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NEW bounty hunting system/High sec revamp.

First post
#1 - 2013-08-30 09:25:40 UTC  |  Edited by: amsdklwaekwe
Greetings, i'm quite a new player on eve online will be nearing a month soon and enjoying very much, have stayed in low sec for most of my time until a corp I joined "updates" me to null.

In that time I felt that a high sec is a bit too boring and too safe, and that bounty hunting as i've read seen and experienced even so little, is essentially useless.

I would like to make a proposal, if it is deemed stupid in anyway please tell me, I would like to know.
My english is not so good and I hope I followed the rules.
Anyway, here what it's about:

A simple idea for bounty hunting, as of now you gain 20% of the hulls price that you destroyed, correct? what if we upped the bonus to much much more, say 50% or 75% but of course with a different approach.
-you get 20% of the hulls price + fittings equiped, that you destroyed, and an extra (rest of the bounty?) 25% if you pod the person + based on implants can be an adjusted ratio, seeing as it's quite easy to escape in low and high sec in pods it should be a bit more challenging?
-Increase the payout if the target specifies certain goals to accomplish along with the kill:
Arrow killing at a certain place in space
Arrow specifying in which ship the target must be killed (the one he's flying) limit it to 1 ship and set it to a timer probably a long one, this would make you hit the jackpot and collect 60% or more of the bounty regardless of hull flying if killed in that specific ship but the target won't know, seems useless but it could be quite good in certain conditions say if you know the target always flys a raven etc.
Arrow Adding a new skill "headhunter" this will add 5% to a bounty payout per level trained.
-removed skill-
Arrow Adding a new skill "Killing business" can put up 1 additional kill contract per level, would offer the chance to make it a proper business.

Arrow When placing a bounty, the min will be increased by a hefty sum, make it so and on putting a bounty it is deposited to the time you associate it with kill contract meaning the money is frozen until someone takes the deal and completes it or until it expires then it will be returned, also a form must be included to the "bounty profile", instead of the big ass wanted sign, there can be info on a characters profile marked wanted with a link to bounty profile which will hold this form it would include and the customer has to set this information: location of the target on kill/reason for kill/ship flew/condition/expiration date and any other usefull things, additionally if the contract is accepted the bounty hunter will gain 1 unique token which can be used to locate his target at that time. Viewing Bounty profiles can be made public or private via contact, on the bottom of the bounty profile will be a waypoint to where to collect the kill contract/payout for the job, to prevent abusing this by a corp member killing and reimbursing, accepting the kill right will be made per the customers condition as it is know ffa (anyone can accept first kill first server) or pivate, to prevent further abuse from setting your own bounty, multipled bounties can be placed on a single person therefore they will have multiple bounty profiles, depending on which kill right you accept the payout will be determined.
Arrow PVP specific missions including assassination of certain targets: this will be the current bounty system to prevent abuse but these would be pvp specific npcs where the objective is to kill other players and you will be granted LP and 20% ISK of the ships price, with or without a bounty, depending on the place you killed the person the reward will be increased.

High sec too safe:

Arrow Remove concord, faction navies can still attack criminals but they will have to be initiated by a distress signal from a player and there will be a timer before they arrive counting down and showing.
Arrow Players will have to defend high sec when needed.
Arrow Criminals unable to enter high sec via normal gates, can be accessed via wormholes.
Arrow Any person associated with a criminal act (killing/destroying a ship) in high sec, will be given an automatic -10 sec status therefore unable to access high sec.
Arrow Players able to build jump gates/backdoors to access high sec, can bypass security this way, upon starting to build these or completion, a high sec region will be alerted before time to get ready for this intrusion, players will have to go and defend, criminals can access high sec and escape via these jumpgates/backdoors, they are for a very limited time and upon entering they are free kill for anyone/anything, but they can escape with proper skill coordination, limit it to 3-7 players per backdoor, in and out after that the gate will shutdown but remain until destroyed, can only be activated via a password, players would have to defend the gate as to deny high secers from destroying it if they choose to do so, high secers can access the gate while it's opened if they would like to retaliated.
Arrow will effectively keep high sec safe as they can potentially dock up or not depending on how fast the reaction time is, or offer them a chance to fight knowing where the enemy is.

