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Proposed fix to "cloaky camping"

First post
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#121 - 2013-07-21 11:28:08 UTC
This thread seems to have gone off the rails again.

Remove local intel (that's been in the game from the start) and CCP would need to replace it with a tool for defenders to use that is ether equal or stronger, don't like trying to gank with local intel messing up your day, go do ganks in WH space.....but hang on, no hot drops in WH space, guess you gankers are going to have to get skills.

Make local intel weaker, by removing people in station, in POSes and AFK cloaked from the list and you have the probem of what happens when they come back from AFK, leave station or exit the POS. Unlike logging back on in system, their is no warning, so for the AFK problem, not fixed, only made worse. POS bubbles would be fine, because u can just fly out before you warp, stations would become more painful, because you would need to undock a scout ship first, or have friends giving you system intel.

Stations aren't as overpowered as these gankers are saying they are. They can be bubbled, ships can be bumped away from them and so on. When someone is in station, they are safe, so what. If they want to pvp you, they will come out and pvp you, otherwise they will just wait for you to go away.

Defenders should always have benefits over attackers when defending their own space, otherwise there is no point to holding sovereignty.

Back to my point with the AFK cloaker time wasters. If Person A logs off in system X, Person C doesn't have to waste his game time baiting someone who is afk, Person B can mine for 2 or so hours after he logs on, he still might loose his ships when Person A comes home from work and logs back on again, but his time would not be wasted by an AFK cloaker.

Gankers wine about lack of targets in this game, make null sec more ganker friendly, make high sec more ganker friendly, give mining barges less hit points, give covert hot drops longer ranges, make it so they can't see us in local and so on and so on, what they don't realize is they already have low sec and 0.5 systems, because of this no one who is a non ganker, and has at least half a brain will risk ships in these systems because of all the gankers hanging out in them.

Gankers are really their own worst enemy lol
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#122 - 2013-07-21 13:25:50 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:
This thread seems to have gone off the rails again.

Remove local intel (that's been in the game from the start) and CCP would need to replace it with a tool for defenders to use that is ether equal or stronger, don't like trying to gank with local intel messing up your day, go do ganks in WH space.....but hang on, no hot drops in WH space, guess you gankers are going to have to get skills.

Claiming local benefits PvE as much, if not more, than a player driven intel channel, networking players together...

VERY disingenuous.

First, unless you are in sov null to begin with, there is constant traffic by non blue players.
Any one of which, if not directly hostile, could be just as likely the eyes for pilots who are very hostile.

But then, let's say you are in sov null space.

Here is something that is difficult for many to grasp, but is an important detail that those hunting will not have an advantage because of local being missing.

The advantage will always belong to whoever has sov, simply because the intel channels and patrols supplying them will be a huge advantage.

Those hunting in hostile territory will be on their own, and with no local to artificially tell them where everyone is, chances are they will have no idea.
They can, of course, guess, or do research to learn where people usually hang out, but unless someone spies for them and tips them where to look, they will be effectively blind.

Local is never the friend of PvE. PvE has a far more obvious advantage trading it in for an intel channel while the hunters are blind.
S0utherN Comfort
#123 - 2013-07-21 19:41:34 UTC
Mag's wrote:
dal Rayl wrote:
Cynos are a separate mechanic. If you have issues with them, make a thread.

As far as local is concerned, it's directly related to AFKing. If you want your easy mode intel system to remain unchanged, then AFKing will remain unchanged. This includes any changes/nerfs to cloaks.

Without covert cynos being able to be used in their current form, ie warp a bomber or T3 on top of the person you want to gank, lock, set warp disrupter, hot drop a fleet of alts in, kill, hot drop them straight out again, a cloaky camper in system is a lot less of an issue.

Cloaky camping isn't an issue in ether WH or high sec because they lack the possibility of hot drops, not because of the lack local channel intel.
Cynos are an ACTIVE mechanic. If you have an issue with them, make a thread about it. Or decide if it's active play you wish to nerf, or being AFK.

Cynos work rather well in low sec and still AFKing isn't an issue there. But because low didn't fit your argument, you left it out.
Also I don't think I've ever seen a complaint about AFKing, in NPC null. But let's ignore that as well, because it doesn't help your argument either.

Local doesn't work in WH, so AFKing is pointless. It doesn't work as well in high, low or NPC null, as it does in sov null. Simply because there are so many unknown pilots around in those systems. Their openness, means locals intel power is reduced.

I for one believe claokign to be broken for an entirely differnent set of reasons than affecting PVE.

But ill tell you why WH, Low, and NPC null don't complain about cloaky camping,

NPC null/ low: Income is derived 90% by missions, in a mission site you can't light a cyno, and it cant be found without using combat scanner probes, so yes you can afk cloak active cloak w/e, but you cant appear in someones mission site without giving a telltale warning to them, your probes. You also can't hot drop directly on top of them. Im not sure you still can do it, but you used to be able to do the missions in unprobable or at least Very Very hard to probe t3's ships.

Wh: No cyno's no hotdrops, and again sites have to be scanned down by core probes, or ships in space have to be scanned down by combat probes, BOTH of which appear on DSCAN.

Im going to go with the side of local isnt the problem, Claoking in this scenario isnt the problem either.

I like the current nullsec sites (though i don't actually run them myself) not requiring probes, so i think if i were to propose anything I would say it be this, if your cloaked no DSCAN. So you can still cloak all you want in and stay there all day, but you cant find me and I cant find you unless you take risk. We both have the same amount of intel, I know your there you know im there but neither of us know where the other is in system or what ships where in. If you want to find me, you have to decloak and drop probes then recloak in which case i can see your probes on DSCAN, or spend the time to warp around system to find me, instead of spending 30-60 seconds dscannign and knowing with a high degree of certainty where I am.

Additionally i would pair this with a small change to cyno activation mechanics, you cant activate a cyno after decloaking for 45 seconds.

To introduce some more risk into the equation for the PVE'r, i would say give certain kinds of battleship rats that appear in the various sites the ability to warp disrupt, making ti so there held down longer and taking more risk allowing for more opportunities to be caught.

I don't rat, at all, but the current situation is all sorts of unbalanced and if you can't see that a fridge was dropped on your head when you were a small child. I however don't believe 1 change can fix the imbalance, i think if your going to introduce real risk, or a nerf to the cloaker, you need to also add some additional risk to the pve'r, to bring balance to the equation, make the one possible to catch and the other easier to get into trouble.

The issue again is not local though, (i actually like the idea of 1 minute delay on null local which strikes me as a pretty good balance on time)

Is what i written perfect, no far from it, but it at least has some semblance of being reasonable. Best part you can still afk and make local dangerous, but at least the pve'r has some semblance of a chance to shoot you when you make your move.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#124 - 2013-07-21 21:00:42 UTC
Peacenlove wrote:
The issue again is not local though, (i actually like the idea of 1 minute delay on null local which strikes me as a pretty good balance on time)

Local is a give away to the hunters of PvE pilots in two different ways.

On the one hand, it persistently presents the hunter as a threat in system, while they actually need to make no effort.
For the second part, it tells the hunter exactly which systems have targets in them. Information they could never be certain of otherwise.

Local only helps local sov PvE pilots in one way.
The warning they get when the hunter first enters the system.

The mutual awareness local shares past that point clearly favors the hunter.
Want to move to another system? Local shows you vanish from the list, so a hunter can check if you are still online, and if so, knows to follow you. Your continued presence is the useful intel benefiting the hunter, and local is handing it to them for free.

In many cases, they had no idea anyone was there in the first place. They can't dock in the alliance owned outpost to check it, and they have no intel channels outside their own sov space, if at all.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#125 - 2013-07-22 03:17:02 UTC
Yer, I get that, local shows everyone's hands, ganking PvPers get to know who the good marks are, so will actively hunt them and people who live in null sec get to know the gankers by name, and exactly what they fly and what they do from experience and kill boards, so they too actively hunt down these gankers.

Big difference is defenders don't usually use covert opps hot drops to defend, they use more traditional pvp fleets. Only covert hot droppers in sov null sec benefit from the cloaky camper tacit as pointed out in this thread.

The only benefit they get from cloaky camping is their targets get no warning when they come back from afk, as per all grav sites, belts and standard complexes they can warp to cloaked, without the need for probes that show up on dscan.

The cost of allowing them to do this is that their little tacit effectively can shut down industry and pve in the system they camp in if they are known to be any good at hot dropping.

Some hot droppers already use logging off and logging back on as a tacit to try to lower the targets guard, this is a known tacit and information about reds logging off in system is shared on intel channels.

Big difference is loggers don't waste large amounts of the targets time, force them to work in other systems and shut down systems.

Lets look at fixes.

Give cloaks a 10 min manual cycle or consume fuel, this would work, although it's not popular with people who use cloaks and doesn't add anything to the game.

Make cloaked ships have a scannable signature after being cloaked for longer than 10 mins without warping, this would add something for defenders to do into the game, wouldn't be popular with cloakers

Make it so your ship warps to a safe point after being afk for 10 or 15 mins and disappears just like logging off, removes the person from local channel and turn local off for him/her too, but doesn't log the person off the game. When the person comes back for afk, his ship autowarps back to his previous point just like logging on, he appears in local straight away, and he can see others in local straight away, but can't do anything until his ship is out of autowarp. ie turn afk cloakers into loggers without actually logging them off the game.
Azn Empire
#126 - 2013-07-22 10:14:31 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:
Lets look at fixes.

Give cloaks a 10 min manual cycle or consume fuel, this would work, although it's not popular with people who use cloaks and doesn't add anything to the game.

Make cloaked ships have a scannable signature after being cloaked for longer than 10 mins without warping, this would add something for defenders to do into the game, wouldn't be popular with cloakers

Make it so your ship warps to a safe point after being afk for 10 or 15 mins and disappears just like logging off, removes the person from local channel and turn local off for him/her too, but doesn't log the person off the game. When the person comes back for afk, his ship autowarps back to his previous point just like logging on, he appears in local straight away, and he can see others in local straight away, but can't do anything until his ship is out of autowarp. ie turn afk cloakers into loggers without actually logging them off the game.
I see lots of nerfs and you not wanting to change the mechanic giving you the problem. But for it to be a problem, would mean we don't already have solutions. Wouldn't it?

You do know that you can get the same effect, without a cloak? Which kinda pours scorn on your supposed fixes now doesn't it.

Lets get back to basics here. When someone is AFK, which mechanic are they using to interact with you?
It's a one word answer.

But I do find your stance rather puzzling. Let's see what you said in another thread.
Xionyxa wrote:
What all this really proves, PvP gankers are the real carebears of this game, always complaining about a lack of targets and how scary it is being in a hostile system because people can see that they are there. PvE players don't like being ganked, they don't find being ganked rewarding, however they do learn from it, they learn that most gankers are tards who have no clue what they are doing and they learn how not to loose ships to them, thus making the gankers complain more.

So you think learning from it, means complaining about it and asking for nerfs?
All I see is a poor attitude towards others play styles, which means you do not have balance in your thoughts when considering change.

We're simply going round in circles here. Us pointing out your problem and ways to solve it. You lot not wishing to use the current mechanics as solutions, but instead wanting to nerf the effect rather than the cause. It's all rather tiresome.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#127 - 2013-07-22 13:58:51 UTC
When you consider the basis for your arguments is so easily countered and subsequently dismissed using facts and logic, why do you even make such obviously baseless suggestions?

Xionyxa wrote:
Yer, I get that, local shows everyone's hands, ganking PvPers get to know who the good marks are, so will actively hunt them and people who live in null sec get to know the gankers by name, and exactly what they fly and what they do from experience and kill boards, so they too actively hunt down these gankers.

