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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Noob question - How to buy a new ship?

First post
Cridhe Standfast
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-08-27 21:03:55 UTC
I'm running the Sisters of Eve epic arc. I'm about half way and am using a Catalyst destroyer. I've been reading ahead in some different places and it seems that I'll need a least a cruiser to finish the arc. Where and how do I buy a new cruiser, probably a Vexor? What's the deal with "navy issue"? Thanks for any advice and/or info.
NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#2 - 2013-08-27 21:18:07 UTC
Open the Market (Alt-R) and just search for Vexor and it will show you what price and where you can get them Smile
Elena Thiesant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-08-27 21:20:49 UTC
You buy new ships on the market.

Alt-R opens the market, make sure that the drop down top-left is set to Region, not system, and do pay attention as to where the item is that you're buying. Also check the pre-requisites, make sure you can use the items before you buy them.

Navy ships (faction ships) are more powerful than the normal ships of that class and a lot more expensive.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#4 - 2013-08-27 21:20:51 UTC
Cridhe Standfast wrote:
I'm running the Sisters of Eve epic arc. I'm about half way and am using a Catalyst destroyer. I've been reading ahead in some different places and it seems that I'll need a least a cruiser to finish the arc. Where and how do I buy a new cruiser, probably a Vexor? What's the deal with "navy issue"? Thanks for any advice and/or info.

Off the market. (the icon is a blue profit graph)

If you can't see cruisers for sale in your region theres a few things to check before you fly to a different one

is the "show available" box checked (its at the bottom left)

on the [Settings] Tab
there 3 check boxes at the bottom, the 1st
limit by skills, when checked will only display items for sale that you currently have the skills to use
ISD LackOfFaith
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#5 - 2013-08-27 21:23:28 UTC
"Navy Issue" versions of ships are usually "super" versions of their base hulls, which cost several times more. They're not really worth it unless you have both the personal experience and in-game skill-points to push them to the limit, in which case they are awesome.

You should probably stick to the regular Vexor, or the Thorax if you prefer guns to drones.

ISD LackOfFaith


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to Eve Mail or anything other than the forums.

Thomas Builder
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-08-27 21:25:15 UTC
A) As everything in EVE: on the market.

0. Inform yourself about the different ships so that you know which one you want and what's a fair price for it.
1. Open the market
2. Search for ship you want
3. Validate that the price is fair
4. Buy it
5. (Repeat for the modules you want to use)
6. Fly to the station where the ship is
7. Board the new ship

B) ALTERNATIVE: In Contracts

If you just want the ship, use the market. But if you want the ship and rigs, you can find a better deal using contracts. When someone puts a ships on the market, all the rigs in it are destroyed. (Rigs are like modules, but unlike modules they cannot be removed.) However, you can sell a ship with its rigs in contracts. So you might find a contract for the ship and the rigs you want for less than it would cost to buy them on the market.

But be extra careful that the contract actually includes the ship, as some people create scam contracts. E.g. they name it "Gnosis with rigs" which contains the rigs and a piece of Gneiss (a mineral), but no Gnosis. Other variants exist, always use "Show info" on everything in the contract to make sure that it is what it claims to be.

C) Other stuff

- A "Navy issue" ship is a different ship. It is usually an improved version of the "normal issue", although rarely it has a completely different role. It also tends to be much more expensive than the normal version. (5x - 10x)
- A normal cruiser will cost around 10 millions ISK (depends on the model)
- Although its easier in a Cruider, the Sister arc can be completed in a Destroyer.
Jonathan Peak
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2013-08-27 21:43:47 UTC
Thomas Builder wrote:
- Although its easier in a Cruider, the Sister arc can be completed in a Destroyer.

Quoting in case you missed it, OP. A blaster fit Catalyst can easily get through the SoE arc, and the fit will probably be much cheaper than fitting a cruiser. I was able to finish it even using only seven blasters with a salvager fitted in the eighth slot. :P

EVE University's Wiki article contains a fit that will probably work. Look at for a basic idea.

Of course, moving up to a cruiser is fine, though depending on fit and skills you may actually get more DPS from the Catalyst (though of course the cruiser will be able to tank damage for a while longer). In any case, you'll probably want to shoot for Fitting window DPS in the mid-100's at least.
Cridhe Standfast
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-08-27 22:37:18 UTC
Thanks everyone for your advice.
I appreciate that you have taken the time to help me out.
Ruby Pyrenne
#9 - 2013-08-28 13:49:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Ruby Pyrenne
Cridhe Standfast wrote:
I'm running the Sisters of Eve epic arc. I'm about half way and am using a Catalyst destroyer. I've been reading ahead in some different places and it seems that I'll need a least a cruiser to finish the arc. Where and how do I buy a new cruiser, probably a Vexor? What's the deal with "navy issue"? Thanks for any advice and/or info.

Hi Cridhe, no you do not need a Cruiser to do so.

I ended my SoE arc a few days ago, when I was a mere 3 or 4 days old.

I used a Catalyst Destroyer with Blaster guns in the highslots,
An Afterburner, a Capacitor booster ( for being able to repair my armor constantly ) with Cap charge 100's in the midslots.
A small repairer, and some tank modules in the lowslots.

Orbit at 500 meters, keep your repairer active, toggle your afterburner on and off if you need some more capacitor and you should be able to best him.

Slowly, but surely.

NOTE: I had no rigging skills, or anything fancy. Just maintain orbit and shoot! :) part III posted @ 12 sept 2013

Celeste Taylor
Ruby Dynasty
#10 - 2013-08-29 02:04:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Celeste Taylor
The only point where you might have a bit of difficulty with a destroyer is the Dagon mission at the end. The first time I did it with my first three characters were with Catalysts as well. The first time was a pretty slow grind with a couple of station dockings for repairs. The second character had enough money to buy a nicer fitted ship with faction ammo and he went down a bit faster.

Since then I tend to do the SOE arc with random T2 cruisers (at least 25m3 drone bandwidth) fitted with MWD and let my light drones do most of the work. I'm not sure if the missions are faster in them or a well fitted destroyer since the last time I piloted a destroyer was before the Dragoon or Algos were introduced.
Trudeaux Margaret
University of Caille
#11 - 2013-08-29 03:49:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Trudeaux Margaret
I wasn't able to finish the arc in a destroyer, but I was fairly lost in general when I first started this game, so there's that. I put it on hold until I could fly a Caracal with good missile skills, and then I went back and smashed Dagan's face in. It felt good.

Everyone progresses at a different pace, so if you find yourself stalled out on Dagan or elsewhere, take a short break, figure out what skills you need to train to correct the problem, then try again. The mission arc does not expire, unlike other missions, so you can do something else for a while and return to it.

> anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course?

> grr goons, lowsec is full of elitist sh*s, all roads lead to the bittervet pl

Nerath Naaris
Pink Winged Unicorns for Peace Love and Anarchy
#12 - 2013-08-29 20:44:21 UTC
Celeste Taylor wrote:

Since then I tend to do the SOE arc with random T2 cruisers (at least 25m3 drone bandwidth) fitted with MWD and let my light drones do most of the work. I'm not sure if the missions are faster in them or a well fitted destroyer since the last time I piloted a destroyer was before the Dragoon or Algos were introduced.

If you are experienced enough so that the SoE has become routine, I would advise doing the Arc with an Assault Frigate: Since you travel around so much, fast alignment and double the warp speed of a T1 ship are invaluable here and it has enough firepower to bring down Dagan in a few minutes.

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Je suis [?]

Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#13 - 2013-08-29 23:35:44 UTC
there's always plan B

don't solo Dagan, form a fleet with someone and then melt his face

afaik it was CCP's intention for newer pilots to fleet up for Dagan
they just never said as much in the ingame descriptions

(in the same way the Industry Career Agent doesn't mention you need the skill Industry 1 to do any of the 'make this' tasks)
Critical Mass Inc
#14 - 2013-08-30 15:01:21 UTC
One thing that the SOE arc needs is a bit of a refresh because fast kiting long-range missile destroyers can almost do this while sleeping.

On a related note, there are usually people in the area that are willing to help out with an SOE mission for a new player.

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