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EVE General Discussion

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Are there any famous people that play EVE Online?

Pj Harvey
Red DUST Industries.
#101 - 2013-08-18 14:36:08 UTC
I'm a semi-famous musician from England
Archibald Thistlewaite III
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Miners
#102 - 2013-08-18 14:58:11 UTC
Pj Harvey wrote:
I'm a semi-famous musician from England

Are you PJ & Duncan?

User of 'Bumblefck's Luscious & Luminous Mustachio Wax'

#103 - 2013-08-18 15:18:25 UTC
Here. I am famous as hell. In fact I often hear people say that I am hell.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Lothian Enterprises
#104 - 2013-08-18 15:50:43 UTC
Tollen Gallen wrote:
Kirjava wrote:
I'm in here. Most of you probably haven't heard of me but in the LAGL thread... Blink

Fixed that for ya Big smile

Egads what have you done? the Public will be all over me!

Also, how you been, you never visit anymore Cry

[center]Haruhiists - Overloading Out of Pod discussions since 2007. /人◕‿‿◕人\ Unban Saede![/center]

Sylveria Relden
#105 - 2013-08-18 15:56:09 UTC
Muad 'dib wrote:
Chribba wrote:
ACE McFACE wrote:
Ifly Uwalk wrote:
SLJ on Letterman:

Dave: "So, what do you like to do in your spare time, y'know, between shoots?"
SLJ: "I like to play EVE Online. You play EVE Online?"
Dave; "I don't even kn..."



If only a drake could fit in a crane...

Here's my illustration.


^ so full of win

TL;DR If you didn't read the entire post perhaps you're probably ADHD. (seek help)

Just Lilly
#106 - 2013-08-18 16:10:30 UTC
Only Jon Snow would know...

Powered by Nvidia GTX 690
Tollen Gallen
Glory of Reprisal Enterprise
#107 - 2013-08-18 17:08:00 UTC
Kirjava wrote:
Tollen Gallen wrote:
Kirjava wrote:
I'm in here. Most of you probably haven't heard of me but in the LAGL thread... Blink

Fixed that for ya Big smile

Egads what have you done? the Public will be all over me!

Also, how you been, you never visit anymore Cry

After that night/morning in the Fools Bar....I..

Zimmy Zeta - I f*cking love martinis. the original ones, with gin, not that vodka martini crap. Your old Friends can use me for 7 days, free!!!

I Love Boobies
All Hail Boobies
#108 - 2013-08-18 17:18:04 UTC
I doubt anyone famous would admit to it because if they were found out, they would be gank bait 23.5/7. Lol
Anna Hathaway
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#109 - 2013-08-18 18:49:41 UTC
I Love Boobies wrote:
I doubt anyone famous would admit to it because if they were found out, they would be gank bait 23.5/7. Lol

I would totally not admit to being Catherine Zeta Jones.
Death Reign
Asset Liberators
#110 - 2013-08-18 19:00:41 UTC
Gogela wrote:
I'm really Bill Clinton.

Don't tell my wife.

Because that went so well for you the first time.
Tara Read
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#111 - 2013-08-18 22:15:01 UTC
Sending pictures of my ****. Only 500m boys.
Lothian Enterprises
#112 - 2013-08-18 22:53:02 UTC
Tollen Gallen wrote:
Kirjava wrote:
Tollen Gallen wrote:
Kirjava wrote:
I'm in here. Most of you probably haven't heard of me but in the LAGL thread... Blink

Fixed that for ya Big smile

Egads what have you done? the Public will be all over me!

Also, how you been, you never visit anymore Cry

After that night/morning in the Fools Bar....I..

Ah we weren't that drunk.... I think...

[center]Haruhiists - Overloading Out of Pod discussions since 2007. /人◕‿‿◕人\ Unban Saede![/center]

Amarr Empire
#113 - 2013-08-18 23:08:58 UTC
I'm Tommy Wiseau

Send me isk im poor

Irsam Samri
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#114 - 2013-08-18 23:49:49 UTC
I havn't heard of any for EVE. Robin Williams played DAOC and I had the chance to group with him on a few occasions.
Peter Raptor
Galactic Hawks
#115 - 2013-08-18 23:51:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Peter Raptor
Jennifer Lawrence is in my corp.

Stop suicide ganking Jen!

The Dalai Lama signing off


The Amarr Empire, is known for its omnipresent religion  †  

The Greenmachine Greenmachine
Green's Bicycle Shop
#116 - 2013-08-19 00:39:32 UTC
Nightfreeze is and always will be the most famous. Even if you don't know the name you do now. Amen
Lee Saisima
#117 - 2013-08-19 10:47:24 UTC
I *might* be someone famous Cool
Well, YOLO so here is your clue: are you a Belieber? Blink
Brewlar Kuvakei
Adeptio Gloriae
#118 - 2013-08-19 10:52:38 UTC
Do adult entertainers count? Because there is this chick called Mint Chip.

YOLO on this forum.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2013-08-19 10:57:11 UTC
Pj Harvey wrote:
I'm a semi-famous musician from England

Wait.... Are you the actual PJ Harvey?
I wouldn't call you semi-famous, more just awesomely famous in the right circles.

erm... hey
Ministry of Furious Retribution
#120 - 2013-08-19 14:45:37 UTC
Getting tired of non-verifiable claims of irl fame itt (apart from the man of steel ref)

An olympic skiier: