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EVE General Discussion

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Eve Valkyrie

First post
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#201 - 2013-08-23 14:39:26 UTC
Plastic Psycho wrote:
Stitcher wrote:

Kahetha - the forum should have saved a draft.

Doesn't always, even though it's supposed to.

although I admit, I'm in the habit of hitting ctrl+a and ctrl+c before I click "post".


Usually I ctrl+a ctrl+x ctrly+v (because in my experience ctrl+c is sketchy and doesn't imminently show it if did or not)
But of course this time I hadn't done that and when I clicked "post", it didn't post but reverted back to the "draft" which was the original full quote I started with before I started writing.Big smile
Steve Ronuken
Fuzzwork Enterprises
Vote Steve Ronuken for CSM
#202 - 2013-08-23 14:48:05 UTC
There's also a firefox plugin called Lazarus form saver. Which might help.

Woo! CSM XI!

Fuzzwork Enterprises

Twitter: @fuzzysteve on Twitter

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#203 - 2013-08-23 15:13:03 UTC
Steve Ronuken wrote:
There's also a firefox plugin called Lazarus form saver. Which might help.

I just had a feature idea for the game - pay off some of another player's bounty by way of saying "thank you" or "you are awesome".

Assuming you have a bounty, of course.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Ishtanchuk Fazmarai
#204 - 2013-08-23 16:27:20 UTC
Kahetha wrote:
Stitcher wrote:
What exactly are you afraid is going to happen to EVE? The game's not about to start slipping backwards from where it is today if some of CCP's devs are working on DUST, and on Valkyrie, or WoD.Let go and be happy.

I had a much nicer post typed out about how I, like many other players, wondered in the early minutes of my EVE experience "How do I leave my ship?" and about how I was very excited when "Ambulation" was later announced and how I fantasized about what an awesome game EVE would be in the future when it's expanded more because I felt like CCP really wanted to bring the ultimate sci-fi space game. But the forum ate it so here's the main point:

I realize TQ most likely can't support OR or make any kind of decent FPS platform. I'm not actually upset that they are releasing these "EVE based" games as sub-games. What upsets me is where I think it's going. Looking at the Avatar Exploration thing that they apparently have demoed. In the post they say things like "It's part of the EVE universe" and "Like DUST514, this part of EVE should contribute to the overall economy as well as supporting its own ecosystem."
This to me says very clearly that Avatar Exploration content will be released in a sub-game.
I hardly think there is something so difficult about Avatar Exploration from a hardware/coding standpoint that they actually need to release it separate but (probably) they are just going to do it anyway because if deals with other developers or whatever reason they have. When this happens they sub-games are effectively detracting from the parent-game, because content that would have worked just fine on EVE TQ is released separately. That is what frustrates me.

And if it doesn't happen with Avatar Exploration it will sooner or later. One could argue, that the jobs performed in DUST/EVR are jobs that - from a more RP standpoint - high and mighty capsuleers wouldn't do anyway, but what decides what content, what in-game tasks/jobs are"worthy" of EVE TQ? Where does the line between sub-jobs and capsuler-jobs go?

Well, one of the reasons why I wanted WiS was to use my EVE characters in it. So a separate game doesn't cuts it. I can't speak for other WiSers as most of them are gone, though.

That's not very relevant now as Waiting is Stupid is gone and anyway I'm already sorting my RP interests through the stories and events at The Greater Fool Bar, a format which certainly allows a lot more creativity than a video game. In my EVE you can use a modified Dual Light Pulse Laser to get rid of a pile of solidifed Nutella... and everything goes.Lol

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an Alpha / And so it's you

Plastic Psycho
#205 - 2013-08-23 16:44:48 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Kahetha wrote:
Stitcher wrote:
What exactly are you afraid is going to happen to EVE? The game's not about to start slipping backwards from where it is today if some of CCP's devs are working on DUST, and on Valkyrie, or WoD.Let go and be happy.

I had a much nicer post typed out about how I, like many other players, wondered in the early minutes of my EVE experience "How do I leave my ship?" and about how I was very excited when "Ambulation" was later announced and how I fantasized about what an awesome game EVE would be in the future when it's expanded more because I felt like CCP really wanted to bring the ultimate sci-fi space game. But the forum ate it so here's the main point:

I realize TQ most likely can't support OR or make any kind of decent FPS platform. I'm not actually upset that they are releasing these "EVE based" games as sub-games. What upsets me is where I think it's going. Looking at the Avatar Exploration thing that they apparently have demoed. In the post they say things like "It's part of the EVE universe" and "Like DUST514, this part of EVE should contribute to the overall economy as well as supporting its own ecosystem."
This to me says very clearly that Avatar Exploration content will be released in a sub-game.
I hardly think there is something so difficult about Avatar Exploration from a hardware/coding standpoint that they actually need to release it separate but (probably) they are just going to do it anyway because if deals with other developers or whatever reason they have. When this happens they sub-games are effectively detracting from the parent-game, because content that would have worked just fine on EVE TQ is released separately. That is what frustrates me.

