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Shameless mirror question thread [just asking]

Systems Online
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-07-30 05:06:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Systems Online
Can a dev give any insight as to the next mirror? this mirror was taken exactly when I sold my character and before I bought my other characters, so I have no skillpoints or ability to test at all :(

If I could just get a gist of how long I'll be waiting, that would be swell.
(I'm normally the first one to tell people mirrors aren't made for the people, but when the devs need one. and I know the typical turnaround is about 3 months, or half way between releases. I'm just saying, it's getting to be around 1.1 sisi testing time, and I'm unable to test all the new ships.)


Systems Offline.. er, Online. Yeah.
Chief Executive Officer
Systems Online Corporation
Chris Bailey
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-07-30 08:37:39 UTC
Why do you sign your posts =//////
Kora Ethereal
Ethereal Beings
#3 - 2013-07-30 15:45:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Kora Ethereal
Systems Online wrote:
Can a dev give any insight as to the next mirror? this mirror was taken exactly when I sold my character and before I bought my other characters, so I have no skillpoints or ability to test at all :(

If I could just get a gist of how long I'll be waiting, that would be swell.
(I'm normally the first one to tell people mirrors aren't made for the people, but when the devs need one. and I know the typical turnaround is about 3 months, or half way between releases. I'm just saying, it's getting to be around 1.1 sisi testing time, and I'm unable to test all the new ships.)


Systems Offline.. er, Online. Yeah.
Chief Executive Officer
Systems Online Corporation

This is the first post asking about a mirror, I've seen, that doesn't look like a minor throwing a tantrum for information. I'm impressed, very damn impressed. +1

Well all I know is last mirror was taken in early June on the 10th. So right now, it's the end of July, and the 2nd half of Odyssey is on it's way (Soon™). Hopefully a mirror will occur when the Devs get back from Vacation. And at that not, I wouldn't expect a reply from CCP Quality Assurance anytime soon :/. Hopefully they're in a good mood when they get back :D.

Chris Bailey wrote:
Why do you sign your posts =//////

Because CLASSY™