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Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#41 - 2013-08-08 18:28:49 UTC
Why do I have the feeling we're about to gather rivers of tears and rage from special snowflakes?

I predict showers, tropical rains like and tsunamis of tears. I can smell it from here and already tastes good.

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Kaiser Acosta
Cranberrie knuckles
Mordus Angels
#42 - 2013-08-09 06:10:03 UTC
Solutio Letum wrote:
Truly how hard is it for you guys to get sitter alts?

And if I don´t want to have an alt or want to wait until I have skill trained a toon that can fly in a super?
Darling Hassasin
Parental Control
Didn't want that Sov anyway.
#43 - 2013-08-09 07:44:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Darling Hassasin
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
Darling Hassasin wrote:
Well I feel perhaps I should state the obvious here...

There is an Elephant in the room and it is My 5 million EHP Nyx playing docking games with your poor fleet... It is where bait gets renamed treat.

Elephant? Really?

Forcing a NYX (or any other super cap) to redock may not get you a kill mail, but it still effectively removes the Nyx from what ever engagement they where trying to get to. Station Games and station camping are BULLSHlT. Complaining that any super able to dock can not be killed on station when it undocks is pathetic. It is like spawn camping, and is more akin to grieving than PVP.

Allowing supers to dock may encourage more players to fly, or at least own supers. But it would also encourage more super pilots to dock their supers and fly something else.If you want supers out of the game, or at least less of them around, allowing them to collect dust docked in stations will do that, without generating any rage from the super pilots.

That being said I do not believe supers should be able to dock just any where. I would say one or two special stations in each region. This would not only allow supers to dock, but make those specific stations strategic assets worth fighting over. A great conflict driver.

For sovereign null sec where the only stations are outposts, I would say add a very expensive advanced upgrade that will allow the outpost to serve as a docking point for supers. Limit this to one or two per region. First Outposts to receive this upgrade lock out every other outpost in the region from getting it. They become the most valuable stations in the region. They become stratigic staging points, as well as primary targets when invading that region. This will force those installing the upgrade to plan ahead and make sure it is in an outpost, in the best defensible, strategic location.

I really believe this would do far more good than harm.

Are you clueless? Have you never played docking games???

The engagment it will be trying to get to will be just outside the station and it will/could kill half your fleet before you force it to redock... Did you miss the memo about the 4 million ehp?
Hemmo Paskiainen
#44 - 2013-08-09 10:32:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Hemmo Paskiainen
Kaiser Acosta wrote:

Hey Hemmo ... Long time no speak o/

Hi m8, how are you doing? Yes i quitted eve. After all these years, the fun stuff we did, i am kinda done with it. Liquified everything, just checking the forums once in a while, ditch some isk in investments and keep my 3 accounts free subscriped and skilled for the next 49856 months :P

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#45 - 2013-08-14 14:54:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
Darling Hassasin wrote:

Are you clueless? Have you never played docking games???

The engagement it will be trying to get to will be just outside the station and it will/could kill half your fleet before you force it to redock... Did you miss the memo about the 4 million ehp?

Docking games are part of the problem, not the solution.

Yes supers are very strong and very hard to kill. They also take months to build, and years to properly train into. Why would someone invest so much time and resources to get into a ship if it was easy to gank? Are they OP? Sure, when compared to the average ship, but not when you consider what it takes to get into one. Supers are not the problem. The problem is the power block coalitions and huge alliances that can mass produce them.

When supers were added to the game they were expected to be rare due to the resources required to build them. The thought was there would be only a hand full of Titans and MOM's in all of new eden at any given time. But players are more resourceful than that, and that artificial cap did not last long. Now they are over powered, not because they are not balanced to the effort and resources they require, but because they are to common. So what? We should nerf the hell out of them?

What happens to all the characters that have put the time into training for Titans and MOM's if they are nerfed into nothing more ship transporters and portable jumpbridges? Screw them, is not an acceptable reply. Most of those players have been dedicated loyal subscribers for a very long time. The solution has to work for them as well, not just the players crying about them being OP. There is no perfect solution to this issue. But are they really such a problem when the alliances that actually use them in combat are fighting other fleets of supers? Can they be brought into line without completely gimping their utility?