Big difference is defenders don't usually use covert opps hot drops to defend, they use more traditional pvp fleets. Only covert hot droppers in sov null sec benefit from the cloaky camper tacit as pointed out in this thread.

More traditional PvP fleets?
Is this some attempt at humor?

If we, (and I am with no doubts a null PvE player), were to engage in PvP ship combat on a regular basis, we might have some overall preference. But we don't.
We are doing economic support, the combat support guys are quite often not even in the same region. Traditional fleets are not a PvE concept, they are relevant exclusively to ship combat. We form fleets for boosting, and when it makes sense for things like mining efficiency and hauling logistics.

If we can get a titan bridge or use a blops one, (BLOPs not common unless maybe some kind of exotic scouting for sites), we take the bridge with gratitude, since it is usually needed for combat elsewhere.

Xionyxa wrote:
The only benefit they get from cloaky camping is their targets get no warning when they come back from afk, as per all grav sites, belts and standard complexes they can warp to cloaked, without the need for probes that show up on dscan.

Again, local is screamingly helpful to the 'PvP ship combat' hunter here.
Unless they happen to be on grid with a target at the time they come back, for all they know they came back to a deserted and empty system.

Without Local, they have NO INTEL to tell them who is docked in the outpost, or at the POS. If they do a scan at a POS, they will get every unoccupied ship sitting near the tower, so that is not much help.
Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#128 - 2013-07-23 08:50:54 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
When you consider the basis for your arguments is so easily countered and subsequently dismissed using facts and logic, why do you even make such obviously baseless suggestions?

Xionyxa wrote:
Yer, I get that, local shows everyone's hands, ganking PvPers get to know who the good marks are, so will actively hunt them and people who live in null sec get to know the gankers by name, and exactly what they fly and what they do from experience and kill boards, so they too actively hunt down these gankers.

Big difference is defenders don't usually use covert opps hot drops to defend, they use more traditional pvp fleets. Only covert hot droppers in sov null sec benefit from the cloaky camper tacit as pointed out in this thread.

More traditional PvP fleets?
Is this some attempt at humor?

If we, (and I am with no doubts a null PvE player), were to engage in PvP ship combat on a regular basis, we might have some overall preference. But we don't.
We are doing economic support, the combat support guys are quite often not even in the same region. Traditional fleets are not a PvE concept, they are relevant exclusively to ship combat. We form fleets for boosting, and when it makes sense for things like mining efficiency and hauling logistics.

If we can get a titan bridge or use a blops one, (BLOPs not common unless maybe some kind of exotic scouting for sites), we take the bridge with gratitude, since it is usually needed for combat elsewhere.

Xionyxa wrote:
The only benefit they get from cloaky camping is their targets get no warning when they come back from afk, as per all grav sites, belts and standard complexes they can warp to cloaked, without the need for probes that show up on dscan.

Again, local is screamingly helpful to the 'PvP ship combat' hunter here.
Unless they happen to be on grid with a target at the time they come back, for all they know they came back to a deserted and empty system.

Without Local, they have NO INTEL to tell them who is docked in the outpost, or at the POS. If they do a scan at a POS, they will get every unoccupied ship sitting near the tower, so that is not much help.

I think local should be removed, while at the same time D-scan shoud get a big re-vamp.

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

TSOE Po1ice
TSOE Consortium
#129 - 2013-08-22 07:54:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Sylphy
Nikk Narrel wrote:
The advantage will always belong to whoever has sov, simply because the intel channels and patrols supplying them will be a huge advantage.

Those hunting in hostile territory will be on their own, and with no local to artificially tell them where everyone is, chances are they will have no idea.
They can, of course, guess, or do research to learn where people usually hang out, but unless someone spies for them and tips them where to look, they will be effectively blind.

Local is never the friend of PvE. PvE has a far more obvious advantage trading it in for an intel channel while the hunters are blind.

