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Is Occator gank proof ?

FT Diomedes
The Graduates
#41 - 2013-09-07 15:32:15 UTC
Dude, just split your loot up into piles worth less than 1billion. Then courier contract each 1b ISK pile to Redfrog Freight, with collateral set to 1b. Even if it doesn't arrive, you get your ISK. Not that that has ever happened for me - Redfrog has always delivered.

Even if you pay attention, hauling in highsec is dangerous. Your attacker hides in the crowd and strikes when and where he chooses. In fact, if you pay attention, nullsec is less dangerous than highsec.

CCP should add more NPC 0.0 space to open it up and liven things up: the Stepping Stones project.

Never Back Down
#42 - 2013-09-07 15:57:14 UTC
Buy a blockade runner, name it PLEX mule, and run it empty from jita-amarr a few times using autopilot. Very good entertainment if you don't mind the isk loss
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#43 - 2013-09-09 13:22:07 UTC
I moved my stuff yesterday morning. Total was 2.5 billion.

I actually ended up using a frigate with cargo expanders on the theory that the less time I spent approaching the gate, the less likely it would be to attract attention.

Apparently it worked because the ship arrived safe and sound in Dodixie.

Thanks for the tips.

I am still interested in how that guy is able to get a Proteus to 470k EHP passively tanked (without fleet bonuses).
amurder Hakomairos
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#44 - 2013-09-09 14:03:08 UTC
lol autopilot

You can get 2B moved with collateral for 500k per jump and no risk of isk loss. Why would you want to move things yourself?
Carebears with Attitude
#45 - 2013-09-09 15:20:42 UTC
Droidster wrote:
I see that the Occator is pretty tough. If I put additional defensive modules on it including rigs is it more or less gank proof ? My goal here is to transport 1-2 billion in stuff over 30 hops unattended through empire.

My other idea would be to use a Raven or some other battleship (cargo is not that bulky). Would that be a better idea?

I doubt you can make any T1 or T2 industrial gank-proof enough to protect cargo woth 1 billion.

However, some players routinely move cargo worth up to 1 billion ISK in Freighters, while AFK. A max skill Charon can easily do that, while deterring gankers. At least those gankers who bother do to the cost-benefit-analysis. So if you have 2 billion worth of stuff, that's 2 trips.

You can also pay Push Industries or Red Frog for it. Again, it's probably best to make it 2 contracts, 1 billion cargo and 1 billion collateral, each. Push would charge you 15.5 million ISK per 30 jump trip. I can't recall the exact rates of Red Frog (I use Push myself) but an edumcated guess is that they'd charge 16 million ISK/ for each such trip. Both will charge much more if you want your stuff moved to, from or through low-sec or 0.0. Push also has a double-collateral rate where you can have 2 billion ISK worth of stuff moved in a single haul, but I've never used that. It's never worth it for me (cheaper and better just to make 2 contracts). Red Frog probably has a similar option.

If I have something small but expensive I want moved, I'm much more likely to move it in an Interceptor, while flying at-the-keyboard. I've got a ship rigged to fly about 21 AU/sec and also be pretty fast STL, it's fit for AFK use, but also works very well for at-the-keyboard flight. Just last week, I moved... not quite sure, maybe 3.5 billion ISK of stuff at once, in a tiny and defencelsss T2 frigate. I Didn't get cargo-scaned even once.
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