I say leave supers as they are, and buff dreads to kill them easier. If dreads had a special bonus, that was only effective against supers, like say a damage bonus that scales up that larger the signature radius of what it is targeting is. This may require an increase in the signature radius of supers to prevent dreads from blapping MWD battleships or other dreads, and carriers. Have it balanced so they do less damage than now to battleships,(dreads can still blap battleships which many consider a problem) do the same damage to capital ships and POSes as they do now, but 4 times the damage to supers with this new bonus. Such a change would also help make Citadel Cruise missiles and Torpedoes more viable. Currently even a Titan can speed tank a Citadel Torpedo to the point of taking not more than half damage from it. This should not be possible. As big as a Titans signature radius is, it is still far to small. Citadel Torpedos should be hitting a Titan fro full damage no matter how fast it is going. They are not fast ships, they are huge, it should be impossible to not score a good hit.

The point is, supers are not the ultra rare, one man fleet they once were. They are far more common, and far more disposable then they were ever expected to be. They need to be balanced as such. However simply nerfing them into uselessness is a real slap in the face for the long time loyal players that most of the super pilots are. If allowed to dock a lot of super pilots will simply fly something else unless their super is needed. If the dreads were buffed for combat against supers it would make them more vulnerable, and thus less OP for fleet battles, Which should again lead the them being used less. the impact of supers can be reduced in this way, without actually gimping their utility.
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#46 - 2013-08-14 16:48:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Sergeant Acht Scultz
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
However simply nerfing them into uselessness is a real slap in the face for the long time loyal players that most of the super pilots are

It's common knowledge super carrier and titan pilots for the major part of those are brought characters on Toons Bazaar or specifically trained characters for that purpose which doesn't take so many years as you say.

Super capitals are way too powerful on their own and no SP claims on top of regular carrier justifies such a huge jump in combat abilities or survivability, nor does resources needed to build it because if those were a problem we wouldn't see as many like we see.
Battles like Asaki while interesting for pub because of the number of players involved has most importantly shown how much overpowered those ships are. Once you get enough of them on the field, no matter how much dps you bring you can't kill them, and this is a true problem that needs to be solved for the greater good of the game and players fun.

Dreads are the new battleship thing, able to blap BSs carriers POS etc but then gets slaughtered by super carriers and titans, carriers are nothing but crunchy under dreads and supers teeth so what are the options left? -huge buff to regular carriers and dreads?
I wouldn't ask more than be able to field 30 fighters actually doing some dmg and it would still be 1/3rd (+/-) of a super dps (12K Nyx but seems can do a bit more) and far away behind Dreads.
But then we would be adding a new problem, 5 or 6K DPS carriers (random number out of my ass) playing docking games and become next numbers game ""

Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:
Liquified everything, just checking the forums once in a while, ditch some isk in investments and keep my 3 accounts free subscriped and skilled for the next 49856 months :P

Come back once you took a good break from Eve, this is often the good way to restart having fun. Meanwhile I could use some of that important internet spacebux, just say'in Cool

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Kaiser Acosta
Cranberrie knuckles
Mordus Angels
#47 - 2013-08-21 04:55:11 UTC
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:
Kaiser Acosta wrote:

Hey Hemmo ... Long time no speak o/

Hi m8, how are you doing? Yes i quitted eve. After all these years, the fun stuff we did, i am kinda done with it. Liquified everything, just checking the forums once in a while, ditch some isk in investments and keep my 3 accounts free subscriped and skilled for the next 49856 months :P

That´s like 49856 x 550.000.000 = 27.420.800.000.000 ISK Shocked
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#48 - 2013-08-28 15:39:36 UTC
Solutio Letum wrote:
Truly how hard is it for you guys to get sitter alts?

The fact that sitter alts are not only used but pretty much a requirement for super pilots only shows how serious this problem really is.

Using a sitter alt to basically dock your super while its pilot does something else is a work around, not a solution.

The solution is to have a means to dock them. Restricted is fine. As I suggested limit it to only 1 or 2 stations per region. In SOV null have a very expensive advanced upgrade for outposts that will allow supers to dock there. But limit it to 1 per region. This makes that out post more strategic, and will serve as an additional conflict driver.

If supers not being able to dock is a game balance issue, that they must not be allowed to dock, then using sitter alts is an exploit to get around that mechanic. To enforce that mechanic so then your pod should be permanently fused into the ship when you board it. The only way out is death when the ship gets destroyed. Sitter alts should not be an option, as this makes the gap between the have's and the have not's even bigger.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#49 - 2013-08-28 15:44:16 UTC
Kaiser Acosta wrote:
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:
Kaiser Acosta wrote:

Hey Hemmo ... Long time no speak o/

Hi m8, how are you doing? Yes i quitted eve. After all these years, the fun stuff we did, i am kinda done with it. Liquified everything, just checking the forums once in a while, ditch some isk in investments and keep my 3 accounts free subscribed and skilled for the next 49856 months :P

That´s like 49856 x 550.000.000 = 27.420.800.000.000 ISK Shocked

he said 3 accounts, so that is 49856 x 3 x 550,000,000 = 82,262,400,000,000 isk worth of PLEX. over 82 trillion isk.
Logical Chaos
Very Italian People
The Initiative.
#50 - 2013-08-28 18:53:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Logical Chaos
FT Diomedes wrote:
Nerf their EHP until it is merely twice a regular carrier, remove E-War immunity, then make them able to dock in a station.

