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Angelique Duchemin
Team Evil
#21 - 2013-08-01 13:28:06 UTC
FT Diomedes wrote:
Angelique Duchemin wrote:
The game doesn't really need further motivation to field supers. People are already doing it.

If they could dock then people would just start ratting in them and that would open up to a whole new level of douchbaggery.

I can only roll my eyes so much at rating capitals.

Yes, but that is so many more potential supercapital losses. You know not everyone would rat aligned...

At some 30 million EHP you would need to drop a capital fleet on it just to take it down. Even then you have to do it before you lose the dictors and it warps to the station.

The very sun of heaven seemed distorted when viewed through the polarising miasma welling out from this sea-soaked perversion, and twisted menace and suspense lurked leeringly in those crazily elusive angles of carven rock where a second glance shewed concavity after the first shewed convexity.

Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#22 - 2013-08-01 13:56:18 UTC
Angelique Duchemin wrote:
At some 30 million EHP you would need to drop a capital fleet on it just to take it down. Even then you have to do it before you lose the dictors and it warps to the station.

And that should be exactly the trade off for being able to dock, finished the stupid 30 million EHP supers, make them get at best 5.

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Angelique Duchemin
Team Evil
#23 - 2013-08-01 14:05:59 UTC
Sergeant Acht Scultz wrote:
Angelique Duchemin wrote:
At some 30 million EHP you would need to drop a capital fleet on it just to take it down. Even then you have to do it before you lose the dictors and it warps to the station.

And that should be exactly the trade off for being able to dock, finished the stupid 30 million EHP supers, make them get at best 5.

What do we have then? Just another Carrier but with bombers and the Motherships weren't created for the bombers but vice versa..

The very sun of heaven seemed distorted when viewed through the polarising miasma welling out from this sea-soaked perversion, and twisted menace and suspense lurked leeringly in those crazily elusive angles of carven rock where a second glance shewed concavity after the first shewed convexity.

#24 - 2013-08-01 14:07:25 UTC
You guys are easily trolled...
No sane man with any experience in this game would suggest what th OP is suggesting.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#25 - 2013-08-01 16:47:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
I have for some time felt they should add a outpost upgrade that will allow supers to dock there. It would be visible in the over view so players would know that outpost likely contained supers.

It would bring more meaning to a large alliances home base, most alliances would only put this upgrade on home base or staging outposts. Such staging points and home bases could not be so easily relocated, creating more strategic value in assaulting or defending them. This could be a very expensive upgrade, maybe taking multiple upgrade slots, so it would not be worthwhile for every outpost to have one.

With all the nerfs supers have seen in the last few years, it is understandable why so many super pilots are upset. Yes the ships were overpowered, and still are, but this is a ship, once you get into, you can not just jump in a different ship to go PVP. You can not dock, so either that character is basically married to that ship, or they need another holding character that can sit itn the ship to log it out, while their main goes to do something else. How would you feel if you spent years training a character, and finally got them into a super capital ship, only to have much of that ships utility removed by a nerf? Not a big deal if you could simply fly something else, but where do you park your super cap? If you can not dock it, switching to another ship becomes a burden, so much so, that the super cap becomes more of a burden than fun to fly.

Personally I believe that allowing supers to dock, not everywhere, but at select upgraded outposts, maybe put a limit on the upgrade to one per region. First outpost to get it becomes the most valuable outpost in the region. But if supers could be docked, and the pilots could fly something else, I believe we would see far more supers collecting dust in hangers, than out causing fleet mayhem. It is a lot easier to leave a ship sitting idle in a hanger, than leaving a character sitting idle in one of 3 slots on an account. They would still be available when needed for large fleet ops, but the pilots would not be stuck in them, unable to do anything else. On top of that we would have another layer of conflict. These rare stations where the supers can dock would be major assets to hold, and fight over. Having this as your alliance home base, you would not have the choice between defending your home, or relocating it, you would have to defend it, it would not be so easy to move if your alliance only controlled one such station.

If that makes me insane, than so be it. But what I do know is, I have no desire to ever get into a ship with such limited use, when I may never be able to get out of it again. So many players that constantly call for nerfs to supers seem to forget that part.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#26 - 2013-08-01 17:01:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
Klymer wrote:
Ship spinning would take on a whole new level if the Nyx could be docked.

