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we need mini nukes...

First post
Moneta Curran
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#181 - 2013-08-12 09:30:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Moneta Curran
I'm surprised people are even discussing this glaringly ridiculous idea in earnest.

Also, anyone who gets obsessed with fear of the intentions of a random collective of gamers and goes out of his way to demonize them needs to seriously have his head examined. You must feel so powerless.
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#182 - 2013-08-12 11:14:33 UTC
Plastic Psycho wrote:
CFC are not nihilists. The BillionBomb is only really useful to nihilists; therefore it is in CFC's interests to oppose such a tool, despite the hilarity of its potential.

IOW, it's TOO big a hammer.

It's ironic that you bring that up. See, while Harry's suggestion is for an all-destroying super-weapon in game, the Goons have already shown that they are actually willing to deconstruct useful things outside of the game in order to secure victory playing internet spaceships. They have systematically attacked people's sense of self-esteem and identity, their sense of fair play, their notions of friendship and trust, their understanding of the game, and have even manipulated the physical hardware that the game is played on. I consider those to be exactly the actions of a nihilist.

Taken in that context, Harry's request for a "mini-nuke" is actually quite benign and reasonable. Harry probably has some ideas about how games are supposed to work such that something crazy like acquiring your IP and DoSing you at an important point in time is what he would call "cheating", or disbanding your alliance, or harrassing you with alts, or moving all your stuff around with alts so it was effectively untouchable, or . . . attempting to influence the developers to institute changes that went against good game design for the sake of giving your group an advantage. THESE are nihilistic "mini-nukes". Harry's just asking to do more damage, because his Catalyst is no match for the EHP of Mittanigrad.

3. No - murdering fellow goons or allies is considered bad.

I assume you mean "space bad". A lot of people have spent a lot of time and effort trying to convince everyone that there is no such thing as good and evil in EVE Online, because it is "only a game". Are you disagreeing with them?

Oh, hey, look! The ideas of "good and evil" are two more things the Goons have systematically tried to destroy for the sake of WINNING!

Moneta Curran wrote:
I'm surprised people are even discussing this glaringly ridiculous idea in earnest.

This "glaringly ridiculous" idea actually made it into the game as the original doomsday weapon. I take it you weren't a fan.
Moneta Curran
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#183 - 2013-08-12 11:20:52 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

This "glaringly ridiculous" idea actually made it into the game as the original doomsday weapon. I take it you weren't a fan.

No. It wasn't the same thing exactly, but it got removed for obvious reasons.

I would rather like to see you address the other part of my post:

Moneta Curran wrote:

Also, anyone who gets obsessed with fear of the intentions of a random collective of gamers and goes out of his way to demonize them needs to seriously have his head examined. You must feel so powerless.

Harry Forever
#184 - 2013-08-12 11:56:26 UTC
the new event is up, please read below
#185 - 2013-08-12 11:59:15 UTC
Average projeftile Fusion round is a miniature nuke. Which we can chainfire from our guns. Moar dakka!
Trii Seo
Goonswarm Federation
#186 - 2013-08-12 12:08:47 UTC
Bad in a way of "you will be shot for it", nobody likes being shot. Even for perfectly legitimate business reasons. The most commonly understood sort of "bad" around here.

I actually don't recall them going as far as manipulating anything or conducting attacks on servers. Propaganda and name-calling was always out there, so were spies - the truth is, if you try to be a honourable space-empire and refuse to utilize those 'underhanded' tactics better brace yourself for everyone else using them against you.

Proud pilot of the Imperium

Arek'Jaalan: Heliograph

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#187 - 2013-08-12 12:12:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Joepopo
I really liked Mayhaw's post it couldn't be more true.


Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

the Goons have already shown that they are actually willing to deconstruct useful things outside of the game in order to secure victory playing internet spaceships.

We do but it is mostly opsec

Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

They [...] have even manipulated the physical hardware that the game is played on.

With a litlte help from the cleaning lady.

Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

Harry's request for a "mini-nuke" is actually quite benign and reasonable.

