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Empire Faction Balancing

Willy Eckerslike
Wealthy Tax Fugitives
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#1 - 2013-08-24 18:24:47 UTC
I am in the process of trying to balance out my Empire faction standings. I have trained the relevant Social skills to Lvl 4 for now and am left with the current approximate adjusted standings:

Minmatar +2
Gallente +1
Caldari +0.5
Ammar -0.5

I would ideally like to try to keep them balanced but get them all rising to above +5. This is a long term aim. My question on achieving this is:

If I were to run 16 x Lvl 4 missions and a Storyline for one of the Minmatar corps, then repeat the process for an Ammar corp would the net effect be to raise all of them? This assumes I decline any mission which is against one of the relevant main factions.

On a recent Storyline, after completing a series of Lvl 3 missions for Ammar, I noticed that the changes were:

Ammar +0.11
Caldari +0.7
Gallente -0.2
Minmatar -0.6

Or does the net faction change alter the higher they are? ie Once the standings approach +5 will the loss start to outweigh the gain?

I already intend to begin on The Plan to get those standings kick started. I can currently run Lvl 4s for three different Minmatar corps and one Ammar corp, which is why I ask. I don't really want to go and grind Lvl 2s and Lvl 3s in both Gallente and Caldari space if I can avoid it, but it is an option.
Archibald Thistlewaite III
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Miners
#2 - 2013-08-24 19:05:36 UTC
All storyline missions (for the 4 main factions) will increase standings for 2 factions and decrease standings for 2 factions. Fortunately the decrease is less than the increase, so you can go back and forth doing the storylines to increase standing to all 4 main factions.

I'm not sure if you will be able to get them all above 5 though.

User of 'Bumblefck's Luscious & Luminous Mustachio Wax'

State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-08-24 19:10:25 UTC
EVE's best resource for faction standing information:

Don't forget that, if you're looking to do it over a long term, you can always cycle through the epic arcs. It is possible, over a very long time period, to get high standings with all 4 major factions and no negative standings at all.



Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2013-08-24 20:48:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Swidgen
You'll only be able to balance out all 4 at around +4 or so on a regular steady-state basis. Which isn't all that bad, really, because if you need to spike one way up (to anchor a POS for example) that's doable without completely tanking the opposing faction standing. Then once your POS is anchored you swiitch to doing missions for the other side and re-balance them all in the +4-ish neighborhood.

The factions like and dislike each other in subtle ways. There are a couple of different charts floating around that show the inter-faction standings. I was using this one for a long time but recently heard that while generally accurate, it does have some bad numbers in a couple of spots. This one is supposed to be better, but personally I don't like's page styles and their information, in general, seems to be out of date.
Willy Eckerslike
Wealthy Tax Fugitives
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#5 - 2013-08-24 23:15:20 UTC
Thanks for the responses guys. Much appreciated.

So if I were to get them up to around +4, then recycle through the epic arcs to get them above +5 they should stay there if I were to decline any mission that would impact the 4 major factions and decline all Storylines?

The Repair Plan looks good and looks like it will keep me occupied for quite some time. It suggests that once the standings are up, then cycling through all four factions would keep it balanced but I guess that the balance point isn't as high as +5?
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#6 - 2013-08-25 03:00:50 UTC
Willy Eckerslike wrote:
Thanks for the responses guys. Much appreciated.

So if I were to get them up to around +4, then recycle through the epic arcs to get them above +5 they should stay there if I were to decline any mission that would impact the 4 major factions and decline all Storylines?

The Repair Plan looks good and looks like it will keep me occupied for quite some time. It suggests that once the standings are up, then cycling through all four factions would keep it balanced but I guess that the balance point isn't as high as +5?

If you're meticulous it's higher than that. DMC is sitting at over 5 with all empire factions and over 6 with Amarr and Caldari.
Bureau of Astronomical Anomalies
#7 - 2013-08-25 03:15:03 UTC
2 years doing the epic arcs for each faction every 90 days has me at;

Gallente 8.18
Minmitar 7.78
Caldari 6.18
Amarr 5.82

I started out with tanked Amarr standings (-3.??) so it has taken longer to fix. An alt of mine has 6.0 give or take .20 across the board in just over 18 months by alternating agents and doing the Epics every 90 days as well.

Things that keep me up at night;  Why do we use a voice communication device to send telegraphs? Moore's Law should state, Once you have paid off the last PC upgrade you will need another.

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2013-09-13 20:57:54 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Goldiiee wrote:
2 years doing the epic arcs for each faction every 90 days has me at;

Gallente 8.18
Minmitar 7.78
Caldari 6.18
Amarr 5.82

I started out with tanked Amarr standings (-3.??) so it has taken longer to fix. An alt of mine has 6.0 give or take .20 across the board in just over 18 months by alternating agents and doing the Epics every 90 days as well.

Is that base standings or standings modified by Social skills?

If it's base standings then gratz.

Zhilia Mann wrote:
Willy Eckerslike wrote:
Thanks for the responses guys. Much appreciated.

So if I were to get them up to around +4, then recycle through the epic arcs to get them above +5 they should stay there if I were to decline any mission that would impact the 4 major factions and decline all Storylines?

The Repair Plan looks good and looks like it will keep me occupied for quite some time. It suggests that once the standings are up, then cycling through all four factions would keep it balanced but I guess that the balance point isn't as high as +5?

If you're meticulous it's higher than that. DMC is sitting at over 5 with all empire factions and over 6 with Amarr and Caldari.

Yeah, that shows my base standings. Modified standings are much higher.

I could have the base standings much higher. I will say that after completing all level 3 and lower Empire Event Agents, my standings were all above +6.00 across the board. After completing an equal amount of level 4 Event Agents for the Factions, my standings were close to equal and above +7.00 standing.

However, I decided to complete all Empire Event Agents which basically became a drastic standings 'tug of war'. It ended up having Amarr and Caldari sitting really high above +8.00 standing with Gallente and Minmatar down below +4.00 standing. Took some time to bring them all back close to being equal again.

The reason for that is due to Amarr and Caldari having a lot more Level 4 Cosmos Agents. CCP definitely needs to balance the amount of Event Agents available per Faction.

Anyway, years ago I made a claim that players could have Empire standings above +7.00 standing by working 'The Plan'. I still stand by that statement. In fact, over time players could actually get Empire Factions up close to +10.00 standing, thanks to the Epic Arcs.

Ginger Barbarella
#9 - 2013-09-13 22:33:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Ginger Barbarella
Zaxix wrote:
EVE's best resource for faction standing information:

Don't forget that, if you're looking to do it over a long term, you can always cycle through the epic arcs. It is possible, over a very long time period, to get high standings with all 4 major factions and no negative standings at all.

I agree... OP, send DMC a message in-game for some thoughts if The Plan doesn't answer your questions (assuming he doesn't post in this thread). He's the go-to guy for this kind of stuff. Big smile

Edit... Aaaaaand he's already posted in here! :)

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Kethas Protagonist
Protagonist Ventures
#10 - 2013-09-14 05:49:10 UTC
Willy Eckerslike wrote:
Or does the net faction change alter the higher they are? ie Once the standings approach +5 will the loss start to outweigh the gain?


I was wondering the same thing a few years back and solved it.

TL:DR the highest steady-state standing you can get with all four empire factions is 4.44 before Connections.