Thanks for your time, just some unrefined might be fun additions to the game if worked on.
Maximus Aerelius
#2 - 2013-08-30 09:30:19 UTC
will be nearing a month soon
have stayed in low sec for most of my time

I felt that a high sec is a bit too boring and too safe,
bounty hunting as i've read seen and experienced even so little, is essentially useless.

So what's your authority to suggest changes to something you have no experience in? None.
#3 - 2013-08-30 09:34:02 UTC  |  Edited by: amsdklwaekwe
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
will be nearing a month soon
have stayed in low sec for most of my time

I felt that a high sec is a bit too boring and too safe,
bounty hunting as i've read seen and experienced even so little, is essentially useless.

So what's your authority to suggest changes to something you have no experience in? None.

Would it be different if I hadn't specified that? I've seen theorycrafters in plenty of games since day 1, and I was under the impression this is the features and ideas discussion?
Ty for your time.
Utassi Security
#4 - 2013-08-30 09:39:35 UTC
amsdklwaekwe wrote:
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
will be nearing a month soon
have stayed in low sec for most of my time

I felt that a high sec is a bit too boring and too safe,
bounty hunting as i've read seen and experienced even so little, is essentially useless.

So what's your authority to suggest changes to something you have no experience in? None.

Would it be different if I hadn't specified that? I've seen theorycrafters in plenty of games since day 1.
Ty for your time.

I would say that because of your lack of experience you don't understand the level of impact some of your changes will have to the game.

The "HighSec too safe" is often a myth thrown around by those looking for more chances to gank and kill. HighSec has some issues with the levels of ISK that can be made and the lack of want/need to enter NullSec for these reasons.
However making NullSec more appealing and fixing issues out there would do more for balancing HighSec than making HighSec useless, remember there are still many viable careers in Empire space such as mercs, FW players, contracted traders.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Cade Windstalker
#5 - 2013-08-30 09:42:28 UTC
The entire reason the bounty is so low is because otherwise you could potentially have someone else put a bounty on your head and then use an alt or a friend to claim it for a profit even though you lose ships. The old bounty system was a flat payout of the full bounty to the first person to pod you which essentially meant that anyone placing a bounty on you was giving you free ISK.

Your idea would likely reintroduce this and certainly contains nothing to mitigate it. CCP have commented on some planned iteration on the bounty-hunting functionality but none of it was along these lines, and for good reason.

amsdklwaekwe wrote:

High sec too safe:

Arrow Remove concord, faction navies can still attack criminals but they will have to be initiated by a distress signal from a player and there will be a timer before they arrive counting down and showing.
Arrow Players will have to defend high sec when needed.
Arrow Criminals unable to enter high sec via normal gates, can be accessed via wormholes.
Arrow Any person associated with a criminal act (killing/destroying a ship) in high sec, will be given an automatic -10 sec status therefore unable to access high sec.
Arrow Players able to build jump gates/backdoors to access high sec, can bypass security this way, upon starting to build these or completion, a high sec region will be alerted before time to get ready for this intrusion, players will have to go and defend, criminals can access high sec and escape via these jumpgates/backdoors, they are for a very limited time and upon entering they are free kill for anyone/anything, but they can escape with proper skill coordination, limit it to 3-7 players per backdoor, in and out after that the gate will shutdown but remain until destroyed, can only be activated via a password, players would have to defend the gate as to deny high secers from destroying it if they choose to do so, high secers can access the gate while it's opened if they would like to retaliated.
Arrow will effectively keep high sec safe as they can potentially dock up or not depending on how fast the reaction time is, or offer them a chance to fight knowing where the enemy is.

Thanks for your time, just some unrefined might be fun additions to the game if worked on.

None of this is going to happen starting with "remove concord". Concord is there as a consequence to player actions. If you commit a criminal act Concord will come and kill you, avoiding this is considered and exploit and will be dealt with by the GMs accordingly.

Concord does not in any way prevent you from shooting or even killing someone in high security space for fun, profit, or any other reason. It may not be cost effective but that's up to you and the Eve Economy.

If you want to know more about suicide-ganking and exactly how un-safe High-Sec space can be I hear Goonswarm is into that stuff a little Roll

Maybe you should shoot them an app P
#6 - 2013-08-30 09:52:00 UTC  |  Edited by: amsdklwaekwe
Cade Windstalker wrote:
that would be a bad idea, i'd rather they keep it this way then, thanks for the feedback

None of this is going to happen starting with "remove concord". Concord is there as a consequence to player actions. If you commit a criminal act Concord will come and kill you, avoiding this is considered and exploit and will be dealt with by the GMs accordingly.

