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So how's Odyssey exploration panning out?

Mackies Raiders
Wild Geese.
#1 - 2013-08-06 08:50:31 UTC
Hey all. Been in sleep mode accruing skill points for some time. After Odyssey dropped I spent a great deal of time doing null runs and had a blast doing, it but then the market crashed and IRL invaded, so I went into sleep mode.

Now I'm starting to get some free time to come back in a few days, and just wanted to check in. Has the market recovered or is exploration income permanently crashed? Is it still profitable?

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Daniel Plain
#2 - 2013-08-06 10:24:34 UTC
well, it's about as challenging as fruit ninja, therefore everybody and their hamster is doing it. maybe once people get bored, the prices will recover a little.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Mackies Raiders
Wild Geese.
#3 - 2013-08-06 10:55:04 UTC
Daniel Plain wrote:
well, it's about as challenging as fruit ninja, therefore everybody and their hamster is doing it. maybe once people get bored, the prices will recover a little.

A valid complaint. They need higher difficulty sites and more options, along with more use for salvage and decryptors. It's skewed too far supply side. Ah well, Once I get some time I'll dive back in, but here's hoping they iterate on it some more.

This Space Intentionally Left Blank

Daniel Plain
#4 - 2013-08-06 11:12:24 UTC
Garresh wrote:
Daniel Plain wrote:
well, it's about as challenging as fruit ninja, therefore everybody and their hamster is doing it. maybe once people get bored, the prices will recover a little.

A valid complaint. They need higher difficulty sites and more options, along with more use for salvage and decryptors. It's skewed too far supply side. Ah well, Once I get some time I'll dive back in, but here's hoping they iterate on it some more.

site difficulty is not the problem. the problem is that the whole process is streamlined into oblivion. you can literally scan an entire system by pressing two buttons and waiting for 10s. and that's when there are sigs in the system to begin with; when there are none, your handy dandy system scanner (a.k.a. god eye) will tell you instantly.

I should buy an Ishtar.

Faenir Antollare
For Ever And Ever
#5 - 2013-08-06 11:33:40 UTC
My main dislike is in the hacking process, in that success really is a random luck based event regardless of skills trained.

Moar challenge please Idea

RiP BooBoo 26/7/1971 - 23/7/2014 My Lady My Love My Life My Wife

Symple Onez
#6 - 2013-08-06 22:43:59 UTC
The system search mechanic and skill requirement of "exploration" under Odyssey reminds me very much of the early Mario Brothers.

The "minigame" has the same feel and skill level as the old videogame, "Space Invaders".

I played both of these. Until I got bored to death with them. Then I quit.

If you like Mario Bros and Space Invaders, then the new Eve "exploration" system is right for you.

Federal Navy Academy
#7 - 2013-08-07 19:23:21 UTC
more time doing stuff in sites or traveling to sites. Less time adjusting probes, dropping probes to see nothing, or sitting cloaked trying to nail down signatures. The camera in the scanning system sucked too. Theres a few valid but minor complaints i suppose. I don't think the influx of new explorers is a valid complaint, or affects on the market. I thought the old scanning system was a bit tedious and repetitive, and the controls were unpolished (y u no probe formations!!!), but even that was less of a hassle than the previous system (shudder).


"**CCP is changing policy, and has asked that we discontinue the bonus credit program after November 7th. So until then, enjoy a super-bonus of 1B Blink Credit for each 60-day GTC you buy!"**

Never forget.

Ginger Barbarella
#8 - 2013-08-07 22:00:23 UTC
Some people like it, some people don't. I'm personally waiting for new "kick to the crotch of Industry" required materials to drop in price, so just training up some new toons cuz the mains are just boring now. P

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Multiplex Gaming
Tactical Narcotics Team
#9 - 2013-08-07 23:37:05 UTC
As someone who has been into exploration for years... I've started doing less and less lately. I still scan and run combat (DED) sites, but I no longer roam through multiple systems looking for unclaimed data/relic sites full of treasures.

The driving reason is the value of the loot I'm receiving. I still run relic sites when I find them, as there are a couple T2 bits that are still not worthless, but I've essentially given-up on running data sites. Most of the time I just cargo scan for a faction/T2/Capital BPC, hack (or fail) one can, and warp away to let the site (eventually) despawn.

For me the novelty of the new hacking mini-game has warn off. Now it's just a bunch of clicking. If I'm actually paying attention I get a successful hack >80% of the time, but even with semi-mindless clicking I rarely loose a can anymore. The spew cans are still a pain, but with practice I'm to the point where I get nearly all the good loot found by cargo scanning.