That is as it should be. Organized groups of players have by default - through organized defense and play - an advantage over the lone-wolf variants of pilots.

Are you saying that, me and my friends who have built a castle, set up watchpoints, guards and pit traps are unfairly advantaged over people who didn't?

The character does not represent the views/opinions of its Corporation or Alliance.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#130 - 2013-08-22 15:14:14 UTC
Sylphy wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
The advantage will always belong to whoever has sov, simply because the intel channels and patrols supplying them will be a huge advantage.

Those hunting in hostile territory will be on their own, and with no local to artificially tell them where everyone is, chances are they will have no idea.
They can, of course, guess, or do research to learn where people usually hang out, but unless someone spies for them and tips them where to look, they will be effectively blind.

Local is never the friend of PvE. PvE has a far more obvious advantage trading it in for an intel channel while the hunters are blind.

That is as it should be. Organized groups of players have by default - through organized defense and play - an advantage over the lone-wolf variants of pilots.

Are you saying that, me and my friends who have built a castle, set up watchpoints, guards and pit traps are unfairly advantaged over people who didn't?

No, you earned the right to use these structures, and any intel you or your allies took effort to gain.

Local is helping your opponents far more.

The hostile entering your system has no way of knowing who is currently present.
They MIGHT know about recent mining, or ratting, but they won't know if your patrol happens to be in this system or the next.
They have no way of knowing who is docked in that Outpost, 3 people, or 100.

But local will tell them. More than enough to make a judgement call on whether to attack in this system, or come back another time.

And if your gate scouts already spotted this pilot across the last three systems, what great value does local have confirming what you already knew and expected, that they would show up in the next system.

Local is helping that hunter far more, and making your efforts effectively meaningless.
Your scout on the gate, may as well have been relaxing docked up in the station. The hostile sees him in system either way, despite the fact he should never have known he was spotted AT ALL. But local tips him off to your defenses like that.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#131 - 2013-08-23 16:27:53 UTC
Xionyxa wrote:
They are in my head and I can't get them out.

this is beyond mechanics...this stuff is in your head, your own paranoia is ruining your own game, not any one else.

Speedkermit Damo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#132 - 2013-08-27 10:38:16 UTC
I believe that a pilot should not show in local if docked.

I think that a pilot should not show in local.... until he pings his D-Scan. If a pilot does not ping D-scan, then that pilot is invisible unless he either uses D-scan, types something in local chat, or is spotted by being on grid with another pilot who is already in system.

This works both ways. The local sov-holders are also hidden from any hunters, until either party uses D-scan.

Of course there are flaws with my ideas above, but it's just a few thoughts which could be modified and made to work. Anything that kills afk cloaky camping, and encourages solo/gang roaming must be a good thing.

Protect me from knowing what I don't need to know. Protect me from even knowing that there are things to know that I don't know. Protect me from knowing that I decided not to know about the things that I decided not to know about. Amen.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#133 - 2013-08-27 13:22:28 UTC
Speedkermit Damo wrote:
I believe that a pilot should not show in local if docked.

I think that a pilot should not show in local.... until he pings his D-Scan. If a pilot does not ping D-scan, then that pilot is invisible unless he either uses D-scan, types something in local chat, or is spotted by being on grid with another pilot who is already in system.

This works both ways. The local sov-holders are also hidden from any hunters, until either party uses D-scan.

Of course there are flaws with my ideas above, but it's just a few thoughts which could be modified and made to work. Anything that kills afk cloaky camping, and encourages solo/gang roaming must be a good thing.

You should really look at this thread, if you have not already seen it.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#134 - 2013-08-27 14:49:31 UTC
This whole local thing, albeit a good Idea, was put down because CCP said although it broke the "emersion" aspect of the game, they felt it necessary to maintain some social aspect.

