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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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147 Mill Skill, Looking for Corp and large alliance to 0.0 PVP

#1 - 2013-08-01 16:22:53 UTC  |  Edited by: LoganFire

As you can see, i'm looking after a new PVP corp again, first i will say that corps / alliances who lives in 0.0 space is what i am looking for

Now i will start by giving you some info.

About me:

1) I'm a 40 ish years old man.
2) I'm fromUK
3) I'm a friendly, happy and a calm guy. So you don't have to worry about me getting angry at someone in corp.
4) I'm a guy who always cares about quality products in real life, and i do the same for corporations in EVE.
5) My current internet connection is awesome so no problem connecting

What i can offer:

1) I'm a 147 million SP pilot with a massive amount of my skills invested in only combat.
2) A very good understanding and experience in flying Cruisers, HAC's, Battlecruisers and Battleships (witch is my favourite). I sucks badly with frigs, so trying to get me to use one is not the best idea lol.
3) A very good understanding on how to fit the ships
4) I can offer about 1-4 hours playtime every day. But it might be sometimes that i can be logged on and suddenly have to go afk for a little time.
5) Normally, i'm online from 18.00 EVE time to around 22.00 - 23.00 EVE time.
6) A decent kill stats
7) I have a working microphone and have TeamSpeak installed.

What i'm looking after:

1) A PVP corp who lives in 0.0 sec,
2) A corp with a minimum of 100 members and max 2000 members. Or an alliance with a minimum of 100 peoples and max 4000 peoples. I can go outside of those numbers if you can prove me that you are good enough Blink.
3) Frequent roams, small / medium sized gangs, fleets with varying ship sizes / classes.
4) Nice and friendly corp who cares about their members.
5) A PVP / corp who are willing to PVP outnumbered.
6) A PVP / corp who have very good fleet commanders that knows what they are doing.
7) A corp / alliance who use English as the main language.

What i'm not looking after:

1) Carebear corps / alliances. I know pretty well who are carebears and not, so if you know you do carebearish stuffs, then don't even think about replying here.
2) Corporations / alliances who have blued half of the 0.0 space population / EVE.
3) Corporations / alliances who are full of drama lama kids.
4) Corporations / alliances who want's to do an 8 hours op 50 jumps from home.
Troy Toralen
Tempered Aggression
Seker Matar
#2 - 2013-08-01 16:39:32 UTC
Hello Sir,

I am in the corp Mass Destruction. We are in the WHY so SeriOUs alliance and very active. We are located in sov null sec. PVP roams are a part of our daily lives and we also have many CTAs. We have an alliance srp and are working on a corp srp. Our corp currently has over 40 members, but our alliance is huge. We just recently won a couple wars and are preparing for the next one. I would love to talk to you more in game if you are interested.

Troy Toralen
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2013-08-01 16:44:14 UTC
Heh, you stole that template from my topic Big smile

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

#4 - 2013-08-01 19:47:24 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
Heh, you stole that template from my topic Big smile

I know i like it, you should be honoured
Thor Skylar
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2013-08-02 07:14:09 UTC
Hey Loganfire - please see our full recruitment post details

You'll fit right in, we have several EU/UK/US/AU pilots.

We are a top line corporation operating out of nullsec. If you take a look at you'll see we are active and have a long history :)

Idea We also have carrier and dread programs to assist members into those capital ships they have always wanted.

We are primarily a bunch of UK/EU pilots with several USTZ members all in our 20 to 40-somethings out for a good laugh and pvp goodness

For further information, join our in game channel NSBG.Public

Some key points about NS-BG
Arrow PVP Corp - See BattleClinic
Arrow Nullsec Corporation located in Tribute Region
Arrow Capital Programs
Arrow Ship replacement programs
Arrow Implant replacement programs
Arrow Ore buyback programs
Arrow Mining 24/7
Arrow PvE

Thor Skylar
Chief Executive Officer
Founding Member of NS-BG
Website: Norse'Storm Battle Group
Recruitment Video:Link
#6 - 2013-08-02 15:24:33 UTC
Mircea Dethahal
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2013-08-02 16:17:06 UTC
I would like to introduce my corporation: nul-li-fy. We're an experienced nullsec PVP corporation currently living in Immensea, but deployed in Arida.

We have over 90% killboard efficiently if you care about such things, we're in a great non-pet/renter alliance (Nulli Secunda) and we hold our own space.

We have a great ship replacement program, fantastic space to rat in and a daily courier service to help you get moved in.

At the moment we're looking for like-minded combat pilots to come join the fun. Expect quality FCing, several ops/roams per day, hundreds of killmails and friendly people to play the game with again.

Check out our killboard here: and our forums here:
Alliance killboard stats:
If you're interested or just want some more info come have a chat via the ingame channel 'NUL-L'.

Looking forward to flying with you.

Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2013-08-02 17:41:03 UTC
Hey mate!

Come and check us out!

#9 - 2013-08-04 16:12:38 UTC
Donny Osmond
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#10 - 2013-08-04 17:41:14 UTC
Shamless Plug!!

Check out our little forum post and videos!
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2013-08-04 21:22:06 UTC
Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.

CA3 Recruitment is: Open
Please join chat channel: CA3 Recruitment

Celestial Armag3ddon is a mixed (mostly pvp) corporation that operates out of null sec space with Tribal Band Alliance. We are openly recruiting active and dedicated players of all skill levels who are interested in low sec and 0.0 space.

-Recruitment Requirements-
-FULL API Key. (main and alt accounts)
-7 Million SP preferred.
-Actively participates in fleets.
-30 Day new member trial period.
-Able to use TS3 and Mumble.

-What we offer-
PVE/PVP oppurtunities
Good industrial Potential as of now
A good bunch of people
Safe Places (POS)
Black ops


Dre Cypress


Quantum Link Company
#12 - 2013-08-05 01:34:48 UTC
If you are looking for a PVP corporation, look no farther.

▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ Sneaky Bastards. █ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂

Our Killboard

What we can offer to you as a member:

  • Idea Consistent Engagements Across multiple timezones with our coalition. (We are primarily US and AU timezone based, and are currently expanding in all timezones)

  • Idea An extensive Subcapital SRP Program

  • Idea A basic capital (Dreadnaught/ Carrier) SRP Program

  • Idea Alliance level fleets & content (Blackops & Small Gang Roaming)

  • Idea Specialising in Black Ops / Covert Ops PvP

  • Idea Coalition level fleets & content

  • Idea Access to 0.0 space for isk making

  • We are always looking for individual pilotsEvilEvil. Please join our public channel (Sneaky Bastards. (Corp)) or email T'Kalii for more information.

    "The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead."

    Carrelle Rouppon
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #13 - 2013-08-05 09:19:47 UTC

    UK PvP Corporation, need I say more?

    Without operations like mine it would be impossible for certain Alliances to conduct a respectable war. There are three basic types of arms deal: white, being legal, black, being illegal, and my personal favorite, gray.