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CCP Games Announces Former EA Executive Sean Decker as Senior Vice President

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Solomunio Kzenig
Incursions Missions and Mining
#861 - 2013-07-10 21:50:00 UTC
Fairren wrote:
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Fairren wrote:
Yeah, CCP recruited someone from EA to learn to produce a "creative and quality production."

In other news, I'm going to get a sea turtle to teach me to fly.

Think you can do better? Know how to operate a gaming company at the AAA level? Know how to market products? Know how to recruit talent, when the market is also trying to recruit the same talent (with better compensation packages even? Ever wonder why these game companies protect their art department? They don't want to lose them to the competition. Much more difficult to find good artists and animators -- that would work for a corporation -- that's prone to free lance. And one problem these companies have IS to free lance to China, because the result is anime animation style, not Disney. In gaming -- not film -- what's pleasing to the eye is high frame rate animations that are smooth flowing. WoW survives all these years with some really old animations, not because of the cartoon style [misnomer], it's because it runs so smoothly on today's computers without the glitching so seen in all these newer MMOs. IF they decide to reduce the frame rates, the animations look every bit like anime cartoons. Fun to watch on TV and at the movies, not fun to watch with a $500+ video card and $2000+ computer rigs).

There's a lot of stuff behind the scenes, that go unsaid, but part of game business.

CCP needs to recruit outside talent, if they want to produce the AAA titles. They need the insider help that only comes from working in the big game houses. From there they can -- hopefully -- attract more talent. It's the talent that makes a game good and sells it.

List the "AAA" titles that EA has produced in the last two years.

Could you go into more detail about what CCP is supposed to learn from EA?

Breaking open a beer and settling down to wait....
#862 - 2013-07-11 21:20:07 UTC
Solomunio Kzenig wrote:
Fairren wrote:
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Fairren wrote:
Yeah, CCP recruited someone from EA to learn to produce a "creative and quality production."

In other news, I'm going to get a sea turtle to teach me to fly.

Think you can do better? Know how to operate a gaming company at the AAA level? Know how to market products? Know how to recruit talent, when the market is also trying to recruit the same talent (with better compensation packages even? Ever wonder why these game companies protect their art department? They don't want to lose them to the competition. Much more difficult to find good artists and animators -- that would work for a corporation -- that's prone to free lance. And one problem these companies have IS to free lance to China, because the result is anime animation style, not Disney. In gaming -- not film -- what's pleasing to the eye is high frame rate animations that are smooth flowing. WoW survives all these years with some really old animations, not because of the cartoon style [misnomer], it's because it runs so smoothly on today's computers without the glitching so seen in all these newer MMOs. IF they decide to reduce the frame rates, the animations look every bit like anime cartoons. Fun to watch on TV and at the movies, not fun to watch with a $500+ video card and $2000+ computer rigs).

There's a lot of stuff behind the scenes, that go unsaid, but part of game business.

CCP needs to recruit outside talent, if they want to produce the AAA titles. They need the insider help that only comes from working in the big game houses. From there they can -- hopefully -- attract more talent. It's the talent that makes a game good and sells it.

List the "AAA" titles that EA has produced in the last two years.

Could you go into more detail about what CCP is supposed to learn from EA?

Breaking open a beer and settling down to wait....

That's a lot of beer.
Gallente Federation
#863 - 2013-07-12 00:04:27 UTC
First EA killed Ultima Online, and now they will kill EVE.

**** off EA, stop killing our sandboxes.
Kult Altol
The Safe Space
#864 - 2013-07-12 06:20:12 UTC
Ninevite wrote:
First EA killed Ultima Online, and now they will kill EVE.

**** off EA, stop killing our sandboxes.

Careful EA overlords will start integrating origin into the launcher if you keep it up.

[u]Can't wait untill when Eve online is Freemium.[/u] WiS only 10$, SP booster for one month 15$, DPS Boost 2$, EHP Boost 2$ Real money trading hub! Cosmeitic ship skins 15$ --> If you don't [u]pay **[/u]for a product, you ARE the [u]**product[/u].

Jorden Ishonen
#865 - 2013-07-12 07:32:01 UTC
Ace Uoweme wrote:

Think you can do better?

Ahh, my favorite fallacy.

You don't need to be a chef to know when a meal tastes like ****.

You don't need to be an engineer to know that a bridge shouldn't collapse under it's own weight.

