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Problem with level 4 mission Raven UPDATED

Tobias Hareka
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#41 - 2013-08-05 20:02:55 UTC
Cage Man wrote:
better speed.

Warriors aren't Warriors if they don't go over 6 km/s IMHO.

I have done a lot of thing in eve, WH's, Incursions, etc and the ONLY time you loose your drones is if you use them wrong and don't pay attention.

I actually did forget once that sleepers don't like drones and kept them out some time. Frigates were more interested about webbing my ship than attacking my drones. Going 7 m/s in BC is fun indeed. Cool
Myriad Blaze
Common Sense Ltd
Nulli Secunda
#42 - 2013-08-06 09:10:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Myriad Blaze
Cage Man wrote:
Myriad Blaze wrote:

But there is one thing that was often mentioned in this thread that I disagree with. Several people suggested to train up drones asap. My advice is don't. You should be able to use Hobgoblin Is, but it's not neccessary to be able to use the T2 variant. It is much more important for you to train up your fitting, shield and missile skills. Besides, it's not very cost efficient to use Hobgoblin IIs (Jita price for Hobgoblin II is around 400k; for Hobgoblin I it's roughly 6k). You will lose some drones now and then (Damsel in Distress: be distracted at the wrong moment and *poof* .... 5 drones are gone). Even though Hobgoblin Is are slower than the T2 variant, they do the job and you won't notice the difference much. I wouldn't recommend using Hobgoblin IIs at all (for L4 PvE in a Raven or CNR).

Clearly you should be asking for advice and not giving it. Like every other module in EVE the T2 version out classes the T1 version. In the case of the drones, better damage, better speed, better defense hit-points, better tracking, to name just a few. What this means they will hit harder and live longer. If you are loosing drones due to NPC aggro, you are also doing it wrong. I have done a lot of thing in eve, WH's, Incursions, etc and the ONLY time you loose your drones is if you use them wrong and don't pay attention.
In anything PVE you should not be sending your light drones beyond 10km, well that's what I live by. The NPC will scram and web them and they will be dead.
Your statement about not noticing the difference between T1 and T2 drones is absolutely crazy. There is a very noticeable difference. The difference will be enough and will have you warp out when you in trouble and are scrammed by NPC as apposed to becoming space dust.
I have lost 1 warrior while running incursions and nothing else in my 4 years of eve, so to say you going to loose them so get cheap is just plain silly. I have lost other drones in PVP but that's normally when I blow up and sadly my pod can't carry my babies home.

Oh please.

Not sending drones beyond 10km? That’s your choice. But in the time you wait for your targets to get that close, my T1 drones usually have taken out all (small) targets (depends a bit on the mission, of course). I prefer to clear missions fast. And why should I care if I lose 1 or 2 drones that way? Actually, if I calculate ISK/hr, it would cost me more to take the time to recall/micromanage my drones in order to save them – at 6k ISK per drone … whohoo.

And I’m silly for claiming that people will lose drones? Maybe you should check the markets. Drones are traded in thousands. This would be very strange, if you were right.

And I didn’t claim that you don’t notice a difference between T1 and T2, I said you won’t notice the difference much (in a typical L4 mission). Besides, if the difference is enough that you have to warp out when you are in trouble and are scrammed by NPC to avoid becoming space dust you are either doing something fundamentally wrong or you are flying a **** fit or both.

So maybe you are the one who should ask for advice.
Tobias Hareka
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#43 - 2013-08-06 10:53:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Tobias Hareka
Myriad Blaze wrote:
And I’m silly for claiming that people will lose drones? Maybe you should check the markets. Drones are traded in thousands. This would be very strange, if you were right.

You're ruining my market by telling that. Sad

And I didn’t claim that you don’t notice a difference between T1 and T2, I said you won’t notice the difference much (in a typical L4 mission). Besides, if the difference is enough that you have to warp out when you are in trouble and are scrammed by NPC to avoid becoming space dust you are either doing something fundamentally wrong or you are flying a **** fit or both.

Can T1 Hobs one shot frigates? I'm asking because I haven't used T1 drones since forever.

I only lose T2 drones when I do something stupid. It's actually quite difficult to lose one if you know how AI that's based on original sleeper AI "thinks". Hint: there are many things AI hates more than your drones.
Myriad Blaze
Common Sense Ltd
Nulli Secunda
#44 - 2013-08-06 11:16:57 UTC
Tobias Hareka wrote:
Myriad Blaze wrote:
And I’m silly for claiming that people will lose drones? Maybe you should check the markets. Drones are traded in thousands. This would be very strange, if you were right.

You're ruining my market by telling that. Sad

No worries. Next time I'm coming to the market for replacements, I'll buy some extra to compensate. Cool

Tobias Hareka wrote:

And I didn’t claim that you don’t notice a difference between T1 and T2, I said you won’t notice the difference much (in a typical L4 mission). Besides, if the difference is enough that you have to warp out when you are in trouble and are scrammed by NPC to avoid becoming space dust you are either doing something fundamentally wrong or you are flying a **** fit or both.

Can T1 Hobs one shot frigates? I'm asking because I haven't used T1 drones since forever.

No, T1 Hobs can not one shot frigates (well, maybe they can one shot rookie frigates, but I don't remember seeing one outside of a tutorial mission ever, so I guess that doesn't count). However, the T1 Hobs only need to kill those frigates a little bit faster than you need to pop everything else. And in most L4 missions that's not a problem considering the number of frigates compared to the number of other ships.
Myriad Blaze
Common Sense Ltd
Nulli Secunda
#45 - 2013-08-06 13:26:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Myriad Blaze
Tobias Hareka wrote:
I only lose T2 drones when I do something stupid. It's actually quite difficult to lose one if you know how AI that's based on original sleeper AI "thinks". Hint: there are many things AI hates more than your drones.

Hey, somehow I missed that, when I quoted your post. Shocked Sneaky edit, eh? Big smile

I'm really interested in your hint. Question Atm I don't really get what you seem to be referring to.

EDIT: Removed some lines that I didn't like after rereading.
WoT Misfits
#46 - 2013-08-06 16:28:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Nuela
Raven is not very good at lvl 4's. It can do them but stay in lvl 3's and a BC until you can run a T2 Caldari Naval Raven.

If you just can't wait/impatient then get a scorp instead.
Tobias Hareka
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#47 - 2013-08-06 17:19:01 UTC
Myriad Blaze wrote:
Atm I don't really get what you seem to be referring to.

Try for example target painter. It does help your drones too.
Shadow Cartel
#48 - 2013-08-06 17:55:47 UTC
Paul Otichoda wrote:
I've recently got a battleship with cruise missiles and tried out a level 4 mission. However I'm getting my arse kicked, they keep taking down my shields and I run out my capacitor. I also had to deal with some frigates but got a chunk of my drones shot up while trying to take them out. What am I doing wrong?

Arbalest' Cruise Launcher x6

Large Shield Extender II x1
X-Large C5-L Emergency Shield Overload I x1
Kinetic Deflection Amplifier II x2
Shield Boost Amplifier I x2
Thermic Dissipation Amplifier II x1
Kinetic Deflection Amplifier II x 2

Ballistic Control System I x3
Capacitor Flux Coil I x2

Large Capacitor Control Circuit Ix3

Hobgoblin Ix 5
Hammerhead Ix4

Your Raven has 9 mid slots?

In PvE, don't mix passive and active tanking.

Kinetic Deflection x2
Thermic Disspation
x-large shield booster
Shield boost amp
optional, you could even use a cap booster for tanking the heavy dps when you first arrive

You won't be able to run lvl 4's efficiently until you can use tech 2 hardeners and boosters. Also, ffs don't ever leave a skill you use at level 1 (cruise missiles), at lest get everything to 3 FIRST, then focus on getting what you need to 4-5.

I prefer power diagnostic systems to cap flux coils, but that's also optional
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#49 - 2013-08-06 17:56:32 UTC
If you don't notice a 25% drop in effectiveness by using non-T2 drones you're not running the same missions I am.

And seriously? Skimping on drone costs? What's a decent mission boat run to these days? 750m-1b is pretty conservative for many.

Hell my /ammo/ costs per mission will be more than a T2 drone. Probably a flight of them on a long mission.

