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So how's Odyssey exploration panning out?

CMD Ishikawa
New Eden Public Security Section 9
#21 - 2013-08-11 08:53:24 UTC
The new system is better than before, I agree that exploration is easier now, but that's the idea when you want new players join that part of the game.

Scanning used to be a tedious task and very repetitive, that is gone now.

It would be awesome if something could be made about the market prices of exploration stuff, but I'm pretty sure they'll let it flow at its own pace.

The hacking minigame idea is not bad, but now that I've spent some time playing it gets boring and repetitive.

About the spawning containers, well it's kind of exciting trying to get most of the cans.

And again ... Thanks for the new animations CCP...!!!
Holgrak Blacksmith
Prophets of Motav
#22 - 2013-08-11 08:54:48 UTC
I've been running data/relic sites in angel 0.0. I have the skills for these sites trained to lvl 2 - That's 2 hours of training time, and I DO NOT fail to beat the mini game, even with these terrible skills. That seems to be a problem. Surely null sites should need pretty decent skills to have any chance of popping the loot piƱata. Perhaps making it so you only get one chance at the mini game, rather than 2, would make it slightly more challenging and require better skills.
Ashina Sito
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2013-08-14 04:37:59 UTC
Toddfish wrote:

With the new system scanner people now know there is something (don't know exactly what) to scan for without dropping probes. Pre-Odyssey I could scan systems with nearly constant ratting and find DED sites because nobody bothered to take the time to scan them down. Now once a new cosmic signature pops-up on the system scanner someone knows to drop probes and find it. I also think since more people are running around looking for data/relic sites, they are finding the DED sites as well.

This killed exploration for me. I went wild with probing when they announced the removal of DSP. I did not realize that the auto scanner would have a far greater impact. The month or so before the patch I made 20-30 billion ISK doing exploration. Now, I don't even bother to log in and check. It is rare that I find sites of any type and even rarer to find something worth bothering to do, at least from a making ISK perspective. I was making about 500 million ISK per hour, now am about 40 million ISK per hour doing the same strategy in the same place with the same people around. Only difference was the expansion.

Ah well, lots of sites and good drops so I am set for ISK for a long time still. Time to find another cash cow.

Talemecus Valta
#24 - 2013-08-14 08:40:45 UTC
The only really good thing about the exploration now is the wormholes.

Here you can find a null sec wormhole and make good money, faster travel routes around EVE, and do sleeper sites in W-Space.

To make any real money from exploration any where else than null, you have to hoard your stuff. By holding onto the stuff you get from relic sites, you can create a demand where you are and you get a huge hit of ISK when you sell them.

Talemecus Valta, PVP Cannon Fodder, Valta Industries.

Willie Horton
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#25 - 2013-08-14 09:25:03 UTC
CMD Ishikawa wrote:
The new system is better than before, I agree that exploration is easier now, but that's the idea when you want new players join that part of the game.

This change hurts more new players than old ones.
Before change new player could go and do radar site in high sec and make in best case 30 mil.Now he will get a lot less than that.

Exploration was niche not something like lvl 4 missions.Removing effort from scanning is not helping any new players,it is just giving them some content that is not special like it was before ,and that way they are earning way less than before this changes.

Now all those new guys are farming line nuts for nothing,while ship prices are going up .

Exploration atm is utter crap compared how it was before.

Only good thing about it is that players go more to null sec and get killed,so more targets.
seth Hendar
I love you miners
#26 - 2013-08-14 14:32:14 UTC
Mnemosyne Gloob wrote:
Yes but why is stuff from 5/10 and 6/10 (invul not that much) also going down then? Are c-type the trend setters? Is lowsec affected the same (with easier scanning, probably)? I wish i was a market analyst really ;)

because it is so damn easy to scan down everything, everyone now run those sites.

also, the spawn rate of those sites seemed to have increased post odyssey.

so more of those mods available => price dropping.

i used to do exploration daily, i don't even boter login my explo alt anymore, not worth it.

i did a little test, a 2 day toon scan anything 100%, and does it faster than my well trained alt, clearly CCP broke the whole thing.

now, the only thng i want from CCP, is that once i set this **** sensor overlay on OFF, it doesn't pop evry time i jumpa a gate or undock, exploration doesn't exist anymore in this game so why should i see this?
Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#27 - 2013-08-14 15:08:33 UTC
In early 09 scanning was too easy.

