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Skill Discussions

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So many skills, im so confused

Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#21 - 2013-07-15 04:39:49 UTC
Zappity & Mirel both forget for every person that finds the pve in eve soul crushingly boring

there is at least 1 person that enjoys it.

Do all 5 tutorials (career agents, accessible through the help [f12] menu)
you will need to purchase and train the Industrial skill to level 1

between them, those 5 agents cover
scanning, salvaging & hacking (or did, not sure how the recent changes have affected the tutorials in this regard)
basic missions
basic ewar

those you enjoy, continue skilling for
Ireland VonVicious
Vicious Trading Company
#22 - 2013-07-19 18:32:45 UTC
IIshira wrote:
Ireland VonVicious wrote:
Train every skill you already have to L1 then L2 then L3.

Go buy every other skill you can inject that is within budget and do it again.

I'm guessing you were kidding with the part about buying every skill you can train?

I really did that as a noob and wasted a lot of training time. Sure I eventually used those skills but some not for over a year. I could have been training skills relevant to what I needed at the time.

Nope. Completely serious. At least get them to L2. You can afford to spend 3 days getting skills that won't be as easy to train after your first remap.

I'm sure just one of your relevant skills to 5 would have taken far long then all those other skills combined.

Plus it's worth exploring how eve works before you make a decision on what aspect to focus on.
The Nightcrow Tribe
#23 - 2013-07-20 17:19:06 UTC
Neculai Patroclus wrote:
Hey there fellow EVE players,

I'm new to the game and i finished the tutorial and realized literally how many skills there were in this game and it has really confused me. I am wanting to focus on missions but there is so much ship modules needed and so many skills needed for these modules.

I was just wondering if any of you have any tips for keeping more organised and on top of skills and also what my priorities should be.

Also i know this isn't really part of the skills section but can anyone help me deciding on different fittings and whcih modules to use as there are so many and i don't know the differences

Thanks all

Take it from another noob. Follow certificates. Best way is to download EVEMon as it does a lot work for you, but you can do it manually too. (again, highly suggest EVEMon as it's really nice create a plan and follow it and see what's done and what's what.

For example, you obviously have ship in mind, view ship's info, then go to recommended tab. It will show you which certificates you should train for that ship. Each of the certificates will have multiple skills under them.

In EVEMon, you can just select the recommended certificates for your ship, and add them to your plan, it will auto-populate minimum level of skills needed to achieve. Saves you a lot of headache.

But do take care with those certificates, look at their skills once they are in the plan. For example if you want to armor tank your ship, then there is no need for you to get shield-focused skills, just remove them from the plan.
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