Concord does not in any way prevent you from shooting or even killing someone in high security space for fun, profit, or any other reason. It may not be cost effective but that's up to you and the Eve Economy.

If you want to know more about suicide-ganking and exactly how un-safe High-Sec space can be I hear Goonswarm is into that stuff a little Roll

Maybe you should shoot them an app P

I would join goonswarm if I could but I would doubt they accept noobs? have already joined a CFC alliance/corp but not in the GSF, and yes i'm reading up on suicide ganking.

Concord may not prevent but it does not add much to gameplay, I felt my suggestion might add a bit of a challenge to ganking in high sec and preventing it as you are relatively safe until you hear the alarm sound and you have enough time to prep yourself and giving criminals and high sec alike a chance to run/fight back would add to the thrill of invading a deadly hostile territory and escaping or dying, as much as it is fun suicide ganking would be, challenging fights would be more fun, but I'm guessing If I want that I would stick to low/null sec why should I force a gameplay unto others who do not want it.
Maximus Aerelius
#7 - 2013-08-30 09:56:30 UTC
amsdklwaekwe wrote:
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
will be nearing a month soon
have stayed in low sec for most of my time

I felt that a high sec is a bit too boring and too safe,
bounty hunting as i've read seen and experienced even so little, is essentially useless.

So what's your authority to suggest changes to something you have no experience in? None.

Would it be different if I hadn't specified that? I've seen theorycrafters in plenty of games since day 1, and I was under the impression this is the features and ideas discussion?
Ty for your time.

Sorry, just threw that in there as we see this quite often but as Turelus stated "I would say that because of your lack of experience you don't understand the level of impact some of your changes will have to the game.".

I, personally, wouldn't start throwing ideas around regarding Titans or changing Fleet Doctrines but I have 0 experience and thus cannot make an informed decision based on that. Where I do comment because I could be inclined to try something out I do state I'm not an expert.

Your changes are too far reaching and have such an impact that a little more time in-game and research would benefit you greatly in understanding that. It wasn't meant to be a troll post but I'm sure others with more time will point out where you've impacted the game far too much.
Cade Windstalker
#8 - 2013-08-30 10:05:10 UTC
amsdklwaekwe wrote:

I would join goonswarm if I could but I would doubt they accept noobs? have already joined a CFC alliance/corp but not in the GSF, and yes i'm reading up on suicide ganking.

Concord may not prevent but it does not add much to gameplay, I felt my suggestion might add a bit of a challenge to ganking in high sec and preventing it as you are relatively safe until you hear the alarm sound and you have enough time to prep yourself and giving criminals and high sec alike a chance to run/fight back would add to the thrill of invading a deadly hostile territory and escaping or dying, as much as it is fun suicide ganking would be, challenging fights would be more fun, but I'm guessing If I want that I would stick to low/null sec why should I force a gameplay unto others who do not want it.

The type of gameplay you're looking for already exists in Null Security space which is focused entirely around acquiring and defending territory from enemies.

High Sec does not need these mechanics as they already exist in a better form elsewhere in the game and those that want to be part of them already are.

Since you seem to have reasoned out or been informed as to why this is all a bad idea I suggest you request that a forum admin lock the topic, unless you enjoy repeated notifications that people dislike your ideas. (to do this report your own top post and request a lock stating that you are the thread creator)
Utassi Security
#9 - 2013-08-30 10:06:48 UTC
The removal of CONCORD would mean that the current suicide ganking players or those looking to move towards it just have an easier time.
You say that these pilot would not be able to enter HighSec other than back door means but what happens when they are in there? Without CONCORD punishing them and taking their ships away gank squadrons would just be able to sit in systems ganking away until player forces stopped them.
This sounds great in that players might come together to stop them but the system favours the aggressors more than the defenders.

Now it's my personal opinion that if you want to "fix" Empire you should focus on making it more dynamic. L4 Agents pay too much? have their quality degrade from over use (something we all thought was coming when they announced the removal of quality) here you have a over farming effect meaning players need to choose to move on to greener pastures or continue to work for lesser rewards.
Have the costs and tax for sale, refining, industry, research etc tie into the FW system. If the Caldari State is doing well then they relax the taxes, if they're losing then they need higher taxes to keep the war efforts going. This often sparks the "I don't want other players effecting my gameplay" sorry to say but welcome to EVE (and the real world).