Not the worst Idea due to the fact they have received a tremendous hit anyway by not having regular Drones anymore.

Angelique Duchemin wrote:
The game doesn't really need further motivation to field supers. People are already doing it.

If they could dock then people would just start ratting in them and that would open up to a whole new level of douchbaggery.

I can only roll my eyes so much at rating capitals.

Yeah ratting with Fighters rox! It's not like normal Carriers are a zillion times better due to the supremeness of Sentry Drones.
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#51 - 2013-08-29 14:46:46 UTC
Logical Chaos wrote:
Yeah ratting with Fighters rox! It's not like normal Carriers are a zillion times better due to the supremeness of Sentry Drones.

Saw a Thany fit for sentries clearly out of whack, while the out of the box thinking make it interesting for specific situations there's one soon to come with some modules changes that will make them station docking games nasty over anything expected once some start realizing what they can achieve with.

Carriers should be given either the same restriction like supers (only fighters) or get their bonus apply to all drones but not able to fit drones modules and rigs.

Just an opinion.

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Logical Chaos
Very Italian People
The Initiative.
#52 - 2013-08-29 17:40:09 UTC
14 Garde Archon with Cap Sentry rigs and some proper fitting does 1514 DPS with no downtime due to traveling.

Thannie with 14 Fighters does 1750, which would mean it is the same if Fighters apply their DPS 86% of the time (leaving only 14 for travel).

Nyx with 24 Fighters does 3000 DPS so if they apply their DPS 50% of the time it equals the Ratting Archon worth less than 1/10th of the Nyx.

I did some Sanctums right after the Mothership-Nerf to Fighters only and the worst thing is that Fighters do not enter MWD speed if two targets are too close to each other (too close meaning a few kilometers). Instead they slowboat around. 50% damage uptime is generous. Basically it goes like this: Oneyvolley target -> slowboat around -> Onevolley target -> slowboat around.

And imo the solution would have been the following: People whined about Motherships having endless drones and they were correct. But instead of removing the ability to fit normal drones completely they should have given them like a 500 m3 drone bay for normal drones and a fighter bay for the Bombers. But people wanted that supers get nerfed super hard because people dropped them on anything.
Red zeon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#53 - 2013-08-29 23:09:32 UTC
wait, did that guy above me just compare nyx for a ratting carrier?
also, would supercarriers be able to dock, they would be gamebreaking op.
(i have a nyx, ive solo hotdropped with it, do you know how fast a carrier dies?)
i mean you could sit outside a lowsec kickout station, cap/shield or armor transfering a vigilant for example without risking **** (exept maybe the vigilant at some point) any subSuper you could pretty much kill before they turn around, and would someone hotdrop 5supers on you, deagro and just dock after a minute. hell, 28million effective hitpoints will last a while.

would it be awsome if all lowsec systems would have a super outside?
Ersahi Kir
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#54 - 2013-08-30 06:17:03 UTC
I don't think some people realize how gamebreaking it would be if people could stockpile supers like they do dreads and carriers. Do you honestly think it would be better if the big blocks had a hundred super pilots each with 200-300 supers stockpiled just in case they lose those?

I know everyone wants to have a super they can show off to their in game girlfriend for e-sex, but having the game turn into a stockpile arms race isn't going to make the game better, it's going to make it worse. That's why most of the people from the big blocks are so against this idea. Committing a supercap to the field should be an important decision, being able to reship immediately lessens the impact making bad decisions.

And being able to dock up means it opens up insurance, which would be bad.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#55 - 2013-08-30 15:18:51 UTC
So if supers could only be docked at 1 outpost in the region, a large null sec alliance could have a stock pile of 300 supers sitting in that station. OK , I see how this could be a bad thing. But if an attacking force was to make that station their primary target and capture it, then they would be locked out of that stock pile until they reclaimed the outpost. There would be both advantages and disadvantages to this.

How many super pilots do not have sitting alts? How many of them would not take this as a chance to get out of their super and fly something else? Would this not lead to less supers being active in the game? A super that is docked collecting dust, is just an asset, not an active threat. If this was done there would be a lot less complaints when supers are nerfed even more when they get their balance pass.

