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Why CCP isn't going to care about current CSM tactics

First post
Vocatio Ad Virtutem
#41 - 2011-09-09 05:25:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Saerathus
The Mittani wrote:
There's always someone who will attempt to feign superior wisdom by prostrating themselves in front of authority, declaring the status quo unchangeable. These are the speedbumps in the way of progress; it is incredibly satisfying when they get run over.

I wasn't aware I was prostrating myself in front of anything. I'm pretty sure I criticized CCP as much as I criticized you. If you just can't handle the fact that an intelligent person gets this perception of how you're behaving from the outside, then I feel for you - nobody likes to have their flaws pointed out - but you're behaving like a child, moreso because you're suddenly attacking me for no good reason. Again, if you think that I, someone that at least plays the game but generally doesn't have his finger on the pulse of the playerbase is incapable of understanding what you're doing, what the hell makes you think you're going to make any impact on CCP in the press when nobody gives a ****?
The Mittani
State War Academy
Caldari State
#42 - 2011-09-09 05:25:24 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Navigator
I'm content to see how it comes down. No need to write so many words.


#43 - 2011-09-09 05:28:00 UTC
Well your first arguments about WoD and DUST are clearly wrong so forgive me if I didn't bother reading the rest of your post.

Incarna demonstrates that WoD is nowhere near ready for release as a game. More worryingly, the inability to move Incarna beyond a single room let alone four individual single player rooms despite missing multiple deadlines shows that as a development platform it is still deeply flawed. Hence, there is still likely a large amount of money required to complete the project and unfortunately a real possibility of failure.

DUST shows significantly more promise. Its very close to release in limited beta, its generating a really good buzz in the games media and potentially its a real winner for CCP. Unfortunately, it relies absolutely on the unique feature of linking to a real time established MMO. Other than that its a run-of-the-mill first person shooter with nothing much to stand out of the crowd of HALO clones.

So basically, without EvE, CCP is screwed. And the customer message they should be getting loud and clear right now is we want more SPACESHIP content, better balance and something new to do IN SPACE. The predominantly male ( and typically older than the average WoW player) does not want dress up-dolls unless we can walk up to them and shoot them in the face.

Please CCP, give us our old game back. Because right now lots of us are very close to giving up and finding something better to do with our time.

Officer Spawn
Caldari State
#44 - 2011-09-09 05:32:00 UTC
Well written and far more true in my opinion then anything the CSM is regurgitating. Decisions have been made years ago regarding resource allocations and millions spent accordingly. A drop in subscribers because of EVE reaching then end of its perceived lifecycle or the appearance of another MMO in the same niche is part of these calculations. Resources for FiS are at the bare minimum where four database updates to change the warp speed of logistics take 6 months and that is not going to change. Less income from subscriptions would only lead to even more resources going away from a dying game to other projects.

Canceling your subscription would also help CCP shift hardware from EVE to WoD by taking servers out of the Tranquility cluster as lower player numbers take up less resources. This fits nicely with time dilution as they can get away with using even less servers for EVE for the remaining playerbase. So if we had X servers for 45.000 online players and this drops to 30.000 they can use 1/3 of the hardware for WoD and by implementing time dilution maye even half of it.

Puppet Mas'ter
The Merchants of War
#45 - 2011-09-09 05:33:49 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
There's always someone who will attempt to feign superior wisdom by prostrating themselves in front of authority, declaring the status quo unchangeable. These are the speedbumps in the way of progress; it is incredibly satisfying when they get run over.

again, quoted for maximum irony

CCP: Madness!!! This is FiS Us: Fis? chuckle (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Us: THIS IS EVE

Vocatio Ad Virtutem
#46 - 2011-09-09 05:35:55 UTC
Puppet Mas'ter wrote:
The Mittani wrote:
There's always someone who will attempt to feign superior wisdom by prostrating themselves in front of authority, declaring the status quo unchangeable. These are the speedbumps in the way of progress; it is incredibly satisfying when they get run over.

again, quoted for maximum irony

Am I doin it rite?
#47 - 2011-09-09 05:41:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Eladaris
Officer Spawn wrote:
Canceling your subscription would also help CCP shift hardware from EVE to WoD by taking servers out of the Tranquility cluster as lower player numbers take up less resources.

I'll agree with some of what you wrote... but CCP is funding at least some of their 600 staffers from the current sub. pool of Eve Online players. If, from your example, the Eve online player base suddenly went from X to Y, we'd certainly expect Dust to die as well. Which means not only has CCP lost a solid cash cow, they've also potentially wasted millions of development dollars on a title that will be stillborn.

That's totally ignoring the fact that every single cancelled sub means less profit for the company, and I'd imagine quite a few companies out there actually care about that.
FadeIN Fr0St
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2011-09-09 05:51:48 UTC
CCP lost the second they thought other games were more important then the one they had. End of story.

Like other companies in the past, they have brought themselves to the point of no return. Finish other crappy games there player base will not play out of spite, (cept the few mono weares that think it is some form of trolling-after spending rl cash to try and do so)

Look at AoC for example. they had Anarchy Online. Had a solid player base. so they gambled on what is now there flag ship game. I dear anyone to log in that game and see how long it takes to get a 6 vs 6 match, or find any open world pvp that dose not involve killing a lvl 50 with a lvl 80 before he logs never to return.

Look at funcoms forums, bet not one person from AOC will ever play TSW, cept the few that love to buy crap with rlm rather then earning it.

Not to mention the 1000000000000000000000000000 other problems Funcom has created with there games.

Any one every wonder why the companies. Like what CCP is becoming never have a lasting product after taking this dive. Box sales start to drive these companies. Not "excelance"

I feel so bad for the good devs left. they are about to be rail roaded.

Hope it dose not end like this, will always play eve till, I am the one logged in. Or miss the server closing while taking a break.

"All hail Wang ... the little fella in Command. When 'trouble' starts to spread, I'm sure he will rise to the occasion."

Azahni Vah'nos (Best reply ever)

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#49 - 2011-09-09 05:56:12 UTC
Love the post. Got me to think about some things I've never considered. Here's to hoping the winter expansion clears up some of the drama, and that DUST is as good in reality as it is in my head.

White Tree and Mittani:

Seriously guys? I'm not a regular forum denizen; this is literally the first set of CSM posts I've read. Under the current circumstances I'm sure all of this has many people high-strung, but what is your average player (i.e. me) supposed to think when they see responses to the playerbase like this? On the surface, it appears to be the exact same kind of attitude CCP's management is being accused of at the moment.

Having said that, I've personally yet to witness another MMO incite this kind of passion and dedication. If there's one thing all this drama proves, it's that people certainly give a damn around here, regardless of stance.

Have a beer on me. I know I will...

Occasionally plays sober

Meryl SinGarda
Belligerent Underpaid Tactical Team
#50 - 2011-09-09 05:56:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Meryl SinGarda
The Mittani wrote:
I'm content to see how it comes down. No need to write so many words, Mr. Latin Guild Name.

Woah. Did you just say guild?

The Mittani wrote:
I'll just come back to this thread when the drama ends, one way or another, to either smug at you or concede defeat.

For the sake of the game, let's hope I get to mock you relentlessly for being both uninformed and wrong. Since you'd never heard of me before this drama, much like the badposter who has never heard of Burn Eden, my bet is on mockery.

And you assume that people should care who or what certain corporations are, I'm guessing, judging from the posted link, due to massive amounts of kills? Just like your over-inflated ego believes the average player should know who you are.

Please CCP, remove this fool from the chair that he holds and let someone who actually knows the game outside of Nullsec take his place.

Wait, I should rephrase that.

Let someone who has the interest of all players take his place. You know, a person that, while holding their own opinions, won't make suggestions that contradict the playstyle of thousands of other people, just to satisfy your own wants.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#51 - 2011-09-09 06:01:43 UTC
Very good post and thread, I actually read the whole thing thus far.

I know very little about "nullsec" politics and all that (I'm just a missionrunning carebear),
but I've read and seen enough to wonder how on earth "The Mittani" got to be a spokesperson for the CSM..
#52 - 2011-09-09 06:14:12 UTC
Jett0 wrote:
Love the post. Got me to think about some things I've never considered. Here's to hoping the winter expansion clears up some of the drama, and that DUST is as good in reality as it is in my head.

White Tree and Mittani:

Seriously guys? I'm not a regular forum denizen; this is literally the first set of CSM posts I've read. Under the current circumstances I'm sure all of this has many people high-strung, but what is your average player (i.e. me) supposed to think when they see responses to the playerbase like this? On the surface, it appears to be the exact same kind of attitude CCP's management is being accused of at the moment.

I'm not going to waste any effort on defending mitten's trolling, but if white tree is bound under a NDA to... err... Not Disclose something... then there has been an agreement to... Not Disclose things. Don't know how else to word that, ya know?

