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[Odyssey 1.1] Command Ships

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Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#721 - 2013-08-04 05:36:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Uskaanax
Missile bonuses on a Minmatar ship? Really? I'm not entirely sure that's in line with the whole "big guns" theory of the race. How about artillery instead?
Omnathious Deninard
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#722 - 2013-08-04 05:46:58 UTC
Jerick Ludhowe wrote:
Naoru Kozan wrote:
Roime wrote:
On ships using weapons like heavy drones and blasters, local rep bonuses fit the bill. Gallente CSes are not meant for sov blobs.


Not everyone wants to fly in a biggass blob and get vollied off the field.

Not everyone wants to fly ships that are only good for station games and high sec duels either...

This is exactly the reason why each race should have 1 Buffer brick for fleet work, and 1 active tanked ganker for solo/small gang...

Skirmish wrote:

An episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, esp. between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets.

I think this describes Gallente and Minmatar combat styles quite well, and with that active rep bonuses are fine.

If you don't follow the rules, neither will I.

Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#723 - 2013-08-04 06:26:02 UTC
Uskaanax wrote:
Missile bonuses on a Minmatar ship? Really? I'm not entirely sure that's in line with the whole "big guns" theory of the race. How about artillery instead?

Do you miss the dual 10% damage bonus on the sleip? We already have it.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#724 - 2013-08-04 07:34:19 UTC
Get the fck out from the game crapy CCP Fozzy with your nerfbats.

"Moving on to Gallente, the Astarte sheds two turrets, but one of the damage bonuses is being doubled, while the other will be replaced with a rate of fire bonus. That's actually a slight nerf to its damage output, though at 10 effective turrets it'll still be on par with any other ship. The Eos, on the other hand, is getting turned into a more focused drone based ship. The Hybrid Turret bonus is replaced with the typical 10% drone damage and hitpoint bonus, while the drone bay bonus is getting scrapped for the Heavy Drone tracking and MWD bonus featured on the new Ishtar. A buff to the drone bay and a somewhat out of place looking turret tracking bonus round off the changes.

Finally, the Minmatar Command Ships. The Sleipnir will get its turret damage bonus doubled, but bucking previous trends, the rate of fire bonus will be replaced with a second 10% damage bonus. It's a slight DPS nerf just like the Astarte, though the ship is left with more effective turrets than any other command ship, and the double damage bonus makes for a potentially very mean alpha strike, as far as such things go for medium artillery. The Claymore, on the other hand, is taking after the Cyclone and will be reimagined as a missile ship, with double bonuses to rate of fire and a bonus to explosion velocity. When and if Command Ships ever get reskinned, you can guess which one will stick with the Cyclone hull, and which will change to the Hurricane!"
Luscius Uta
#725 - 2013-08-04 08:14:41 UTC
While I agree with those people who think that local reps bonuses on ships that are designed for fleet warfare isn't going to be much useful, if CCP would share such thinking, they would replace them with resist bonuses by now. Therefore I propose that those 7.5%/level bonuses to armour repair/shield boosting should affect remote reps as well so logis have a better chance of saving your Command ship when it gets primaried. Of course, this goes for Command ships only , not for ships like Cyclone.

Workarounds are not bugfixes.

Mr Doctor
Star Nation
Goonswarm Federation
#726 - 2013-08-04 08:43:24 UTC
People that think this is a nerf because they lose a little DPS are mental in the brain pan.
Goonswarm Federation
#727 - 2013-08-04 08:48:04 UTC
Yongtau Naskingar
Yongtau Naskingar Corporation
#728 - 2013-08-04 09:13:28 UTC
If boosters get targeted like mad in big fights, shouldn't they be a bigger class? Like, keep these CSs for small gangs, and introduce booster ships of a larger class (BS, cap maybe?). They'll then definitely be targeted like mad, but then at least they can survive the warp in?

Just throwing out a suggestion, not sure if it makes sense.
Uplifting Infernal Paradise
#729 - 2013-08-04 09:34:52 UTC  |  Edited by: S1dy
Yongtau Naskingar wrote:
If boosters get targeted like mad in big fights, shouldn't they be a bigger class? Like, keep these CSs for small gangs, and introduce booster ships of a larger class (BS, cap maybe?). They'll then definitely be targeted like mad, but then at least they can survive the warp in?

Just throwing out a suggestion, not sure if it makes sense.

It should be the opposite direction then. The smaller the ship and the heavier the tank, the more it will survive. That's because of mobility and signature, both important in every weapon tracking formulars. Just take a look at tech 3. If you fit them with tank fit they tank more then every battleship right now.

But no, i don't think that would be a good idea. As i said in my previous entries, the damnation does a good job in tanking and providing boosts to a fleet right now. And it gets a small buff to EHP with this changes so it will be well enough in the future. It's just that all the other races won't have a comparable ship in this class - they all lack a brick tanker that's viable for large fleets.
Arthur Aihaken
#730 - 2013-08-04 09:46:34 UTC
Sooooo glad I didn't waste my time training for these.
Can't wait to see what they do with Strategic Cruisers, Pirates, Black Ops and Marauders...

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

#731 - 2013-08-04 10:01:11 UTC
FleetAdmiralHarper wrote:
Caldari Battlecruiser skill bonuses:

5% bonus to Heavy Assault Missile and Heavy Missile explosion radius (was explosion velocity)[/b]
NOOOOOO just ******* NO, IT NEEDS TO BE EXPLOSION VELOCITY to counter the god ******* awful useless velocity of the t2 heavy missiles. t2 heavy missiles are so bad, because they cant apply any damage AT ALL, because of the nonexistent explosion velocity.. if you do this they will be EVEN WORSE. which is ******* unfathomable. as is they already do HALF the damage of t1 missiles to anything thats moving.. regardless of what the dps counter says.

Ok, your English (or lack thereof) tells me that youre an idiot, and your complaint tells me that you know nothing about how missiles work.

An explosion radius buff is better than an explosion velocity buff in basically every way. This is the missile damage formula as far as we know. Allow me to do the math for you since you obviously cant.

Right now faction HAMs with perfect skills:
Explosion Velocity 151.5
Explosion Radius 93.75
Damage Reduction Factor 4.5

Now lets say youre fighting an afterburning sacrilege:
Signature Radius 140
Top Speed 543

With no bonuses you'd be doing 46.18% of your normal damage
With an explosion velocity bonus the explosion velocity increases to 189.375 increasing your damage to 56.24% of normal
With an explosion radius bonus the radius decreases to 70.3125 increasing your damage to 59.53% of normal

This is a straight buff in all situations because of the way the formula works. Not to mention when the target's velocity is near 0 the only thing that factors into the damage reduction is signature radius vs explosion radius which was not helped by the old bonus.

Think first post second.

FleetAdmiralHarper wrote:
Slot layout: 7 H, 5 M, 5 L , 2 turrets (+1), ----->5 Launchers (-1)<---- NOOOO its a ******* NIGHTHAWK NOT A VULTURE OR CRAPOX
you already raped heavy missiles to oblivion, DO NOT REMOVE MISSILE SLOTS. i threw a ******* fit when u removed them from the ferox. now that ship is useless. and so are hybrids on caldari vessles.

This exceeds the idiocy of your first post because the math on this one is much more simple.

The old NH got 6 turrets a 5% damage bonus and a 5% ROF bonus

6 * 1.25 / .75 = 10 effective launchers

The new NH gets 5 turrets a 10% damage bonus and a 5% ROF bonus

5 * 1.5 / .75 = 10 effective launchers

You, and everyone agreeing with you are idiots.

FleetAdmiralHarper wrote:
EVERY GOD DAMN TIME i get close to something fun ccp you either DESTROY it, or you move it another 3 months away.
like you did to my carrier, t2 cruisers, and nighthawk, and missile ferox.
your not going to get any more money out of me, **** YOU ALL I QUIT!!!

my plex runs out soon and ill never renew.
im so sick of getting totally jewed by you every time i find something fun to use.

its bad enough your raping the command modules too now.
i cant freaking take it anymore.
words can not even describe how pissed off i am. gahhh **** this game.
infact ill phucking delete my account if you do this in the update.

PS:who ever decided to do this to command ships needs to be ******* shot.

oh and ITS A BATTLECRUSIER NOT A CRUISER, NO 5 slot weapons bull crap.

With an attitude like that you are lowering the average intelligence of the playerbase and adding nothing to it; i hope you leave and never come back.
#732 - 2013-08-04 10:25:53 UTC
Nighthawk is still crap because of heavy missiles having been nerfed to Oblivion when the actual problem was not heavy missiles but the Drake and the Tengu.

5% explosion radius is a very weak bonus compared to 10% explosion velocity, 7,5% tracking, 10% missile speed, 10% optimal or even 10% falloff (except on lasers).
Nighthawk already being a failure by design (cf: slot layout, fitting, and use of HML) also got the worst bonus.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#733 - 2013-08-04 10:56:23 UTC  |  Edited by: FleetAdmiralHarper
@ Sigras
i dont care about +10% damage to 1 damn missile type. everyone knows that in actual combat there are times where you need to fire the other types of missiles.
so boosting the specific faction is pointless. it makes the ship weaker, as does taking away a launcher, are you going to fire kinetic at someone with a 85% resist??? or are you going to hit their hole be it, em, explosive or thermal at say 45%?

well you're obviously ********, so you probably will try to make the square fit through the circle hole, and hit kin... but the rest of us arent like you.

this is HURTING the ship and dps,. NOT HELPING.

also the nighthawk doesn't get bonuses to hams for velocity..
at-least not at the moment. besides i wouldn't use them because im a range whore.

removing a launcher is just a huge freaking (NO), especially for a ship who's weapons are **** already because of over nerfing..

and added damage for a single missile type is ********. because people will either tank that on you, or you're stuck with a **** ship that can only do damage to 1 npc faction. (if that's your cup of tea)
the beauty of missiles was versatility, and they are killing that.

lastly i have no problem leaving, ill be playing x3 or star citizen,. they are much better games then eve.
i hope ccp goes bankrupt and they die XD, will be a fitting end to a game like this. i can already see their numbers shrinking XD.

lol hell when i really want a good combat experience i play nexus the Jupiter incident for a serious, and militaristic space combat sim.

eve is the faggoty wow, cod or world of tanks of space games XD. its to easy, slow, takes to long to do anything fun, and the worst offense of all is its boring.

well scratch that the worst is ccp raping **** every time your 14 hours from the ship, then moving it back a month, then saying 2 weeks later.. oh yeah were raping your ship again.

the worst part, this is like the 19th time this has happened to me in the last year. if this launcher change is made to the nighthawk im done with you ccp.
Mr Floydy
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#734 - 2013-08-04 11:16:25 UTC
Haha so many tears. We'll miss you FleetAdmiralHarper.... You realise other races are pigeonholed into only doing one (maybe 2 combined) damage types for most of their ships too right?

With the bonus change it does exactly the same damage as before. Most other Command ships lost a bit of DPS I believe.
The dropping weapon turret slots is great, if you don't see this you clearly don't understand why they are in the game.

That's not to say I'm against it getting a bit more of a boost. I'd be happy for the damage bonus to be 10% kinetic 5% to everything else.

Likewise looking at the Vulture, I'm not convinced on the double range bonuses.
Liandri Industrial
#735 - 2013-08-04 11:16:47 UTC
FleetAdmiralHarper wrote:
@ Sigras
i dont care about +10% damage to 1 damn missile type. everyone knows that in actual combat there are times where you need to fire the other types of missiles.
so boosting the specific faction is pointless. it makes the ship weaker, as does taking away a launcher, are you going to fire kinetic at someone with a 85% resist??? or are you going to hit their hole be it, em, explosive or thermal at say 45%?

well you're obviously ********, so you probably will try to make the square fit through the circle hole, and hit kin... but the rest of us arent like you.

this is HURTING the ship and dps,. NOT HELPING.

also the nighthawk doesn't get bonuses to hams for velocity..
at-least not at the moment. besides i wouldn't use them because im a range *****.

removing a launcher is just a huge freaking (NO), especially for a ship who's weapons are **** already because of over nerfing..

and added damage for a single missile type is ********. because people will either tank that on you, or you're stuck with a **** ship that can only do damage to 1 npc faction. (if that's your cup of tea)
the beauty of missiles was versatility, and they are killing that.

lastly i have no problem leaving, ill be playing x3 or star citizen,. they are much better games then eve.
i hope ccp goes bankrupt and they die XD, will be a fitting end to a game like this. i can already see their numbers shrinking XD.

lol hell when i really want a good combat experience i play nexus the Jupiter incident for a serious, and militaristic space combat sim.

eve is the faggoty wow, cod or world of tanks of space games XD. its to easy, slow, takes to long to do anything fun, and the worst offense of all is its boring.

well scratch that the worst is ccp raping **** every time your 14 hours from the ship, the moving it back a month, then saying 2 weeks later.. oh yeah were raping your ship again.

the worst part, this is like the 19th time this has happened to me in the last year. if this launcher change is made to the nighthawk im done with you ccp.

Are you twelve? Would you like a lollipop to ease your temper tantrum?
Serenity Zipher
#736 - 2013-08-04 11:19:22 UTC
Alsyth wrote:
Nighthawk is still crap because of heavy missiles having been nerfed to Oblivion when the actual problem was not heavy missiles but the Drake and the Tengu.

5% explosion radius is a very weak bonus compared to , 7,5% tracking, 10% missile speed, 10% optimal or even 10% falloff (except on lasers).
Nighthawk already being a failure by design (cf: slot layout, fitting, and use of HML) also got the worst bonus.

I somewhat agree with you, the only thing that made the NH viable was its 10% explosion velocity bonus. It was the only real ship that could utilise heavy missiles decently. Now, very few ships can utilise HM's effectively. HM damage application is terrible, even with rigs, and there's no point using webs with it as its a long range weapon, leaving you with one real module to increase damage (target painters).
Kane Fenris
#737 - 2013-08-04 11:24:01 UTC
Alsyth wrote:
Nighthawk is still crap because of heavy missiles having been nerfed to Oblivion when the actual problem was not heavy missiles but the Drake and the Tengu.

i agree on this one

while is dont mislike its slot layout and dont mislike that the boni is now exp radius i agree that on a command ship a single dmg bonus is some kind of fail.

it lost dmg when not useing kin dmg compared to ist current version what makes it even worse (cause less launcher and bigger kin bonus to compare)

- undo agility nerf
- give it rainbow dmg
- a little more fitting plz

i could follow their arguments regarding the cerberus but imho commandships are to advanced for not beeing able to choose their dmg type (problem is blaster rails and laser do 2x dmg types while they have a similar problem they can vary their optimal/fallof and partly dmg composition and do 2 diffrent dmg types at once)
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#738 - 2013-08-04 11:30:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Lloyd Roses
Serenity Zipher wrote:
Alsyth wrote:
Nighthawk is still crap because of heavy missiles having been nerfed to Oblivion when the actual problem was not heavy missiles but the Drake and the Tengu.

5% explosion radius is a very weak bonus compared to , 7,5% tracking, 10% missile speed, 10% optimal or even 10% falloff (except on lasers).
Nighthawk already being a failure by design (cf: slot layout, fitting, and use of HML) also got the worst bonus.

I somewhat agree with you, the only thing that made the NH viable was its 10% explosion velocity bonus. It was the only real ship that could utilise heavy missiles decently. Now, very few ships can utilise HM's effectively. HM damage application is terrible, even with rigs, and there's no point using webs with it as its a long range weapon, leaving you with one real module to increase damage (target painters).

I got myself the new EFT-files to toy around a little with fits, and damn.... Those are all tight like ****. Highlights I found: 110k EHP Eos with 700dps and capstable triple-med-neut. HAM-Nighthawk as FC-Brick with 600dps and 180k EHP boosting itself. Claymore to roam with Deimos/Vagas/Dramiels, making 2km/s boosting itself. If CCPs goal was to make ongrid boosting viable, they miht have done it really fine - just from looking at the stats.

Currently Eos, Nighthawk and laymore are awaiting the rebalance to roll out in full pimp. T2 ACR counts as full pimp.

Edit: I should add that I'm mostly practicing the hugging of wormholes and ganks/escalations around that spot. So having links that jump along with your fleet is really a crucial advantage.
Maraque Enterprises
Just let it happen
#739 - 2013-08-04 11:33:04 UTC
Sigras wrote:

An explosion radius buff is better than an explosion velocity buff in basically every way. This is the missile damage formula as far as we know. Allow me to do the math for you since you obviously cant.

Right now faction HAMs with perfect skills:
Explosion Velocity 151.5
Explosion Radius 93.75
Damage Reduction Factor 4.5

Now lets say youre fighting an afterburning sacrilege:
Signature Radius 140
Top Speed 543

With no bonuses you'd be doing 46.18% of your normal damage
With an explosion velocity bonus the explosion velocity increases to 189.375 increasing your damage to 56.24% of normal
With an explosion radius bonus the radius decreases to 70.3125 increasing your damage to 59.53% of normal

This is a straight buff in all situations because of the way the formula works. Not to mention when the target's velocity is near 0 the only thing that factors into the damage reduction is signature radius vs explosion radius which was not helped by the old bonus.

Think first post second.

Expanding on this, the missile damage formula is first of all limited at 100% damage, then limited by signature radius/explosion radius. After that we come to a bit of a whacky formula involving a couple logarithmic functions, but the important stuff is in the brackets.

(Sig/Explosionrad * ExplosionV/TargetV)

Another way to put this is:
Sig*explosionV / explosionrad*TargetV

Now a bonus to explosionV would look like this:

Sig*explosionV*1.25 / explosionrad*targetV

Or in essence you're multiplying the result by 1.25

(sig*explosionV / explosionrad*target V) *1.25

A bonus to explosionrad looks like this:

sig*explosionV / (explosionrad*.75)*targetV

It's times .75 because the explosion radius is reduced by 25%, or is only 75% of what it used to be.

Or another way of putting it is:

(Sig*explosionV / explosionrad*targetV) * 1/.75
Or in other words, you're multiplying the result by 1/.75
Which can also be stated as 1.3333

So an explosion velocity bonus multiplies damage by 1.25.
Explosion radius modifies it by 1.3333.

Higher is better, by the way.

And no, Sigras, this isn't for your benefit. I know you already understand it, I'm just explaining it for FleetAdmiralHarper.
To mare
Advanced Technology
#740 - 2013-08-04 11:37:41 UTC
i have the feeling that the claymore will be a better combat ship than the sleipnir which is kind of sad if you look at ship descriptions. poor brutor tribe.