They made it to hard that spring.

Now it's too easy again.

They just keep missing the mark.
Symple Onez
#28 - 2013-08-15 13:55:47 UTC
In the Mario Bros game, when Mario enters a room, the loot location within the room is identified by a throbbing heart/coin/box/whatever. Mario goes to the throbbing loot source, clicks on it, is given the reward, and then moves on to the next room, where the same thing happens.

Question: Can anyone distinguish "exploration" in Mario Bros from "exploration" in EvE, right now?

I didn't think so.
Capt Retard
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2013-08-16 14:20:58 UTC
Scanning is well out of balance. As a fully skilled up covops pilot I typically take a few iterations to get a sig.

Seems like any noob can do exactly that with a few more iterations - it almost like anyone can scan anything and run any site. Voila the market crashed bigtime. Now I dont bother, its no longer 'interesting' because there is no point moving around systems trying to be 1st.

What was once a means of income, is now one of the most pointless parts of the game. Skills mean nothing as we can all get to all stuff, and 'exploring' means nothing as every system is covered almost as a sig appears.
Praetorian Black Guard
#30 - 2013-08-20 07:30:05 UTC
I've been exploring for a long time on and off. I spentthe majority of my time in EVE doing exploration. I have about 4 months left in my subscription, and I won't be renewing it due entirely to the changes odyssey made to exploration. I hate most of them - I gave them a fair shake, but i dislike the new content, the delivery and looting system, and i despise what the changes did to the existing content.

It's sad, EVE is a great game, but exploration was what I loved and in my opinion it has been ruined. All my exploration skills being level V now just hurts to see - what a waste.

I'm sure in a few years exploration will again be interesting, possibly even fun but until then and unless that happens I will find another game.
Josef Djugashvilis
#31 - 2013-08-20 11:21:08 UTC
Odyssey exploration, is very popular in the same way level 5 missions would be popular if they were located in hi-sec.

This is not a signature.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2013-08-20 11:51:58 UTC
Garresh wrote:
Now I'm starting to get some free time to come back in a few days, and just wanted to check in. Has the market recovered or is exploration income permanently crashed? Is it still profitable?

I don't think the market is going to recover without CCP intervening, the supply of items, particular T2 salvage and data decoders, is just much greater then the demand.

I used to do a lot of exploration, because it was lucrative, and i pretty much stopped after Odyssey was released. Hi-sec exploration has gone from bad to worse, low-sec exploration is getting closer to where hi-sec was pre-odyssey, null-sec is mostly okay when compared to low and high.

My two biggest problems with the odyssey expansion is the salvage and data decoders are mostly worthless now, while they used to be a okay supplement to your income. Exploration outside high has become a lot more time consuming and dangerous, there are more people camping in relic sites, and you see a lot more probes being dropped forcing you always be in "high alert" mode.

I don't really mind low and null exploration being more dangerous, but when you at the same time is making less isk it don't really make a lot of sense.

Unless you are going to null, where you can profit from exploration, you might as well do missions. Level 4 missions are generally more isk then exploration, and it's steady income.

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

Johan Toralen
#33 - 2013-08-20 14:40:20 UTC
Dexington have you changed your mind about raising the entry barrier or would you prefer other forms of intervention from CCP?
Imo if the entry barrier isn't raised the only thing that can save exploration is reduced loot drops (maybe 20-30%) and higher demand for t2 rigs by giving them the same calibration as t1 rigs. Then maybe we would see prices go up to like 50% of pre-Odyssey again.
Data sites would also need a reduction in decryptors dropping but also need something else to spice things up. Perhaps wider range of bpc's and skillbooks droppings and maybe some implants and mods aswell.
The Mirrored
#34 - 2013-08-20 14:42:35 UTC
Toddfish wrote:
I also have a hunch that the drop rates on some items have been increased, but maybe I've just been having good luck with the RNG lately.


