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Going to Start a WH PodCast

Angrod Losshelin
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2013-09-02 00:38:09 UTC
Not much in the way of WH podcasts, the ones I've seen are dead or purely PVP focused. As my corporation focuses on training WH noobs or nubs as we kindly refer to them I would like to educate via PodCast and make them available to the eve community.

My main question is, what topics should I start off with, there is a lot of content in WH's and a lot that needs to be explained. There are a number of items that my nubs want covered:

Scanning and Siggy
WH mechanics - mass, effects, and jumping mechanics
Combat and PVP
POS defense
Site running and PVE

Are there any other topics that need to be covered for newer players?
Which order would be the most beneficial to newer players.

Any help is appreciated. Once I get this worked out I will be looking for guest veterans and nubs to record a time or two with me, send me a mail with why you should be included.

Check out my Podcast! My Blog!

#2 - 2013-09-02 08:30:16 UTC
If your teaching people how to use siggy you should also include a guide on how they should insert blunt butter knifes dripped in acid into their eyes before looking at the layout of siggy.
Setsune Rin
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2013-09-02 08:38:08 UTC
are we doing it again? an excam ftw thread?
Jacumbo Ren
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2013-09-02 11:28:44 UTC
The only WH podcast i listen to at the moment is "Down the Pipe"

Yes there is a lot of talk about PvP in WH's, however that is life in wormholes PvP will come out of nowhere.

I lived solo in a wormhole for a while, and I was scouring the net for weeks before hand getting all the info I could. Having a podcast that encompasses all areas of wormhole life would be great. Shoot me a link to the podcast when you make it, id be interested in listening to it.
Bronya Boga
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2013-09-02 15:33:38 UTC
Angrod Losshelin wrote:
Not much in the way of WH podcasts, the ones I've seen are dead or purely PVP focused. As my corporation focuses on training WH noobs or nubs as we kindly refer to them I would like to educate via PodCast and make them available to the eve community.

My main question is, what topics should I start off with, there is a lot of content in WH's and a lot that needs to be explained. There are a number of items that my nubs want covered:

Scanning and Siggy
WH mechanics - mass, effects, and jumping mechanics
Combat and PVP
POS defense
Site running and PVE

Are there any other topics that need to be covered for newer players?
Which order would be the most beneficial to newer players.

Any help is appreciated. Once I get this worked out I will be looking for guest veterans and nubs to record a time or two with me, send me a mail with why you should be included.

This is cool we hold the monopoly at the moment, so seeing someone pop up just means we need to kill them *AHEM* I mean its great!

But for reals it sounds like you need to make a series more then a podcast. If you have just specific topics like that you will eventually run out of stuff to talk about unless you change your format. Look at as an example of a well done series that teaches newbros.

Either way good luck!
Angrod Losshelin
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2013-09-02 17:10:33 UTC
Bronya Boga wrote:

This is cool we hold the monopoly at the moment, so seeing someone pop up just means we need to kill them *AHEM* I mean its great!

But for reals it sounds like you need to make a series more then a podcast. If you have just specific topics like that you will eventually run out of stuff to talk about unless you change your format. Look at as an example of a well done series that teaches newbros.

I do listen to you guys every day at work :) I will definitely take the series format into consideration. Your podcast is probably one of the best I've heard, but does focus more on PVP then I want to. Yes, PVP is pretty much always around the corner, but I think you guys cover that better than I could ever attempt to.

I'll focus on noob PVP and some basic theories like cloaky combat, but not on the larger fleet combat and medium gang warfare that you guys do a lot of. More along the lines of simple hole defense and getting rid of nasty neut scanners as best as can be expected.

Wormhole Fundamentals is pretty much a lot of the same information, I simply want a different format to offer. I can't watch vids at work and I assume a lot of others cannot as well. Either way thank you for the info :)

Check out my Podcast! My Blog!

No'Wai AmaGawD
Caldari State
#7 - 2013-09-02 22:31:40 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
If your teaching people how to use siggy you should also include a guide on how they should insert blunt butter knifes dripped in acid into their eyes before looking at the layout of siggy.

Angrod Losshelin
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2013-09-03 03:06:41 UTC
No'Wai AmaGawD wrote:
Winthorp wrote:
If your teaching people how to use siggy you should also include a guide on how they should insert blunt butter knifes dripped in acid into their eyes before looking at the layout of siggy.


Thank you for the free bump!

Check out my Podcast! My Blog!

Verge of Collapse
#9 - 2013-09-03 08:14:23 UTC
Winthorp wrote:
If your teaching people how to use siggy you should also include a guide on how they should insert blunt butter knifes dripped in acid into their eyes before looking at the layout of siggy.

