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Is Occator gank proof ?

Alara IonStorm
#21 - 2013-09-05 13:02:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
Droidster wrote:

This hi-sec EMPIRE we are talking about here. I am not planning to autopilot through Fountain, ok?

...and? Empire is not that safe nor has it ever been that safe in the history of EVE. Don't have unreal expectations about it.

First of let's be clear what you are moving, every 500mil is a months sub or another $15 saved on subs or alts for whomever breaks that pinata so there is incentive to go after you. That ganker you pitied, the one that told you how to get around her, well she has a pretty good reason to take the time to plan out how to get that loot pinata, you have the same amount of incentive to keep it safe and therefor need to put in the same kind of effort. EVE doesn't let you autopilot in complete safety with $30-60 in the hold of a $3 ship so instead of thinking how easier you would like the game to be on you, you have to think about what you have to do to win the game.

For every gank tactic CCP has provided you a way to get around it. Industrial's for cheap medium loads. DST's for expensive medium loads, Cloakies & Blockade Runners for small very valuable items, Freighters for expensive large loads. If you go over the value to gank ratio you can split up the big cargo's or cloak small cargo. If you want to autopilot you get increased risk, that simple. If your ship is cheap so will the cost to kill you. If you can't afford a better ship you can hire one on contracts.

I personally have invested zero SP and ISK in expensive cargo ships but instead of running it in an inadequate ship Red Frog and Black Frog moves my expensive crap for me. Cargo running is its own part of the game with winners and losers, I am not equipped to play it so I hire out to those who are equipped and invested the time and ISK, that is the cost of doing business in EVE.

So yes you can auto pilot your Occator with 1-2 billion / $30-60 in it. You now know the risk, that "pitiful" ganker spelled it out for you and there is a chance it will make it, there is a chance it won't. If that 1-2 billion is too important to lose, either split it up and take the hour to fly it manually or if you like hire someone for 10-20 mil and wait a day. That is cargo game in EVE and it is a real game with its own challenges, not just an auto pilot button.

I like EVE this way, complicated, no task is assured and you always need to take steps to outwit the opposition. I don't pity my enemies, I beat them.
Ginger Barbarella
#22 - 2013-09-05 15:23:09 UTC
Confirming nothing is gank proof. Assuming that gets your ship ganked. Pirate

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

RaVeN Alliance
#23 - 2013-09-05 15:36:08 UTC
People gank ships for no cargo at all. If you go by a scan alt along your way. and you are on autopilot, he WILL scan you and someone in his fleet WILL do some quick calcs.

Freighters and Brick tank Battleships require lots of DPS to burn through them. This means lots of pilots are needed.
Anything smaller needs much less pilots.
A 3 or 4 man crew is much easier to put together, and anything less than 50,000 EHP is fairly easy to gank.
Marc Callan
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2013-09-05 15:43:50 UTC
The closest you're going to get to gank-proof is "unprofitable to gank", where you're carrying enough EHP on your hauler that the cargo in your hold won't offset the ships that'll be lost to the suicide gank. And even then, you'll find people who will suicide-gank haulers for no rational reason at all, just in hopes that the victim will lose his temper and fly into a rage.

You can make it tough for them by flying gate-to-gate with MWD-cycling speed boosts to minimize your time to warp from gates, and you can tank up a hauler past the profitability point - my personal favorite setup is an Orca with triple shield hardeners, MWD, and the DC/bulkhead combo in the lows, for 200,000-plus EHP - but some people will just take that as a challenge.

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be." - Kurt Vonnegurt

Ginger Barbarella
#25 - 2013-09-05 16:01:13 UTC
Marc Callan wrote:
The closest you're going to get to gank-proof is "unprofitable to gank", where you're carrying enough EHP on your hauler that the cargo in your hold won't offset the ships that'll be lost to the suicide gank. And even then, you'll find people who will suicide-gank haulers for no rational reason at all, just in hopes that the victim will lose his temper and fly into a rage.

You can make it tough for them by flying gate-to-gate with MWD-cycling speed boosts to minimize your time to warp from gates, and you can tank up a hauler past the profitability point - my personal favorite setup is an Orca with triple shield hardeners, MWD, and the DC/bulkhead combo in the lows, for 200,000-plus EHP - but some people will just take that as a challenge.

I think his ballsy post here kinda guarantees that some people will keep an eye out for him (for example, according to a locator agent he's in Jita 4-4 right now), just to pop for the lulz. Blink

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#26 - 2013-09-05 18:05:21 UTC
Gank proof?

Currier contract stuff to an alt, make a courier contract with said alt = plastic wrap is the item to transport = fail gank will be really hard and costly.

Why do it yourself when there are slaves over there begging to do it for you, and for peanuts on top !

