-09-09 08:17:45 UTC
Not to mention the fact that, when I quoted the post mentioning Mittens' flip-flopping, I was only pointing out the fact that the man stands for nothing.

And if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.
Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#83 - 2011-09-09 08:53:48 UTC

Wow, what a wall.

Surprisingly though, an excellent read. Concise and pretty much to the point. A few faults (to which you admit not being 100% sure about), but everything else you have written is hard and factual. That, unfortunately, is what most people do not like to read or see - Hard facts, about their situation and themselves.

Thank you, some common sense abounds afterfall. Pity you're not still playing, but c'est la vie.

Kengutsi Akira
#84 - 2011-09-09 08:56:32 UTC
AnzacPaul wrote:

C) I think you should go back and read Hilmars leaked mail.

Here ya go; I got it bookmarked

We live in interesting times; in fact CCP is the kind of company that if things get repetitive we instinctively crank it up a notch. That, we certainly have done this week. First of we have Incarna, an amazing technological and artistic achievement. A vision from years ago realized to a point that no one could have imaged but a few months ago. It rolls out without a hitch, is in some cases faster than what we had before, this is the pinnacle of professional achievement. For all the noise in the channel we should all stand proud, years from now this is what people will remember.

But we have done more, not only have we redefined the production quality one can apply to virtual worlds with the beautiful Incarna but we have also defined what it really means to make virtual reality more meaningful than real life when it comes to launching our new virtual goods currency, Aurum.

Naturally, we have caught the attention of the world. Only a few weeks ago we revealed more information about DUST 514 and now we have done it again by committing to our core purpose as a company by redefining assumptions. After 40 hours we have already sold 52 monocles, generating more revenue than any of the other items in the store.

This we have done after months of research by a group of highly competent professionals, soliciting input and perspective from thought leaders and experts in and around our industry. We have communicated our intention here internally in very wide circles through the Virtual Economy Summit presentation at the GSM, our Fearless newsletter, sprint reviews, email lists and multiple other channels. This should not come as a surprise to anyone.

Currently we are seeing _very predictable feedback_ on what we are doing. Having the perspective of having done this for a decade, I can tell you that this is one of the moments where we look at what our players do and less of what they say. Innovation takes time to set in and the predictable reaction is always to resist change.

We went out with a decisive strategy on pricing and we will stay the course and not flip flop around or knee jerk react to the predictable. That is not saying nothing will change, on the contrary, in fact we know that success in this space is through learning and adapting to _what is actually happening_ and new knowledge gained in addition to what we knew before and expected.

All that said, I couldn’t be prouder of what we have accomplished as a company, changing the world is hard and we are doing it as so many times before! Stay the course, we have done this many times before.

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Elyssa MacLeod
#85 - 2011-09-09 08:59:07 UTC
Saerathus wrote:
Luckytania wrote:

When you achieve something with hard work you appreciate the accomplishment.

You want a Pay-to-Win game. I hope Eve Online doesn't reach a point where you are satisfied.

Please go back to cheating at Solitare.

I'm pretty sure the genre of the game is not "E-Ball Buster".

Pay to win...

Star Trek Online!

GM Homonoia: Suicide ganks are a valid and viable tactic in EVE.

Where is your God now carebear?

Elyssa MacLeod
#86 - 2011-09-09 09:08:27 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:

SOE shut down SWG, even though they had planned to keep it running until next year, and it was still making them money.

really? when I just googled SWG closed and everything Im seeing says December

GM Homonoia: Suicide ganks are a valid and viable tactic in EVE.

Where is your God now carebear?

Barricade Dark
#87 - 2011-09-09 09:09:22 UTC
The CSM is severly underestimated by the community in my opinion. They have considerable clout because in the eyes of the media they represent the community in its entirely. When Mittans speaks, as far as any media outlet is concerned he speaks on the behalf of the entire community. The old saying any media attention is good media attention doesn't really apply to a situation where your own staff and community representitives are intentionally leaking documents and speaking out against the company villifying its upper management.

Sure CCP may choose to ignore it and truck on, but that doesn't mean that the impact on their bottom line won't be felt.

What the CSM is doing right now will ultimatly work, negative attention on a company at a critical moment in time as they attempt to stay afloat long enough to release new cash cows. With debt up to their eyeballs, their one and only cash source in decline and an outrage community soiling their reputation CCP has their work cut out for them.

I hope that icelandic pride has some humility or its going to be the NGE all over again.
Elyssa MacLeod
#88 - 2011-09-09 09:12:29 UTC
Meryl SinGarda wrote:
Not to mention the fact that, when I quoted the post mentioning Mittens' flip-flopping, I was only pointing out the fact that the man stands for nothing.

And if you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything.

Suckerpunch woo!

GM Homonoia: Suicide ganks are a valid and viable tactic in EVE.

