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So why do people hate cloaking?

First post
Elian Troller
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#61 - 2013-07-19 14:10:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Elian Troller
Lucas Kell wrote:

the real issue is the cloaker is refusing to fight.

So you want me to FIGHT right?
You, the real PVPer, want me to ACCEPT THE REAL MEN PVP CHALLENGE and uncloak my anathema and fight your tengu ?
You want me to scan your cargo?
You want me to use my Data/Relic analyzers to hack the **** out of your ship?
Makes sense, you know Big smile
These "true pvpers" are all the same thing across any MMO game.
Victoria Sin
#62 - 2013-07-19 14:13:15 UTC
Kijo Rikki wrote:

4. A perfectly good counter, as it effectively takes away the one tool the afk-cloaker actually has at his disposal: fear. With the simple act of ignoring him you have destroyed all he had hoped to accomplish.

Not really. You see he's AFK some of the time, non-AFK the rest. As soon as you're comfortable with him in system, he'll pop his covert cyno on top of your ratting/mining ships. Again, this needs to be reiterated 100 x because people don't get it into their thick skulls: He has all the options and all of the plays.

If you think getting comfortable with a red in system is a good idea, then that is precisely what he wants longer term. He wins both ways because he's either griefing your system because nobody wants to be in it, or he's making you comfortable with him being in system, in which case he'll eventually get some targets.

Kijo Rikki
Killboard Padding Services
#63 - 2013-07-19 14:14:01 UTC
Victoria Sin wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

So.... because people react inappropriately, and behave like morons, the cloak mechanics are broken?

The appropriate way to deal with a hot-dropper is to leave the system. Presenting potential targets so they can keep their killboard ticking over only encourages them to stick around and come back in future. Sometimes you have to empty the system for days on end, losing the industry level in the process. All because of 1 cloaky red in your system. Does that sound like a balanced mechanic to you? No. Me neither.

Has the thought ever occurred to you to hunt the problem? IF it has been historically shown that the person in question can and does frequently hot drop, it might be a good idea to counter hot drop. Find out what typical force number and ship types are, and get your master alliance to join in the fun, those guys are always looking for kills. Do some research, find out where they normally stage out of, if they bridge off a titan or if its just a blops op. If you can't get your master alliance to help out then just get as many friends as you can to stand by in bombers and tank a bait ship, as soon as he declaoks to point and lights his cyno, point as many targets as you can, harden up, and let your friends unleash a rain of bombs upon your tormentors.

You have options, you just chose not to utilize them.

You make a valid point, good Sir or Madam. 

Sunshine and Lollipops
#64 - 2013-07-19 14:14:02 UTC
Victoria Sin wrote:
This is nonsense. Want to empty a system? Just sit a cloaked red alt in it for 23 hours a day, 7 days a week.
…and that is a people problem, a local problem, and maybe a problem with a couple of other mechanics. It has nothing to do with cloaks or being AFK.

You can't hot-drop in W-space.
…and yet, pretty much all suggestions for “fixing” cloaking (which, as mentioned, is not a problem to begin with) fundamentally breaks how w-space works. That's why all those suggestion are bunk even if they somehow were necessary (which they aren't).

Steve Ronuken wrote:
1: Shooting a cloaked person. a trifle difficult.
3: working out where a cloaked person is. A trifle difficult.

2: counter afk him? you mean sit in space and do nothing? Which is entirely his goal?

4: hardly a counter.
1. It's trivial. If he is in a position to do anything to you, you can shoot him. If you can't shoot him, he can't do anything to you. So, shoot him.
2. His goal is presumably to shut down the entire system. Instead, he only manages to take up the time of one person and he is now exposed to the same “risk” the poor afk-cloaking-victims are. If he tries anything, see #1.
3. I didn't say “work out where he is”, I said “check if he's moving around”. Not difficult.
4. It completely ruins the intent any attempt at shutting down the system by going AFK. That's about as countered as anything can be.
Kijo Rikki
Killboard Padding Services
#65 - 2013-07-19 14:14:41 UTC
Victoria Sin wrote:
Kijo Rikki wrote:

4. A perfectly good counter, as it effectively takes away the one tool the afk-cloaker actually has at his disposal: fear. With the simple act of ignoring him you have destroyed all he had hoped to accomplish.