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2013-09-05 18:15:01 UTC
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
Marc Callan wrote:
The closest you're going to get to gank-proof is "unprofitable to gank", where you're carrying enough EHP on your hauler that the cargo in your hold won't offset the ships that'll be lost to the suicide gank. And even then, you'll find people who will suicide-gank haulers for no rational reason at all, just in hopes that the victim will lose his temper and fly into a rage.

You can make it tough for them by flying gate-to-gate with MWD-cycling speed boosts to minimize your time to warp from gates, and you can tank up a hauler past the profitability point - my personal favorite setup is an Orca with triple shield hardeners, MWD, and the DC/bulkhead combo in the lows, for 200,000-plus EHP - but some people will just take that as a challenge.

I think his ballsy post here kinda guarantees that some people will keep an eye out for him (for example, according to a locator agent he's in Jita 4-4 right now), just to pop for the lulz. Blink

I am transporting 1+ billion in modules and rigs from Jita to Dodixie sometime in the next 3 days.

I dare anybody to gank me. Big smile

Mathias Orsen
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2013-09-05 18:38:21 UTC
The last time I put an occator on Autopilot, I came back to the Computer to find that My Occator had indeed made it to it's destination. It was also sitting at about 10% structure. The cargo... Nothing. I was just moving the ship.

True Story. Mathias Orsen does not Autopilot any more.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#29 - 2013-09-05 18:51:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
Droidster wrote:
Marc Callan wrote:
There's no such thing as gank-proof. There's gank-resistant, to a degree, but at the moment, none of the Deep Space Transports really have the beef to withstand a coordinated suicide gank, especially if you're on autopilot and giving the gankers time to line up their shots before you jump. DST design is more about being tackle-resistant, in any case, with the warp core strength to slip an opportunistic tackler or two at a non-hisec gate (but not enough to get through a coordinated, determined gate camp).

This hi-sec EMPIRE we are talking about here. I am not planning to autopilot through Fountain, ok?

Outside of high sec it is not suicide ganking. Suicide Ganking is when they gank you knowing full well Concord will eat their ship within 20-30 seconds. this only happens in high sec. in low and 0.0 they do not risk anything ganking your hauler, and have far more than 20-30 seconds to do it. In "Fountain" a frigate can gank a freighter, it just takes time to burn thru the tank, but CONCORD is not coming, so you have all the time in the world.

There are gate camps in high sec, along trade routes, looking for ships exactly as you described yours to be. I hope the character you are posting with is not the one that will be flying this ship, as you will now be watch listed by gankers due to this thread.

A freighter has a ~200ehp buffer and can be taken out by a fleet of about 8 Gank talos at a cost of about 800M. If a freighter carries more than about 1B in cargo it is profitable to gank. If it is seen afking it will be ganked, eventually, no matter how lucky you are, eventually you will be caught dropping the soap.

A DST no matter how well tanked they are, easy to get them to 100k ehp buffer, are still easier to gank than a freighter. If you autopilot it thru high sec with 1-2B in cargo, it will get ganked. Putting it in a battleship is not much safer, less chance of getting scanned maybe, but equally easy to gank if the cargo value is high enough.

Auto piloting billions in cargo thru EVE, even through high sec, is suicide. However, if you are to busy to pilot the ship yourself, and to cheap to pay for someone else to do it for you, then by all means, go get yourself ganked. But do not come back here crying when you lose 2B in cargo. Unless of course your actual intent is to fill the tear buckets that will be waiting.
Cage Man
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#30 - 2013-09-05 19:28:54 UTC
Droidster wrote:
Marc Callan wrote:
There's no such thing as gank-proof. There's gank-resistant, to a degree, but at the moment, none of the Deep Space Transports really have the beef to withstand a coordinated suicide gank, especially if you're on autopilot and giving the gankers time to line up their shots before you jump. DST design is more about being tackle-resistant, in any case, with the warp core strength to slip an opportunistic tackler or two at a non-hisec gate (but not enough to get through a coordinated, determined gate camp).

This hi-sec EMPIRE we are talking about here. I am not planning to autopilot through Fountain, ok?

LOL, Its always good to ask for advice and then argue... best way is just to try it and see i guess..
Check my losses, you will see a loss of me in a shuttle.. EVE is fun for different people in different ways. I also suspect the gankers make more isk than I do.. but yea, each to his\her own..
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#31 - 2013-09-05 19:50:33 UTC
Not that I would but I think one of the more resilient birds out there would be a damnation.
Zane Lowe
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#32 - 2013-09-05 20:07:53 UTC
I haul expensive low-volume stuff in my proteus. 430k EHP totally passive tanked, which is usually good for hauling a bill or two afk. If I need to fly something really expensive, I switch to a more active tank and bring along a legion booster, bringing me up to ~750k EHP. Seems to work well.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2013-09-07 01:01:32 UTC
Zane Lowe wrote:
I haul expensive low-volume stuff in my proteus. 430k EHP totally passive tanked, which is usually good for hauling a bill or two afk. If I need to fly something really expensive, I switch to a more active tank and bring along a legion booster, bringing me up to ~750k EHP. Seems to work well.

