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EVE General Discussion

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A Real Criticism of CCP

Shander Maxum
Shander Maxum Universal Ltd.
#261 - 2013-09-05 17:39:18 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Forum Damsel wrote:
I know quite a bit about your filthy 'order'. it's just a protection racket.

In the real world, it would be a crime. In EvE, it's fun for immature punks. a legitimate way of doing business

FYP, Eve is not the real world, extortion, backstabbing, theft, confidence tricks etc; are considered legitimate practices in this dark dystopian world. If you can't accept that, then Eve is probably not the game for you.

Games are to teach and enjoy many things. Many teach coping mechanisms that allow you to distance a minor situational set back from the bigger picture. (on the victim side).

Clear examples are the children's board game(s) of Sorry or Trouble where players have multiple pieces and the goal of the game is to bonk the other players pieces on the head as they try to reach their goal and to send their pieces back to the beginning. Learning how to regulate your emotions to not cry when being "victimized", or to be bashful when offered a chance

On the provocateur side they teach and let you enjoy the ability to seize your chance via happy happenstance and that seizing an opportunity may result in a set back from others yet a set back that if the other keeps fighting back from and endeavoring to get back ahead.. their worsened position will prove transitory.

These are wonderful and liberating lessons and experiences if taken correctly yet, as the "anti bullying" forces try to wind their way into more and more to other areas of society.. people , having never been razzed or in an adversarial position haven't had the experiences to laugh off stupidity as being only that.

Learning that it is better to struggle forward and bang and be banged back context restrained methods Unfortunately more and more kids will grow up without the ability to laugh off life's indignities as the anit bullying crowd are trying to rid us of initiation rituals that have worked their way into human cultural mechanisms from playgrounds to friendship cliques to entry formalities to teams or guilds etc. The anti bullying folks don't get that safe(without alcohol or physical danger) hazing is in initiation rituals to teach similar ability to not be rattled by temporary indignities foisted on you.. for you soon realize 3 or 4 days later that they were all contrived role play and more often than not...and your sense of self comes out stronger knowing you can pretend to be what you are not without changing your self perception to mimic how you behaved in the temporary role play.

Back to the kids games....the game teaches that banging a piece on the head is far far far different than grabbign the dice from the other player or cheating by moving his piece in ways the dice doesn't role.

Ganking a ship using game mechanics is well within the game.

As this particular game is not played with shared "victory" conditions .... the other players are just part of the environment in which others try to pursue their goals.. The other players create obstacles int achieving goals

If there are no obstacles in achieving your goals... what's the point? One obstacle is un-docking and warping to an ore belt. Another obstacle is training skills to use better equipment, and saving the isk to buy the better equpiment is another obstacle

When mining.. you know that one obstacle you face is ships trying to kill you. Some times they are little red rats put their by developers, and sometimes they are players.. but who they are should be irrelevant... all that matters are that they are an obstacle.

If you take it personally that the other player who is trying to put notches in his gun by finding sitting ducks to shoot , shoots you.. you're not looking at the place as the game environment that it is. There is no one way.. but the game is expressly about people trying to achieve ends whithin an adversarial environment .
Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#262 - 2013-09-05 18:13:57 UTC
Ressiv wrote:
Barzai Mekhar wrote:
Ressiv wrote: you're just proving my point. Ever thought of a tad more diplomatic approach? "I want to learn this aspect of the game" might not instantly end the converrsation and would not be lying ... not showing your hand is not lying.

You need to become more creative Blink

This isn't about whether I'm technically lying or not but whether I'm honest in my interactions with them, which I'm clearly not. If I'd be willing to exploit peoples stupidty by scamming them, I'd do just that, scam people.

You keep forgetting it's a game. Will you use the same arguments when you play Monopoly ? You write off a large part of game mechanics as being beneath you ... and then complain you cant do anything about your situation.

If you're too good to help yourself, pay .Noir for instance to solve your issue .. might be expensive tho if you want them to do everything up to and including changing your daiper.

When I poker I'm willing to bluff, but not to steal peoples chips when they take a toilett break. Once things move outside of the immediate game (and trying to infiltrate a corporation will almost certainly involve social contact that goes beyond shared ingame actions), lying to people is just a crappy as it is in real life.

Yes, I know the trailer where someone infiltrates a corp and robs them blind. I am aware that it is one intended way to play this game. If it's supposed to be the way to play this game, I'm not supprised that there are issues with player retention. "Be an ******* online" is a gamedesign for a limited target audience.

No you cannot have my stuff, I'll stick around until another MMO manages to implement an interesting crafting/trading/industry system and will just continue to avoid nuisances like gankers instead of fighting them on their terms.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#263 - 2013-09-05 19:41:29 UTC
Barzai Mekhar wrote:

When I poker I'm willing to bluff, but not to steal peoples chips when they take a toilett break. Once things move outside of the immediate game (and trying to infiltrate a corporation will almost certainly involve social contact that goes beyond shared ingame actions), lying to people is just a crappy as it is in real life.

Yes, I know the trailer where someone infiltrates a corp and robs them blind. I am aware that it is one intended way to play this game. If it's supposed to be the way to play this game, I'm not supprised that there are issues with player retention. "Be an ******* online" is a gamedesign for a limited target audience.

No you cannot have my stuff, I'll stick around until another MMO manages to implement an interesting crafting/trading/industry system and will just continue to avoid nuisances like gankers instead of fighting them on their terms.

Feel free to limit your Eve experience to what you see as right, however don't complain when others embrace what Eve has to offer.

I was like you once, when I first started playing I was shocked and horrified at what people could, and did, do to other players. As time has gone on I've come to realise that people like suicide gankers, scammers and all the other nasty bastards you find in Eve are what makes it unique. Without them Eve would have died long ago, with them it's one of the longest lived MMO's, with players that have been playing for 10 years.

More customers != a more successful MMO as has been proved time and time again with multiple MMOs that have spiked with millions of customers and then died or gone ftp within a year.

WoW and Eve are not the norm, they are outliers, rare beasts.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#264 - 2013-09-05 20:05:12 UTC
Barzai Mekhar wrote:
I'll stick around until another MMO manages to implement an interesting crafting/trading/industry system and will just continue to avoid nuisances like gankers instead of fighting them on their terms.

...true collors there... you want a risk free industry mmo where the pvp element is competition in trading/manufacturing ... I dunno if those are around .. you might like X3 .. it's got a very nice economics simulator .. you might like it.

I dont need your stuff .. you can keep those retrievers.
Barzai Mekhar
True Confusion
#265 - 2013-09-05 21:42:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Barzai Mekhar
Ressiv wrote:
Barzai Mekhar wrote:
I'll stick around until another MMO manages to implement an interesting crafting/trading/industry system and will just continue to avoid nuisances like gankers instead of fighting them on their terms.

...true collors there... you want a risk free industry mmo where the pvp element is competition in trading/manufacturing ... I dunno if those are around .. you might like X3 .. it's got a very nice economics simulator .. you might like it.

I dont need your stuff .. you can keep those retrievers.

On the contrary, I'm quite happy with the level of risk and pvp in EvE in general. I've started moving into lowsec a few weeks after I started (back then mostly because of the availability of copyslots) and figuring out lowsec logistics was an interesting challenge. I have no problem with people that are in "criminal" buisness like ganking for profit, infact I've been considering trying just that for a while, to figure out how to maximize the profit from ganking untanked autopiloted highsec haulers (aka collecting idiot tax) and stuff like that.

The only thing that annoys me are people that are ganking easy targets that can't fight back "for the tears" without any real risk to themselves. In the first 6 months I quit twice because people like that managed to wreck the corps I was in at the time and then decided that I'd just respond by moving into regions where I'm unlikely to encounter that type of asshattery, e.g. highsec islands or nullsec. I'd have preferd to fight back in a way that hurt the aggressors (and without having to "infiltrate" their corps), but unfortunately EvE currently does not support that type of gameplay in highsec.
Shander Maxum
Shander Maxum Universal Ltd.
#266 - 2013-09-05 23:25:56 UTC
Barzai Mekhar wrote:

The only thing that annoys me are people that are ganking easy targets that can't fight back "for the tears" without any real risk to themselves. In the first 6 months I quit twice because people like that managed to wreck the corps I was in at the time and then decided that I'd just respond by moving into regions where I'm unlikely to encounter that type of asshattery, e.g. highsec islands or nullsec. I'd have preferd to fight back in a way that hurt the aggressors (and without having to "infiltrate" their corps), but unfortunately EvE currently does not support that type of gameplay in highsec.

Actually, you've stumbled on something here that would really help you get your head around it if you let it.

Let's face it, games are abstractions ... whether it be backgammon or chess or EVE. Even though technology has allowed games to be much more detailed in terms of color texture and complexity in terms of many items pieces etc, chess is still a pretty complicated game. Chess is a war game.. or was the best approximation in an easy to keep track of way that stood the test of time.