There was a Nyx docked in Jita before the first Burn Jita. Loads of youtube videos of it undocking and flying away. i wonder if there are any of the guy spinning it?

I know the only way supers get docked now is through ship reimbursements, but at least that tells us that the mechanics still work for supers that are docked. I expect it would not be simple code to fix though, unless it was just a "able to dock=true", but that would let them dock anywhere. But I believe having a very expensive outpost upgrade that allows them to dock, with the restriction that a percentage of the region has to be held by the alliance, before it can be installed, and only one outpost per region could get the upgrade, would be a good compromise.
Kaiser Acosta
Cranberrie knuckles
Mordus Angels
#27 - 2013-08-05 12:24:56 UTC
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
I have for some time felt they should add a outpost upgrade that will allow supers to dock their. It would be visible in the over view so players would know that outpost likely contained supers.

It would bring more meaning to a large alliances home base, most alliances would only put this upgrade on home base or staging outposts. Such staging points and home bases could not be so easily relocated, creating more strategic value in assaulting or defending them. This could be a very expensive upgrade, maybe taking multiple upgrade slots, so it would not be worthwhile for every outpost to have one.

With all the nerfs supers have seen in the last few years, it is understandable why so many super pilots are upset. Yes the ships were overpowered, and still are, but this is a ship, once you get into, you can not just jump in a different ship to go PVP. You can not dock, so either that character is basically married to that ship, or they need another holding character that can sit itn the ship to log it out, while their main goes to do something else. How would you feel if you spent years training a character, and finally got them into a super capital ship, only to have much of that ships utility removed by a nerf? Not a big deal if you could simply fly something else, but where do you park your super cap? If you can not dock it, switching to another ship becomes a burden, so much so, that the super cap becomes more of a burden than fun to fly.

Personally I believe that allowing supers to dock, not everywhere, but at select upgraded outposts, maybe put a limit on the upgrade to one per region. First outpost to get it becomes the most valuable outpost in the region. But if supers could be docked, and the pilots could fly something else, I believe we would see far more supers collecting dust in hangers, than out causing fleet mayhem. It is a lot easier to leave a ship sitting idle in a hanger, than leaving a character sitting idle in one of 3 slots on an account. They would still be available when needed for large fleet ops, but the pilots would not be stuck in them, unable to do anything else. On top of that we would have another layer of conflict. These rare stations where the supers can dock would be major assets to hold, and fight over. Having this as your alliance home base, you would not have the choice between defending your home, or relocating it, you would have to defend it, it would not be so easy to move if your alliance only controlled one such station.

If that makes me insane, than so be it. But what I do know is, I have no desire to ever get into a ship with such limited use, when I may never be able to get out of it again. So many players that constantly call for nerfs to supers seem to forget that part.

Exact my thoughts.
Your chained to a Supercarrier / Titan when your piloting one ... Sucks.
Gary Bell
Black Dragon PHP
Brave Collective
#28 - 2013-08-05 14:12:35 UTC
Wrong supers get docked when you leave the game. I believe if you are in space for 6 months they will dock you automatically even if it is a super.. Im not sure about titans but I know supers will get docked.. Not sure how it is determined or anything but yeah..
Ned Plantagenet
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#29 - 2013-08-05 19:44:32 UTC
if you want a dockable super carrier. get a carrier and make it super expensive and there you go super carrier
Kaiser Acosta
Cranberrie knuckles
Mordus Angels
#30 - 2013-08-06 07:37:35 UTC
Gary Bell wrote:
Wrong supers get docked when you leave the game. I believe if you are in space for 6 months they will dock you automatically even if it is a super.. Im not sure about titans but I know supers will get docked.. Not sure how it is determined or anything but yeah..

Supercarriers are part of the class of ships known as Super Capitals and are currently the 2nd largest class of ships in EVE.

Technically, a supercarrier is a carrier class vessel which is however many time larger and much more expensive to build.

