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Please don't get mad if ship skins are on the NeX store

First post
#201 - 2011-11-09 22:15:50 UTC
Hallorin wrote:

Suppose I could prove to you, in fact, with accounting tables, etc that NONE of your subscription money went towards creating this stuff -- If that were the case, how would the mere existence of a NeX store imply that you were being double charged?

Edit: Here's the initial and relevant claims from CCP on the NeX store from one of the first dev blogs about it

What I'm driving at is that a lot of people want to be able to customize their characters, ships or surroundings to either make themselves stand out or because they like pretty things or maybe they just like playing dress up. I don't know and I'm not one to judge.

The problem with customizability, however, is the amount of time and resources needed to produce unique items and variations. Bear in mind that our HQ is a renovated fish processing plant, not the Wonka factory, and we're fresh out of Oompa Loompas to build these incredible things. So we're left with the question of how to give you the customizability and uniqueness you want without simply raising the subscription rate.

Enter virtual goods sales.

This is important so I'll say more.

I am not saying the NeX IS this way. Indeed, I do think our subs did go to pay for the development of DUST and when incarna launched I was like a lot of people who were dissapointed and shot the monument in Jita.

But it's also not necessaryily or automatically a bad thing if done right. It certainly does not automatically mean that you get double charged.

Just the opposite actually, as it gives the player some flexibility in what features they actually wanted to pay for.

As the initial devblog quote makes clear, one option was just to raise the subscription rate, but CCP rightly felt that some wouldn't like that, so instead they made it optional.

To make this point, suppose (just for example) that a person never engaged in PI, or POS warfare, or FW or some other part of eve.

Now suppose they had the option of reducing their monthly sub by $5 to eliminate that content. If they ever decided to do it, they could pay the full $15, but since they never used those features, they were more than happy to only pay $10

If this were how eve was paid, would we all be crying about how CCP wants to 'double charge' us for PI and that we should just get it in our $10 sub fee. -- but that suddenly by everyone having to pay for it it's now ok?

Would it really be better for everyone to share the costs?

Again, this is all in the abstract. I'm not saying CCP has used all NeX funds to pay for NeX items. Certainly not actually (since they have probably made very little on NeX) but this was the long term plan

And, if it means adding more content to the game than we'd otherwise get, I'm ok with that (within obvious and oft repeated limits)

Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#202 - 2011-11-09 22:16:41 UTC
I am willing to pay Nex for making my roqual jet black with red trim and all my loaner Hulks the same colour (just so I know which ones are my toys)

But They are still revamping the ships doing a new skin. I think the earliest we will ever see them will be in the summer. Video Blogg mentioned it was one of the longer term projects and not a short term winter project.

Someday I will have the time to play. For now it is mining afk in High sec. In Cheap ships

Azahni Vah'nos
Vah'nos Family
#203 - 2011-11-10 06:31:55 UTC
I think I'm going to have to start calling Ranger1 the poster boy for the NEX Store.

Let's take a look at what the NEX Store removes from EVE and where it could have made positive additions:
- Takes content and/or features that were previously slated to be delivered via traditional sandbox means and now sells them back to the players, also circumventing the player run economy in the process.
- Deminishes additional things for the player manufacturing industrialists to do.
- Removes any additional materiels that could be another stream of prospecting/PI gamplay.
- Can't destroy them (when even PLEX can be destroyed, go figure)
- Not allowing players to earn additional visual rewards via the LP system.
- Giving those items meaning in the context of the game:
. . . - Whoah look at that headpiece/jacket/special ship skin, logo, etc that guy has, that's a big effort to earn those items. I want to continue to play the game so I can earn them too. Real visual status symbols.
. . . . . - Faction warfare clothes/skins/logos for earning a certain number of kills or a myriad of other things.
. . . . . - Pirate clothes/skins/logos for destroying so many ISK's value of ships.
. . . . . - Master Industrialist, special outfit so all and sundry know that you are.
. . . . . - Voted biggest a-hole in EVE by your peers, wear the badge you now get with honour.
. . . . . - Found a bunch of wormholes, get clothing/skins/logos to show you have.
- ..... There are literally endless possibilites for interesting uses of what ended up in the NEX Store.

Ultimately the NEX Store has short changed the playerbase with it's inclusion.

What does the NEX Store really add to EVE:
- A one off shiny.
- ................. Okay I'm at a loss, I can't think of anything else.

It seems Ranger1 and some others believe the NEX Store is full of win ..... for who!!

Tell me, when you see one of the rare ships that was earned in EVE (like a tournament one), what do you think .... I bet it isn't 'oh look they bought a different ship in the cash shop'. No because they actually mean something.

So I'll have to ask Ranger1 why he's trying to peddle something that works against the player run economy in EVE and adds nothing to the sandbox or even any gameplay in general for that matter. Just wondering.

Nex (Cash Shop) / Aurum - removing sand from the sandbox since Incarna. Currently the only use for aurum is to buy virtual items in the in-game store, but Cockerill expects to expand its uses in the future.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#204 - 2011-11-10 07:00:45 UTC
It angers me, because it affects immersion. A lot of stuff in this fantastic game does. Alternative characters are a major one that will never go away, but really do take you out of the game. You're playing along, talking to your friend sort of in character, at least able to suspend your disbelief.. then he announces he's going to go on his alt, or brings along one at the same time (multiple accounts). Meh. I have absolutely no idea how people take enjoyment in this game if you can't suspend your disbelief.

As for real world trading, meh. Plex is bad enough. Buying virtual items with real world money is a direct feedback loop reminding you "Hey man, this is JUST a game and only about making money not about creating an amazing virtual world to escape to".

I know, I'm the minority here. People these days simply want to be the best, get the best items, and will do anything and everything to get there, if that's spending real world money to gain an advantage in game, so be it. I'm not sure why people are so worried about pay to win anyways, it already exists in the form of multiple accounts and PLEX. If you have the cash, you can buy ANYTHING in the game from day 1.

Often I wonder while I mission around, if Bill Gates decided to start playing EvE; he could buy all the isk in EvE and it wouldn't even phase him. He could quite literally buyout everyone in the game and make his own virtual space empire. All because he's a God in real life.

Well, guess what.. this is a game. I want to be immersed, and I want to be on a fair level with everyone else regardless of their real life status. But I can't do that, not when you can buy isk and virtual clothes // possibly ship skins (seriously..) with real world benjamins.
Azahni Vah'nos
Vah'nos Family
#205 - 2011-11-10 07:34:36 UTC
Hallorin wrote:
Jacob cirth wrote:

I already pay $15/month, why should I pay more? Time to face the fact that this is a failed experiment, and it deserved to fail.

This is more of the same Aur/Nex is AUTOMATICALLY bad crap that gets bandied about here too much.

Now don't misunderstand me here. I am not arguing that NeX is great or that CCP will make good on what I am about to suggest but I'll try to prove that Aur/NeX is not automatically bad and that it doesn't NECESSARILY amount to double charging.

Image, just for example, if some outside company or a modder created an add-on for EVE that contained, I don't know, some vanity items. Imagine CCP wasn't making these but a lot of players wanted them and they did not affect gameplay except in some vanity way.

Now imagine CCP said, sure we don't care, it's ok, not against the EULA - go ahead.

If outside company or modder charged for this service, nobody would say CCP was double charging them - because it would be money going to someone else entirely.

Now imagine if instead, CCP, who was busy pumping out new ships, engine trails, shots that miss, hybrid balancing, UI upgrades, Beautiful backrounds, etc said:

"Hey, why don't we create a new department that we can't really afford to pay, and they can create content that players like but these guys will sell it via MT. They will exist solely to provide the content that the players can pay for and support that department by buying"

In other words, Just like the outside modder, No MT = No ability to provide that content. CCP is busy providing the all the content that subs can pay for but this new department functions just like the outside modder. It generates content based on the ADDITIONAL influx of money.

So CCP isn't double charging in such a case -- not if they are busy providing all the actual content that subs can buy, which, it appears they are doing right now.

If it was otherwise, CCP would not have just laid a bunch of people off.

I swear some of you would be happier if CCP just said "You are right, We can't afford to make ship skins without MT so no ship skins for you."

Edit: I feel I should reiterate. I'm not saying this IS what's happening. I don't know. Maybe CCP could just give us all of this. But it COULD be happening, and it most definitely could happen more in the future.

I mean seriously, DUST is in some distant way a 'part' of eve. should they just give that away too so they don't 'double-charge' you?

You do know that CCP was funding the development of 3 games off the back of the EVE subscribers/PLEX'ers don't you?

Your theories fall completely flat when put in context of what has been happening over the life of EVE.

Nex (Cash Shop) / Aurum - removing sand from the sandbox since Incarna. Currently the only use for aurum is to buy virtual items in the in-game store, but Cockerill expects to expand its uses in the future.

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#206 - 2011-11-10 07:38:47 UTC
Azahni Vah'nos wrote:

You do know that CCP was funding the development of 3 games off the back of the EVE subscribers/PLEX'ers don't you?

They were developing Dust 514 and the Twilight mmo...what was the third game?

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#207 - 2011-11-10 08:10:58 UTC
So you don't have any real evidence? Just stuff you made up?

That's disappointing.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#208 - 2011-11-10 08:12:13 UTC
Don't get me wrong: the skins *will* be in the NeX but you trying to make that into a good thing is p funny.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#209 - 2011-11-10 08:14:30 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Don't get me wrong: the skins *will* be in the NeX but you trying to make that into a good thing is p funny.

It's not a good thing.
It's a thing which doesn't even matter.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#210 - 2011-11-10 08:19:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Constantine
Ranger 1 wrote:
Let me quote myself in case you don't get the whole PLEX cycle.


ArrowThe person that buys the PLEX with cash gets exactly what they want for their money. They get ISK.

ArrowThe person that buys the vanity item with and ISK purchased PLEX gets exactly what they want. The vanity item in question without spending their own cash to aquire it.

ArrowCCP gets exactly what they want. The get the income from the original PLEX purchase..

Except CCP already got their income from the person buying PLEX in point 1.

What is the point of NeX store again?

Because in your example the only thing NeX "achieves" is short-circuiting player industry and cheapening the experience of gaining new content.

Player wanting the ship skin/piece of clothing/whatever and buying with isk rendered down from Plex has already paid CCP a microtransaction fee in essence - why shouldn't the isk be payed to a player who played the game a little to build/lp purchase/discover the item in question to enrich general gameplay as well?

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#211 - 2011-11-10 08:26:22 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
So you don't have any real evidence? Just stuff you made up?

That's disappointing.

This thread consists entirely of speculation and opinions.
All anti-NeX-skin opinions can be boiled down to 'It's not perfectly sandbox so it fails'. How's that any better?
In fact, it's worse.
Many things in EVE aren't perfectly sandbox, and NeX skins could be just another.
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#212 - 2011-11-10 08:38:10 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Here's a hint: You dont need extra real life money to create a Tier 3 BC. You do with any NeX item.

I pay for all NeX items with ISK, as can you.
I will pay for Tier 3 BC with ISK, as will you.

If I don't have the ISK for either one I can pay cash instead, as can you.

I am not being forced to pay double if I wish to aquire either one unless I wish to.

Sorry you are having difficulty understanding this fundamental point, but there it is.

Whreas the fundamental point you don't appear to get Ranger 1 is that when I buy an item in Eve Online I want to be buying that item from another player as a preference.This because I enjoy the economic sandbox. I like browsing for bargains on contracts, I like haggling and bartering. I like buying things that are complicated and challenging to make.

When I buy a tier 3 BC then out there some player organization has built the things, harvested the minerals, production-lined the blueprints and produced the ships. I like this. Its my preference to buy things produced in this process.

I look at something that comes through the NeX store and it disgusts me because its an injection of content through an alien (out of game cash store) methodology that doesn't give any players the opportunity to take part in its manufacture. It serves no reasonable purpose (CCP already have MT through PleX) and the only thing NeX does is break suspension of disbelief both ingame (poor rationalization of corporate ubiquity and NeX identity) and to be honest, as players since it looks and feels like a cheapening of the subscription model - ie content that is not naturally part of the client.

Now sure, you can argue its just extra steps between plex -> isk -> plex - > aurum blah. But nobody is answering the question of what we need NeX for if we've already got PLEX to make CCP extra income. (oh but its essential for the dust link ain't it! - on which we have no details conveniently of course)

But Ithe essetial point here is that CCP have microtransactions already that don't break the game - called PLEX. They allow CCP to get extra income and rich players to buy extra access to game content (without ring-fencing specific content behind the NeX store) while not cheapening or circumventing player industry or ruining content provision in the single server universe.

So the big question once again.

Is what is NeX for?

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#213 - 2011-11-10 08:39:21 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:
So you don't have any real evidence? Just stuff you made up?

That's disappointing.

This thread consists entirely of speculation and opinions.
All anti-NeX-skin opinions can be boiled down to 'It's not perfectly sandbox so it fails'. How's that any better?
In fact, it's worse.
Many things in EVE aren't perfectly sandbox, and NeX skins could be just another.

Perhaps you'd like to take a shot at answering the core question - What is NeX for?

And in a bit (after another cup of coffee) I'll happily explain to you why NeX-Quisling is pretty appropriate term for you guys :)

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#214 - 2011-11-10 08:58:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Constantine
Ranger 1 wrote:
Tristan North wrote:
Jacob cirth wrote:

How is it better than the traditional way of releasing content to us?

Because it allows a common marketing system with DUST.

How can you have a common marketing system that mixes Pay to Win (gold tanks and hovercraft etc) with strictly and (sic) "vanity only" in the same store with any degree of credibility really.

NeX is basically a malformed abortion of a concept. Its supposed to be an Amarrian fashion house (noble appliances) that got roped into clothes selling by CCP Monocles and CCP thousand dollar jeans last summer and we're supposed to believe it will now be selling golden tanks and platinum hovercraft for PTW Dust battles without negatively impacting the Eve economic sandbox.

Its frankly ridiculous.

If they want a currency that allows eve players to interact with Dust (which can involve rich dust players bribing eve players to provide bombardment support etc) then it should be about mercenary payments and be a concept similar to the "c-bills" from the Battletech universe and be strictly focused on currency transfer between capsuleer and groundside military.

Start from the beginning. Ditch the NeX store. Don't use that nonsense in Eve because CCP already have Plex for MT income there.

Introduce a new merc hiring organization for groundside Dust Infantry and have the common currency there. Make becoming a licensed (recognized) Dust contractor/hirer - contigent on putting down some "c-bills" that get you access to the interface (obviously also tradeable with isk) - don't force people who want nothing to do with the concept of cash shop to see it on their interface every dock.

And don't call it Aurum because it sounds crap.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#215 - 2011-11-10 09:03:46 UTC  |  Edited by: DarkAegix
Jade Constantine wrote:
Perhaps you'd like to take a shot at answering the core question - What is NeX for?

NeX is to:
-Earn more cash for CCP. Cash which they spend on EVE.
-Act as a PLEX sink
-Act as a clothing store
-Contain vanity items only
-Safely and quickly introduce content which does not radically affect EVE

Player interaction (whether clothes-making or skin-making) is preferable for authenticity, but this sandbox authenticity is not the only component of EVE which matters.

Advantages of ship skins on NeX
-Fast release. We get skins ASAP.
-Minimal impact on EVE
-One-stop, unified place for skin purchase
-More PLEX demand, more profit, more EVE

Disadvantages of ship skins on NeX
-Less player interaction


Advantages of player manufactured ship skins
-Another profession is added to EVE
-A more 'intact' sandbox

Disadvantages of player manufactured ship skins
-It takes time, thought, and careful planning to implement the interface and manufacturing methods
-CCP can't earn more cash through greater PLEX demand

And that's the way it is. Any problems with my analysis?
In my eyes, I don't care whether skins are on NeX or anything else.
In CCP's eyes, they want a perfect balance between community contentment and profit.
In your eyes, NeX is automatically bad because it harms the sandbox and CCP earns money from it.

I want you to see NeX as something with both bad and good sides.
NeX doesn't break the sandbox. NeX doesn't contribute to the sandbox.

EDIT: Can you show me some respect? I'm giving it to you.
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#216 - 2011-11-10 09:33:44 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
EDIT: Can you show me some respect? I'm giving it to you.

As long as you're advocating for the NeX I doubt you'll get much respect. Maybe you missed all the fun over the summer but the vast majority of Eve players find the microtransaction store in a subscription based game to be loathsome.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Genghis Kitty
Hello Kitty Online Adventurers
#217 - 2011-11-10 09:47:10 UTC

As long as I can get a Hello Kitty skin I'll pay an entire year's salary! Lol

Dyslexics of the world untie!

#218 - 2011-11-10 09:53:28 UTC
DarkAegix wrote:
NeX pros and cons ...

Ladie Harlot wrote:
As long as you're advocating for the NeX I doubt you'll get much respect. Maybe you missed all the fun over the summer but the vast majority of Eve players find the microtransaction store in a subscription based game to be loathsome.

DarkAegix ou make a decent analysis. However, so does Lady Harlot.

And, your analysis is based on a critical assumption that NeX will only be used to push a small amount of vanity Items into the EVE sandbox. Can we really trust CCP to put such constraints on their actions now that they have deployed the infrastructure to do so much more?
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#219 - 2011-11-10 10:39:20 UTC
Lexmana wrote:

And, your analysis is based on a critical assumption that NeX will only be used to push a small amount of vanity Items into the EVE sandbox. Can we really trust CCP to put such constraints on their actions now that they have deployed the infrastructure to do so much more?

So far so good, right? Lol
Jade Constantine
Jericho Fraction
The Star Fraction
#220 - 2011-11-10 10:42:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jade Constantine
DarkAegix wrote:

NeX is to:
-Earn more cash for CCP. Cash which they spend on EVE.
-Act as a PLEX sink

PLEX already fills this role. All NeX does is cut players out of the production loop to the detriment of the economic sandbox.

As for PLEX sink -> Any expensive (ingame isk) desirable content does this. If Ship skins came from the LP store and required 100,000 lps per skin they would sell like hotcakes still. People would trade plex to afford the market prices.

-Act as a clothing store

Lazy programming, poor in-game rationale, angers the player base because options that were previously included in the old character generator are no longer there and have been replaced with MT bought stuff.This stuff should be either in the character generator or on the market manufactured and sold by PLAYERS for PLAYERS.

-Contain vanity items only

Vanity argument is void when you consider that other Vanity items (nebulas and engine trails, new turrets, new cynos, new effects are all essentially Vanity.) And when we get to the point of corp logos being considered "vanity" I will sigh - since many people realize advertising and promoting one's corp is serious business - hence why so many pay big isk for eon ads, alliance tourney promos and login mentions.

-Safely and quickly introduce content which does not radically affect EVE

The notion its possible to introduce indestructable customization into this economic sandbox without radically affecting the game is nonsense. Short circuiting player industry is a huge effect and has already caused massive player discontent.

Advantages of ship skins on NeX
-Fast release. We get skins ASAP.
-Minimal impact on EVE
-One-stop, unified place for skin purchase
-More PLEX demand, more profit, more EVE

Disadvantages of ship skins on NeX
-Less player interaction


Advantages of player manufactured ship skins
-Another profession is added to EVE
-A more 'intact' sandbox

Disadvantages of player manufactured ship skins
-It takes time, thought, and careful planning to implement the interface and manufacturing methods
-CCP can't earn more cash through greater PLEX demand

And that's the way it is. Any problems with my analysis?
In my eyes, I don't care whether skins are on NeX or anything else.
In CCP's eyes, they want a perfect balance between community contentment and profit.
In your eyes, NeX is automatically bad because it harms the sandbox and CCP earns money from it.

I want you to see NeX as something with both bad and good sides.
NeX doesn't break the sandbox. NeX doesn't contribute to the sandbox.

On your perceived advantages of ship skins in NeX:

1. Fast is not always better. We have a history in Eve of features being rushed out of the door and never finished. I am hoping this new CCP will actually take the time to deliver features and content correctly and stop the half-assed rollout of embarrassingly poor features. Your argument led to PI, it led to FW, it led to T3 ships all never being finished. Quick introduction – no iteration.

2. There is massive impact on eve from the spreading corruption of overt MT without player interaction. It is a foot in the door for the cash store and will inevitably lead to arguments from CCP monocle and CCP thousand dollar jeans that its right for people to get out the credit card and pay $ to be special. That road leads to exclusive MT content that you can’t trade for isk.

3. Who needs a one-stop unified place for skin purchase? That’s just lazy universe-breaking dumbing down of the Eve setting. Why on earth should the corporations and factions of eve sell their ship skin designs through the same mono-corporate entity. Put the damn things in the LP store, let players buy and sell them for profit and JITA is your “one stop shop”.

4. More PLEX demand happens anyway if these are in the LP stores so the argument is void.

5. I really don’t see how you can see time, thoughtful planning and development of interface as a “downside” – and I also do not agree that PLEX demand will be stifled by having these skins player manufactured. I counter that it will be ENHANCED because people who are disgusted by NeX in the sandbox will be happy to buy ship skins that come via traditional routes (even something simple like the LP stores)

So thats my problem with your analysis point by point.

NeX is something I see as entirely bad from beginning to now. I want it gone entirely from Eve online and I think you’d probably find the grand majority of Eve developers would agree with me. As a concept it was foisted on the company (and player base) by a couple of hired in “industry experts” and courted by some extremely naive producers “CCP soundwave” including – who simply couldn’t understand the opposition to the notion of paying MT extras in an already expensive subscription game that we pay for and play because we LIKE the integrity of the single server economic sandbox.

Now this is a respecful post in reply to you DarkAegix, and proper respect in return is you addressing these points not simply skirting over them.

The True Knowledge is that nothing matters that does not matter to you, might does make right and power makes freedom