Ok.. I won't go too far off course here.

My point is, that the "does not support that kind of game-play" is far more complex that it might sound. Like chess is one sort of abstraction for combat, EVE stumbles into other approximations that create a "feeling of danger" wherever you go. High sec is supposed to be safer.. and it is.. but there is that random element AND.. it is Very much the purpose of the game to have people Choose where they locate based on safety etc.

The fact that you stumbled on moving to places that were more safe.. and had to give active thought to that is a very very important part about the "universe" being more of a virtual world. Not all places are equal. Yes, you come out ahead poring over maps.. (some third party like dotlan help a lot and official EVE blogs and news sites mention some of the most reputable third party sites)

The depth of the game relies on having things like choosing an optimal location and risk reward subjective calls to have different people come to different conclusions about what cost of extra jumps to a trade hub is worth a lower chance of being ninja looted or ganked.

Choices of where to live also help you start recognizing names in local.. and getting some feel like "oh they live here too... even if you never talk to some people over months or years, you become familiar with them.. they're neighbors you wave at but don't know their names... a big step above strangers.

So.. I won't wax on too much more. Yes, there are some holes in the structure of the abstraction. Yes, disposable characters and alts that only log on to get you and never give you a chance to fight back are somewhat less perfect than your desire to take revenge. Yet, as I started, any game is going to have some limitations to how perfect of an abstraction is.

The fallout, as long as people don't get obsessed with the idea that "some real person out there on the web got me", is that. "this system is dangerous in ways we cannot counter.. it would be smart to find another solution" works very well.

Sometimes it takes two or three or four moves over a period of months. When you look back on it.. that has really given your game experience a history.. made it a "saga" . I look back on the times I was in a beginner orientated high sec corporation and continually war decced by far higher skill point players fondly.... very very fondly. The almost had us disband... but through the process many of us became good friends.

When I fly around our old bases.. in Yuzier in Derelek, and in Ghesis in kador... when I remember fights I had as a 3 week old player getting ganked running missions and then trying to pitchfork in t1 cruisers agaings 30 million sp players in hacs.... or spider tanked in battle ships, they are fond fond memories indeed. Of course we almost always lost. Of course in one sense we were miserable preyed on... yet... without that there wouldn't be the sense of place and time and change.

And.. there wouldn't be the glorious memories like this one... where after many weeks of being fodder.. we came together organized in our rag tag group and actually won a big encounter through cooperation ..... so sweet it was.. and so sweet it still is......

and some like this...

yeah.. it took 14 of us to kill a few of them lol but they knew what they were doing and we'd been prey for weeks as both "noob griefer" groups followed us from Derelik to ghesis in an unrelenting way to break us.

I still play with a number of the guys on the kill mail.. found them after a 2 year break. I played with most for 2 years continuously after those events.. following many of them on to null sec for a while which some liked more than others etc... but

.. even the griefing serves a greater purpose in this grand abstraction of a universe with a history and tecture to it.

Its is a perfect abstraction of space wars? no.. neither is chess a perfect abstraction of medieval warfare. But.. even the "shortfalls" create good fallout

... if you don't get all butt-hurt concentrating on "a bully" picking on you instead of "how can I find a way to claw a spot in this dangerous universe"

Eighteen Xray
Fuelers of the War Machine
#267 - 2013-09-06 00:38:57 UTC
Solstice Project wrote:

Yeah if we weren't anonymous, sociopathic carebears might think twice about
insulting people or throwing death threats around.

You kidding? People in anger wouldn't think twice.

If people weren't anonymous in game, there would be REAL LAWS because of a video game that caused REAL CRIMES.
Eighteen Xray
Fuelers of the War Machine
#268 - 2013-09-06 01:00:51 UTC
I think OP, that there is no fix.

Compare it to the real world.

Suicide gankers are like mass murderers. Sandy Hook for example. In this case you were affected by this suicidal mass murderer and want revenge. However you can't get it, because as far as you know, that person is gone. So now just like in real life you want to get revenge but don't know who to inflict it apon. There's a chance someone else, perhaps an organization was behind it, but you don't know.

So this usually causes two ideals to appear.

One, the revenge on a probably group that might have had a hand in the suicide gank. So you go to war with that certain group hoping to get the revenge. IRL one could say our kneejerk reaction was going to war with "Terrorists".