Where is your God now carebear?

Tactical Farmers.
Tactical Farmers
#89 - 2011-09-09 09:16:09 UTC  |  Edited by: AnzacPaul
Kengutsi Akira wrote:

Here ya go; I got it bookmarked

We have communicated our intention here internally in very wide circlesthrough the Virtual Economy Summit presentation at the GSM, our Fearless newsletter, sprint reviews, email lists and multiple other channels. This should not come as a surprise to anyone.

Thanks. Now this is taken from The CSM's statement after the summit

The Fearless “Greed is Good?” Leak: We accept CCP’s position that Fearless is a deliberately controversial internal publication and does not represent the policy of CCP Management or of CCP Zulu, the Senior Producer of EVE Online, nor the direction of game design.

see the bolded parts if you need any more info.

EDIT: I mean how can anyone take this **** seriously?

but we have also defined what it really means to make virtual reality more meaningful than real life when it comes to launching our new virtual goods currency, Aurum.
Prince Kobol
#90 - 2011-09-09 09:17:00 UTC
Barricade Dark wrote:
The CSM is severly underestimated by the community in my opinion. They have considerable clout because in the eyes of the media they represent the community in its entirely. When Mittans speaks, as far as any media outlet is concerned he speaks on the behalf of the entire community. The old saying any media attention is good media attention doesn't really apply to a situation where your own staff and community representitives are intentionally leaking documents and speaking out against the company villifying its upper management.

Sure CCP may choose to ignore it and truck on, but that doesn't mean that the impact on their bottom line won't be felt.

What the CSM is doing right now will ultimatly work, negative attention on a company at a critical moment in time as they attempt to stay afloat long enough to release new cash cows. With debt up to their eyeballs, their one and only cash source in decline and an outrage community soiling their reputation CCP has their work cut out for them.

I hope that icelandic pride has some humility or its going to be the NGE all over again.

During the summer CCP recieve a massive amount of negitive publicity... what changed?
EVE Stig
#91 - 2011-09-09 09:18:42 UTC

"Some say that he is actually dead, but the Grim Reaper is too afraid to tell him." "Some say he is the 3rd member of Daft Punk and he did the vocals of "Technologic" song. All we know is,he's called EVE Stig"!

Barricade Dark
#92 - 2011-09-09 09:29:50 UTC
During the summer CCP recieve a massive amount of negitive publicity... what changed?

Negative media coverage doesn't nescessarly mean that CCP will suddenly take some new action or directive. But it will affect their bottom line. If the media coverage and player outrage persists, over time it will grind their income down. If the player numbers continue to drop, or even if they just stagnate where they are, they will have to take some kind of action. After all, if a company isn't growing, its dying.
Louis deGuerre
The Dark Tribe
#93 - 2011-09-09 09:31:15 UTC
Well written. Agree with most stuff. Boatmurdered is awesome P
CSM not being under NDA would be impossible in reality tough.
I think CSM has made themselves look like fools with the 'joint' happiness statement with empty promises that are (suprise, suprise) completely ignored by CCP. Great move by Hilmar.
Mittani starting to cry now months after the fact is frankly hilarious and just makes them look weak.
All in all, well played CCP, well played. Pirate
Barricade Dark
#94 - 2011-09-09 09:37:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Barricade Dark
Louis deGuerre wrote:
Well written. Agree with most stuff. Boatmurdered is awesome P
CSM not being under NDA would be impossible in reality tough.
I think CSM has made themselves look like fools with the 'joint' happiness statement with empty promises that are (suprise, suprise) completely ignored by CCP. Great move by Hilmar.
Mittani starting to cry now months after the fact is frankly hilarious and just makes them look weak.
All in all, well played CCP, well played. Pirate

I'm not sure that you should be happy about it? I mean unless you are interested in seeing CCP and Eve fail. What it illustrates is that CCP doesn't care about the CSM or the community, but that doesn't mean they don't have any clout.

The best thing CSM can do right now is resign as a group and make a statement about why they are doing it. That would break the link between players and CCP's and put pressure on CCP to take action. Either they care about the community and do everything they can to keep the CSM or they let them go and reveal their hand once and for all.

It would be a strong move and its exactly what they should do. Quiting in protest is the strongest move they can make to get their message across.
Vocatio Ad Virtutem
#95 - 2011-09-09 09:43:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Saerathus
Mara Rinn wrote:

Are you able to support that claim with evidence of some kind? CCP's financial statements were listed as are most Icelanding companies, if I recall correctly. You might find that the development of WoD and DUST has been bought with loans. Since neither WoD nor DUST is generating income at this point in time, the only source of funds to repay those loans is EVE Online for the present term.

You appear to be blissfully unaware of how bankrupt the Icelandic banks are. The Icelandic banks are bankrupt, in case you missed the world news for the last couple of years.