Not really. You see he's AFK some of the time, non-AFK the rest. As soon as you're comfortable with him in system, he'll pop his covert cyno on top of your ratting/mining ships. Again, this needs to be reiterated 100 x because people don't get it into their thick skulls: He has all the options and all of the plays.

Wrong, see above post.

You make a valid point, good Sir or Madam. 

Victoria Sin
#66 - 2013-07-19 14:18:23 UTC
Kijo Rikki wrote:

You have options, you just chose not to utilize them.

You will only catch out noob hot-droppers like this. Also, you're missing the point. It's crap game design. I couldn't give a **** if there are ways to counter it. There were ways to counter all kinds of ****** mechanics CCP have had in the game in the past. It doesn't matter. Crap design is crap design. End of story.
Kijo Rikki
Killboard Padding Services
#67 - 2013-07-19 14:22:07 UTC
Victoria Sin wrote:
Kijo Rikki wrote:

You have options, you just chose not to utilize them.

You will only catch out noob hot-droppers like this. Also, you're missing the point. It's crap game design. I couldn't give a **** if there are ways to counter it. There were ways to counter all kinds of ****** mechanics CCP have had in the game in the past. It doesn't matter. Crap design is crap design. End of story.

Cop out answer, I suppose. You'd only catch the noob hot-droppers and I guess the pro ones would realize it's not safe to fish. Half victories.

By the way, what are your thoughts on the local intel mechanic?

You make a valid point, good Sir or Madam. 

Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#68 - 2013-07-19 14:22:20 UTC
If all nullbears want to do is be able to fight cloakers, then how come when I go into a system uncloaked everyone pos's up, then after 30 minutes goes offline and noone dropped the first combat probe?

No, the problem with afk cloakers for null is that an unknown is in local.....cloaking has very little to do with it.

Don't ban me, bro!

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#69 - 2013-07-19 14:23:16 UTC
Usually the only people who have a problem with cloaking are people who should never have set foot in null to begin with.

People like to lump "nullbears" together, but as a player who enjoys nullsec PVe let me tell y'all, it ain't true.

Most of us accept that we are playing and trying to make is in dangerous space. We accept that people playing the same video game we are are trying to hunt us, scare us, disrupt us or do whatever they can to us. We accept the challenge and find new ways to mitigate the risk, or defeat the threat and still rake in the isks, Isk we use to buy drakes that we can then lose for the glory of our tech/r64 grabbing overlords (lol).

But like in all segments of humanity, there is a whiney, entitled, LOUD fringe minority that thinks they deserve everything while earning nothing. They think they should be able to come into NULL SEC and be left alone to pile isk to the ceiling.

The cloaky is the guy who comes in and says "I might have something to say about you making all that isk". Most times it's a bluff, but sometimes there is a fleet waiting in jump range to land on you. That uncertainty drives to entitled 'bear crazy, and being that those types aren't the type to fight back (by adapting in ways that reduce or eliminate the risk), their only outlet is to rage about it on the forums in hopes that mommy (ccp) comes and changes things for them.

The ask ccp for "depth charges" and new toold to find cloakys because not being able to directly attack a cloaky makes them impotent. As as all the commercials now tell us, EVErectile Dysfunction is no laughing matter...

I just fit cloak and MWd and rat somewhere else. I guess I'm doing it wrong.
Elian Troller
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#70 - 2013-07-19 14:23:47 UTC
Victoria Sin wrote:
Kijo Rikki wrote:

You have options, you just chose not to utilize them.

You will only catch out noob hot-droppers like this. Also, you're missing the point. It's crap game design. I couldn't give a **** if there are ways to counter it. There were ways to counter all kinds of ****** mechanics CCP have had in the game in the past. It doesn't matter. Crap design is crap design. End of story.