I need to run AFK so will cut this short and post again later.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

#10 - 2013-08-30 10:07:12 UTC  |  Edited by: amsdklwaekwe
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
amsdklwaekwe wrote:
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
will be nearing a month soon
have stayed in low sec for most of my time

I felt that a high sec is a bit too boring and too safe,
bounty hunting as i've read seen and experienced even so little, is essentially useless.

So what's your authority to suggest changes to something you have no experience in? None.

Would it be different if I hadn't specified that? I've seen theorycrafters in plenty of games since day 1, and I was under the impression this is the features and ideas discussion?
Ty for your time.

Sorry, just threw that in there as we see this quite often but as Turelus stated "I would say that because of your lack of experience you don't understand the level of impact some of your changes will have to the game.".

I, personally, wouldn't start throwing ideas around regarding Titans or changing Fleet Doctrines but I have 0 experience and thus cannot make an informed decision based on that. Where I do comment because I could be inclined to try something out I do state I'm not an expert.

Your changes are too far reaching and have such an impact that a little more time in-game and research would benefit you greatly in understanding that. It wasn't meant to be a troll post but I'm sure others with more time will point out where you've impacted the game far too much.

I understand that now, thank you for the response. Eve is quite a unique game and I made a mistake rushing into this, will keep on learning.

Edit: Will keep this thread open if possible I want to hear Turelus responses.
Maximus Aerelius
#11 - 2013-08-30 10:15:10 UTC
amsdklwaekwe wrote:

I understand that now, thank you for the response. Eve is quite a unique game and I made a mistake rushing into this, will keep on learning.

Edit: Will keep this thread open if possible I want to hear Turelus responses.

It's the excitement that gets us all sometimes and it's EVE's uniqueness that has kept me playing for >9.5 years. Welcome to EVE though and I hope to see you maintain an active presence in the forums as we do welcome new ideas and suggestions but from things you know or use. See you around. O7
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#12 - 2013-08-30 12:26:41 UTC

PS. To afraid to post with your main! Lol

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Tobias Hareka
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2013-08-30 13:20:58 UTC
amsdklwaekwe wrote:
Arrow Remove concord, faction navies can still attack criminals but they will have to be initiated by a distress signal from a player and there will be a timer before they arrive counting down and showing.

Many years ago Concord could be tanked. People used that as an advantage.

As far as I know this is the event that forced CCP to buff Concord to their current level of effectiveness:

And no, Concord isn't there to protect. Concord is there to punish those who commit crimes.
Utassi Security
#14 - 2013-08-30 14:42:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Turelus
So after having the forums eat my last post (6000 characters) I will retype this but it will be a little shorter in some points as I am frustrated at having to do this again. apologies.

Firstly I wanted to say to the OP that while we attacked you with saying that because of being new you don't quite understand the dramatic effects some of your ideas might have on EVE this shouldn't stop you posting with ideas which you believe could be beneficial to the game. As a young player you will be looking at EVE in a while different light and might touch on issues from a perspective older players have not considered. That being said understand that with limited knowledge in how some aspects work you may need to concede points sometimes when confronted with evidence which complicates your ideas.

Because of the character limit I will break my reply into two posts the first addressing your thoughts on the Bounty Hunting system pointing out potential flaws and adding in some ideas of my own.

As mentioned above by another poster the old Bounty Hunting (BH) system was broken as rewards could only be claimed from podding the target and the full sum would be claimed.
This lead to a worthless system where bounties were more rewarding to the target than a hindrance. They would wait for the bounties to reach a level where they felt it was worth claiming then jump to an empty clone (via jump clone mechanics) and have an alt or friend pod them claiming the ISK for themselves.