In comparison to a typical carrier, a supercarrier has the following features:

Has larger cargo, hangar and drone bays
Cannot be built in, or docked in stations
Deploys 3 additional Fighters, Fighter Bombers or drones per level compared to 1
Can deploy Fighter-Bombers
Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare (e.g. ECM, conventional warp jammers, Stasis Webifers, etc)
Can only be prevented from jump/going into warp by Interdictor Bubbles, Mobile Warp Disruptors, and focused warp disruption generators used by Heavy Interdictors
Has six high slots instead of five
Able to fit Remote ECM Burst I
Allowed to use one warfare link per racial carrier skill level, instead of just one regardless of level.

There are 4 types of Supercarrier, 1 for each of the 4 races

Amarr - Aeon
Caldari - Wyvern
Gallente - Nyx
Minmatar - Hel
The Initiative.
#31 - 2013-08-06 07:47:58 UTC
Your missing the Rev.

Kaiser Acosta
Cranberrie knuckles
Mordus Angels
#32 - 2013-08-06 08:16:37 UTC
xPredat0rz wrote:
Your missing the Rev.

my source was ...

Tadaaaaa ....

Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#33 - 2013-08-06 13:11:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Sergeant Acht Scultz
Kaiser Acosta wrote:
Gary Bell wrote:
Wrong supers get docked when you leave the game. I believe if you are in space for 6 months they will dock you automatically even if it is a super.. Im not sure about titans but I know supers will get docked.. Not sure how it is determined or anything but yeah..

Supercarriers are part of the class of ships known as Super Capitals and are currently the 2nd largest class of ships in EVE.

Technically, a supercarrier is a carrier class vessel which is however many time larger and much more expensive to build.

In comparison to a typical carrier, a supercarrier has the following features:

Has larger cargo, hangar and drone bays
Cannot be built in, or docked in stations
Deploys 3 additional Fighters, Fighter Bombers or drones per level compared to 1
Can deploy Fighter-Bombers
Immune to all forms of Electronic Warfare (e.g. ECM, conventional warp jammers, Stasis Webifers, etc)
Can only be prevented from jump/going into warp by Interdictor Bubbles, Mobile Warp Disruptors, and focused warp disruption generators used by Heavy Interdictors
Has six high slots instead of five
Able to fit Remote ECM Burst I
Allowed to use one warfare link per racial carrier skill level, instead of just one regardless of level.

There are 4 types of Supercarrier, 1 for each of the 4 races

Amarr - Aeon
Caldari - Wyvern
Gallente - Nyx
Minmatar - Hel

Larger cargo bay: doesn't make it any better, how interesting it is for a ship log off 95% the time you spend playing with main character?
Can not be build in stations: any capital ship should be like that, from freighters/orcas to titans, hell every single dam ship should be build in POS, it's a MMO not a themepark, NPC station slots/industry should be simply removed !!
Deploys more drones: how many more or interesting it is being log off 95%+ of that character stuck in and doing nothing?
Deploy fighter bombers: trade off, more skills = better ships more options

Immune to to ewar: this needs to be scrap from the supers plain simple, leave it to Titans is OK
Slots number: bigger ship = more fittings, yeah that seems pretty logic to me
Able to fit remote ECM burst: it's a bigger ship requiring a huge amount of skills on top of regular one so, no issue here
Links: I'm against links providing such huge boosts on T3's and CS, I have alredy exposed my own idea in dedicated threads and if something I'd like to see is Supers and Titans only able to fit links to offer best boosts but still under half values of current benefits.

So whats left?
-30 million EHP as a reason to be unable to dock?

Reduce it to 5million and tweak a bit better resist profile, problem solved for players, more supers destroyed, better for the game overall.
More ships destroyed and expensive ones is good, not the other way around.

Edit: for those "ya like dock'in games hun?" With 5M EHP and unable to dock under a 15min timer after aggression and while offensive drones deployed a simple 10 BS blaster gang with support would wreck those all day long, do you really know what happens to those playing docking games with capital ships? -usually ends bad for them at a very high cost.

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Hemmo Paskiainen
#34 - 2013-08-07 14:41:38 UTC
Kaiser Acosta wrote:
I don´t fly a supercarrier.

The only reason is, that it´s not possible to dock in stations with them.

Wouldn´t it be an idea to have specific stations, where supercarriers could dock in.

I predict that more people would fly supers.

Just an idea.