Do I need this cost? No, but time is money and gank is tank. If you're missioning for funding other gameplay elements and doing it any other way you ARE doing it wrong.
Bugsy VanHalen
Society of lost Souls
#50 - 2013-08-06 18:58:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Bugsy VanHalen
Paul Otichoda wrote:
My skills for shields are:

Energy Grid Upgrades 3
Energy Management 3
Energy Systems Operation 3
Shield Emission Systems 2
Shield Management 3
Shield Operation 4
Shield Upgrades 4
Tactical shield manipulation 3


Cruiser missiles: 1
Missile Bombardment 4
Missile Projection 4
Rapid Launch 3
Target Navigation Prediction 3
Warhead Upgrades 3

what should I try to improve?

to run level 4 missions well you want all you fitting skills at 4, with rank 1 fitting skills at 5.
You need cruise missiles and all the missile support skills to 4

You will be at at least 10 million total skill points before you can easily run level 4 missions. but with help, and careful planing to can run them slow, but safe, before that. Think of playing WOW,if that is where you came from, now go run a raid at level 50 with generic heavy armor. Did you win? no, you were not ready.

You need more than the ability to sit in a ship to be able to fly it effectively. My advice is stay in a drake until you have all your fitting skills up, and all missile support skills to at least 4. Under skilled, a drake will have a higher survivability than a Raven in level 4 missions. You will just lack the DPS to finish them fast.

A rule of thumb for mission running, do not mix active and passive tank modules, in fact, mission running is near impossible with a passive/buffer tank. You want to use active hardeners. these need to be turned on, and use cap, but trust me, the extra resists are worth it. Unless you have all shield compensation skills to 5, passive resist amps are useless. many would argue that even with skills to 5 they are useless.

The extra large shield booster is good, but you want to only pulse this as needed, not leave it running. This is easier to do when you have higher resists. my mission raven runs with 2 of each, mission specific faction hardeners at over 80% resists. With a Caldari Navy X-large shield booster. A damage controller in a low slot is good while you are learning. it will give a little boost to your shields, and allow your armor/hull to hold up long enough to warp out if your shields go down.

Forget the CCC rigs, they do not do much for your cap, that extra large booster just burns cap to fast for them to make a difference. 2 rigor and 1 flare rigs will do you much better.These do not directly affect your DPS numbers in the fitting screen, but you will hit much harder, especially against small targets. I one volley destroyers and most cruisers. frigates are still hard to hit, but can be killed by cruise missiles with good skills and rigor rigs. bring some faction missiles for those hard to kill battleships, at least until you can use t2 missiles.And keep your range. Even a low skilled raven can target out over 90km, and cruise missiles can hit much farther than that. I find 60-70 km from the BS's is good, the added range really drops the incoming DPS, while you still hit for full damage.

Your basic fitting skills seem to be your biggest hole, other than cruise missiles 1, WTF is that? 4 is bare minimum for the weapon system you use in missions, you should have it to 5, with advanced cruise missiles to 4 to hit hard with T2 missiles. my raven does over 1000DPS.

But your core skills,

Energy Management 3
Energy Systems Operation 3
Shield Emission Systems 2
Shield Management 3
Shield Operation 4
Electronics ?
Engineering ?
Mechanics ?

should all be to 5 before running level 4 missions. This is one spot where certificates can help. get all your core certificates to at least standard. CCC rigs will not help much when your cap is gimped by your skills.

energy grid upgrade will give you more power grid, as well you will want to train weapon upgrades and advanced weapon upgrades under the gunnery path. The affect missile systems as much as they do guns. these will make your cruise launchers use less power and CPU leaving more for your tank.
Tobias Hareka
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#51 - 2013-08-06 19:09:40 UTC
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Hell my /ammo/ costs per mission will be more than a T2 drone. Probably a flight of them on a long mission.

Nothing beats AC Mach in ammo costs.
Cameron Freerunner
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#52 - 2013-08-06 19:17:39 UTC
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
A rule of thumb for mission running, do not mix active and passive tank modules, in fact, mission running is near impossible with a passive/buffer tank. You want to use active hardeners. these need to be turned on, and use cap, but trust me, the extra resists are worth it. Unless you have all shield compensation skills to 5, passive resist amps are useless. many would argue that even with skills to 5 they are useless.

When I first started missioning I used a passive tank hurricane quite successfully in L3s. Skills were at 4 at the time. I don't know if canes are still like that these days, but I never once had any issues.
Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#53 - 2013-08-06 19:22:51 UTC
Tobias Hareka wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Hell my /ammo/ costs per mission will be more than a T2 drone. Probably a flight of them on a long mission.

Nothing beats AC Mach in ammo costs.