And if it doesn't happen with Avatar Exploration it will sooner or later. One could argue, that the jobs performed in DUST/EVR are jobs that - from a more RP standpoint - high and mighty capsuleers wouldn't do anyway, but what decides what content, what in-game tasks/jobs are"worthy" of EVE TQ? Where does the line between sub-jobs and capsuler-jobs go?

Well, one of the reasons why I wanted WiS was to use my EVE characters in it. So a separate game doesn't cuts it. I can't speak for other WiSers as most of them are gone, though.

That's not very relevant now as Waiting is Stupid is gone and anyway I'm already sorting my RP interests through the stories and events at The Greater Fool Bar, a format which certainly allows a lot more creativity than a video game. In my EVE you can use a modified Dual Light Pulse Laser to get rid of a pile of solidifed Nutella... and everything goes.Lol
Considering that TQ is already pushed over into TiDi quite often, I wonder at people who so desperately want WiS - One second time hacks are going to make for some pretty jerky movement, and speeding them up won't do the servers any good. Indeed, when you think about all the station-dwelling trade alts and scammers, I'd expect WiS to set TQ on fire.

WiS is not good for the base game. You wanna walk around, it needs to be on a different server cluster, running a different engine.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#206 - 2013-08-23 17:56:19 UTC
I doubt EiS will produce the same kind of server load that causes it to go into TiDi in the first place. We won't be looking at several thousand position, weapons fire, inventory and effects updates per second indoors.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#207 - 2013-08-23 18:31:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Bagrat Skalski
Stitcher wrote:
I doubt EiS will produce the same kind of server load that causes it to go into TiDi in the first place. We won't be looking at several thousand position, weapons fire, inventory and effects updates per second indoors.

Doors in CQ would stay closed if people would take too much oxygen from rooms behind the doors, inside station. Simple.
Gel Musana
LOL a Sticky Situation
#208 - 2013-08-23 19:37:09 UTC
Gogela wrote:
The Spod wrote:
If dust514 is any indicator, Valkyrie will be great in beta. Play it while it lasts, because the release build will scrap everything that works for half of a game.

That's not a fair comparison. DUST fails b/c it's got a small budget and the labor is cheap. I think it's being produced in some kind of sweatshop, personally. There are some major problems in vision and execution, and no one's in a hurry to fix them. I am of the opinion it's put into a 'reduced development' mode, kind of like what they are doing with WoD by giving it a skeleton crew to move it forward just enough to keep it from disappearing altogether.

Valkyrie has some of CCPs best talent going for it, and it's being produced at a far more legitimate shop. The vision and (don't flame me) track record of the devs heading this up is very strong. These are the visionaries from CCP, and I think they dill deliver a hell of a game. The passion they have for the project is clear to me... when these factors combine I really think CCP is going to knock our socks off with this. The technology is on the cutting edge, and after DUST the expectations are SO low, I just can't see how it could go wrong. It's the most optimistic I've been about a CCP project... well... ever.

There is a small detail... how many people do you think have mega bucks to spend on the oculus device? so this is a fail. It can only work if the game works without the oculus thingy. Lots of people are students and people to whom $100 bucks makes a difference at the end of the month. I think CCP need some leader able to take decisions based on facts and validated research.

Ideology  s-h-i-t  list

Bagrat Skalski
Koinuun Kotei
#209 - 2013-08-23 19:47:04 UTC
There is a small detail... how many people do you think have mega bucks to spend on the oculus device? so this is a fail.

First sony with PS3, then rift, I see a strange pattern in it.
NA No Assholes
#210 - 2013-08-23 20:35:56 UTC
Zappity wrote:
Totalrx wrote:
I wonder if it will support TrackIR too?

The Rift already tracks doesn't it?

Yes, but I doubt I'll be buying a Rift. TrackIR is a staple for me after years of flight simming. The way Rift tracks and TrackIR track are different, so hence my wondering if it will be supported.
Epic Ganking Time
#211 - 2013-08-23 22:20:08 UTC
Gel Musana wrote:
There is a small detail... how many people do you think have mega bucks to spend on the oculus device? so this is a fail. It can only work if the game works without the oculus thingy. Lots of people are students and people to whom $100 bucks makes a difference at the end of the month. I think CCP need some leader able to take decisions based on facts and validated research.

Mega bucks? How much was the computer you're responding to me on? How much do you spend on games every year? What's a PS4 run? EvE ain't the cheapest game to play either... The Oculus Rift's target price is $300. That's not mega bucks. That's mega awesome. You can't get a decent snowboard for twice that, and I see plenty of college kids on the slopes.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Inokuma Yawara
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#212 - 2013-08-24 06:36:13 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
Kyt Thrace wrote:
Debora Tsung wrote:
Zappity wrote:
PC please, and preferably not linked to Origin or anything daft.

