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Game Balance, Exploration and gatecampers

Wolf Chent-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-07-16 14:46:51 UTC
Hello all,
Am I missing something in Eve or is there a big imbalance between exploration and battle. You read the history and game mythology, and there is all this talk about exploration, and rumors of old technology from the early days when the earth gate was open, and how it is rumored to be cloaked and so on. I love that stuff. that is where I want to spend my time in Eve. I have no interest at all in fighting other ships. My son who has been playing for ages helped me understand how to set up my Imicus, with cloaks and all sorts of cool stuff. So i think my ship is OK. But every time I leave high seck, I get nailed by gate campers or groups of chatters in destroyers who like to kill unarmed newbs. I am still trying to up-skill to buy a Helios with a proper cloak, but it is getting awfully frustrating getting nailed by lazy gate-campers who just steal your stuff.
Is this as good as it gets with the game play, firmly biased to the quake players lets kill everything. Or am I missing something.
You cant even build a ship that will defend itself because you lose all the slots used for exploration tools.
I am very frustrated to the point of not playing any more.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2 - 2013-07-16 16:18:24 UTC

Low-sec and null-sec space are relatively lawless territories.

Entering into those spaces is agreeing to the risk of being blown up in the hopes of getting greater rewards.

I'm not sure what you're asking with regards to balance, though. Where is the balance issue, and what would be your thoughts toward improving that balance?

The exploration in Eve can be amazing. I don't even do proper exploration but still find the most incredible things floating out there in the depths of space.

I get blown up constantly, have lost countless thousands of isks to gate campers, station campers, warp bubbles, etc, but I don't get mad because I knew the risk when I entered low-sec.

The old adage is "Don't fly what you can't afford to lose" Not just isk-wise, but emotionally. If you simply can't handle losing ships, don't go into low-sec alone. Find a corp, find a buddy, find another route.

"Roll the dice, don't think twice. This is the way of things. Welcome to EVE." ~ CCP Falcon

"Good luck, shoot straight and don't back down." - Serendipity Lost

Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#3 - 2013-07-16 21:33:09 UTC
Wolf Chent-Shi wrote:
Hello all,
Am I missing something in Eve or is there a big imbalance between exploration and battle. You read the history and game mythology, and there is all this talk about exploration, and rumors of old technology from the early days when the earth gate was open, and how it is rumored to be cloaked and so on. I love that stuff. that is where I want to spend my time in Eve. I have no interest at all in fighting other ships. My son who has been playing for ages helped me understand how to set up my Imicus, with cloaks and all sorts of cool stuff. So i think my ship is OK. But every time I leave high seck, I get nailed by gate campers or groups of chatters in destroyers who like to kill unarmed newbs. I am still trying to up-skill to buy a Helios with a proper cloak, but it is getting awfully frustrating getting nailed by lazy gate-campers who just steal your stuff.
Is this as good as it gets with the game play, firmly biased to the quake players lets kill everything. Or am I missing something.
You cant even build a ship that will defend itself because you lose all the slots used for exploration tools.
I am very frustrated to the point of not playing any more.

CCP seems to be trying kill off solo play in general. Solo exploration is one of the things they are hacking away at recently. Ships which are good at exploring have a reduced ability to defend themselves. You can try to build all-in one ships but they aren't going to be that great at any of the roles. With that said, I support the peeps who said get a buddy, join a corp or some other way than solo. I wish it wasn't that way but it is just how EVE is played.

Also, in before the "EVE is PVP" crowd!! wo0tage!!
Garak n00biachi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2013-07-16 21:33:43 UTC
While youre skilling up for your Helios try this>>>
Hope this works\helps.
Wolf Chent-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2013-07-17 09:04:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Wolf Chent-Shi
Takari wrote:
.....................I'm not sure what you're asking with regards to balance, though. Where is the balance issue, and what would be your thoughts toward improving that balance?
What i mean is if I want to build a ship that has big guns and hang out in a group of people, I will probably survive. But there seems little room for the explorer or solo play. I would not suggest the ability to attack while cloaked, that would be unfair in the other way. I am happy that out in null sec you are easily killed, as you say, it is lawless and that is the whole point. But when you exit from a jump gate and instantly get nailed by a warp bubble, that is a no win situation, no amount of skill will get an unarmed ship out of that situation when you have a determined camper. Last night for the umpteenth time I got caught in a bubble and managed to get my cloak on, i floated along trying to get out of it, until the person that set the trap flew close to me and down goes the cloak. Bang I am dead. I am only suggesting the ability to not end up in a no win situation like that.