Every super pilot that does have a sitter alt, that sitter alt is basically a private dock that can be used to hide the ship anywhere. Is that not far more game breaking than knowing exactly what station those supers are docked at. Hell, sitter alts would still be used just for that purpose, to hide the supers where the enemy cannot find them, or lock them down. Having a single station/outpost per 0.0 region (none in low sec) where they could dock would be less game breaking than sitter alts ARE NOW.

I are not talking about letting them dock at any station, but only 1-2 stations per NPC 0.0, and only 1 outpost per Sov 0.0. The outpost one would be a very expensive, advanced upgrade, and the first outpost to get one installed would lock out every other outpost in the region from installing it. A single station per sov region. Hell if that is not good enough, since supers can only be build in Sov 0.0 do not have any stations in NPC 0.0 where they can dock. Upgraded outposts only, and only one per region. This would not be game breaking as any null sec alliance that benefits from this would at the same time be putting their super fleet at risk of being locked down if that outpost is captured.

Look at this from both sides, not just the benefits it would have for those that can dock supers, this would bring added risk and penalties as well.

This would not only let super pilots dock their ships and fly something else, it would make those outposts where they can dock strategic locations, that need to be defended. An alliance could not simply move that home base to another location if the war is not going well. You defend that station with every thing you have, because if it is lost, your super capital fleet could be locked down. When invading another alliances space, that outpost would be a primary target. If you can capture it you can seriously cripple your enemies. This would become a strategic target, and a great conflict driver. After all more conflict drivers mean more PVP, and that is what everyone is here for is it not?
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#56 - 2013-08-30 19:39:07 UTC
Ersahi Kir wrote:
I don't think some people realize how gamebreaking it would be if people could stockpile supers like they do dreads and carriers. Do you honestly think it would be better if the big blocks had a hundred super pilots each with 200-300 supers stockpiled just in case they lose those?

I know everyone wants to have a super they can show off to their in game girlfriend for e-sex, but having the game turn into a stockpile arms race isn't going to make the game better, it's going to make it worse. That's why most of the people from the big blocks are so against this idea. Committing a supercap to the field should be an important decision, being able to reship immediately lessens the impact making bad decisions.

And being able to dock up means it opens up insurance, which would be bad.

Perhaps if it was combined with a limit to the number of supers that can be built. Maybe add a component to the BPO,s for all supers that is only available as a loot drop. Then CCP could control the super population, or at least available replacements by controlling that drop rate.

The cost of building supers has not been the deterrent it was supposed to be to keep them rare. Controlling how many can be built thru other ways is the only real way to control their numbers. Large alliances would be able to stock pile the sub components, but could not build they actual ships until they acquired that limited component. Those limited drop components could be rare enough that they could bring a crazy high price, putting the cost of building a super back into the prohibitively expensive bracket they were meant to be in. If they could not be readily replaced, they would not be committed to the fight as willingly.

Of course, if supers were to become so expensive that they were only kept for special occasions, that is even more reason why they should be allowed to dock, and let the pilot fly something else.
Lord Hawkwing
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#57 - 2013-08-30 21:06:38 UTC
Kaiser Acosta wrote:
I don´t fly a supercarrier.

The only reason is, that it´s not possible to dock in stations with them.

Wouldn´t it be an idea to have specific stations, where supercarriers could dock in.

I predict that more people would fly supers.

Just an idea.

Now if the stations can be destroyed...
Ersahi Kir
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#58 - 2013-08-30 21:23:45 UTC
Supers either need to be removed or they need to stay as they are. I'm not sure why you're on a crusade to change how they work, but most super owners realize how broken they are and how terrible they are for the game. Considering the people that own the largest number of supers (the big blocs) pretty much all agree that they're bad and aren't championing this idea should be a real wake up call that something is amiss with supercap balance. If you disagree with this statement then realize that most of the CSM's receive most of their votes from focused big bloc voting, and as far as I know not a single one has suggested buffs to supers.

As far as more general comments, stop going on about sitter alts. I honestly don't know very many people that use sitter alts, they usually create a focused super alt that is only trained to fly the specific super they're planning on using. Supers really aren't that hard to train for because you get to avoid a lot of the training time sinks, most notably gunnery, missiles, and most of the spaceship command skills. That keeps your main clear of all the clutter skills so they can focus on the more enjoyable subcap fights.

If however you could convince CFC, NC, and PL to support this change then I am wrong. But I don't think I am.
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