Sure. Beyond common sense? The financials someone linked me earlier were pretty useful in that regard.

DUST and WoD were not funded by loans, they were funded by equity financing. While there do appear to be loans on the book there is nothing on said books that indicate that there was a larger payment coming up for 2011. Someone in the thread said there was, but if that's true then it's not apparent in the yearly financials (it turns out that it is and that I can't read). Furthermore, if it's true that DUST is entering beta in 2012 then it stands to reason that the primary work on Carbon is nearly complete and that a bulk of the capital costs for that project have been concluded - thus, lower expenditures for 2011.

CCP also does all its finances in USD and is in all likelihood state-side. I do seem to recall when the Iceland banking crisis (yes, I was aware) broke out, people were concerned about CCPs ability to survive and CCP pointed out that their finances are based in the US. So really, the only difference here is that I look like an idiot somewhere in the thread where I mentioned an Icelandic bank. It has no effect on my conclusion.

CCP made $57m from Eve-O last year. That's 310k accounts. If they lose however many subscribers 15k accounts add up to, that's 2 million off their bottom line. They cleared 8m in net profits alone last year! And don't forget that they'll have a "bumper crop" of income this year because of the NeX launch. Finally, later in the post you chastise me for being woefully ignorant of the "Icelandic male" complex. So you think that somehow HELPS your argument? What if they just decided in their arrogance to say "**** 'em" and not care, and lose half of their player base and have to tough it out for a year or two at half the income for the money they'll make down the road? Or are they going to play the numbers game? Which one is it?

Mara Rinn wrote:

SOE shut down SWG, even though they had planned to keep it running until next year, and it was still making them money.

This is incorrect. LucasArts released a statement a few days after the closure announcement stating that it was "no longer a sustainable business".

Mara Rinn wrote:
The breaking news of the last few months: CCP sent their draft of the Emergency Summit minutes to the CSM, and the CSM promptly replied, "WTF?"

I was aware of this. I omitted it not because it damaged my conclusion in any way, but because I figured that it was more common knowledge than the current things going on, and my post was getting long enough already. Its absence doesn't really change anything, in my opinion.

Mara Rinn wrote:
You don't know who CCP's primary shareholders/investors are.

Do you? Would you care to enlighten me? Or is this just going to be yet another episode of a forum poster being more interested in proving someone wrong than contributing to a discussion?

As for the rest, I don't even understand what you hope to accomplish by taking this position that you're the victim here in my eyes. I don't understand why not knowing about The Mittani and his antics somehow disqualify me from pointing out that he's acting like a clown when it comes to things that affect more than just him, and the statement that this behaviour of his is somehow "content" is probably one of the most overblown exaggerations I've heard since someone told me that they thought Carrot Top was funny.

I didn't say that you guys "don't have a clue", I said further into the thread that you guys were acting "like chumps" and you shouldn't. I mean really? I'm not trying to be insulting to anyone here; on the contrary, I've been working to keep the tone civil. But can you not see how JUVENILE people are acting? I mean, come on, you have the CSM out there blowing their media load on.. flexing muscles?! The media only listens for so long before they stop paying attention, and Eve-O player angst becomes "old news". People come into the thread and complain at what I've said because they are inconvenient truths, and people would rather think they have more power than they do. Do you think I want to empower CCP to do their P2W crap, that I somehow enjoy having to pick a fight between charismatic and influential people in Eve-O? No. I'd rather do other things with my time. And yet when presented with intelligent thought all that comes from the CSM delegates that have deigned to comment has been condescending remarks and contemptuous mocking. The CSM needs to take Consensus Building 101 if they want to play media and political games with CCP - they get the community behind them, and THEN they bring the issue to the public eye through the media; not using it as a bully pulpit for a preening putz.

^ That was a rant. I'm perfectly fine with people pointing out my inexperience with the game systems, but I am acutely aware of general politics and have built my arguments on those points. That, and the fact that I too play this game and don't want to get my space ship fix get screwed, is the only reason I've bothered to undertake the fool's errand of forum posting.
Prince Kobol
#96 - 2011-09-09 09:44:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Prince Kobol
Barricade Dark wrote:
During the summer CCP recieve a massive amount of negitive publicity... what changed?

Negative media coverage doesn't nescessarly mean that CCP will suddenly take some new action or directive. But it will affect their bottom line. If the media coverage and player outrage persists, over time it will grind their income down. If the player numbers continue to drop, or even if they just stagnate where they are, they will have to take some kind of action. After all, if a company isn't growing, its dying.

I don't think it will effect the bottom line at all.

You are assuming that people use these articles to decided whether they are going to play a MMO.

I have never based my decision to play a MMO on a news arcticle on a online publication or from a forum.

Most if not all Online publications will never take a honest stance on a game because they rely on the developers to give them access to their products so they are scared of upsetting them.