It is an unfair advantage that people who like to battle have over explorers. Imagine the uproar if I was able to remaining cloaked and set a mine on a ship undetected. That would give me an unfair advantage. II am just talking about the no win, unavoidable situation is all.
Wolf Chent-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2013-07-17 09:16:56 UTC
Garak n00biachi wrote:
While youre skilling up for your Helios try this>>>
Hope this works\helps.

Hey thanks, I will give it a shot :)
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#7 - 2013-07-17 12:41:07 UTC
Also, don't forget about warp stabilizers. I do a good deal of my travelling in a Venture now to try to alleviate some gate camping.

Having recently moved to a lowsec corp one thing I've learned is that you learn where the bottlenecks are and plan around them. I get caught at the gate pretty rarely and usually because I'm in a hurry and forgot to plan my route properly.

Find a corp that likes to do a lot of ratting in low/nullsec. Travel around with them doing your exploration, that way you have the extra bonus of being able to call in help if someone shows up at your exploration site wishing you harm.

You don't have to like blowing stuff up to have fun in a corp that blows stuff up, they'll happily blap ships for you.

I do hope you find a way to do what you enjoy.

"Roll the dice, don't think twice. This is the way of things. Welcome to EVE." ~ CCP Falcon

"Good luck, shoot straight and don't back down." - Serendipity Lost

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-07-17 16:23:29 UTC
If you're being caught in gate camps flying a helios you're

You should have a covert ops cloak fitted which means you can warp WHILE CLOAKED giving the gatecampers no chance at all to lock you unless you have the manual dexterity of a hippopotamus.
Hyku P'tiboo
Strategic Exploration and Development Corp
Silent Company
#9 - 2013-07-18 07:11:49 UTC
Yes EVE is very frustrating. I'm an explorer myself and sometimes I rage because I just want to do my little exploration by myself and not feed some lazy priate's wallet :)

As for tips :

- Stay in High sec until you can afford (money and skill wise) a cov ops frigate.
- Fit your cov op frig to have the best agility/inertia modifier so you can align and warp very quickly. That will help you through gate camps and if you get jumped while hacking (typically my cheetah has 3 nanofiber strcuture in the lows)
- Learn the MWD/cloak trick (although it won't help you much in a cov op frigate because your align time is very low already) BTW you can find multiple video on youtube that explains it (can't link since I'm at work and don't have access to youtube)
- Get a plush animal or anything you can either squeeze hard withou tbreaking or throw against the wall without breaking stuff for those rage moments that will inevitably happen. :)

I hope that helps.
Wolf Chent-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2013-07-18 08:39:15 UTC
Thanks heaps everyone, I appreciate the tips. I will take it all on board and give it another shot. Managed to get clear of a few camps last night. I guess I'll just keep practicing :)
Never Back Down
#11 - 2013-07-18 15:37:56 UTC
A: there is every reason for people to destroy you when you come into their territory.
B: do some research before flying with your head in the clouds, particularly read up on how to dodge gatrcamps
C: yes, direct pvp will be weighted towards those fit for it, just like the pvp ships will be bad at exploration.
D: everything in eve involves pvp. If this makes you upset, there might be other games more suited to you.
Wolf Chent-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2013-07-18 16:22:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Wolf Chent-Shi
hellcane wrote:
A: there is every reason for people to destroy you when you come into their territory.
B: do some research before flying with your head in the clouds, particularly read up on how to dodge gatrcamps
C: yes, direct pvp will be weighted towards those fit for it, just like the pvp ships will be bad at exploration.
D: everything in eve involves pvp. If this makes you upset, there might be other games more suited to you.

Ahh the inevitable elitist post, lets see, you have been playing a long time and a forum elder, so that gives you the rights to a smart Alec response.