Two, instead of revenge you want safetymeasure to prevent further instances of it. IRL peoples kneejerk safety measure was to ban weapons.

In this game you can't so easily go to war and win with pirates or "Terrorists" and you won't be able to ban weapons in this game and you don't want better safetymeasures. You claim to want the anonyminity to stop, but anonyminity isn't the problem. The problem in this game world is that a character, "a person", can be made instantouesly that seems to have no ties to any other group.

So sadly the only fix in this game that doesn't really fix the anonymity problem is to simply buff certain ships tankability or to enable a pvp on/off system in certain High Sec areas.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#269 - 2013-09-06 05:15:43 UTC
Eighteen Xray wrote:
I think OP, that there is no fix.

Compare it to the real world.

Suicide gankers are like mass murderers. Sandy Hook for example.
That's a terrible comparison, and you should feel bad for making it.
So sadly the only fix in this game that doesn't really fix the anonymity problem is to simply buff certain ships tankability or to enable a pvp on/off system in certain High Sec areas.
Buffing certain ships will end well, it was tried with the exhumers and barges, they still die because the problem is actually with some of the people who fly them, not the ships themselves. As for a PvP on/off switch? Get out.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Alavaria Fera
#270 - 2013-09-06 05:21:12 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
So sadly the only fix in this game that doesn't really fix the anonymity problem is to simply buff certain ships tankability or to enable a pvp on/off system in certain High Sec areas.

Buffing certain ships will end well, it was tried with the exhumers and barges, they still die because the problem is actually with some of the people who fly them, not the ships themselves. As for a PvP on/off switch? Get out.

pvp on and off switch

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#271 - 2013-09-06 12:11:47 UTC
the 'pvp on/off switch' is known as the 'pvp off switch' by anyone trying to make money anywhere
Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#272 - 2013-09-06 21:05:22 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Akemi Kashada wrote:
Two things: LP still a kind of currency and a measure of value. And you can blind youself as much as you want, people take that into account in estabilishing prices. I do that, everyone does that to earn ISK. There is a point where you cant rise prices of similar itens or products they reprocess into, because it gets easier to get the LP to buy them from NPCs.
…except that in the vast majority of cases, you can't actually use those mechanisms to produce any new minerals or items, since they require trade-ins. So the moment you raise the prices for the items themselves, it also becomes more costly to buy them from LP stores and that cost is at best equal to the market cost if you ignore the value of the LP.

At best, LP stores simply provide a floor for how low faction item prices can go, but they don't affect how much the base items (or the materials that go into them) cost.

Second, and more obscured it seems, you CAN sell or buy for any price you want, but this is not drive the market. If you have NPCs selling something that isnt player made, that can in turn be used to create trade itens, sold or reprocessed, and it has a fixed value and infinite supply, you are taking away the ability of players to define its supply and price as a whole in the player base. If you can still acquire those itens without any player making them or selling them in the first place, you have non player controlled market.
The thing is that nothing that NPCs sell these days refine into any appreciable or useful amount of minerals, and they don't sell anything that is also player-made. So the market for anything other than the odd (and useless) trade good is entirely controlled by the players.

Unless you can loot a BP off a wreck, salvage the wreck, and create that item from the blueprint.

Just because something is easier does not mean it's the only thing.

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#273 - 2013-09-06 21:09:00 UTC
Tara Read wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
As for tears, there are a lot of people playing this game who are competent but have failed in RL, so they pour a lot of effort in the game to be good at something, to make them feel better, the ones who go on about harvesting tears on every post, go after that type of player as they know it has a RL impact, personally I find their denials rather tiring.

Are you serious? I drive a 2013 Chevy Camaro, have a job that pays me 100k a year, plus 401k, retirement, medical, dental. I am happily married and in good health at the ripe old age of 25.

I also never mission and use plex to fund my criminal activity. I own over 20 billion in hulls alone all for the sole purpose of destruction. Again please tell me how I fail at life when I'm not the one shooting rocks all day and failing how to learn game mechanics.

Dont interject the rl card unless you are prepared to look like an ass. Point being is I'm certain there are many successful carebears irl just as much as any other play style in this game. So please don't even try to use that as an excuse...

I think you took that a tad personally.... the OP did say "there's a lot of people..." but did not say "only those".


This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#274 - 2013-09-06 21:12:32 UTC
Khanh'rhh wrote:

They came to "your space" to attack you - seems like expecting the same in return is 'balanced', no?
Simply look up which alliance infringed upon your space pixels, find where they live, and go return the favour. Else, watchlists and locator agents will be highly illuminating.

That's a good point. Such as with sov stations, pirates should be denied access to highsec stations. Balance no?

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#275 - 2013-09-06 21:21:00 UTC
Murk Paradox wrote:
Khanh'rhh wrote:

They came to "your space" to attack you - seems like expecting the same in return is 'balanced', no?
Simply look up which alliance infringed upon your space pixels, find where they live, and go return the favour. Else, watchlists and locator agents will be highly illuminating.

That's a good point. Such as with sov stations, pirates should be denied access to highsec stations. Balance no?


The stations in Player owned Sov is player owned.

The players that own sov can if they wish give access to anyone.

Hi-sec is not player owned and is controlled by NPC's...just as NPC null to everyone.
Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#276 - 2013-09-06 21:22:16 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:
I'd just like to note that most mission runners are guilty of unprovoked attacks on empire assets and are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

My mission agent disagrees with this.

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

Murk Paradox
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#277 - 2013-09-06 21:24:12 UTC
Domanique Altares wrote:
Vladimir Norkoff wrote:
Domanique Altares wrote:
You're not learning anything about how to play EVE by mining in high sec. I'm quite certain you mastered the activity of mining by the time you were done with the requisite tutorial mission, and therefore need no more study in the matter.
And you'd be quite wrong. There is actually quite a bit more to mining, at least doing it profitably and well. I'm not even a miner and I know that. And I'll agree it's quite possibly the single most boring activity in the entire game. But unfortunately it is necessary. Somebody has gotta pull the ore, so the ships can be built, and then they can be blown up. Just the way the game works.

Actually, I'm not wrong at all. Mining consists of exactly nothing more than targeting an asteroid and activating your lasers. The game does the rest. Figuring out the market, which ore is profitable and which is not, is an entirely different activity that transcends mining, and can be applied to a vast multitude of economic activity in EVE.

It also teaches you how to fit a ship, how to bookmark, how to navigate belts, systems, the market, other people, etc.

In short, it's one job in the list of many jobs.

This post has been signed by Murk Paradox and no other accounts, alternate or otherwise. Any other post claiming to be this holder's is subject to being banned at the discretion of the GM Team as it would violate the TOS in regards to impersonation. Signed, Murk Paradox. In triplicate.

blue dehazon
Stonegard Arrows
#278 - 2013-09-06 22:36:29 UTC
Rengerel en Distel wrote:
They should enforce the -10s can't enter 1.0 system. You shouldn't be able to board a ship you're not supposed to even enter. They should enforce punishment on the "throwaway" gank alt.

I doubt they will though, because the miners that quit because of being ganked aren't a large enough population to worry the money guys that drive what gets done.

the ganking is not just a problem for miners in hisec ther is alt alliance doing wardec of neew and old corp to just gank legaly in hi sec.this is a problem for corp whid mostly new players,the new players geting ganked to often either quit corp or stop playing the game.incrise price to 500m to war dec will give som protection for most smal corps when it coms to wardec of this type.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#279 - 2013-09-07 01:23:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
blue dehazon wrote:
the ganking is not just a problem for miners in hisec ther is alt alliance doing wardec of neew and old corp to just gank legaly in hi sec.this is a problem for corp whid mostly new players,the new players geting ganked to often either quit corp or stop playing the game.incrise price to 500m to war dec will give som protection for most smal corps when it coms to wardec of this type.

Any player run corporation that gets wardecced, should be teaching their newbies how to either fight back, or not get killed. If they're not then the problem is with the corp, not the wardec system. Telling newbies to stay docked, or not telling them anything at all is not teaching them anything.

My first corp in Eve got wardecced within a week of me joining, the CEO told everyone to dock up to avoid the aggressors. 3 of us raw newbies ignored his advice and went hunting for them in frigates. We died, a lot, we had a shitton of fun, we were given advice and isk by the guys we were fighting, because we were 2 or 3 weeks old and actually had big enough balls to at least try and fight them, unlike our station hugging CEO and corpies.

Increasing the wardec price to 500 million won't do diddly squat to prevent wars, if anything increasing the price means that wardec corps will spend more time making their victims explode so that they get value for money.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

S Byerley
The Manhattan Engineer District
#280 - 2013-09-07 01:42:23 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
us raw newbies ignored his advice and went hunting for them in frigates. We died, a lot

Out of curiosity, did you not realize you were ******* your corp or did you not care? Not judging, just curious.