In other words, to make sure you closet nerds will at least feel like there are others that play the game too, and forces you helmet wearing introverts to deal with others.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#135 - 2013-08-27 14:58:19 UTC
Baaldor wrote:
This whole local thing, albeit a good Idea, was put down because CCP said although it broke the "emersion" aspect of the game, they felt it necessary to maintain some social aspect.

In other words, to make sure you closet nerds will at least feel like there are others that play the game too, and forces you helmet wearing introverts to deal with others.

Actually, the availability of a chat channel to use represents the peak of this effort.

The actual pilot roster itself has a demonstrated chilling effect on actual socialization. It is not simply a point of diminishing returns with this list present, it has a negative impact.

It too often either lists too many pilots to be meaningful, or exposes too few to feel safe.
Outside of a corp channel where people you expect to know, and be interested in seeing, local itself is best served being as anonymous as possible.

Want to increase socialization? Offer anonymous comments as an option, with no pilot roster.
Yes, you will get trash talk, but you will also get everything else.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#136 - 2013-08-27 15:13:45 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Baaldor wrote:
This whole local thing, albeit a good Idea, was put down because CCP said although it broke the "emersion" aspect of the game, they felt it necessary to maintain some social aspect.

In other words, to make sure you closet nerds will at least feel like there are others that play the game too, and forces you helmet wearing introverts to deal with others.

Actually, the availability of a chat channel to use represents the peak of this effort.

The actual pilot roster itself has a demonstrated chilling effect on actual socialization. It is not simply a point of diminishing returns with this list present, it has a negative impact.

It too often either lists too many pilots to be meaningful, or exposes too few to feel safe.
Outside of a corp channel where people you expect to know, and be interested in seeing, local itself is best served being as anonymous as possible.

Want to increase socialization? Offer anonymous comments as an option, with no pilot roster.
Yes, you will get trash talk, but you will also get everything else.

Easy Francis, I am just recanting the previous rounds of this debate and paraphrased what CCP had stated.

I could care less whether it is there or not, just like sound, the new warp jump tunnel crap or any other special snowflake stuff that make people get all verklepmt over.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#137 - 2013-08-27 15:31:52 UTC
Baaldor wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Baaldor wrote:
This whole local thing, albeit a good Idea, was put down because CCP said although it broke the "emersion" aspect of the game, they felt it necessary to maintain some social aspect.

In other words, to make sure you closet nerds will at least feel like there are others that play the game too, and forces you helmet wearing introverts to deal with others.

Actually, the availability of a chat channel to use represents the peak of this effort.

The actual pilot roster itself has a demonstrated chilling effect on actual socialization. It is not simply a point of diminishing returns with this list present, it has a negative impact.

It too often either lists too many pilots to be meaningful, or exposes too few to feel safe.
Outside of a corp channel where people you expect to know, and be interested in seeing, local itself is best served being as anonymous as possible.

Want to increase socialization? Offer anonymous comments as an option, with no pilot roster.
Yes, you will get trash talk, but you will also get everything else.

Easy Francis, I am just recanting the previous rounds of this debate and paraphrased what CCP had stated.

I could care less whether it is there or not, just like sound, the new warp jump tunnel crap or any other special snowflake stuff that make people get all verklepmt over.

CCP has also stated they want to kill the pilot list aspect, but they realize so many have come to rely upon it, that they need a better alternative to simply removing it.

They are simply trying to avoid another outcry akin to the one about captains quarters, which admittedly in hindsight was more perception of error than actual. Too many assumed too much, and perception is never about truth and facts alone.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#138 - 2013-08-27 16:54:40 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:

CCP has also stated they want to kill the pilot list aspect, but they realize so many have come to rely upon it, that they need a better alternative to simply removing it..

So Cloaking AFK or otherwise is a good counter balance here.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
They are simply trying to avoid another outcry akin to the one about captains quarters, which admittedly in hindsight was more perception of error than actual. Too many assumed too much, and perception is never about truth and facts alone.

Right, the perception that peeps have about a scary cloaky is afk is their perception and always not about truth or facts.