A: This is very subjective and contrary to the theme of the game, read the history and it is supposed to be as much about exploration as it is combat, or have you forgotten?
B: Head in the clouds hey, heh yep I do that a lot, fly around with my eyes closed.
C: And this is relevant to game balance, combat vs exploration how?
D: See point A, and... more suited to me hey. OK so any opinion that differs from yours, meh, just go play elsewhere?

Mate, just so you know, I am 52 in a couple of months, have worked in the IT industry or in tech work all my life, Married, 4 grown kids and have been playing games since commander keen was the ducks guts, before actually. I have been an active participant in forums for decades. and can remember what a big deal it was when I installed winsock and netscape navigator on windows 3.1 to enable my first GUI browser for the net. Wow no more telneting into, unless I was playing a MUD.
So while I am a newb to Eve and this forum, I am no idiot. Blind Freddy can see that there is a clear bias towards combat and large groups of players, as compared to folk like myself that prefer exploration and solo play. I was simply asking here if there was something I am missing, in the hope that I may be be able to enjoy the game mythology and the hints of hidden wonders such as ways in and out of Jove and so on. Have you forgotten.........., here is a reminder...

Unfortunately, the stabilizer was too little too late. In 8061, just 74 years after the wormhole’s discovery, it collapsed quite spectacularly, cutting the fledgling cluster entirely off from Earth and its desperately needed support. The effect near the site of the gate was absolutely devastating. Any ships nearby were completely destroyed, and even in the modern day, the site of the Gate remains a maelstrom of energy that only the most dedicated explorers even attempt to approach. Rumor has it that the remains of Terran ships can be found in and around the Gate, supposedly with technology far advanced from what we have available today. The Jove (discussed a little later in this section, but suffice it to say that they are the fifth major, but completely isolated, empire of New Eden), according to that same rumor, have cloaked the wreckage to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands. The Jove deny it, of course, but that doesn’t stop people from looking and spreading the rumors.

There are plenty of other breadcrumbs when you do a little reading too.

Now as a newb I have no idea if this and other stuff I have read is just rubbish, or genuine hints for the explorer. But it looked like fun to go hunting for clues, particularly when I found the Jove empire seems cut off from the rest of Eve space. So forgive me for wanting to enjoy eve lore somewhat, in lieu of being just another knuckdragging gate camper that is too lazy to do any real game-play other than blowing up newbs and unarmed explorers for a quick lazy buck. Call me old fashioned but spending my Eve time camped with friends at a 0.4 gate zapping whoever comes through is not my idea of a good way to enjoy my game time.
And it seems to me, my $15/month is as good as anyone else s here.

And by the way, I just got killed yet again, I was cloaked and wandering round in a -0.3 as I have been all night, warped over to the next gate right into a warp bubble, bang dead by camper again. Ail i was asking for was a little game balance, what is a handful of explorers in the tens of thousands of players here. Very frustrating. and in my opinion very unbalanced game play.
Never Back Down
#13 - 2013-07-18 18:58:11 UTC
Wolf Chent-Shi wrote:
hellcane wrote:
A: there is every reason for people to destroy you when you come into their territory.
B: do some research before flying with your head in the clouds, particularly read up on how to dodge gatrcamps
C: yes, direct pvp will be weighted towards those fit for it, just like the pvp ships will be bad at exploration.
D: everything in eve involves pvp. If this makes you upset, there might be other games more suited to you.

Ahh the inevitable elitist post, lets see, you have been playing a long time and a forum elder, so that gives you the rights to a smart Alec response.

A: This is very subjective and contrary to the theme of the game, read the history and it is supposed to be as much about exploration as it is combat, or have you forgotten?
B: Head in the clouds hey, heh yep I do that a lot, fly around with my eyes closed.
C: And this is relevant to game balance, combat vs exploration how?
D: See point A, and... more suited to me hey. OK so any opinion that differs from yours, meh, just go play elsewhere?

realist != elitist, or you would have seen some of those endearing terms that love to be thrown around.