So when are you going to apply for CCP, the great game designer with countless years of experience?
Victoria Sin
#71 - 2013-07-19 14:25:46 UTC
Kijo Rikki wrote:

Cop out answer, I suppose. You'd only catch the noob hot-droppers and I guess the pro ones would realize it's not safe to fish. Half victories.

... tying down a squad of players for days on end on the off-chance he shows himself? Is that supposed to gain CCP subs? Crappy game mechanics are crap. That is all their is to it. There might be counter (A) or counter (B), so what? Nobody cares. It's just a "thing" that makes Eve suck that CCP haven't yet done anything about. A bit like before WTZ was introduced.

Would you design things like that if you were starting from scratch? No, you wouldn't. If you did, you'd be a bad game designer.
Doc Fury
Furious Enterprises
#72 - 2013-07-19 14:26:37 UTC
Skims thread.. .

Yup, same old nullbear arguments that revolve around being afraid.

Every time one of these threads pops up, Doc trains another cloaky alt.

There's a million angry citizens looking down their me.

Elian Troller
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#73 - 2013-07-19 14:27:00 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

The cloaky is the guy who comes in and says "I might have something to say about you making all that isk". Most times it's a bluff, but sometimes there is a fleet waiting in jump range to land on you. That uncertainty drives to entitled 'bear crazy, and being that those types aren't the type to fight back (by adapting in ways that reduce or eliminate the risk), their only outlet is to rage about it on the forums in hopes that mommy (ccp) comes and changes things for them.

Well said.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#74 - 2013-07-19 14:29:05 UTC
Victoria Sin wrote:
There might be counter (A) or counter (B), so what?
So the claim that there is no counter is false.

…much like the claim that either cloaking or going AFK is a problem, tbh. What people are having problems with is something completely different.
Elian Troller
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#75 - 2013-07-19 14:29:07 UTC
Victoria Sin wrote:
Kijo Rikki wrote:

Cop out answer, I suppose. You'd only catch the noob hot-droppers and I guess the pro ones would realize it's not safe to fish. Half victories.

... tying down a squad of players for days on end on the off-chance he shows himself? Is that supposed to gain CCP subs? Crappy game mechanics are crap. That is all their is to it. There might be counter (A) or counter (B), so what? Nobody cares. It's just a "thing" that makes Eve suck that CCP haven't yet done anything about. A bit like before WTZ was introduced.

Would you design things like that if you were starting from scratch? No, you wouldn't. If you did, you'd be a bad game designer.

Bcause there are 2 opinions: yours and the wrong one, right?
Kijo Rikki
Killboard Padding Services
#76 - 2013-07-19 14:38:51 UTC
Victoria Sin wrote:
Kijo Rikki wrote:

Cop out answer, I suppose. You'd only catch the noob hot-droppers and I guess the pro ones would realize it's not safe to fish. Half victories.

... tying down a squad of players for days on end on the off-chance he shows himself? Is that supposed to gain CCP subs? Crappy game mechanics are crap. That is all their is to it. There might be counter (A) or counter (B), so what? Nobody cares. It's just a "thing" that makes Eve suck that CCP haven't yet done anything about. A bit like before WTZ was introduced.

Would you design things like that if you were starting from scratch? No, you wouldn't. If you did, you'd be a bad game designer.

You know standing fleets are a thing, right? It's the norm and if you're not in one when you get pointed and die people usually point and laugh? Think of it as a way to bring people together, and not play an MMO solo. That's actually rather ingenious game design.

You make a valid point, good Sir or Madam. 

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#77 - 2013-07-19 14:41:08 UTC
So I see the thread is starting to fill up with idiots claiming everyone is a null bear. ******* shocking.
Simple facts are:

1. Ratting/mining with a cloaky in system is pointless. The loss of your ship is more costly than the isk it has made.
2. Cloakers know this, that's WHY they do it. They know it causes disruption so they do it. Anyone claiming otherwise is lying.
3. Cloakers are the ONLY people given a 100% immunity to combat unless they decide to engage.
4. Without doing something about cloaking, you can all continue to cry about the fact that null is broken and empty, because it will remain that way.