CCP's management gets to decide what they do and don't disclose... and ironically they get to decide what white tree can't disclose. Seeing a pattern?
Meryl SinGarda
Belligerent Underpaid Tactical Team
#53 - 2011-09-09 06:22:38 UTC
Eladaris wrote:
Jett0 wrote:
Love the post. Got me to think about some things I've never considered. Here's to hoping the winter expansion clears up some of the drama, and that DUST is as good in reality as it is in my head.

White Tree and Mittani:

Seriously guys? I'm not a regular forum denizen; this is literally the first set of CSM posts I've read. Under the current circumstances I'm sure all of this has many people high-strung, but what is your average player (i.e. me) supposed to think when they see responses to the playerbase like this? On the surface, it appears to be the exact same kind of attitude CCP's management is being accused of at the moment.

I'm not going to waste any effort on defending mitten's trolling, but if white tree is bound under a NDA to... err... Not Disclose something... then there has been an agreement to... Not Disclose things. Don't know how else to word that, ya know?

CCP's management gets to decide what they do and don't disclose... and ironically they get to decide what white tree can't disclose. Seeing a pattern?

I think you missed the post in another thread where White Tree attacks the playerbase and calls everyone nerds.
Richard Hammond II
#54 - 2011-09-09 06:24:23 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
I'm content to see how it comes down. No need to write so many words, Mr. Latin Guild Name.

ok right thread

why is it every time Mittani trolls my opinion of the CSM falls?
They really need to reign in his mouth lol
The CSM that talk and are helpful and stuff keep getting cut off at the knees every time he posts.
Unless ofc its as Mittens says an theyre really a united front and the bile Mittens talks is really what they think

Goons; infiltration at its best - first bob... now ccp itself. They dont realize you guys dot take this as "just a game". Bring it down guys, we're rooting for you.

#55 - 2011-09-09 06:25:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Eladaris
Meryl SinGarda wrote:
Eladaris wrote:
Jett0 wrote:
Love the post. Got me to think about some things I've never considered. Here's to hoping the winter expansion clears up some of the drama, and that DUST is as good in reality as it is in my head.

White Tree and Mittani:

Seriously guys? I'm not a regular forum denizen; this is literally the first set of CSM posts I've read. Under the current circumstances I'm sure all of this has many people high-strung, but what is your average player (i.e. me) supposed to think when they see responses to the playerbase like this? On the surface, it appears to be the exact same kind of attitude CCP's management is being accused of at the moment.

I'm not going to waste any effort on defending mitten's trolling, but if white tree is bound under a NDA to... err... Not Disclose something... then there has been an agreement to... Not Disclose things. Don't know how else to word that, ya know?

CCP's management gets to decide what they do and don't disclose... and ironically they get to decide what white tree can't disclose. Seeing a pattern?

I think you missed the post in another thread where White Tree attacks the playerbase and calls everyone nerds.

JettO's pissed because the CCP management attacked the playerbase and called us nerds? Damn, I guess I totally did miss the point. I figured it was because CCP management refuses to disclose things, and white tree pretty much did the same thing in this very thread.

Meryl SinGarda
Belligerent Underpaid Tactical Team
#56 - 2011-09-09 06:26:09 UTC
Eladaris wrote:
Meryl SinGarda wrote:
Eladaris wrote:
Jett0 wrote:
Love the post. Got me to think about some things I've never considered. Here's to hoping the winter expansion clears up some of the drama, and that DUST is as good in reality as it is in my head.

White Tree and Mittani:

Seriously guys? I'm not a regular forum denizen; this is literally the first set of CSM posts I've read. Under the current circumstances I'm sure all of this has many people high-strung, but what is your average player (i.e. me) supposed to think when they see responses to the playerbase like this? On the surface, it appears to be the exact same kind of attitude CCP's management is being accused of at the moment.

I'm not going to waste any effort on defending mitten's trolling, but if white tree is bound under a NDA to... err... Not Disclose something... then there has been an agreement to... Not Disclose things. Don't know how else to word that, ya know?

CCP's management gets to decide what they do and don't disclose... and ironically they get to decide what white tree can't disclose. Seeing a pattern?

I think you missed the post in another thread where White Tree attacks the playerbase and calls everyone nerds.

JettO's pissed because the CCP management attacked the playerbase and called us nerds? Damn, I guess I totally did miss the point. I figured it was because CCP management refuses to disclose things, and white tree pretty much did the same thing in this very thread.


Er, I was talking about the CSM White Tree. Guess I should've edited that quote.
Kengutsi Akira
#57 - 2011-09-09 06:27:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Kengutsi Akira
ThisIsntMyMain wrote:

Incarna demonstrates that WoD is nowhere near ready for release as a game. More worryingly, the inability to move Incarna beyond a single room let alone four individual single player rooms despite missing multiple deadlines shows that as a development platform it is still deeply flawed.