How are you getting to 430k ? I saw this 400k fitting, but this is with implants, heat (not possible afk), fleet boost and LARGE trimarks. I don't think you can fit large trimarks to cruisers anymore, or at least my EFT will not allow it:

L5 Stats with Implants, Fleet Booster, and Heat:
DPS - 606 (568 w/out heat)
EHP - 457K (348K w/out heat)
Speed - 506 m/s
Align - 7.1s
Cap - 56% w/out nos
Ammo - Gallente Antimatter M
Drones - Oger II x2, Hammerhead x2, Hobgoblin x1


[Proteus, PVP 1]
Armor EM Hardener II
Armor Thermic Hardener II
1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Damage Control II
Amarr Navy Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane
Armor Kinetic Hardener II
Armor Explosive Hardener II

Republic Fleet 10MN Afterburner
Dark Blood Warp Scrambler
Domination Stasis Webifier

Gallente Navy Heavy Neutron Blaster, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Gallente Navy Heavy Neutron Blaster, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Medium Nosferatu II
Medium Nosferatu II
Gallente Navy Heavy Neutron Blaster, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M
Gallente Navy Heavy Neutron Blaster, Caldari Navy Antimatter Charge M

Trimark Armor Pump II
Trimark Armor Pump II
Trimark Armor Pump II

Proteus Defensive - Augmented Plating
Proteus Electronics - Dissolution Sequencer
Proteus Engineering - Power Core Multiplier
Proteus Offensive - Drone Synthesis Projector
Proteus Propulsion - Localized Injectors

Ogre II x2
Hammerhead II x2
Hobgoblin II x1
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#34 - 2013-09-07 01:30:24 UTC
This setup for the Occator seems to only get about 85k

[Occator, Occator EHP]
Energized EM Membrane II
Energized Thermic Membrane II
Energized Kinetic Membrane II
Energized Explosive Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
800mm Reinforced Steel Plates II

[empty med slot]
[empty med slot]

[empty high slot]

Medium Trimark Armor Pump II
Medium Trimark Armor Pump II

Maaaaowm Ogeko
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#35 - 2013-09-07 03:48:07 UTC
This fellow has already been ganked once this summer, carrying over a billion in modules in highsec in an Iteron Mark V:

Slow learner.

Bertrand Butler
Cras es Noster
#36 - 2013-09-07 04:22:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Bertrand Butler

OP, don't autopilot in HS in a cargo loot pinata. Its a gank waiting to happen and no amount of passive tank can make you unprofitable enough to avoid getting raped.

Adapt, or continue suffering. Both are good.
Micha Bruor
#37 - 2013-09-07 04:58:53 UTC
Droidster is the Eve Santa Claus. Thanks Droidster, have a cookie (AFK, of course).
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#38 - 2013-09-07 05:17:32 UTC
"Some men you just can't reach..." I hope this isn't truly the case this time, but from what I'm seeing I have my doubts. When the actual gankers are telling you how not to become their victim, you'd think that should get your attention. Instead of looking for the magical ship/fit combo that will let you profit from not actually playing the game I'd recommend focusing instead on curing yourself of a bad habit. People keep telling you that AFK autopiloting is suicide, that it's foolish, that you are inviting trouble by doing so. So many voices, yet you react with scorn? Consider that perhaps they actually are trying to give you sound advice. You've already painted a target on your back with your responses; belittling the baddies when they advise you on how to avoid being a victim isn't exactly wise. Daring them to gank you afterwards is suicidal.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#39 - 2013-09-07 08:06:21 UTC
How I train my corp:

4000 x total health.

40 mil per 10k of health is your max risk for high sec hauling.

Auto-Pilot only if well under 2000 x total health. (( Active mods don't count to health when AFK ))

Bring ECM / Cloak.

Fronkfurter McSheebleton
Horse Feathers
#40 - 2013-09-07 13:43:03 UTC
Droidster wrote:
Zane Lowe wrote:
I haul expensive low-volume stuff in my proteus. 430k EHP totally passive tanked, which is usually good for hauling a bill or two afk. If I need to fly something really expensive, I switch to a more active tank and bring along a legion booster, bringing me up to ~750k EHP. Seems to work well.

How are you getting to 430k ? I saw this 400k fitting, but this is with implants, heat (not possible afk), fleet boost and LARGE trimarks. I don't think you can fit large trimarks to cruisers anymore, or at least my EFT will not allow it:

Rig size doesn't make a difference...they have the exact same percentage-based effect. Small ships with large rigs are from before rig sizes were a thing.

You can hit well over 430k with a slave set. It makes a massive difference. Plugging the explosive hole on a passive fit is a bit annoying though.

thhief ghabmoef

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