Wassup Kaiser

I have sugested this before, its a good idee to give 0.0 stations a expensive visable upgrade that would allow supers to dock. This would be allot of fun that could create some tension (camping, hotdropping ect etch strategic objective ect ect)

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#35 - 2013-08-07 18:19:37 UTC
Gary Bell wrote:
Wrong supers get docked when you leave the game. I believe if you are in space for 6 months they will dock you automatically even if it is a super.. Im not sure about titans but I know supers will get docked.. Not sure how it is determined or anything but yeah..

WTF, What have you been smoking??

Supers are only docked when a node crashes and characters and there ships are spawned at the station they are cloned at. This is how many caps and supers got into high sec back in the day.

The idea of docking your super is so you can fly something else, if you are logged off in it, you are not flying something else are you?

A 100M SP character that can not get out of their super, is useless when supers are nerfed into not being worthwhile to use. More nerfs/rebalanced are incoming for them.

When that happens the ability to dock them, even at only specific stations or upgraded outposts will go a long way to curb the rage.
Kaiser Acosta
Cranberrie knuckles
Mordus Angels
#36 - 2013-08-08 08:05:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaiser Acosta
Hemmo Paskiainen wrote:
Kaiser Acosta wrote:
I don´t fly a supercarrier.

The only reason is, that it´s not possible to dock in stations with them.

Wouldn´t it be an idea to have specific stations, where supercarriers could dock in.

I predict that more people would fly supers.

Just an idea.

Wassup Kaiser

I have sugested this before, its a good idee to give 0.0 stations a expensive visable upgrade that would allow supers to dock. This would be allot of fun that could create some tension (camping, hotdropping ect etch strategic objective ect ect)

Hey Hemmo ... Long time no speak o/

I hope / believe the "grownups" will come to their senses Pirate
Being stuck in a Supercarrier or Titan isn´t a flexible solution for players.
In the real world ... the customer is always right.
Lets hope CCP comes up with a solution, where toons aren´t chained to Supercarriers and Titan.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#37 - 2013-08-08 10:30:35 UTC
Kaiser Acosta wrote:
I don´t fly a supercarrier.

The only reason is, that it´s not possible to dock in stations with them.

Wouldn´t it be an idea to have specific stations, where supercarriers could dock in.

I predict that more people would fly supers.

Just an idea.

I think your prediction is very accurate

That's why I savagely oppose the idea.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Darling Hassasin
Parental Control
Didn't want that Sov anyway.
#38 - 2013-08-08 11:12:14 UTC
Well I feel perhaps I should state the obvious here...

There is an Elephant in the room and it is My 5 million EHP Nyx playing docking games with your poor fleet... It is where bait gets renamed treat.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#39 - 2013-08-08 13:35:06 UTC
Darling Hassasin wrote:
Well I feel perhaps I should state the obvious here...

There is an Elephant in the room and it is My 5 million EHP Nyx playing docking games with your poor fleet... It is where bait gets renamed treat.

Elephant? Really?

Forcing a NYX (or any other super cap) to redock may not get you a kill mail, but it still effectively removes the Nyx from what ever engagement they where trying to get to. Station Games and station camping are BULLSHlT. Complaining that any super able to dock can not be killed on station when it undocks is pathetic. It is like spawn camping, and is more akin to grieving than PVP.

Allowing supers to dock may encourage more players to fly, or at least own supers. But it would also encourage more super pilots to dock their supers and fly something else.If you want supers out of the game, or at least less of them around, allowing them to collect dust docked in stations will do that, without generating any rage from the super pilots.

That being said I do not believe supers should be able to dock just any where. I would say one or two special stations in each region. This would not only allow supers to dock, but make those specific stations strategic assets worth fighting over. A great conflict driver.

For sovereign null sec where the only stations are outposts, I would say add a very expensive advanced upgrade that will allow the outpost to serve as a docking point for supers. Limit this to one or two per region. First Outposts to receive this upgrade lock out every other outpost in the region from getting it. They become the most valuable stations in the region. They become stratigic staging points, as well as primary targets when invading that region. This will force those installing the upgrade to plan ahead and make sure it is in an outpost, in the best defensible, strategic location.

I really believe this would do far more good than harm.
Solutio Letum
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2013-08-08 18:19:29 UTC
Truly how hard is it for you guys to get sitter alts?
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