As currently the Oculus Rift only supports the PC plattform and CCP is it's own publisher and has it's own launcher software, I see no way how EVE-VR may not be for the PC or linked to some craptastic stuff like origin.

Wrong, there are modders out there using the Oculus Rift attached to cell phones & running games.

The best solution for this game to be a HUGE SUCCESS is to make it a mobile platform based game.

I don't even know where to start.

Firstly, Oculus Rift is being designed ONLY for PC. Modders don't really come into it at this point. No games company who already has at least the sense required to build a successful game (read a game that anyone has heard of), would make the mistake of creating a game for the Oculus Rift for a platform that Oculus Rift does not support. It would be like designing music to sound incredible with some new headphone tech for a Raspberry Pi.

As for game being a huge success on mobile platforms. Not this kind of game. Serious games get made for serious platforms. This is not AngryBirds in space.

Arduemont, why you think that a game that started as a tech demo and it's gonna be developed, tested and launched in a bit more than a year, is gonna be complex enough to be deemed "serious"?

The tech demo was just one battle scenario. For it to be a fully fleshed out game, it's gonna need lots of scenarios, missions, different levels of difficulty (for missions), and lots of different scenery. The hard part is already done, that is the stuff that they use to make EVE Online (I watched an interview of the development team). Now it's on to the not-as-hard-part, all of that stuff I listed before. That shouldn't take but a year (cause the hard part's already done).

Watch this space.  New exciting signature in development.

Ubat Batuk
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#213 - 2013-08-24 14:06:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Ubat Batuk
OK, just to clarify a few point for some of the people here:


"The latest version includes Oculus' new 1000 Hz Adjacent Reality Tracker that will allow for much lower latency tracking than almost any other tracker. It uses a combination of 3-axis gyros, accelerometers, and magnetometers, which make it capable of absolute (relative to earth) head orientation tracking without drift.[20][25]
The weight of the headset is approximately 379 g,[26] (an increase of about 90 grams due to the increased screen size) and it does not include headphones." Shocked

"According to Oculus, game integration will begin with PCs and smartphones and be followed by consoles (much later)."

In view of the above how do you expect people to be able to play the game for more than 10 minutes with OR?
The smartphone integration is something cool, and it makes sense. But this is telling me that it's not EVE that is being worked on for mobile devices, but this mini game. Having said that I would love to be able to play EVR on my iPad without OR.

I urge CCP to consider the following in a very short term:

  • Integrate EVR as optional flight mode for your ship where applicable, maybe up to cruiser size only
  • Use the same engine to allow people in EVE to combat on planets surface
  • Add walk in stations and hangars, including boarding ship, inside view of ship, etc
  • Add stations docking and undocking animations (realistic)
  • Improve the hangar view by a number of folds, which is not good enough
Epic Ganking Time
#214 - 2013-08-24 20:07:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Gogela
Ubat Batuk wrote:

  • Integrate EVR as optional flight mode for your ship where applicable, maybe up to cruiser size only

That is a problem. I think EvE ships should be an entirely different class of ships. Fine maneuvering skills aren't particularly useful in our combat system, with the possible exception of bumping. Even then, a barrel roll wouldn't make much difference. I foresee a game ecosystem where it's wide open for tactical gamers... DUST and Valkyrie can storm our ships or harass us with light fighter fire, but if you want to get into a pod and fly the heavy hitters, you need an eve sub. Now that we have the prospect of stick and rudder style flight, I think it's important to distinguish between the kind of combat that is and the kind of combat eve has. Crossing the streams would make the combat systems of both game feel too fake and flakey, imho.

EDIT: Just to be clear, I think a fighter should be able to attack a Caracal, and a Caracal should probably be able to one-shot-blap a fighter (if it can hit it), but I think trying to out maneuver a fighter in a Caracal w/ stick and rudder style flight would be silly and pointless. As with any space sim... the larger ships are practically sitting ducks when stationary... but when they hit their MWD it's tail lights. A fighter simply couldn't keep up.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Caldari State
#215 - 2013-08-26 15:51:33 UTC
At least we will have ship spinning with the OR ,wauw !!!!!!! great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You got what you wanted ,after all the barking the last few years you guys did, CCP attention is on other games.

Well maybe ,CCP is lucky this time.and they can get a new AAA title within the year


Sir Substance
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#216 - 2013-08-30 02:19:40 UTC
Ubat Batuk wrote:

  • Integrate EVR as optional flight mode for your ship where applicable, maybe up to cruiser size only
  • Use the same engine to allow people in EVE to combat on planets surface

  • There are fundamental technical barriers that prevent Valk flight from interacting with eve flight.

    The eve server only sends updates once a second, your eve client makes up whats happening between those updates on its own. Such a system is incompatible with twitch gameplay.

    The beatings will continue until posting improves. -Magnus Cortex

    Official Eve Online changelist: Togglable PvP. - Jordanna Bauer