You don't need to be a teacher to know an eighth-grader should be able to read.

One does not have to be an expert in a profession to recognize when someone has failed at that profession.

Given EA's track record with Ultima, Earth & Beyond, Warhammer Online, and Star Wars: The Old Republic, they are the LAST people I would be taking MMO advice from. In fact, hell, I probably could do better. I have ZERO failed MMOs under my belt, while EA is batting 0-4.

That being said, I'm hoping this EA guy left the company for reasons related to realizing just how bad EA has become and is looking for a fresh start. His previous comments on microtransactions are worrying, but maybe he was just toeing the company line, and got sick of it.

I'd be a lot more worried if we didn't have the Summer of Rage as a previous testament to the communities thoughts on the matter.
Sonja d'Troyes
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#866 - 2013-07-12 13:47:20 UTC
Jorden Ishonen wrote:
Ace Uoweme wrote:

Think you can do better?

Ahh, my favorite fallacy.

You don't need to be a chef to know when a meal tastes like ****.

You don't need to be an engineer to know that a bridge shouldn't collapse under it's own weight.

You don't need to be a teacher to know an eighth-grader should be able to read.

One does not have to be an expert in a profession to recognize when someone has failed at that profession.

Given EA's track record with Ultima, Earth & Beyond, Warhammer Online, and Star Wars: The Old Republic, they are the LAST people I would be taking MMO advice from. In fact, hell, I probably could do better. I have ZERO failed MMOs under my belt, while EA is batting 0-4.

That being said, I'm hoping this EA guy left the company for reasons related to realizing just how bad EA has become and is looking for a fresh start. His previous comments on microtransactions are worrying, but maybe he was just toeing the company line, and got sick of it.

I'd be a lot more worried if we didn't have the Summer of Rage as a previous testament to the communities thoughts on the matter.

Well said kind Sir! I was unfamiliar with the 'Summer of Rage' and just looked into it. I feel more confident as well that they will not repeat such actions.

However, with that being said, I'm all for microtransactions that do not impede on the mechanics of the game, but deliver aesthetic wonderment to the folks that enjoy the personalizing of gear / ships. Paying for ammo or modules or other game mechanic altering items would certainly have a devastating effect on the game and would seemingly have an even more adverse effect than the 'Summer of Rage'.
Kali Maat
#867 - 2013-07-12 14:20:48 UTC
as a fierce trader.
any item that would affect supply and demand.
anything that would usually be solid material that have to be transported into some AUR gun or ship that come out of thin air.
that would create a "summer of unsubscribing" not rage lol
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#868 - 2013-07-14 22:07:17 UTC
I would like to know if he had any involvement with the game Earth and Beyond. That game was run by Westwood Studios until EA bought it. It was shortly after that the game was shut down. If he was involved with any of that I would like to know now and not find out later.

I have also had the same experience with other games that I was playing that were doing fairly well until EA took them over. Once that transition was completed those games were also shut down after a short period of time. It shows me a pattern.

Now I am not saying that it is going to happen again but I am VERY interested if he did have any involvement with the taking over of Earth and Beyond. THAT would not be good for us. So until I can read some proof on that front I will reserve judgement.
Cyber Chaos Crew
#869 - 2013-07-16 01:21:45 UTC  |  Edited by: raven666wings
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Can some one tell me what his job actually involves?

So nothing then. Paid a fortune to sit on his thumbs.Great

Shooting would be too quick for his kind

Basically he's doing what was Hilmar's job?
I don't know what that was either, sorry

Ramona McCandless wrote:

Please don't get me wrong
Im not from the "I hate this man, I want him gone" crowd or the "CCP Mintchip Hateclub"
I don't care who people are, I don't work for CCP's HR department, I don't get a say and I accept that
But I just don't like pointless roles that's all
Im sure he will be paid a fortune to actually do nothing
Call me an Occupy New Eden anti-capitalism hippy if you like, but spending thousands of real monies on what amounts to a chair warmer just isn't good business in any industry

He doesn't make anything
He doesn't come up with ideas about what should be made
He doesn't prototyope or brainstorm anything
This role is meaningless

It was created by people like him to give people like him a cushy job where they can seem so damn important and get paid a lot to tell people who actually have skills and talent what to do. It is utterly utterly purposeless and unnecessary

Ramona McCandless wrote:
Malcanis wrote:

It's a pity you didn't get in touch with CCP and offer to do that nothing for half the salary.

Id do it for free but Im not in the boy's club that dishes out these roles.
Because doing nothing for free is easy, working out how to get paid a five or six figure salary for it is quite different

Ramona McCandless wrote:

just because he's being paid to have someone polish his beemer
Doesn't mean he won't proffer halfbaked and ruining notions about what improves the "customer experience" and other such vomit-inducing management-speak

We have a saying for it where I come from "Jobs for the boys"

Its getting nearly as bad as politicians around here
Bedlam Escapees
Apocalypse Now.
#870 - 2013-07-19 18:51:42 UTC
Ckra Trald wrote:
next, we get snowden

ccp will be immortalized by the community and the human race for hiring terrible people

also eve is dying and shooting the monument causes people like myself who manufacture ammo happy.

given with the current trend, CCP will just make the broken monument whole again considering the hired people. for 50$ you will have the possibility of shooting it again.... for 30 days.
Knights Armament
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#871 - 2013-07-19 19:21:14 UTC
From my experience anyone who has a high paying job doesn't deserve it. If I was going to recruit someone to do useless things like tell other people what to do, I'd not hire someone from Electronic Arts, that failheap cascade is responsible for the death of flag ships such as Ultima Online, Star Wars, uhg.

EvE is doomed, rest in peace.
Pro Synergy
#872 - 2013-07-31 23:47:50 UTC
hello new to CCP EA guy...

Welcome to EVE Online!

from us at BFP4F.

Fly Well, Fly Safe

Have Fun, Good Luck

Fly Dangerously

See You On The Grid
Johan Civire
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#873 - 2013-08-01 00:13:56 UTC
omg..... Now we need to remove steam and use orgin software to launch eve? Why in the love of god a EA employer there are 7bil people in the world to pick from....... Kick his ass right now... i`m in panic now..... Eve dying now?
#874 - 2013-08-01 03:22:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Hicksimus
Lets do a little confirmation bias shall we?

Remember back in ~Tarannis when there were forum posts about CCP having some debt troubles?
Remember when many of us were saying that Dust's method of making money wasn't great?
Remember when we told CCP what's what and the small revenue hit almost crushed them? (Refresher:They fired 20% of their workforce and cancelled 1 game project)
Remember when CCP got tired of us making fun of them trying to milk money out of children without credit cards using a PS3 that their parents bought for them....and CCP told us that they'd paid industry professionals who said it was a great plan?

That brings us to the present. Having dumped a pile of money into another one of their grand ideas that they fail to realize CCP is facing tough times.

Notice how they've hired a person who was previously high up in the grim reaper of gaming companies.

EvE is dying! Again!

Recruitment Officer: What type of a pilot are you? Me: I've been described as a Ray Charles with Parkinsons and a drinking problem.

Greg MonFuego Biotech LLC
#875 - 2013-08-01 09:12:13 UTC
All that went through my head when I read this was Bender from Futurama saying "We're boned".
Cyber Chaos Crew
#876 - 2013-08-01 21:46:15 UTC
Now I understand why Hillmar is planning to build a CCP statue in Iceland.

Eve Onlineā„¢ 2003-2013 R.I.P.
"Forever remembered and missed by their griefed fanbois"

BamBam Inc.
#877 - 2013-08-02 12:38:15 UTC
Knights Armament wrote:
From my experience anyone who has a high paying job doesn't deserve it.

tell that to your doctor or lawyer next time you need one.
Lord LazyGhost
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#878 - 2013-08-02 12:59:41 UTC
why o why would you do this ccp.

thats like hireing garry ******* gliter to baby sit ur kids and expecting good things to come of it.
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#879 - 2013-08-02 13:37:18 UTC
Nija bumping an old thread is bad, I'm out of cigarets which tends to change my humor in a fashion way.

Don't do that again you jerks !!

removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

0Lona 0ltor
Adeptio Gloriae
#880 - 2013-08-02 14:10:11 UTC  |  Edited by: 0Lona 0ltor
Still, the amount of hate in this thread is no where near the amount that Mint Chip got. Anyway I'm sure Sean ( CCP Damage Limitation) is a big boy who can take the banter. If he can't he can't he always dry his eyes with a big pile of dollar bills. Maybe CCP pays him in Icelandic currency which I think is still sea shells or for the peasant Devs and Narwhal Tusks for the Lords at the executive level.