CCP did a good job with the Retribution changes in fixing the above issues where a player would need to lose multiple ships or pods to lose the bounty.
However the system is still somewhat meaningless because even pilots with high bounties and registered in the top ten are not hunted (to my knowledge) and can just fly T1 frigates meaning the hunters have little to gain.
The addition of skills to raise the ISK payouts for bounties isn't a terrible idea but I would rather see this come from a game mechanic rather than more skill training. (note my original post had more talk about skill names and ideas)

A system where the more people placing bounties onto a target would make them more wanted in my opinion makes for a better system. A pilot who has 1billion might be an interesting target for the ISK but if only one player placed that he's not really "most wanted" just "most valuable" I would like to see a system where the more people who place bounties the more would be paid out via a kill, setting up a truly most wanted system. (there would need to be cap here to prevent a return to the old abuse)

I like the idea of contracts for kills and this is something which the player base had put forward as an idea during the years of ideas for fixing the mechanics.
I also like the idea of the PVP missions but would point out the faults in the system. While "go and kill x" seems to work in theory there are other mechanics that could get in the way. Should that player be in HighSec you have no legal way of killing him, and if we change the rules to make bounties lead to killrights this leads to far too much abuse from greifers.
There are also issues with players leaving the game for periods of time or permanently leaving missions unable to be completed.

This isn't to say the idea isn't worth looking into further only that it would require a lot more thought process on how it would be set up.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

Utassi Security
#15 - 2013-08-30 15:28:57 UTC
Moving on to your HighSec too safe ideas.

There are two arguments here which often get confused, HighSec is too safe and HighSec risk vs reward is broken.
As I stated before many players who run around screaming that HighSec is too safe are normally greifers or PVP'ers who simply want easy to gank targets without consequences, HighSec is NOT safe! If someone wants to kill you bad enough there is always a way to do it (assuming you undock).

In regard to HighSec's risk vs reward, then I will agree there is currently an issue and this is what I was touching on in my previous post. Normally ideas for this come in a solid blanket nerf to ISK making via lower bounties, removal of L4 missions etc.

Some of the ideas you posted are nice and have some links into a system I would like to see for Empire. I like an idea where players are more active in the defence of systems and policing Empire however there should also be more content and options for players who become full criminals. I'm not against a system which means more poaching and raiding opportunities in HighSec for pirates but it needs to be balanced past just letting them roam free killing.

I will continue from my post earlier with my personal thoughts on fixing HighSec.
I will be using or expanding on some thoughts and ideas from an article written by Svetlana Scarlet here as I often share her thoughts on the Empire situation. (Link to article: )

Currently I see Empire as a static place, there are agents rated worthwhile and agents rated worthless due to static security status, there are refineries which you should use and refineries which you shouldn't use. As stated by Svetlana in her article currently there is little to no difference between living in the Caldari State than the Gallente Federation.
Now as I mentioned in my last post adding some dynamic systems to HighSec both goes towards making it feel more alive and adding in smaller fluctuating nerfs which would might help fix some of the issues. I will try an list these below as short as I can (running out of characters)

ArrowDynamic Agent rewards based on frequency.
Agents no longer are static in lower sec = more ISK. If an agent is over used they start to lower in quality until you are facing a situation where a 0.7 system is now more valuable to mission in than a 0.5 (unless the agent receives a break) this both nerfs the income from missions which many complain about as well making space seem alive and encouraging players to move around or disperse hubs (which just moved from Motsu to 0.5 systems)

ArrowDynamic tax and charges based on FW control.
Have the levels of tax and charges for services fluctuate depending on how that faction is currently doing in FW. If you want perfect refining then you need to head to a station where the Empire owning it is doing very well (let's say control level four or five) this also gives a boost to NullSec industry in that it's looking more profitable and viable to work outside of these constant fluctuations in taxes (not this would need to be alongside more updates and support for NullSec and is step towards a number of small tweaks rather than a fix)

I'm willing to add more thoughts and continue to develop ideas but for now I will leave it at this.

Turelus CEO Utassi Security

#16 - 2013-08-30 15:49:10 UTC  |  Edited by: amsdklwaekwe
Great post, the article was a good read, ideas like that would be amazing would get everyone involved in faction warfare, maybe even industrialists paying up corps to take over a system.

It would be great if choosing your race to fight for would impact the game more, and I see from the article we have a bit of the same opinion "Remove CONCORD from most systems; replace with faction navies." , although not as drastic as removing them alltogether.

I have requested a lock for this thread now, thanks for the responses everyone.
Horus V
The Destined
#17 - 2013-08-30 16:12:30 UTC
All I know is that 20% is a joke! Not even funny CCP :(


ISD LackOfFaith
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#18 - 2013-08-30 16:54:18 UTC
Locked at OP's request.

ISD LackOfFaith


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

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