Pre-Odyssey I was finding 30-60m worth of loot in a mag/arch site, with a few lucky sites with >100m. When Odyssey first came out I was tracked the loot value of every site I did and was finding a very similar average value to pre-Odyseey. However since the markets have crashed (too much supply, not enough demand) I'm thrilled to find a relic site with >50m in loot.

Hopefully CCP will implement some of the ideas that were discussed during some of the pre-Odyssey testing to make the data/relic sites more interesting and lucrative.
Hehaw Jimbojohnson
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#10 - 2013-08-08 03:32:09 UTC
Pretty much everyone that tried it on the test server repeatedly told them to not go live with the new "exploration" in its current state. CCP, being CCP, ignored everyone and released with it half finished anyway. Exploration as a profession pretty much crashed as a result, and probably won't be recovered for years at this point.
Mnemosyne Gloob
#11 - 2013-08-08 03:42:06 UTC
After Odissey hit, there is something that is itching me. It is not the price of decryptors and also not the price of salvage, but the price of deadspace mods that i am accustomed to - namely the medium shield stuff. It's all dropping in price. (only thing that has remained somewhat stable is a-type invul)

At first i attributed it to summer 'draught', that meaning not many people online and the market having not much incentive to buy. I am however not anymore convinced that this is the reason why prices are falling that much. After the ban of strategic cruisers from 4/10 complexes and the removal of deep space scanner probes (yea i know you can do sorta the same still), i honestly would have expected the prices to go up - but it is not so, they are 'crashing'.

So really i dont understand it at this moment. Either the overall easyness of scanning (you can scan systems way faster now) has 'produced' more drops, or there is something else going on. I could imagine some long term marketing schenanigans, but it seems kinda risky to me. I could also see that the overall attention that exploration has gotten after the last patch is influencing supply/demand (again not talking about relics and datas). And then there might be tweaking of chances on the side of CCP, but i dont really want to get into that.

So yea currently i am leaning towards thinking that scanning is easier, that some market stuff is going on and also that shield modules might actually become less 'interesting'.

Other than that - minigame is fun for a bit, but not so long. The removal of rats from those sites - namely nullsec is imo just not right.
Hehaw Jimbojohnson
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#12 - 2013-08-08 03:51:03 UTC
Mnemosyne Gloob wrote:
After Odissey hit, there is something that is itching me. It is not the price of decryptors and also not the price of salvage, but the price of deadspace mods that i am accustomed to - namely the medium shield stuff. It's all dropping in price. (only thing that has remained somewhat stable is a-type invul)

At first i attributed it to summer 'draught', that meaning not many people online and the market having not much incentive to buy. I am however not anymore convinced that this is the reason why prices are falling that much. After the ban of strategic cruisers from 4/10 complexes and the removal of deep space scanner probes (yea i know you can do sorta the same still), i honestly would have expected the prices to go up - but it is not so, they are 'crashing'.

So really i dont understand it at this moment. Either the overall easyness of scanning (you can scan systems way faster now) has 'produced' more drops, or there is something else going on. I could imagine some long term marketing schenanigans, but it seems kinda risky to me..

That is exactly what's causing it. Scanning was made so childproof that anyone with mediocre skills in a non-bonused hull can easily scan down 3/10s and 4/10s in high sec, and most people that wouldn't have even bothered before are realizing that they can run them in a T1 cruiser. Competition for 3-4/10s has increased about 5x in the area I used to run them in, after the changes. I don't even bother anymore.
Mnemosyne Gloob
#13 - 2013-08-08 04:00:01 UTC
Yes but why is stuff from 5/10 and 6/10 (invul not that much) also going down then? Are c-type the trend setters? Is lowsec affected the same (with easier scanning, probably)? I wish i was a market analyst really ;)
Hehaw Jimbojohnson
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#14 - 2013-08-08 04:35:14 UTC
Mnemosyne Gloob wrote:
Yes but why is stuff from 5/10 and 6/10 (invul not that much) also going down then? Are c-type the trend setters? Is lowsec affected the same (with easier scanning, probably)? I wish i was a market analyst really ;)

I'm sure easier scanning is part of it, but the 3-4/10 loot price going down is also a factor. If C-types are cheaper, people will be willing to pay less for B-types because the quality gap isn't that big, so more people will settle for the slightly worse mod.
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#15 - 2013-08-08 04:40:06 UTC
Mnemosyne Gloob wrote:
After Odissey hit, there is something that is itching me. It is not the price of decryptors and also not the price of salvage, but the price of deadspace mods that i am accustomed to - namely the medium shield stuff. It's all dropping in price. (only thing that has remained somewhat stable is a-type invul)

At first i attributed it to summer 'draught', that meaning not many people online and the market having not much incentive to buy. I am however not anymore convinced that this is the reason why prices are falling that much. After the ban of strategic cruisers from 4/10 complexes and the removal of deep space scanner probes (yea i know you can do sorta the same still), i honestly would have expected the prices to go up - but it is not so, they are 'crashing'.