Forums are never a good gauge for a game simply because you will over ever find bad things because people never post the good.

I decide whether to invest time and money on a MMO during the initial trial period.

Another point, you are not going to get a sustained media coverage because there is nothing new to report.

What are they going to say.. CCP players are angry again.. shock horror. they are not going to repeat the same old news.

At the moment most people I know who play mmo's have a very low opinion of the Eve player community as it is, what is going on now doesn't help.

Also those people who have tried Eve but have quit because Eve has one of the most, if not the most hostile player communities of any MMO, do think they give a crap?

So yeah, the media will lose interest very quickly because there is nothing new to report and they are not going tell the gaming community something they already know
Vocatio Ad Virtutem
#97 - 2011-09-09 09:54:36 UTC
Eladaris wrote:
This CSM saw directly the after effects of the prior CSM's "Terrorist activities"... I personally believe they know from example how effective, or not effective, such tactics would be with CCP. Armchair quarterbacking without that knowledge is more than a trifle daft. I enjoy shitposting it up as much as the next guy about how the CSM needs to man up and quit / rage / leak NDA stuff, but at least I try to look like I'm shitposting when I do it.

Admittedly, this is a fairly valid criticism and it's one reason why I took care to point out at the same time that the community that feels the same way as the CSM should back them up (logically), and that the people that don't should let them do their job unless they're trying to do something like.. screw everyone over. Which is unlikely.

That being said.. I think that things haven't escalated to the point where they have to be doing things like.. busting out of NDA agreements, or mass-quitting, or raging.. but they also shouldn't be going to the media. The media is a powerful thing, but it has "ammunition" and it shouldn't be squandered on stupid ****. They should be doing things like.. oh, I don't know.. telling CCP that they are going to start getting rowdy and get the media involved if they aren't going to play. Or hell, even not doing ASININE things like telling your alliance what you're going to be doing and then having it get let out of the bag prematurely. Or rallying the community to their cause.

And if THOSE things are blocked by NDA, then it raises a pretty important question. WTF? And, why would you agree to "serve as player advocates" if you're not allowed to communicate with them without getting CCP's permission? That makes it seem like they just want to be there for the game design part of the job and lord it over other people, and that's pretty dumb - hence what I said.

Also, you're commenting on my TL;DR, which was vastly simplified from all the crap I spit out. But your point is still quite valid.
Louis deGuerre
The Dark Tribe
#98 - 2011-09-09 09:55:02 UTC
Another thing people don't seem to understand:

There is no such thing as negative publicity !

There is only publicity. Everytime community drama manages to gets EVE or CCP's named on a gaming site Hilmar is dancing a little jig of joy in his office.

You can't buy publicity like that, that shows the players care enough about a game to go all mental about it.
People will read it and google some videos and think "oooooo spaceships" and some will end up with a subscription.
So the whole, let's create as much negative publicity as possible, plan just plays right in CCP hands.

As op says, if you really want to hurt them, unsub and never look back.
Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#99 - 2011-09-09 10:01:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
Saerathus wrote:
While there do appear to be loans on the book there is nothing on said books that indicate that there was a larger payment coming up for 2011. Someone in the thread said there was, but if that's true then it's not apparent in the yearly financials.


p 31 wrote:
19. Non-current liabilities

Loans from bank institutions (i) ..................................... 11,761,631


19.1 Summary of borrowing arrangements

(i) Secured with a pledge of collateral in certain bank accounts and a secured lien on the receivables from the Company’sprincipal billing partner. The loan is in the original principal amount of ISK 1.35 billion with interest payments only until maturity on October 28, 2011. The terms of such bank loan provide that the Company will not secure its property withrespect to additional financial debt, other than permitted exceptions outlined in the agreement.

So yes, they have a $ 11.7m/1.35b ISK loan coming due in October

(and personally I don't think it is too outlandish to suspect that the recent NeX and PLEX promotions might be attempts to make the books look a little nicer and shave a few points off the interest rate when it comes to rolling over that loan.
If CCP can demonstrate that their newly expanded business model actually works - i.e. that people use the NeX and buy more PLEXes from them than they did before its introduction - that would certainly help the bank's assessment of risk.)
Prince Kobol
#100 - 2011-09-09 10:03:07 UTC
Louis deGuerre wrote:
Another thing people don't seem to understand:

There is no such thing as negative publicity !

There is only publicity. Everytime community drama manages to gets EVE or CCP's named on a gaming site Hilmar is dancing a little jig of joy in his office.

You can't buy publicity like that, that shows the players care enough about a game to go all mental about it.
People will read it and google some videos and think "oooooo spaceships" and some will end up with a subscription.
So the whole, let's create as much negative publicity as possible, plan just plays right in CCP hands.

As op says, if you really want to hurt them, unsub and never look back.

100% agree but unfortunately it is the human condition to complain but never act.