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[Suggestion]A personal criminal dossier for every capsuleer.

Kyon Rheyne
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-09-03 19:01:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyon Rheyne
Well, at least we could discuss it.

EVE universe allows for a wide variety of ways to choose and opportunities to express yourself. And of course some of them suppose doing things which are usually will be strongly disapproved by majority players in the process. But what it completly lacks is some solid way to check the background of your intended partner, gang member or employee. One can easly steal someone's valuable loot from wreck, rob corporate hangar, AWOX or participate in suicide ganking activities, run scam schemes - and until his activity has reached a really large scale to find its way to the out of game community hubs like forums etc, a few will know what atrocity he was into even a week ago.

Now, to the point.

1) Ingame databank containing criminal records for every player must be created. Access to this databank should be easly available for anyone (still, not necessarily free of charge, it could even require to complete some simple mission for an agent of sort)
2) The methods of filling in this database will vary (your proposals are welcome here). Currently I was able to come up with 2 of them rather different in principle.
2a) After any traditional crime, currently recognized by Concord as such, regardless of whether the perpetrator has been punished for it or not, victim will receive a mail proposing him to submit his testimonies to Concord which will be added to the perpetrator's criminal dossier. She will has a not so long time span (around of 30 minutes or such) to do so, and, if has choosen to submit it, will be able to add her personal short comment on the accident to share her vision of it with those who some day will be searching through this log.
But not only traditional ones, I would like to see this working even in cases fully acceptable in terms of current game mechanics, but still rather outrageous, like aforementioned AWOXing. While concord won't intervene, and perpetrator won't see any prosecution victim still should be able to add this incident to his criminal history.
2b) While setting a bounty, starting from some reasonably high amount (like 50-100kk and more) of isks, one will get opportunity to comment the reason of doing so, which also will get to criminal log of a person the bounty was set on (though I can agree that in this case a lifespan could be much less, say, a year or a half; or even better, it could be proportiona to the amount of isks spent).
3) Those criminal logs, unlike security status which can easly be restored, will have a very long lifespan time, at least 3-5 years, if not indefinite.
4) Another icon similar to those identifying standings and criminal statuses should be added below the characher's portrait, which will give a quick hint on how much this particular player adheres to ethical behavior.
5) All described above applies only to low and high security areas.

I want you to admit, that this system takes into account and allows for accidental or somehow necessary breaking the ingame "crime codex" without spoiling one's criminal dossier - in case the victim doesn't hold a grudge against you, she won't submit her claim.

Aside from the fact that this system will give some hints on how much you should trust this particular fellow capsuleer, that could serve as some sort of measure to prevent from commiting crimes (yet quite a weak one).
Thats because, while spoiling your character's criminal records, you are somehow decrease his market value in case you will one day will want to sell him on character market.
Solutio Letum
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-09-03 19:05:34 UTC
Criminals are people who make the game interesting. All i will say.
Kyon Rheyne
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-09-03 19:11:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyon Rheyne
Solutio Letum wrote:
Criminals are people who make the game interesting. All i will say.

I don't argue that, neither my proposal bans criminal activity. It just allows one to know how trustfull this person in front of him can be.
Ice Fire Warriors
#4 - 2013-09-03 20:21:13 UTC
OP... you are aware that "criminals" will use your systems to put "black marks" on random people... right?

I can have all of my corpmates put 50 mil bounties on someone, file criminal records, and make the person so undesireable he/she can never join another corp again.

I can trick some poor nubbin into randomly attacking me first in high-sec (I've done it before)... now, not only does he get CONCORDed, he also gets a "black mark" on his record.

Oooooooo... I'll file "reports" on all my allies and they'll do the same to me! And then we'll do it to everyone else we know! And then "reports" will be nigh useless and we'll be back to square one.

Your idea is well intentioned OP... but it won't work in a game where being a "bad person" is a badge of honor for most.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-09-03 21:00:28 UTC
I really like this idea, which should tell you that I would abuse the hell out of this.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Kyon Rheyne
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2013-09-03 21:01:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyon Rheyne
ShahFluffers wrote:
OP... you are aware that "criminals" will use your systems to put "black marks" on random people... right?

I can have all of my corpmates put 50 mil bounties on someone, file criminal records, and make the person so undesireable he/she can never join another corp again.

I can trick some poor nubbin into randomly attacking me first in high-sec (I've done it before)... now, not only does he get CONCORDed, he also gets a "black mark" on his record.

Oooooooo... I'll file "reports" on all my allies and they'll do the same to me! And then we'll do it to everyone else we know! And then "reports" will be nigh useless and we'll be back to square one.

Your idea is well intentioned OP... but it won't work in a game where being a "bad person" is a badge of honor for most.

You are missing the fact that spending only 50kk will mark them as such for only brief period of time (we can try estimate the optimal isk/month ratio) So you'll need billions of isk to mark them for substantional period by placing a bounty. Only true, concord approved crimes can spoil your criminal records for long time spans.
Kyon Rheyne
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2013-09-03 21:13:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Kyon Rheyne
Mallak Azaria wrote:
I really like this idea, which should tell you that I would abuse the hell out of this.

Well, we could try to minimize the number of possible attack vectors on it, at least. By tilting and tuning, and adding restrictions, I feel it can be developed into some quite solid way to (very roughly) make an assumption about a total stranger when you need it.