Absolutely reasonable

Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

something crazy like acquiring your IP and DoSing you at an important point in time is what he would call "cheating"

We are also working on IRL DOS attacks where we ring at your door the moment we jump on your ratting supercapital.

Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

attempting to influence the developers to institute changes that went against good game design for the sake of giving your group an advantage.

Talking about Time Dilation? The cool thing was the choice at that time being: Give goon advantage, or stick with lagfest, blank screen, gun not cycling were a good game design to keep. \o/

Evil always win.

Thank you for your post :)
Horizon Research Group
#188 - 2013-08-12 12:13:11 UTC
We've all been trolled by harry. No way someone is really this stupid. Well done sir.


Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#189 - 2013-08-12 12:25:41 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Plastic Psycho wrote:
CFC are not nihilists. The BillionBomb is only really useful to nihilists; therefore it is in CFC's interests to oppose such a tool, despite the hilarity of its potential.

IOW, it's TOO big a hammer.

It's ironic that you bring that up. See, while Harry's suggestion is for an all-destroying super-weapon in game, the Goons have already shown that they are actually willing to deconstruct useful things outside of the game in order to secure victory playing internet spaceships. They have systematically attacked people's sense of self-esteem and identity, their sense of fair play, their notions of friendship and trust, their understanding of the game, and have even manipulated the physical hardware that the game is played on. I consider those to be exactly the actions of a nihilist.

Taken in that context, Harry's request for a "mini-nuke" is actually quite benign and reasonable. Harry probably has some ideas about how games are supposed to work such that something crazy like acquiring your IP and DoSing you at an important point in time is what he would call "cheating", or disbanding your alliance, or harrassing you with alts, or moving all your stuff around with alts so it was effectively untouchable, or . . . attempting to influence the developers to institute changes that went against good game design for the sake of giving your group an advantage. THESE are nihilistic "mini-nukes". Harry's just asking to do more damage, because his Catalyst is no match for the EHP of Mittanigrad.

3. No - murdering fellow goons or allies is considered bad.

I assume you mean "space bad". A lot of people have spent a lot of time and effort trying to convince everyone that there is no such thing as good and evil in EVE Online, because it is "only a game". Are you disagreeing with them?

Oh, hey, look! The ideas of "good and evil" are two more things the Goons have systematically tried to destroy for the sake of WINNING!

Moneta Curran wrote:
I'm surprised people are even discussing this glaringly ridiculous idea in earnest.

This "glaringly ridiculous" idea actually made it into the game as the original doomsday weapon. I take it you weren't a fan.

Do you have any proof of this "physical manipulation" of hardware or are you just spewing en24 crap?
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#190 - 2013-08-12 12:29:45 UTC
Moneta Curran wrote:
No. It wasn't the same thing exactly, but it got removed for obvious reasons.

Obviously, it was removed because people complained that it somehow imbalanced the game. The question is whether or not it actually did.

Moneta Curran wrote:

Also, anyone who gets obsessed with fear of the intentions of a random collective of gamers and goes out of his way to demonize them needs to seriously have his head examined. You must feel so powerless.

I have highlighted the likely points of contention in your (very assertive) statement. There are probably too many to get into here in this "We need mini-nukes . . ." thread. I will admit that I do feel quite powerless at times, but I am happy to say that it hasn't yet driven me to the point that I'm willing to burn my house down to win a game of checkers.
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#191 - 2013-08-12 13:12:00 UTC
Ustrello wrote:
Do you have any proof of this "physical manipulation" of hardware or are you just spewing en24 crap?

"[Goons]have even manipulated the physical hardware that the game is played on." is probably the portion that you are responding to. Let me clarify by saying that I don't mean there is a Goon hiding in the utility closet who comes out after hours at CCP headquarters and resets the servers if the Goons are losing a fight. It is a more esoteric reference to the use of undefined, out-of-range, or simply irrational inputs to cause a program to behave in a way that it was not intended to, i.e. rather than "play the game", you would simply put enough pilots in a system to prevent the game from being effectively played. But that's just one example. I don't think there is any doubt or contention that the Goons and others have done this.