So really i dont understand it at this moment. Either the overall easyness of scanning (you can scan systems way faster now) has 'produced' more drops, or there is something else going on. I could imagine some long term marketing schenanigans, but it seems kinda risky to me. I could also see that the overall attention that exploration has gotten after the last patch is influencing supply/demand (again not talking about relics and datas). And then there might be tweaking of chances on the side of CCP, but i dont really want to get into that.

So yea currently i am leaning towards thinking that scanning is easier, that some market stuff is going on and also that shield modules might actually become less 'interesting'.

Other than that - minigame is fun for a bit, but not so long. The removal of rats from those sites - namely nullsec is imo just not right.

I know it's not your cup of tea, but it's worthwhile to throw in: deadspace medium armor mods are crashing a bit too. Like the a-type invuln, a-type EANMs aren't moving much, but MARs are way off where they were six months ago. So it's not just shield mods; something else is going on.
exxon halliburton
i'm from the government and i'm here to help
#16 - 2013-08-08 04:40:13 UTC
the hacking game is ok i guess, the problem is that all of your loot spews out and then disapears after a SUCCESSFUL hack. I have stopped doing the sites completely and just mindlessly run anoms (null sec), its WAY better isk/hr and WAY less frustrating
Johan Toralen
#17 - 2013-08-08 12:41:18 UTC
Mnemosyne Gloob wrote:
Yes but why is stuff from 5/10 and 6/10 (invul not that much) also going down then? Are c-type the trend setters? Is lowsec affected the same (with easier scanning, probably)? I wish i was a market analyst really ;)

My guess would be that the drop in data/relic loot value made a bunch of people switch over to farming ded sites. It's certainly something that i considered. Tho i do something else instead personaly.
Multiplex Gaming
Tactical Narcotics Team
#18 - 2013-08-08 16:27:21 UTC
Mnemosyne Gloob wrote:
After Odissey hit, there is something that is itching me. It is not the price of decryptors and also not the price of salvage, but the price of deadspace mods that i am accustomed to - namely the medium shield stuff. It's all dropping in price. (only thing that has remained somewhat stable is a-type invul)

With the new system scanner people now know there is something (don't know exactly what) to scan for without dropping probes. Pre-Odyssey I could scan systems with nearly constant ratting and find DED sites because nobody bothered to take the time to scan them down. Now once a new cosmic signature pops-up on the system scanner someone knows to drop probes and find it. I also think since more people are running around looking for data/relic sites, they are finding the DED sites as well.

I also have a hunch that the drop rates on some items have been increased, but maybe I've just been having good luck with the RNG lately.

Johan Toralen wrote:
My guess would be that the drop in data/relic loot value made a bunch of people switch over to farming ded sites.

I know I've switched my efforts more towards DED sites (or waiting for them to respawn) than scouring systems for more data/relic sites.
Mnemosyne Gloob
#19 - 2013-08-09 18:06:22 UTC
Toddfish wrote:
With the new system scanner people now know there is something (don't know exactly what) to scan for without dropping probes. Pre-Odyssey I could scan systems with nearly constant ratting and find DED sites because nobody bothered to take the time to scan them down. Now once a new cosmic signature pops-up on the system scanner someone knows to drop probes and find it. I also think since more people are running around looking for data/relic sites, they are finding the DED sites as well.

Oh yeah. I don't like that at all ... but it's more got to do with myself seeing sigs when i am in a non-probe ship and getting all itchy :) I see what you mean tho.
Alby Sacah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2013-08-11 08:08:47 UTC
I've just tried exploration again after a few years, it's good they made some changes, but I think they've made as many bad as good changes in this area.

The new scanning UI and animations etc are good, the click once to launch 8 probes, click once to automatically position all 8 are making things quite easy though.
The hacking mini-game isn't bad, the loot spew sucks. Most of Eve all the UI is large and easy to click, but these tiny containers are proving too difficult for me, and why do they have to disappear?

Guess I'll go back to sites...
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