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Test Server Feedback

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Mass-test feedback - November 10

First post
Willl Adama
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#21 - 2011-11-10 21:19:36 UTC

Machine Info and Settings

  • OS version: Windows 7 Home Premium
  • CPU: Intel Celeron E3200 Wolfdale
  • GPU: Radeon HD 5770
  • RAM: 4gb DDR2 333 mhz
  • How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): very low

User Experience

  • Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 1
  • Average FPS - Zoomed in: 0,5
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) Dnu
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: My overview/hud never really loaded after jumping in until I was podded into a station. I'm pretty sure it's on account of my pc being **** though, as modules seemed to respond well enough


Morgan Pendragon
Cut Throat Inc.
#22 - 2011-11-10 21:20:06 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Win 7 x64
CPU: AMD 7750+ 2.7Gh
GPU: GeForce 250GTS 512mb
How many clients were you running at the same time? single client
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low, 1920x1080 resolution

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: about 5-8 FPS
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 2-5 FPS
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) - if only fight time it's about - 1
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No dc's or single crash.
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: pretty good FC was in our fleet, and overall it good.
Igor Radmilovich
Absolute Order
Absolute Honor
#23 - 2011-11-10 21:20:18 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Win XP SP3
CPU: AMD 7750+ (2.71ghz)
GPU: Nvidia GTX 260
RAM: 4gb
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): High

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 30-40
Average FPS - Zoomed in: Under 5
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) Cannot compare
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? Yes, one prior to the mass test starting
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Jumping in for the fleet fight in FD-MLJ there was alot of lag, at some points it seems the time dilation should have kicked in earlier then it did. Everything else went without a hitch.
GVR's Heroes
#24 - 2011-11-10 21:20:22 UTC
OS version: Win 7
CPU: Q6600
GPU: ATI Radeon 4800 series
How many clients were you running at the same time?
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high):

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out:
16 - 30
Average FPS - Zoomed in:
4 - 6
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome)
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
still lagging at points. loading coming trough the gate was bad. overview did not respond well at times.
sYnc Vir
Ghost Legion.
#25 - 2011-11-10 21:21:12 UTC  |  Edited by: sYnc Vir
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows Seven 64bit
CPU: i3 550 @ 3.20Ghz
GPU: GeForce GTX 550 Ti
RAM: 8G DDR3 1333
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): High

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 45
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 10
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 5
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Everything worked well, maybe stop people bringing bubbles but bar that no problems for me.

Don't ask about Italics, just tilt your head.

Insane Randomness
Stellar Pilgrimage
#26 - 2011-11-10 21:21:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Insane Randomness
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows 7 32-bit
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo T5800 @ 2.0 Ghz
GPU: Geforce 9300M GS
RAM: 4 GB (3 usable)
How many clients were you running at the same time? only one
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: about 7-10
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 3-4
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? 4 it was actually sub-par this time.
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? only one, and that was intentional when the node changed
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: My Rokh was primaried a lot, so I couldn't get accurate readings. Next time I shall be switching back to my Tengu cruiser. However, I would suggest turning up the TiDi a bit, it only activated once. I do nto know whether this was intentional or not, but with TiDi on, it seems that flying, whilest slower is also much easier and more managable.

Also note that the overview is rediculous right now. It kept reseting every time I undocked, and every time I tried too click it, it would jump to the target above. There was a point where I tried too double click the title bar for the OV, and it acted as intended, upon double clicking to reset the thing back in place, it made a tiony window, and nothing was available or visible. Had too wait at least a solid minute before anything worked again.

Also note the overview keeps repositioning at undock, and I have too click the pin button three times before I can resize it. Apparently, whenever I undock, the overview thinks it's unpined, even though it's not.
Silencer 08
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2011-11-10 21:21:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Silencer 08
OS version: Windows 7 SP1 64bit
CPU: 2.93 GHZ Intel Core i7 CPU 870
GPU: ATI Radeon 5970
RAM: 8 GB 1066 MHz DDR3
How many clients were you running at the same time? Two
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): 1920*1080 resolution; High Graphic settings

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 45 FPS
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 20 FPS
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) - 5
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? Got Disconnected once when trying to change graphic settings from high to low.
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Terrible framerate when everyone started shooting. Interface was unclickable, but had fun nonetheless = )

Maior Death
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#28 - 2011-11-10 21:21:49 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Win 7 Ultimate
CPU: Core i7 2600K
RAM: 8GB 1600FSB
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): high

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 6
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 3

Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? no
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

FPS while first meeting at the Gate:
zoomed in= 23
zoomed out= 60

FPS whil POS shooting:
in= 10
out= 24

little laggs while camera moving around the ship in space even if fps were up to 50-60
Daniel Souquel
#29 - 2011-11-10 21:22:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Daniel Souquel
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows 7 (x64)
CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955 (3,2 Ghz)
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 5670
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Low (No AA etc.)

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 5-10 (1-2 with Brakets)
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 1-2 (0 with Brakets)
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 1
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: The Lag was way worse than the last masstest (duality), at least that was my experience through out the whole test event. FPS was way less than the last time, on duality i had about 20-30 FPS trough out the fight.

The funny laser-show glitch is still there and makes bigger fleet battles still annoying. Its kinda like a bad LSD trip, but within space :D

Adding zipped Logs later, have to upload them first :D (45+MB)

EDIT: Logs should be up at around 22:00h CET
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2011-11-10 21:22:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Kullinas
OS version: Win7 64-bit
CPU: 2,33 GHz dualcore
GPU: 8800GT nvidia
RAM: 4Gb 833 MHz
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client? Low

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: About 30

Average FPS - Zoomed in: About 12 - 15

On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? 7, altho only real strain is Jita and Incursion HQ sites

Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No

Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Feel rather smooth could be better but was still playable
Change the Cyno jumps to point at the direction one are jumping would be nice, and the effect is very nice. And sometimes the guns keep fireing and pointing at a target even if i stoped fireing and didnt have any target.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#31 - 2011-11-10 21:23:54 UTC

Machine Info and Settings

  • OS version: Windows 7 64 bit.
  • CPU: Phenom II 3.2
  • GPU: AMD 6850
  • RAM: 8GB
  • How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): high, all bells

User Experience

  • Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 9-11
  • Average FPS - Zoomed in: 3-5
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 3-4. Felt slower. When logging in after crashes, and after the jump from PF to FD, the client was useless for 30 seconds. The overview loaded one by one. Ship models loaded one by one. Couldn't even chat as it gave me the audio alert.
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? Yep, 3.
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

  • Tidi needs to be A LOT more agressive if it was on autopilot. Lag was a huge issue. When logging in after crashes, and after the jump from PF to FD, the client was useless for 30 seconds. The overview loaded one by one. Ship models loaded one by one. Couldn't even chat as it gave me the audio alert. My drones window didn't load till the last minute.

    The FPS was sawtoothing between 9 and 11. On the monitor there are distinct peaks and troughs, very wierd.

    There's something terribly wierd with your client CCP. When I was zoomed in, focusing on the cap blob with sebos and all graphical hell, I was getting 3-5 FPS but the graphics system monitor says the card was running at ~40% capacity.

    Even stranger, the FPS increased with time dilation. Not just the number - it actually increased. Game was a lot smoother, scaling and rotation was smooth. The FPS went up!. Something in the client is limiting FPS, and when tidi was reversed and time was sped up, this limitation was removed and FPS went up.

Serge SC
The Valhalla Project
#32 - 2011-11-10 21:24:05 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

  • OS version: Windows Home Premium 64 sp1
  • CPU: Intel Core i7-720QM
  • GPU: AMD ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4830
  • RAM: 6GB DDR3 1066Mhz
  • How many clients were you running at the same time? No crashes; 2 servers, Tranquility and Singularity
  • Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): All maxed out except for AA, post-processing and HDR

User Experience

  • Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 12-16 fps*
  • Average FPS - Zoomed in: 3-5 fps* - 7 tops
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 7, time dilation does help, but otherwise it lags a tad too much to manage.
  • Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? Only the one previewed as the system was moved.
  • Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: lag made it almost impossible to align, lock and shoot target, not to mention modules lagging behind as well as sound effects.

*NOTE: Game at Full HD 1080p windowed mode.

Serge SC Le Frenchman Friendly FC

Red Stalker
Shadow Warriors 357
#33 - 2011-11-10 21:24:11 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: WINDOWS 7
CPU: 2.40 GHZ
GPU: 4250
How many clients were you running at the same time? 2
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): LOW

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 12 FPS
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 5 FPS
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 6
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? NO, none
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

Good fight, and the "TD" did help some what but needs a little more work.
Batu Arslan
#34 - 2011-11-10 21:25:26 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

• OS version: Windows 7 64-bit
• CPU: QuadCore AMD Phenom II X4 Black Edition 940, 3000 MHz (15 x 200)
• GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5850 OC (1024 MB)
• RAM: 2x 1 GB DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM (5-5-5-18 @ 400 MHz) (4-4-4-13 @ 270 MHz) + 2x 2 GB DDR2-800 DDR2 SDRAM (5-5-5-18 @ 400 MHz) (4-4-4-13 @ 270 MHz)
• How many clients were you running at the same time: Only 1
• Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Medium at first, later at low

User Experience

• Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 1-5 fps

• Average FPS - Zoomed in: 1-5 fps

• On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome): 4

• Did you experience any disconnects or crashes?: No

• Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:

Generally the game stutters even when there are no other players in space.
When I logged in again the windows were all over the place.
The screen went all black except for the windows when I changed graphics to low before the fight at the gate.
The screen froze when I undocked after node change so I couldn't see anything for 1-2 minutes.
Other than that. It was well organized and fun. Will be there next time!
Balkor Wolf
#35 - 2011-11-10 21:25:34 UTC
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit
CPU: Intel(R_ Core(TM_ i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz (4 CPUs) ~3.2GHz
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 5450
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): Medium

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 18-20
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 3-5
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome): 3
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? Client crashed once during the pos bash
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.: Was pretty fun, didnt notice the time dialation much but I was a bit too involved into the fight to check to see if it was actually on or not... I did occasionally see the little green circle at the top and at one point a yellow circle.
Bryce Sangre
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2011-11-10 21:26:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Bryce Sangre
Machine Info and Settings

OS version: Windows Vista Home Premium
CPU: Intel i5-2300 (2.8ghz, 4 cores)
GPU:Nvidia GTX 260 core 216 Superclocked
RAM:4gb DDR3 1600
How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): 1680x1050 all settings at lowest

User Experience

Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 2-10 FPS
Average FPS - Zoomed in: 2-10 FPS
On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) -- 2, extremely poor performance, but I never locked up so hard I couldn't get my commands to go through... slowly.
Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No, connection and client were stable.
Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
Tremendous Penguin
Centre Of Attention
#37 - 2011-11-10 21:26:41 UTC
OS version: Win7 64bit
CPU: core2duo T6500 @ 2.10GHz
GPU: AIT Radeon HD 4650
1 client
Graphic setting of the client: mostly low

User Experience
Zoomed out: 5-7fps
Zoomed in: 3fps
3 - (it was worse in comparison to the test on 20th Oct)
No crashes or disconnects apart when you were testing swapping nodes.

Framerate was really bad, was then on the last test I have participated, (20th Oct). It was rather unplayable.

It took some time (after being disconnected in FD-MLJ) for me to be able to log back in to the server. Around 4-5minutes.

Cpt Jolly's Space Kickers
#38 - 2011-11-10 21:28:52 UTC
OS version: Vista Ultimate
CPU:AMD Athlon X3 445 processor 3.10 Ghz
GPU:ENGTS450v T op
RAM:6 gb
How many clients were you running at the same time?1
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low
This was my first mass test nothing to compare. There was lag and not disconnects until the end
death armarda
GVR's Heroes
#39 - 2011-11-10 21:29:03 UTC
Os Version:Windows7 x64 Home Premium
CPU:Amd Athlon X2 6400+ 3.2GHZ
GPU:Nvidia Geforce 9600GT
How many Clients where you running same time? 2
Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): low

have never done a mass test like that before but from my experience it was laggy as hell didnt get no response my overview ship mods and attempted to lock my computer bit like a null sec big fleet battle so normal stuff really but some very cool effects going on in there
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#40 - 2011-11-10 21:29:34 UTC  |  Edited by: LordKeeps
Machine Info and Settings

• OS version: Win7(64bit)
• CPU: Q8400
• GPU: HD 5850
• How many clients were you running at the same time? 1
• Graphic setting of the client (low / medium / high): medium

User Experience

• Average FPS during fight at the gate in FD-MLJ, with brackets disabled - Zoomed out: 8-12
• Average FPS - Zoomed in: 3-10
• On a scale of 1-10, how would you compare FPS and performance between this test and TQ? (1=way worse, 5=same, 10=OMG this is awesome) 1
• Did you experience any disconnects or crashes? No
• Describe your experience, make comments, suggestions, etc.:
Grafical wise the performance for this size of fleetbattle was more worse than on live in much bigger fleetfights atm. Especially fps was going down to 1 during the new jump animations.
But activating modules etc was working better without any bigger lag.
Overview was getting confusing a bit while set on sort on distance. Very often there were ppl at bigger range between targets very close to me (and i dont mean the broadcasted ones) while other targets in close range where dropping on the overiew without any reasons (no disco, no shiplost, no warping off).