Every time this arguments is raised the same thing comes up from you morons too. "AFK cloakers cant hurt anyone". Which is true. But it's beside the point as there's NO WAY TO TELL if they are afk or waiting for a weak point to exploit. So the only option when a system is being camped is to move on, and leave the system empty. That's what gets done, and then there's mass whining about how you have nothing to fight in null.

Either grow a pair of balls and use something other than a cloaky nullified tengu in PvP or watch as the continuous stream of these threads continues to flow on the forum.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#78 - 2013-07-19 14:43:28 UTC
Victoria Sin wrote:
Kijo Rikki wrote:

You have options, you just chose not to utilize them.

You will only catch out noob hot-droppers like this. Also, you're missing the point. It's crap game design. I couldn't give a **** if there are ways to counter it. There were ways to counter all kinds of ****** mechanics CCP have had in the game in the past. It doesn't matter. Crap design is crap design. End of story.

It's not a crap design, it's very useful.

Cloaks allow alliances to engage in what amounts to economic warfare. It's not uncommon for ratting and mining systems to get camped when hostilies break out.

This is a good thing, without cloaks I and people like me would rat ALL DAY in cyno jammed systems far out in null where unfreindly blops fleets would have a hard time getting to us lol.

Being against cloaky campers is like saying "I heart inflation spurned by safe nullsec ratting" lol.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#79 - 2013-07-19 14:48:00 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Simple facts are:

1. Ratting/mining with a cloaky in system is pointless. The loss of your ship is more costly than the isk it has made.
2. Cloakers know this, that's WHY they do it. They know it causes disruption so they do it. Anyone claiming otherwise is lying.
3. Cloakers are the ONLY people given a 100% immunity to combat unless they decide to engage.
4. Without doing something about cloaking, you can all continue to cry about the fact that null is broken and empty, because it will remain that way.
Interestingly enough, only one of those is vaguely approaching anything that can be considered a fact.

1. Ratting/mining with a cloaky in system is entirely doable. You just have to take precautions.
3. Cloakers are as immune to combat as anyone who's docked and, really, as anyone in a suitably fast ship.
4. None of the problems with null are related to cloaking — it's just an easy and readily handy target for people who haven't actually analysed what it is that is causing them problems.

That leaves #2 as the only fact. As luck would have it, this knowledge is easy to subvert.
Elian Troller
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#80 - 2013-07-19 14:52:14 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
So I see the thread is starting to fill up with idiots claiming everyone is a null bear. ******* shocking.
Simple facts are:

1. Ratting/mining with a cloaky in system is pointless. The loss of your ship is more costly than the isk it has made.
2. Cloakers know this, that's WHY they do it. They know it causes disruption so they do it. Anyone claiming otherwise is lying.
3. Cloakers are the ONLY people given a 100% immunity to combat unless they decide to engage.
4. Without doing something about cloaking, you can all continue to cry about the fact that null is broken and empty, because it will remain that way.

Every time this arguments is raised the same thing comes up from you morons too. "AFK cloakers cant hurt anyone". Which is true. But it's beside the point as there's NO WAY TO TELL if they are afk or waiting for a weak point to exploit. So the only option when a system is being camped is to move on, and leave the system empty. That's what gets done, and then there's mass whining about how you have nothing to fight in null.

Either grow a pair of balls and use something other than a cloaky nullified tengu in PvP or watch as the continuous stream of these threads continues to flow on the forum.

1. Risk/Reward
2. Yes. We already got that you are scared of cloakers. So what?
3. Cloaked explorers are very vulnurable to gangs on data/relic sites. Because, well, they cannot fight back.
4. Null is empty because of Hi and Lo sec activities. It has nothing to do with cloakers.

"there's mass whining about how you have nothing to fight in null."
Seems fine. Keep on whining while being scared of cyno cloakers.