A: different corps/people/empires competing over resources is contrary to which part of the lore? The empire wars, civil wars, intercorp feuding, etc?
B: "When a person is described as having his head in the clouds, this usually means he is given to acting on whims or thinking unrealistically" you decide to go to low/null without preparing your ship and yourself for the eventual events that will happen. Then complain about what happens.
C: you complain about the game tilted in favor of gatecamps/pvp ships. The ship vs ship pvp IS tilted towards people who fit for that goal, just as yours will do better in exploration.
D: There is pvp everywhere, and not just ship vs ship. Name me two things that do not involve pvp at one point or another in this game. As I said, if you don't like this, this might not be the game for you. I am not saying that your opinion is invalid, or dumb/etc, I am saying that if you are uncomfortable with pvp as much as you seem to be by your posts, you will never be happy with this game.

RANDOM STUFF - I am no idiot. Blind Freddy can see that there is a clear bias towards combat and large groups of players, as compared to folk like myself that prefer exploration and solo play. I was simply asking here if there was something I am missing, in the hope that I may be be able to enjoy the game mythology and the hints of hidden wonders such as ways in and out of Jove and so on. Have you forgotten.........., here is a reminder... - RANDOM STUFF

Yes, in MMO's as well as single player games, groups are typically stronger than solo players. This does not mean that you cannot be solo. Many people, including me, play solo. You just have to accept that if you get caught by a group, bad things will happen.

Now as a newb I have no idea if this and other stuff I have read is just rubbish, or genuine hints for the explorer. But it looked like fun to go hunting for clues, particularly when I found the Jove empire seems cut off from the rest of Eve space. So forgive me for wanting to enjoy eve lore somewhat, in lieu of being just another knuckdragging gate camper that is too lazy to do any real game-play other than blowing up newbs and unarmed explorers for a quick lazy buck. Call me old fashioned but spending my Eve time camped with friends at a 0.4 gate zapping whoever comes through is not my idea of a good way to enjoy my game time.

In most games, lore doesn't get 100% transferred over to in-game ideas. I wont bother listing why it is a good idea to kill enemy ships when you see them, but you should get the idea. Gatecamping is a horrible way to spend your game-time, IMO, however you have no way of knowing why they were there. Also, again...if you detest pvp so much, eve might not be the game for you.

And by the way, I just got killed yet again, I was cloaked and wandering round in a -0.3 as I have been all night, warped over to the next gate right into a warp bubble, bang dead by camper again. Ail i was asking for was a little game balance, what is a handful of explorers in the tens of thousands of players here. Very frustrating. and in my opinion very unbalanced game play.

Again, do research about how to travel around null and it will be much easier. How is running into a gatecamp unbalanced? How is x vs 1 unbalanced? You have to think in this game, you cannot just run around hoping things won't go pearshaped. The CCP devs wont change the entire game just because you think it's unfair that you ran into a well prepared group and died because you were unprepared and running blind.
Tul Breetai
Impromptu Asset Requisition
#14 - 2013-07-19 05:17:58 UTC
Skip the gatecamps: use wormholes.

There's nothing worse than an EVE player, generally considered to be top of the food chain in the MMO world, that cannot smacktalk with wit and coherency.

Wolf Chent-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2013-07-19 08:09:49 UTC
I wasn't running blind, I have taken the advice of early posters, bought the -75% cloak (still training for the good one) and a micro-warp drive. And learned the micro warp drive trick, It works great. But last night I was aware there was someone in the system but could not see them on the scanners. I did a directional scan towards the gate, it showed no players and as far as I know scanners don't detect warp bubbles (happy to be corrected here) So I warped to the gate and landed smack dab in a warp bubble. I hit cloak as fast as I could but the dude just appeared then flew close and disabled my cloak. Bang I am dead.
What I was getting at is that if your preference is combat, you can train to a point where if your skill is good enough you can hold your own against others like yourself. But as an unarmed explorer, there seems to be no way around the dreaded warp bubble, (again happy to be corrected).

You have obviously been playing a long time, so how would you have handled that situation in an unarmed Imicus with a -75% cloak and caught in a warp bubble you cant detect. Could you have got away? Thinking about it perhaps I could have warped to 100km from the gate and looked?? Seems a pretty slow way to get around though but I guess not as slow as building a new ship and hopping 28 jumps back to the good low and nullsec sights.

