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Ccp make drone sites worth scanning

blair Vyvorant
Shifting Sands Trader Cartel
Dead Pixels Inc
#1 - 2013-08-23 15:30:06 UTC
There's one of these each week but yeah doesn't that mean you should take more of a interest? I don't know any person who does drones sites in lowsec anymore, maybe increase the sec status you gain from killing them or add more materials or loot to drops , I for one don't care about the drone regions so those could be a lowsec only idea but it just lets you do more exploration wise as such as what oddessey was a focus for and it would add more pvp potentialPirate
Lee Saisima
#2 - 2013-08-23 15:32:48 UTC
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2013-08-23 15:46:51 UTC
You get sec by killing drones?
blair Vyvorant
Shifting Sands Trader Cartel
Dead Pixels Inc
#4 - 2013-08-23 15:53:22 UTC
Benny Ohu
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2013-08-23 15:59:18 UTC
Oh, I went into a drone site once.

Once. Straight
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-08-24 09:44:33 UTC
Here is a little secret: They are already far worth it if you know what to do.

"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik

Domanique Altares
#7 - 2013-08-24 11:42:00 UTC
Lugia3 wrote:
Here is a little secret: They are already far worth it if you know what to do.

They're never worth it, unless you need something to do besides slit your wrists. Even the salvage is generally garbage.
Bad Girl Posse
#8 - 2013-08-24 12:28:37 UTC
Domanique Altares wrote:
Lugia3 wrote:
Here is a little secret: They are already far worth it if you know what to do.

They're never worth it, unless you need something to do besides slit your wrists. Even the salvage is generally garbage.

The only validation to a drone plex is, you lose the racial bias toward salvage.

Alloyed trit bars in Amarr or armor plates in Caldari space. Drone commander loot is useless. Yea they are pretty underwhelming.

R.I.P. Vile Rat

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2013-08-24 17:34:21 UTC
Domanique Altares wrote:
Lugia3 wrote:
Here is a little secret: They are already far worth it if you know what to do.

They're never worth it, unless you need something to do besides slit your wrists. Even the salvage is generally garbage.

I was joking about there being some profitable secret. Anyway, they really could use a buff.

"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik