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If you got scammed then you are greedy

Vortexo VonBrenner
#41 - 2013-07-23 01:22:39 UTC
Verunae Caseti wrote:
Eve's only truly honest isk doubling business! Don't waste time with scammers and their bs! This is not charity but a business that is funded by those who cannot follow these simple rules, so I rarely have to dip into my own reserves. I make my isk from those that fail to read rules here, that is what separates me from the scammers.


Send me 50M-500M, get 2x back.

Send 600M to 1 Billion get 3x back.
Invest 3-5 Billion and get 5x back!

over 50 BILLION liquid isk, over 250 billion in assets, so your amounts can be easily covered. However, I do limit 3 investments per player. This is necessary to keep business afloat. Each investment must be at least 2x what you received just prior. Toons must be >4 weeks old.

Rules are straight-forward. Amounts not listed are donations.

So some kind of pedantic semantic song and dance, I guess?

Can anyone explain what "her" scam is, exactly?

Scam? Erotica1 is totally legit and any crackpot insinuation otherwise is just pants-on-head

(I get my 5% commission if anything results from this, right?)
duglas Luven
Hell Forge Industries
#42 - 2013-07-23 06:52:31 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:

I like how this thread starts out about something else, and when my name comes up there is all sorts of controversy. Notice that everyone who has negative things to say about me is simply guessing and has no personal experience, while others vouch for me out of experience.

If I was a scammer, do you really think there would be so much argument? Instead what you see here is essentially a jury of peers. Some know I'm legit and say so. Others have this idea ingrained in their heads that everyone is a scammer, so they project that prejudice.

I challenge everyone to approach me with an open mind.

If you can read and follow simple rules in my bio you can win big. If you are the type that gets excited and throws rules out the window, well, I encourage you to play too. Without rule-breakers, I would not be able to keep running this successful business.


I read your rules and there is no need to play 3 times as the most you can get is 25 billion. So lets pretend I send you 5 billion already, and just send me the 20 billion, being that is what I will profit in the end any way. We can just skip all the other stuff. If you do that You will prove that you are not a scammer, deal?

Sure you can say by not sending you any ISK I am not following the rules but look at it like this, this will PROVE that you are running an honest "business"

PS: Yes I have more than 5 billion. You can trust me just as I trust you when you say you have over 50 billion isk in your wallet in your BIO.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#43 - 2013-07-23 07:20:30 UTC
duglas Luven wrote:
Sure you can say by not sending you any ISK I am not following the rules but look at it like this, this will PROVE that you are running an honest "business"

How can it be an honest business if you're asking her to break her own rules? Honestly, people like you are the reason she can run the business. Just because you're wealthy, doesn't mean you don't have to follow the rules but if you do, you could triple your wealth in just a couple of hours.
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#44 - 2013-07-23 07:24:09 UTC
Jon Ferguson wrote:
To be fair, the greatest scammer of all, Somer, has preyed upon literally thousands of EVE players who are ignorant about math/probability and/or have some kind of mental disorder where giving their money away to an e-rich dude gives them pleasure.

Meanwhile <--- won 2x his invested isk

Gambling games are gambling games, you don't need to like them the moment others do but you can hate them, you're doing well with the later.


removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

duglas Luven
Hell Forge Industries
#45 - 2013-07-23 07:39:53 UTC
Honestly, people like you are the reason she can run the business. Just because you're wealthy, doesn't mean you don't have to follow the rules but if you do, you could triple your wealth in just a couple of hours.[/quote]

People like me don't fund her "business". It's part of why "we" are not broke. Hey don't hate on me for trying, LOL!
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#46 - 2013-07-23 09:36:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Riot Girl
Well in the interests of promoting her business, I'm sure she'd be happy to accept your 5bn isk and award you 25bn in return, even if it does break her rules. I would also be willing to complete the transaction on her behalf if you wish.
duglas Luven
Hell Forge Industries
#47 - 2013-07-23 09:40:26 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
Well in the interests of promoting her business, I'm sure she'd be happy to accept your 5bn isk and award you 25bn in return, even if it does break her rules. I would also be willing to complete the transaction on her behalf if you wish.

I bet you would. I will hold on to my ISK all the same. What is mine can stay mine.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#48 - 2013-07-23 09:53:49 UTC
Hulkageddon Orphanage
#49 - 2013-07-24 09:47:07 UTC
Doc Severide wrote:
Miilla wrote:
I got scammed once, then I got my money back, plus a few trillion.

Yes, it's all about you again isn't it? I bet in RL you get beat up least I hope so...

Thanks for the attention, give more please :)
Sergeant Acht Scultz
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#50 - 2013-07-24 11:31:25 UTC
Greed is good.

Deal wiz it.


removed inappropriate ASCII art signature - CCP Eterne

Treo 'Ssard
Hangar 55
#51 - 2013-07-24 11:46:13 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:

I like how this thread starts out about something else, and when my name comes up there is all sorts of controversy. Notice that everyone who has negative things to say about me is simply guessing and has no personal experience, while others vouch for me out of experience.

If I was a scammer, do you really think there would be so much argument? Instead what you see here is essentially a jury of peers. Some know I'm legit and say so. Others have this idea ingrained in their heads that everyone is a scammer, so they project that prejudice.

I challenge everyone to approach me with an open mind.

If you can read and follow simple rules in my bio you can win big. If you are the type that gets excited and throws rules out the window, well, I encourage you to play too. Without rule-breakers, I would not be able to keep running this successful business.


I can read and follow simple rules. What I didn't expect was a cheap excuse of the "hurr durr can't see your payment someone sended me too many 0.10 send again hurr durr" -

Lesson learned. Could've been more expensive.
Critically Preposterous
#52 - 2013-07-24 11:48:29 UTC
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#53 - 2013-07-24 12:39:40 UTC
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Well, this shows some players are very "sensitive" about this subject, and don't want a sacred cow to be changed.

Scamming as a mechanic is a fools errand, because in the end it will be tweaked. Anything that can affect the bottom line of a game is on notice it can be changed, and sometimes even overnight.

And scamming devs to keep scamming alive is a sure method to get their attention (which is why it's often advised to not talk about certain subjects, unless you do want scamming to end, then...carry on!).

Wrong again on all counts.

1st sentence? No one is worried about anything being changed, this is EVE ONLINE, a game about intrigue, deception, power, and greed.

You're a misfit, it's like you logged on a game called "Wall Street" then spent all your time raging on its forums about how unfair capitalism is. That pretty much indicates a problem with you, not the game. Just don't play wall street and blam, no problem.

Your 2nd sentence? It's just delusional. EVE was DESIGNED to be how it is. Getting rid of core concepts (like samming) is what would affect the bottom line. This is you displaying your inability to see beyond your own perspective. See, you don't like EVE so you think others are like you and that this will lead to some kind of change, when the reality is EVe players LOVE EVE and it is (again) you are are misplaced.

And that 3rd sentence? Gibberish, exactly who is scamming a DEV?
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#54 - 2013-07-24 12:42:08 UTC
RubyPorto wrote:
Ace Uoweme wrote:
Well, this shows some players are very "sensitive" about this subject, and don't want a sacred cow to be changed.

Scamming as a mechanic is a fools errand, because in the end it will be tweaked. Anything that can affect the bottom line of a game is on notice it can be changed, and sometimes even overnight.

And scamming devs to keep scamming alive is a sure method to get their attention (which is why it's often advised to not talk about certain subjects, unless you do want scamming to end, then...carry on!).

Woah, Deja Vu

Feel like providing any semblance of evidence to support your claim that Scamming hurts this game's bottom line? Or that scamming is a "mechanic" that will be tweaked?

Or is this like all your other posts; outlandish claims with no support?

When you live in your own special world as Ace does, why would you need evidence from a real world you don't inhabit? Twisted
#55 - 2013-07-24 15:51:16 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
When you live in your own special world as Ace does, why would you need evidence from a real world you don't inhabit? Twisted


"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

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