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Asteroids Civil Right Union (IKELU) is now recruiting lowsec pvpers!

Drexsis Rozia
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-09-01 06:21:51 UTC
The Asteroids Civil Rights Union: Nobly defending helpless asteroids from exploitation by ruthless capitalist pig oppressors.

While we have humble beginnings in empire wars and random miner ganks, (IKELU) has always been about "good fights". With empire war decs gone the way of the dinosaurs and everyone and their brother's cousin able to get in on a war, we're setting our sites back out to lowsec. Some of the strongest pvper's call this area home.

We are looking to recruit casual players who log on to Eve for the GOOD fight, not hours of mindless gate camping to pop the few frigates that pass through.


• Must speak English.
• Must have access to Teamspeak 3 with a working mic/headset.
• Must have a minimum of 15 Million SP Minimum.
• Must have proof of Solo and/or Small Gang warfare (less than 10).
• Be willing to have a Negative (below -5) Security Status.

What we do...

Lowsec PVP/Piracy
Small Gang Roams
Drunk Roams

If you're looking for a small close group of highly capable pilots more interested in the rush of a hard battle rather than numbers on a board convo or mail me in game!
Drexsis Rozia
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-09-02 04:16:37 UTC
Please feel free to ask questions!