Do you have something against rainbows?

And cats?

#10 - 2013-09-03 08:17:44 UTC
Rengas wrote:
Winthorp wrote:
If your teaching people how to use siggy you should also include a guide on how they should insert blunt butter knifes dripped in acid into their eyes before looking at the layout of siggy.

Do you have something against rainbows?

And cats?

All of the above.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2013-09-03 12:26:09 UTC  |  Edited by: HerrBert
Podcasting and teaching .. mate you just scored a workload of schiiiid...
So not to be cruel but if you do an audio only concept you have to explain everything in detail, so even the blind can follow you, if you have the right personality like rengas who sometimes drops on the ground and recreates the epic sax guy, then you can struck gold. But you have a challange ahead of you.

So you would have to cover every little corner and thats a hard job, because stuff that is for you natural (for example using sisters to scan) might confuse a new bro. The best recommandation would be at this point that you do a

"Pinky and Brain Style" podcast. So you the Host "(the dude that teaches and knows stuff)" and some random newb like rengas that knows more about Dota than PI your co-host helps you reflecting the material and helps you in terms of understanding.

Audio only is hard YO! Esspecially in a community with a reddit attention span. :)

Best of Luck

p.s.: Hi winny :)

Edit: It would be the best if you do a pilot and see WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY... in terms of media content creation ... feedback is key

Acac Sunflyier wrote:

3) I'm not sure if you do the podcast live and then record it. But if you just record and release it, please edit out the music. It's a nice thought but you've got the power of splicing time together. And when your audience wants to listen about wormholes, they'll have to hunt through the seek bar for where the conversation picks back up.

Although sometimes its argueable... :D i miss the eve music in the background .... but difference in opinions ... :)

Community-Challenge: Make Jack Miton sing a Duett with me. Jibbychiggawooooow - CSM 9 Corbexx

Keith Planck
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2013-09-03 18:53:39 UTC
What an original idea!
Longinius Spear
Semper Ubi Sub Ubi
#13 - 2013-09-03 19:53:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Longinius Spear
I support this 100%.

DTP is pvp focused, but if you guys brought on some guests that talked about pve mechanics, I see there being more than enough room for your podcast.

It’s not that Bronya and I don’t know a lot about pve, we just don’t participate in it as much as other wormholers.

Some topics you could cover, that a newbie would find interesting are.

1. How to close a wormhole
2. Why should you passive tank over active? Discuss the differences and DPS projection vs Sleepers
3. What to do when a pvp corp/alliance comes calling – POSing up is not the answer, and why?
4. Best way to pull sleeper agro from your drones
5. Cap stable logi in BS gangs, are bs gangs a thing?
6. RR Tengu do’s and don’ts.
7. The solo drake, how to fit
8. An entire episode devoted to PI. Factory planets, extraction planets, balanced set ups, 24 hour or 7 day cycles. ..
9. How do set up a pos for what type of hole you live in
10. Booster production?! Bring on a guest that makes them, what he does. How do they sell? Profit margins
11. T3 production.
12. Why would you ever want to build a capital in a c1?
13. C6, capital escalation… can it be done with 7 characters? Interview a guy who does it.
14. Bookmarks for corpies.. why? How?
15. Safe spots, what they be?
16. Using a static null to look for 10/10s

Just some suggestions of good pve topics, that I personally would love to either be a part of or heard talked about with friendly hosts.

Hit myself, Bronya Boga, or people in the ‘DTP Podcast’ channel up for tips, guests, or suggestions of contacts for you. We are a small community and though we do shoot/scam/murder each other, at the end of the day, most are supportive.

GL on the podcast, I look forward to hear it.

Read more of my ramblings on my blog

Hidden Fremen
#14 - 2013-09-04 05:49:43 UTC
Oh, for fukc's...
Jon Matick
State War Academy
Caldari State
#15 - 2013-09-04 11:43:23 UTC
Longinius Spear wrote:
6. RR Tengu do’s and don’ts.

^if you do this, make sure you put 'fly them' in the don'ts column.

My Blog:

Lucius Arcturus
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#16 - 2013-09-05 02:20:41 UTC
Don't forget about selling WHs.
Angrod Losshelin
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2013-09-06 06:57:03 UTC
Longinius Spear wrote:
I support this 100%.

Hit myself, Bronya Boga, or people in the ‘DTP Podcast’ channel up for tips, guests, or suggestions of contacts for you. We are a small community and though we do shoot/scam/murder each other, at the end of the day, most are supportive.

Thank you for the support, I will be definitely hitting you up! I like the order you put the items in and will probably use some variation of that.

Check out my Podcast! My Blog!