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Kill right on a Hulk miner

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-08-16 08:25:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Mgalugn
So that guy decided that he didn't like me bumping him, and he came back with a Tornado and got concordokken trying to shoot at me.

That was pretty hilarious, and he missed me btw.

But now I have this perfectly good Killright on him, and I saw him mining in a Hulk today.

However, I don't really feel like shooting him mahself, I'm not good at these things.

He lives in Derelik, usually around Jarizza, I will locator him for you, and give you the killright for free, all I ask is that you link me the killmail.

Let the tears flow.
William Walker
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#2 - 2013-08-16 08:37:38 UTC
Wow that is easy peasy. Give it to me I'll do it when I am at home. Please, pretty please.

ヽ(⌒∇⌒)ノ へ(゜∇、°)へ (◕‿◕✿)

Ifly Uwalk
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-08-16 08:38:17 UTC
Mgalugn wrote:
... I came back with a Tornado ... I don't really feel like shooting him mahself ...

sounds legit
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2013-08-16 08:43:35 UTC
I meant he came back with a Tornado

edited the first post, and William, just message me ingame.
Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#5 - 2013-08-16 10:18:48 UTC
Straight got a killright on him.


You saw him in a Hulk later on....check.

Annnnnd....instead of grabbing a frigate or destroyer (Catalysts are traditional in cases like this), activating the killright and blapping come here and try to give it away for free.


I give up, what's the scam?

Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Shederov Blood
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
#6 - 2013-08-16 11:30:12 UTC
Mike Adoulin wrote:
I give up, what's the scam?

OP claims to be giving the killright away for free, but then tries to sell it to you for [Dr. Evil]One million dollars![/Dr. Evil]

Who put the goat in there?

Archibald Thistlewaite III
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Miners
#7 - 2013-08-16 13:23:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Archibald Thistlewaite III
Mgalugn wrote:
So that guy decided that he didn't like me bumping him, and he came back with a Tornado and got concordokken trying to shoot at me.

That was pretty hilarious, and he missed me btw.

But now I have this perfectly good Killright on him, and I saw him mining in a Hulk today.

However, I don't really feel like shooting him mahself, I'm not good at these things.

He lives in Derelik, usually around Jarizza, I will locator him for you, and give you the killright for free, all I ask is that you link me the killmail.

Let the tears flow.

Killrights last for 30 days or until they are activated and a ship or pod is destroyed. You could activate the killright and ransom him, honour the ransom. Then do it all over again every day for 30 days.

User of 'Bumblefck's Luscious & Luminous Mustachio Wax'

Aln 'Al-Talib' Hasin
#8 - 2013-08-16 17:28:47 UTC
I'll be your Huckleberry...
Tinker Vuld
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2013-08-17 07:04:45 UTC
Surely this killright has been cashed in, update please OP? - study it, live it, breathe it, for The Code shall set you free.

#10 - 2013-08-17 08:13:14 UTC
Mgalugn wrote:
So that guy decided that he didn't like me bumping him, and he came back with a Tornado and got concordokken trying to shoot at me.

That was pretty hilarious, and he missed me btw.

But now I have this perfectly good Killright on him, and I saw him mining in a Hulk today.

However, I don't really feel like shooting him mahself, I'm not good at these things.

Let the tears flow.

So you got a killright on him but are too scared to attack his hulk?

Those flowing tears you mention are probably from that hulk guy from laughing so hard about this.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.

Marlin Spikes
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2013-08-17 08:33:02 UTC
Mgalugn wrote:
So that guy decided that he didn't like me bumping him, and he came back with a Tornado and got concordokken trying to shoot at me.

That was pretty hilarious, and he missed me btw.

But now I have this perfectly good Killright on him, and I saw him mining in a Hulk today.

However, I don't really feel like shooting him mahself, I'm not good at these things.

He lives in Derelik, usually around Jarizza, I will locator him for you, and give you the killright for free, all I ask is that you link me the killmail.

Let the tears flow.

I'm amazed this post is even in here. Grow a pair and kill the fail carebare miner yourself... What the heck are you doing wasting my time reading this. Someone please tell me he's trolling us!

Bombers Rule!!!

Mgalugn Corporation
#12 - 2013-08-18 19:04:51 UTC
my main just got banned for a week sooo I can't keep you informed on the state of things, William Walker is on the job, lets hope he catches the guy!

Aaaand yeah I never shooted at anyone yet so I didn't want to mess things up, better let the pro handle it.
Archibald Thistlewaite III
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Miners
#13 - 2013-08-18 19:07:13 UTC
Mgulagn wrote:
my main just got banned for a week

Now thats a more interesting topic. What did you do?

User of 'Bumblefck's Luscious & Luminous Mustachio Wax'

The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#14 - 2013-08-19 00:47:36 UTC
Archibald Thistlewaite III wrote:
Mgulagn wrote:
my main just got banned for a week

Now thats a more interesting topic. What did you do?

Archibald Thistlewaite III
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Miners
#15 - 2013-08-19 06:05:53 UTC
The Greenmachine Greenmachine wrote:
Archibald Thistlewaite III wrote:
Mgulagn wrote:
my main just got banned for a week

Now thats a more interesting topic. What did you do?


The Riddler?

User of 'Bumblefck's Luscious & Luminous Mustachio Wax'

William Walker
Dark Venture Corporation
Kitchen Sinkhole
#16 - 2013-08-19 07:40:20 UTC
Mgulagn wrote:
my main just got banned for a week sooo I can't keep you informed on the state of things, William Walker is on the job, lets hope he catches the guy!

Aaaand yeah I never shooted at anyone yet so I didn't want to mess things up, better let the pro handle it.

I'd have it done too if the super dangerous hulk miner in question was in my TZ.

ヽ(⌒∇⌒)ノ へ(゜∇、°)へ (◕‿◕✿)