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Is there a reason NOT to bookmark off scan results?

Riel Saigo
#1 - 2013-08-25 15:03:25 UTC
Hi guys. I do a lot of scanning and anomaly work, as well as exploring wormholes and such. When I scan down an anomaly, I often bookmark it - in case I need to bug-out and come back later or whatever. Sometimes they make convenient safespots for later too - after they've been cleared and despawned.

But a comment on the wormhole forum recently got me wondering if this is a bad idea:

"Another good one was when a pod warped to a remote BM of a HS hole i happened to be sitting on in my proteus.
Instead of warping off he decided to slow boat to the hole to jump so i made his trip a bit faster.
Got to love people who BM off scan results :)"

So, what's he mean? Is there a different way I should be bookmarking here?
Trudeaux Margaret
University of Caille
#2 - 2013-08-25 15:24:54 UTC
Riel Saigo wrote:
Hi guys. I do a lot of scanning and anomaly work, as well as exploring wormholes and such. When I scan down an anomaly, I often bookmark it - in case I need to bug-out and come back later or whatever. Sometimes they make convenient safespots for later too - after they've been cleared and despawned.

But a comment on the wormhole forum recently got me wondering if this is a bad idea:

"Another good one was when a pod warped to a remote BM of a HS hole i happened to be sitting on in my proteus.
Instead of warping off he decided to slow boat to the hole to jump so i made his trip a bit faster.
Got to love people who BM off scan results :)"

So, what's he mean? Is there a different way I should be bookmarking here?

No, these are not safe to bookmark for use as a safe spot. Safe spot bookmarks should only be made via the method of dropping along warp paths that are not aligned to gates, stations, pocos, etc.

If you have to leave and bookmark them to return while you're clearing them, come back in at a max range and keep hitting d-scan like crazy - and be prepared to warp off, because really, most of the time, there's going to be someone waiting for you. It's better to assume so, anyway.

Of course never slow boat to a WH entrance -- or a gate or a station -- like the fellow in the pod described in the post quoted. Shocked I can only assumed that player got panicked and couldn't of think what else to do. If you find yourself in a dangerous situation and too far to warp or jump to your intended destination, you should warp to a celestial instead of slowboating. The sun is the fastest and simplest place to get to -- then immediately pick another celestial and warp there at a distance other than 50 or 100.

> anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course?

> grr goons, lowsec is full of elitist sh*s, all roads lead to the bittervet pl

Daniel Plain
#3 - 2013-08-25 15:34:38 UTC
the comment you quoted refers specifically to the bad practice of bookmarking wormhole signatures instead of first warping to the wormhole and then bookmarking it. a bookmark from the scanner is always a few km off the actual object, so the pod in question landed too far away to instantly jump through. the pilot then made the mistake of just approaching the wormhole instead of warping out and waiting until the hostile was gone.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Trudeaux Margaret
University of Caille
#4 - 2013-08-25 15:54:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Trudeaux Margaret
Daniel Plain wrote:
the comment you quoted refers specifically to the bad practice of bookmarking wormhole signatures instead of first warping to the wormhole and then bookmarking it. a bookmark from the scanner is always a few km off the actual object, so the pod in question landed too far away to instantly jump through. the pilot then made the mistake of just approaching the wormhole instead of warping out and waiting until the hostile was gone.

Well yeah, this, too.

Make an unaligned safe spot. From this spot, warp to your wormhole bookmark (or stargate) at 100km or so and drop a temporary bookmark. Warp back to the unaligned safe, then warp to the temporary bookmark you just made at over 50km -- 100km or so is better, and drop another bookmark.

From this distance you will immediately jump through rather than slowboat to your wormhole or stargate.

> anyone willing to give me like a 5 min politics crash course?

> grr goons, lowsec is full of elitist sh*s, all roads lead to the bittervet pl

Riel Saigo
#5 - 2013-08-25 20:33:13 UTC
OK, that makes sense.

I didn't know the scanned location deviated so much. Thanks.
Lord Battlestar
Atrox Urbanis Respublique Abundatia
#6 - 2013-08-26 03:35:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Lord Battlestar
Trudeaux Margaret wrote:

No, these are not safe to bookmark for use as a safe spot. Safe spot bookmarks should only be made via the method of dropping along warp paths that are not aligned to gates, stations, pocos, etc.

I agree partially...

While signatures are not completely safe they do make handy bounce spots, which you can use to bounce between multiple ones to prevent someone from getting an easy bead on you. Of course just warping to the bookmark at 10-100km with a cloak will make you relatively safe as long as someone doesn't warp the same distance and from the same direction.

The best safespots are those in which are not within directional range of any celestial, as they make it much harder to get a bead on you as they can't risk putting out combat probes until they know what celestial you are near, and by removing the directional scanner from the equation that makes it much harder to do that. So you will have more time to get out as soon as you see probes on your own directional scanner.

I once podded myself by blowing a huge fart.

Ayase Kusoni
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#7 - 2013-08-26 21:09:45 UTC
Lord Battlestar wrote:
The best safespots are those in which are not within directional range of any celestial, as they make it much harder to get a bead on you as they can't risk putting out combat probes until they know what celestial you are near...

Can you elaborate a little on the risk involved in deploying combat probes? What risk?
Sin Pew
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2013-08-27 05:53:44 UTC
Combat probes can scan for ships.

He meant: deploying combat probes while in dscan range. When you explore in hostile space, dscan is the most important tool to have an idea of your surroundings. There's local in null, but it only tells you someone else is in the system and local is delayed in wormholes, so it tells nothing unless someone babbles while you're there.

A good scanner, will likely deploy his probes further than 14AU away from his target, so the probes aren't spotted, then get an idea of the target's location with dscan, when the location is somewhat precised, he'll bring the probes in a short radius, scan and take them away. If he's got a 100% sig, the probes would only have been visible for 5 seconds or so, and he will land on you.

With a cloaky scanner, you can have no other early warning to GTFO than those few seconds the probes will appear on your dscan, so hammer it down like you got parkinson.

[i]"haiku are easy, But sometimes they don't make sense, Refrigerator."[/i]

Riel Saigo
#9 - 2013-08-27 17:51:12 UTC
Well, I do know that when you are in a wormhole, launching your scanning probes is basically a great way to announce to all the alert people in the system that "I am here."

This can get ugly if the local dwellers decide to camp stealth bombers on all the exits out of the wormhole system.
Anuminas Alland
Aspergus Carebearnaise
#10 - 2013-08-27 18:07:36 UTC
Riel Saigo wrote:
Well, I do know that when you are in a wormhole, launching your scanning probes is basically a great way to announce to all the alert people in the system that "I am here."

This can get ugly if the local dwellers decide to camp stealth bombers on all the exits out of the wormhole system.

If this happens and you're unable to call in a fleet to take on the bombers, find a spot in deep space, at the edge of the system, and log out "safely"; hope they leave and that your way home is intact when you log back in.

If you log back in and your exit is gone, probe for your new one, take your chances going through and make your way home. Hopefully, it won't be 45 jumps. And hopefully the WH side won't still be camped.

Worst case scenario, your ship gets destroyed and you get the pod express back home.

This is just what I'd do. I am not a WH dweller, but I hope someday to be. The character is new, and I am training skills and racial ships that I believe will benefit her most in full-time WH life.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2013-08-31 09:48:13 UTC
If you bookmark a wormhole signature from the scan window, you will land about 10 kilometers off. Jumping range is 5 kilometers.

"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik