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How to solve the population problem in low sec

Sunshine and Lollipops
#161 - 2013-08-02 16:03:25 UTC
Hmm… the largest (and, really, only) problem I saw with living in lowsec was that it was impossible to pre-emptively secure your space without incurring sec status penalties. I kind of wished that CW2.0 had fixed that… Cry
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#162 - 2013-08-02 17:48:28 UTC
I'm not sure what that means.
Cpt Arareb
Amarr Empire
#163 - 2013-08-02 18:18:23 UTC
imho lowsec pop is fine now, the overhaul of fw helped alotBlink, now is not so rare to find a fight in lowsecBlink, mining huh, well, I find a mining barge in lowsec belt I will atack it, if I see 100 mining barges, im gonna grab friends or even bathphone someone that own a titan or blops to drop a fleet of destruction and death Twisted and im sure im not the only one that would do thatPirate, this all to say: mining in lowsec? - sure, just dont expect to survive for longRoll
Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#164 - 2013-08-02 19:20:08 UTC
Make some noise man. The wasps will leave the woodwork. Lowsec may have some problems but those aren't about population. Income levels... perhaps. In my opinion the tags helped somewhat. I get more belt fights. If you want more people in lowsec, start conquering lowsec. Not for the profit or the space, but for the principle and causuality. I don't know about you but I'm a 30m SP CEO with 2 years of experience. A small tigershark if you will. Missions bore me and so does null. Kick up and the great whites will bite down. If I can get someone so butthurt they spike my local with 40+ pilots, so can you. The incentive then becomes not getting your ISK making space stuff wrecked and warding off attacks. Enough reason for me to stick around untill evicted. I can't stand null F1 PVP and lowsec is lolsec.
Tetsuo Tsukaya
Caldari State
#165 - 2013-08-03 07:26:36 UTC
Mycool Jahksn wrote:
Kitty Bear wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
Kitty Bear wrote:
it's not a ccp created problem, ergo nothing is broken
there is no problem to solve from a development viewpoint

you know what it means don't you?

Hint: players speak "if it's not broken don't fix it!" not without reason Lol

in a nutshell ......

the players that don't go to lo-sec, don't go to lo-sec because they don't want to go to lo-sec

it's not complicated, it's not hard to understand

CCP have implemented lots of activities for players to do in lo-sec
FW offensive & Defensive Complexes
FW agents
Standard Mission Agents
Asteroid Belts
Gas Clouds
Ice Mining 'clouds'
L5 mission agents (totally unavailable in high-sec)
NPC ships at asteroid belts
Wormholes and Anomalies
Moons to anchor POS's at
Full Station Services

Other MMO's use 'pre-scripted gameplay' .. (that means developer led, just a fyi)
Eve is all about 'emergent gameplay' ... (that means player led, yes, another fyi moment)
the list above, is a list of tools that players can use, or not use as they see fit, to create their own content

ccp have tried to influence lo-sec activity in recent times ... such as with data-cores.
an act that pretty much destroyed a pre-existing mini-career path in the game

But none of those aspects that you listed are unique or lucrative enough to make it worthwhile. It has been said a thousand times already; you can get said items or services safely elsewhere.

Also, I don't buy the "lowsec is fine already" talk. Sure, there might be a select few systems that are populated but I fully remember traveling through lowsec space a few days back and it was completely empty. I remember a couple of systems that had a couple of guys in them but they were all docked up safely in the station.

So all you "i do all my shyte in lowsec", explain why people in lowsec spend their entire time sitting in a station?

I'll explain it to you; There isn't anything out there in lowsec space worth undocking for. End of story.

And there it is. Non low sec resident travelled "through low sec space a few days back" and now he's going to save us all from ourselves.

Did you ever consider that those empty systems you passed through are probably someone's prime exploration spots where they can run sites and actually start to assess each time someone pops up in local whether its safe for them to keep running explo at that time?

Or did you ever consider that the vast tracts of empty systems actually create a few hot spots of activity as people organically flock to certain systems because that's where other players are? We moved into a quiet little faction warfare system and held it, and now we have multiple pirates living in system with us who we occasionally gank or get ganked by, and they moved here because we moved here, and we stay here because enemy militia knows we're here and come to us looking for fights. It's an interesting dynamic to see in practice and it only happens because there isn't activity in every system all the time, it allows hot spots to develop naturally and it's awesome.

Or did you ever consider that the majority of low sec systems being very quiet is what gives it it's frontier atmosphere which is why most of us live here? You can chose tons of systems that isn't heavily occupied and call it home for your corp. you can roam through empty systems and know that when someone else jumps into a system you're passing through they're sizing you up just like you're sizing them up. Low sec isn't mean to be "hi sec only you can shoot each other" chock full of faceless bads, and if you don't even live here I don't understand why you thought your insights were going to be particularly valuable.

Go visit Amamake, it's exactly the kind of place with a population problem you describe and I'm sure the one or two small corps that base out of there would be glad to welcome you.
Moneta Curran
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#166 - 2013-08-03 22:04:35 UTC
Achronatar wrote:
It's true all the time I can run carebear Lvl4 missions in a ship worth a fair few iskies in High Sec why would I go to Low Sec and risk my shiny chrome BS?

Not only that Lvl4 missions generate me lots more iskies with which to bling my ship with ever more shiny shiny stuffs.

Until such times as I feel like I want to risk a ship scanning down DEDs in Low Sec then running them all the while watching my back I'm not going to go there.

Likewise why would a solo miner go there? Risk is too great.

If your only concern and concept of this game is limited to how much isk you can rake in without ever getting thwarted, if you only care for a predictable routine of steady progression, without any upsets or surprises, you will never understand. Stay in your bubble.
Seraph Essael
The Initiative.
#167 - 2013-08-04 03:58:51 UTC
Remove all the tech moons from Fountain and place them in lowsec... Lol

Quoted from Doc Fury: "Concerned citizens: Doc seldom plays EVE on the weekends during spring and summer, so you will always be on your own for a couple days a week. Doc spends that time collecting kittens for the on-going sacrifices, engaging in reckless outdoor activities, and speaking in the 3rd person."