I know, I run cruise birds but my point is STILL true!
Cage Man
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#54 - 2013-08-06 19:25:33 UTC
Myriad Blaze wrote:
Cage Man wrote:
Myriad Blaze wrote:

But there is one thing that was often mentioned in this thread that I disagree with. Several people suggested to train up drones asap. My advice is don't. You should be able to use Hobgoblin Is, but it's not neccessary to be able to use the T2 variant. It is much more important for you to train up your fitting, shield and missile skills. Besides, it's not very cost efficient to use Hobgoblin IIs (Jita price for Hobgoblin II is around 400k; for Hobgoblin I it's roughly 6k). You will lose some drones now and then (Damsel in Distress: be distracted at the wrong moment and *poof* .... 5 drones are gone). Even though Hobgoblin Is are slower than the T2 variant, they do the job and you won't notice the difference much. I wouldn't recommend using Hobgoblin IIs at all (for L4 PvE in a Raven or CNR).

Clearly you should be asking for advice and not giving it. Like every other module in EVE the T2 version out classes the T1 version. In the case of the drones, better damage, better speed, better defense hit-points, better tracking, to name just a few. What this means they will hit harder and live longer. If you are loosing drones due to NPC aggro, you are also doing it wrong. I have done a lot of thing in eve, WH's, Incursions, etc and the ONLY time you loose your drones is if you use them wrong and don't pay attention.
In anything PVE you should not be sending your light drones beyond 10km, well that's what I live by. The NPC will scram and web them and they will be dead.
Your statement about not noticing the difference between T1 and T2 drones is absolutely crazy. There is a very noticeable difference. The difference will be enough and will have you warp out when you in trouble and are scrammed by NPC as apposed to becoming space dust.
I have lost 1 warrior while running incursions and nothing else in my 4 years of eve, so to say you going to loose them so get cheap is just plain silly. I have lost other drones in PVP but that's normally when I blow up and sadly my pod can't carry my babies home.

Oh please.

Not sending drones beyond 10km? That’s your choice. But in the time you wait for your targets to get that close, my T1 drones usually have taken out all (small) targets (depends a bit on the mission, of course). I prefer to clear missions fast. And why should I care if I lose 1 or 2 drones that way? Actually, if I calculate ISK/hr, it would cost me more to take the time to recall/micromanage my drones in order to save them – at 6k ISK per drone … whohoo.

And I’m silly for claiming that people will lose drones? Maybe you should check the markets. Drones are traded in thousands. This would be very strange, if you were right.

And I didn’t claim that you don’t notice a difference between T1 and T2, I said you won’t notice the difference much (in a typical L4 mission). Besides, if the difference is enough that you have to warp out when you are in trouble and are scrammed by NPC to avoid becoming space dust you are either doing something fundamentally wrong or you are flying a **** fit or both.

So maybe you are the one who should ask for advice.

LOL sure. You the expert then, but I still have my 4 year old tengu with a pithum a medium sb, caldari navy invuln's and CN BCS's and don't loose drones.
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#55 - 2013-08-07 18:31:06 UTC
Tobias Hareka wrote:
Morrigan LeSante wrote:
Hell my /ammo/ costs per mission will be more than a T2 drone. Probably a flight of them on a long mission.

Nothing beats AC Mach in ammo costs.

Rattlesnake by a mile actually.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#56 - 2013-08-07 18:32:27 UTC
What? Eh? how?
Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#57 - 2013-08-08 07:36:20 UTC
Only 4 launchers and most of the damage is from drones.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

Morrigan LeSante
Caldari State
#58 - 2013-08-08 07:43:27 UTC
We were talking about boats with expensive ammo costs, hence the AC mach being the costliest Smile
Paul Otichoda
Caldari State
#59 - 2013-08-08 07:43:44 UTC
Klymer wrote:
WHY U NO HAVE Weapon Upgrades IV? Shocked

Seriously, T2 Ballistic Controls on a Raven are not an option they are MANDATORY

Yes they are that important. Big smile

Stop training whatever it is your training right now and add weapon upgrades IV to your queue, then come back and read the rest of this post.

well I've got it trained now and it really does improve the output of my drake. So yes it does seem to be a good idea
Tobias Hareka
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#60 - 2013-08-08 07:50:13 UTC
Cipher Jones wrote:
Only 4 launchers and most of the damage is from drones.

Maybe if you think it that way. Mach is by far the most expensive ship to use in level 4s. Faction ammo isn't cheap and Mach goes through piles of faction ammo so quickly it's not even funny.