I've been averaging about 1 deadspace mod per GSO post-odyssey, whereas before most of the sites were empty. Three in one can is not uncommon. I've also found a bunch of invuls, whereas I never found one of them before the expansion.

Yes, random is random, I play poker for a living I understand variance. And my sample size isn't very big. But the difference pre and post-odyssey for me has been enormous. It's much more likely that drop rates changed than I went through a several standard deviation swing exactly when Odyssey came out.

The other factors that have been mentioned are probably also correct: sites are easier to scan, so more people do them, so there's more supply, so prices are dropping. It's also logical that the drag on C-type mods is going to drag B-type and A-type mods as well (B-type can logically only be so much more expensive than C-type or no one will buy them).
Karma Codolle
Chimera Research and Development
#35 - 2013-08-21 01:05:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Karma Codolle
Toddfish wrote:

Pre-Odyssey I was finding 30-60m worth of loot in a mag/arch site, with a few lucky sites with >100m. When Odyssey first came out I was tracked the loot value of every site I did and was finding a very similar average value to pre-Odyseey. However since the markets have crashed (too much supply, not enough demand) I'm thrilled to find a relic site with >50m in loot.

Hopefully CCP will implement some of the ideas that were discussed during some of the pre-Odyssey testing to make the data/relic sites more interesting and lucrative.

Same here, I was dismissing everyone complaining about the prices because I didn't actually notice my income a month change pre or post odyssey. But now with how much the price has crashed, it's really no longer worth it. Time vs isk vs risk just doesn't make it worth it anymore.

I honestly didn't realize how much the preset probe pattern would make it so much easier. I thought it was nice but figured I was still going to have to manually adjust proves for small details when scanning down those harder sites. Nope not even with 10/10's

I can now blaze through systems scanning them out in under a minute. My experience and skilsl does give me an edge i will say to do it faster than most. But that's all i have on them is time. They can still scan down the site eventually. When you used to struggle to get past that 95% having to adjust each probe just slightly to finally get 100%, but you don't have to do that anymore assuming you can use the preset formation which isnt that hard to get in to.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2013-08-22 01:15:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Andracin
I don't think the pre-set probes have as much to do with it as what one poster called the "god eye". Prior to Oddesy I think I ran maybe 3-4 DED sites total since 2006. Now when I see 3-4 sigs up in system I'll have a look in between ganking noobs. I tried the relic and data sites and they seem pretty worthless but the other night I made 545m in loot in less than an hour in a gurista 5/10. If it was before oddesy I wouldn't have even bothered checking the system to look.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#37 - 2013-08-22 13:20:35 UTC
So what many of you are saying is there is so many people doing exploration now that you can't fund yourself only out of that?

From a game dev perspective, that a success imo since it means more players are actually using the content.
Johan Toralen
#38 - 2013-08-22 17:37:26 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
So what many of you are saying is there is so many people doing exploration now that you can't fund yourself only out of that?

I've stopped completely running the sites.

From a game dev perspective, that a success imo since it means more players are actually using the content.

I'm sure CCP is satisfied with their stats. Too bad that my perspective is that of a player tho. From my perspective so much competition that it's not worth it anymore = bad. It didn't had to be like that. If sites were tiered better skill and difficulty wise and market demand for the loot had been taken into account before the release then the sites would still offer something for everybody from noob to vet.
Symple Onez
#39 - 2013-08-22 20:11:38 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
So what many of you are saying is there is so many people doing exploration now that you can't fund yourself only out of that?

From a game dev perspective, that a success imo since it means more players are actually using the content.


This comment shows you have no idea why EvE has been an addictive, attractive game that has had thousands of players playing for multiple years.

Norm Tempesta
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2013-08-23 12:37:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Norm Tempesta
I could probably sit here and come up with several reasons why the new data/relic/salvage sites suck, but's just a boring distraction now and I do not like it at all

The only use for good scanning skills now is pvp. I trained a good scanner alt just for isk making purposes and now she is getting dusty. Could I have that 4-5 mil sp back (maybe more than that, idk).
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