You know whats really sad? CCP showed us they CANT do what STO can

How sad is that?

Meryl SinGarda wrote:

Er, I was talking about the CSM White Tree. Guess I should've edited that quote.

what theres two white trees?

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Vocatio Ad Virtutem
#58 - 2011-09-09 06:32:45 UTC
Eladaris wrote:
Meryl SinGarda wrote:
Eladaris wrote:
Jett0 wrote:
Love the post. Got me to think about some things I've never considered. Here's to hoping the winter expansion clears up some of the drama, and that DUST is as good in reality as it is in my head.

White Tree and Mittani:

Seriously guys? I'm not a regular forum denizen; this is literally the first set of CSM posts I've read. Under the current circumstances I'm sure all of this has many people high-strung, but what is your average player (i.e. me) supposed to think when they see responses to the playerbase like this? On the surface, it appears to be the exact same kind of attitude CCP's management is being accused of at the moment.

I'm not going to waste any effort on defending mitten's trolling, but if white tree is bound under a NDA to... err... Not Disclose something... then there has been an agreement to... Not Disclose things. Don't know how else to word that, ya know?

CCP's management gets to decide what they do and don't disclose... and ironically they get to decide what white tree can't disclose. Seeing a pattern?

I think you missed the post in another thread where White Tree attacks the playerbase and calls everyone nerds.

JettO's pissed because the CCP management attacked the playerbase and called us nerds? Damn, I guess I totally did miss the point. I figured it was because CCP management refuses to disclose things, and white tree pretty much did the same thing in this very thread.


JettO is pointing out that the CSM delegates that have posted in this thread seem to be expressing the same kind of attitude that they accuse CCP of. To put it ironically, he's remarking on tone, not substance.

Meryl is pointing out that you missed the thread where White Tree calls the playerbase nerds, not CCP.

I'm the one that was asking White Tree to inform me about what I was wrong about. White Tree invokes NDA. It's super effective.
Tactical Farmers.
Tactical Farmers
#59 - 2011-09-09 06:39:19 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
There's always someone who will attempt to feign superior wisdom by prostrating themselves in front of authority, declaring the status quo unchangeable.

Kinda reminds me of someone 3 months ago all up in the videos with CCP saying how everything was just mis-communication.

Barricade Dark
#60 - 2011-09-09 06:39:37 UTC
Long post, with a lot of interesting topics, far to broad to reply to all at once, but the one that caught my attention was.

"CCP needs us to finance their other games/CCP is killing their golden goose" - No, they don't. Don't deceive yourselves, the people that believe this. DUST and WoD have already had the bulk of their development costs paid for, they don't NEED Eve Online to remain running at its current level to keep from going out of business, and I would bet that they don't NEED Eve Online revenues at all to keep from going out of business. Does anyone here that knows how corporations work really think that CCP would embark on -two- CapEx projects simultaneously without being able to afford it? Do these people think that they were just spending every dollar that came in over the last 8 years? Even if Eve-O were to go offline tomorrow, even if they didn't have as much money as they thought they would need, they are a studio that has shown positive growth for 8 years, they will have NO problem getting funding to finish it from banks or investors. That being said, anyone that knows how corporations work also knows that CCP wouldn't just turn off Eve-O if it were making them money. Not only that, but I know myself that devs care about their own work, and as members of the CSM have said on multiple occasions the devs at FiS Central are as passionate about their game as they ever have been, and they have no desire to see Eve-O crater.

Actually their is substantial data already available thanks to various leaks at CCP that prove this to be very incorrect, quite to the contrary starting next month (October) CCP is already in over their heads and they will be unable to pay their loans without taking out more loans. WoD and Dust are two projects severly dependent on Eve Online for revenue because these projects where created and are being developed on borrowed money, so much of it that making the loan payments requires continued success and revenue from Eve to manage. More importantly is that DUST and WoD are very far off in terms of release, WoD's development has barely even got of the ground and DUST has been in the works since 2009 and they still have almost nothing to show us at all in terms of gameplay.

Eve is not only a central part of CCP's financial hopes, but a make it or break crutch. If Eve fails, the other two projects will collapse on their own weight and in fact you could say given that they are unable to pay their bills that they have already failed to manage the situation. Add to that the current economic plight world wide and the fact that DUST and WoD are both incredibly ambitious projects, coupled with a continued mishandling of their one and only source of cash and what you can is a pending disaster of epic proportions.

I think your analysis here is really off on this one.