Trii Seo wrote:
1.Bad in a way of "you will be shot for it"

2.the truth is, if you try to be a honourable space-empire and refuse to utilize those 'underhanded' tactics better brace yourself for everyone else using them against you.

1. I don't think you are saying you will actually be shot with a firearm, but I'm not sure what you mean by "you will be shot for it". Are you saying there will be out-of-game consequences for actions you take in-game?

2. They say that the truth is the first casualty of war. In a certain sense, we might say that a "fool" like Harry Forever (He's probably gonna block me for calling him that.) is attempting to cling to his truths by asking for a "mini-nuke", rather than resorting to the methods of groups like the Goons.
Moneta Curran
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#192 - 2013-08-12 13:16:17 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
I am happy to say that it hasn't yet driven me to the point that I'm willing to burn my house down to win a game of checkers.

How does this analogy not reinforce my perception of your mental state?
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#193 - 2013-08-12 13:30:53 UTC
Well some people still reenact the civil war. Goons are no worse than your average wow raiding guild. Im not scared of their organization just because they hold considerable sov. If they got it by outsmarting the rest then so be it. I will still find my targets and pursue them how I see fit. There is enough sand in the sand box for all
Invisible Exchequer
#194 - 2013-08-12 14:31:33 UTC
Joepopo wrote:

Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

something crazy like acquiring your IP and DoSing you at an important point in time is what he would call "cheating"

We are also working on IRL DOS attacks where we ring at your door the moment we jump on your ratting supercapital.

Evil always win.

Thank you for your post :)

I am now terrified of ordering in Pizza, in case it comes with an angry bee fleet attached.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#195 - 2013-08-12 14:39:57 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Some Stuff

You seem to have gone rapidly off topic. Almost none of what you are saying has anything to do with the question at hand.

Lets clarify, The reason as doomsday device was different is that it took an 80 billion isk titan to launch it, and did aoe blast damage to pop a subcap fleet. This idea being presented is a 1b isk bomb that can be fired by a single individual. There's a considerable difference. And what most people here are pointing out is that it wouldn't help the lone individuals very much. Harry could get 1, and maybe blap a fleet. Hurrah. The null sec blobs however could afford thousands of them. They would simply become THE WAY to fight any battle. I mean, Burn Jita would be more fun, sure and dropping one on a Jita gate when there's heavy traffic control would be pretty hilarious, but it would in no way empower the small individuals more than the null sec blobs.

Your opinions of the Goons change none of this and are completely irrelevant to the topic.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#196 - 2013-08-12 14:49:49 UTC
Rhivre wrote:
Joepopo wrote:

Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

something crazy like acquiring your IP and DoSing you at an important point in time is what he would call "cheating"

We are also working on IRL DOS attacks where we ring at your door the moment we jump on your ratting supercapital.

Evil always win.

Thank you for your post :)

I am now terrified of ordering in Pizza, in case it comes with an angry bee fleet attached.

Ordering a puzza to your place is the lazy variant of this. And the delivery time is very approximate. We think about dispatching our closest gsf member to your house instead.
Invisible Exchequer
#197 - 2013-08-12 15:00:51 UTC
*is now hiding under the sofa*
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#198 - 2013-08-12 15:34:45 UTC
It's ironic that you bring that up. See, while Harry's suggestion is for an all-destroying super-weapon in game, the Goons have already shown that they are actually willing to deconstruct useful things outside of the game in order to secure victory playing internet spaceships. They have systematically attacked people's sense of self-esteem and identity, their sense of fair play, their notions of friendship and trust,

Oh, no! Their precious feelings!

Seriously, no one cares. So Goons are insular, and have a "screw everyone else" attitude. Why does that upset you so much? It's not like there's any game mechanic that prevents you from making friends.

