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The Plural

Genos Occidere
#1 - 2013-07-27 16:30:02 UTC

"Knights Templar"

"Scorpions Navy Issue" (or "Navy Scorpions")


i just locked an open door.. strange, yet symbolically compelling.

Rhys Thoth
#2 - 2013-07-27 22:04:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhys Thoth
It depends on whether you're analyzing it as a compound noun or as a phrase with Scorpion as the head noun, which you can determine by checking where you put main stress.

There is a bit of a UK/US English divide on this but to my American ear Scorpion Navy Issues sounds better.

"I only listen to iPods Nano in my Ford Focuses ST" is pretty bad.

I don't always undock, but when I do... no wait, I acutally never undock.