So some bad players got called bad. Boo hoo. If you actually understand the reasonable expectation that adults play this game, you'll see how ridiculous it is to act like making fun of someone is equivalent to basically torpedo-ing the entirety of the game's ship and weapon balancing. Oh, and the proposal to ruin the game is just because a few terribads are upset that they can't win against superior numbers, better organization, and more intelligent gameplay with their special snowflakeness.

The sooner you start to realize what kinds of people to ignore, which kind to laugh at, and which kinds to take seriously in EVE, the better off you will be for it.

Taken in that context, Harry's request for a "mini-nuke" is actually quite benign and reasonable.

or . . . attempting to influence the developers to institute changes that went against good game design for the sake of giving your group an advantage

Look at that, would you? Do you even realize you put them both in the same paragraph? The hypocrisy almost hurts to read.

Accusing someone of trying to influence the developers to give their group and advantage, while in the same breath defending far more blatantly selfish and self interested cries for overpowered weaponry.

This is why people laugh at carebears and whiners. Because they can't even argue without looking like imbeciles. Because they prove just by asking for something that they don't deserve it. But most of all, because at their very core, they are hypocrites who want to be special snowflakes with special powers no one else gets. Selfish children, nothing more.

And you're surprised and angry when people treat you like children? Doesn't surprise me at all.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#199 - 2013-08-12 16:02:01 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
You seem to have gone rapidly off topic. Almost none of what you are saying has anything to do with the question at hand.

Lets clarify, The reason as doomsday device was different is that it took an 80 billion isk titan to launch it, and did aoe blast damage to pop a subcap fleet. This idea being presented is a 1b isk bomb that can be fired by a single individual. There's a considerable difference. And what most people here are pointing out is that it wouldn't help the lone individuals very much. Harry could get 1, and maybe blap a fleet. Hurrah. The null sec blobs however could afford thousands of them. They would simply become THE WAY to fight any battle. I mean, Burn Jita would be more fun, sure and dropping one on a Jita gate when there's heavy traffic control would be pretty hilarious, but it would in no way empower the small individuals more than the null sec blobs.

Your opinions of the Goons change none of this and are completely irrelevant to the topic.

Your opinion that I have "rapidly gone off topic" is irrelevant to the topic. Scroll up and you'll see three posts beneath my last one that could just as easily be described as "irrelevant to the topic". It's oddly convenient that you only singled out what I am saying as being "off topic".

On topic: Here you are, CFC member, championing the cause of the lone and lowly individual against the powerful and malevolent . . . you? The Goons and CFC in general have shown a propensity to behave in deceptive, coercive, and malicious ways in order to achieve their ends in-game. So, when they come onto this forum and declare "Mini-nukes would be bad for y'all. We'd just win EVE.", we should probably examine their underlying motivations for declaring that. It may, in fact, have nothing to do with whether or not a certain suggestion is actually good for the game. It may have everything to do with the aforementioned deceptive, coercive, and malicious behavior that they are inclined to exhibit if it results in some benefit to themselves.

tl;dr - The CFC are liars and fear an empowered and committed individual. Mini-nukes are a cool idea and would indeed empower individuals to change New Eden, probably in ways the CFC wouldn't like.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#200 - 2013-08-12 16:08:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaarous Aldurald
tl;dr - The CFC are liars and fear an empowered and committed individual

No, they don't. It's delusional to think so.

Anything an empowered and commited individual can do, a hundred can do better. And if you want to have there be some method whereby only the one person gets this power, and not the hundred, well, you can't. That's blatantly wrong.

It may, in fact, have nothing to do with whether or not a certain suggestion is actually good for the game. It may have everything to do with the aforementioned deceptive, coercive, and malicious behavior that they are inclined to exhibit if it results in some benefit to themselves.

It could be. But then again, it *could* be true that aliens assassinated JFK.

Or, and I sincerely hope this possibility has not eluded you, it might just be a bad idea.

So, massive conspiracy theory that involves dedicating players specifically to the forums to keep down ideas, or... just plain bad idea. Which is more likely, to you?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.