I am happy to learn and take advice as I do like this game.
Sorry for the terse reply, like i said I am a newb here but on other forums I have over 4000 posts and 7 years membership, so I guess that makes me a forum elder there. The one thing that I hate is when an elder treats a newb with sarcasm.
I always try to be helpful and as my old high school teacher once said to me, "sarcasm is the echoes of an empty head"

I have so far been able to evade most players in low and nullsec using cloaks and a bit of care. Just haven't worked out the warp bubble at the gate problem yet. I am not really even fussed by gate campers, half the time they are not paying attention and a lot of the time you can manage to creep away cloaked. It is just those rotten warp bubbles.

Again, sorry
Wolf Chent-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2013-07-19 08:13:52 UTC
Tul Breetai wrote:
Skip the gatecamps: use wormholes.
Yes I did think about that. Are some wormholes permanent, I know some seem to dissapear. I have sort of avoided them of late as each time I went in and found a relic site I got nailed by drones. If there are permanent ones I guess It would make sense to map some to get in and out of places..
I will give that a bit of a try tonight if I can work out if some are permanent.
Thanks for the tip.
Hyku P'tiboo
Strategic Exploration and Development Corp
Silent Company
#17 - 2013-07-19 10:23:50 UTC
I don't know much myself about Null because I'm still a bit "scared" to go there due to the warp bubble thing.

What someone told me is to make a bookmark about 300 Km away from the the gate at an odd angle. You then jump to your bookmark and can then assess the situation. It implies that you have bookmak the whole system before hand though.

As for WH I know even less so I can't help you there, but will gladly learn from your experience.
DSpite Culhach
#18 - 2013-07-19 10:32:12 UTC
Who exactly had the bright idea to make ships appear within 15KM of gates after jumping?
A single bubble will always cover the entire area you can appear in.

Was this actually intentional, and by that, I mean an actual CCP statement somewhere.

It would seem far more logical for that spawn area to be MUCH larger, so that more people and bubbles - ie more effort is needed with much larger holes in the net.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Wolf Chent-Shi
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2013-07-19 15:50:44 UTC
Hyku P'tiboo wrote:
I don't know much myself about Null because I'm still a bit "scared" to go there due to the warp bubble thing.

What someone told me is to make a bookmark about 300 Km away from the the gate at an odd angle. You then jump to your bookmark and can then assess the situation. It implies that you have bookmak the whole system before hand though.

As for WH I know even less so I can't help you there, but will gladly learn from your experience.

Well I spend almost all my time out there, its mostly not too bad, most times you can eveade when you have a cloak. But as I said before, the warp bubble thing...its not too bad if they are not paying attention and you get the 1 or 2 second window to swap from jump cloal to proper cloak, but if there watching it is more than enough time to get nailed :)
I am off to bed, just logged out in a -1 system, bet when I come back tomorrow it will be full of nasties and I will get dead :)
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#20 - 2013-07-23 07:21:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Roime
Wolf Chent-Shi wrote:

You have obviously been playing a long time, so how would you have handled that situation in an unarmed Imicus with a -75% cloak and caught in a warp bubble you cant detect. Could you have got away? Thinking about it perhaps I could have warped to 100km from the gate and looked?? Seems a pretty slow way to get around though but I guess not as slow as building a new ship and hopping 28 jumps back to the good low and nullsec sights.

The big catch of EVE is that it's actually a challenging game once you start venturing outside hisec. You can read up on stuff and ask, but in the end you just have to get the first hand experience. Unfortunately this tends to involve a fair amount of the good old getting blown up, but luckily it's only pixels and pride that get hurt :) There's a lot of "first times" in EVE, so many ways to lose a ship!

All bubbles are visible on dscan, but dscan has a limited range, max 14.35 AU. Unless you have travel bookmarks, you need to open your map and locate a celestial that is safe to warp to and in dscan range of your outgate. Warping at 100km to the gate still lands you in the bubble, you'd need to have a bookmark further from the gate to avoid getting dragged into near certain death. In general warping straight from gate to gate in nullsec is a really bad idea, especially long warps tend to have the complementary bubble trap set up to catch lazy travelers.

You could equip the Imicus with ECM (jamming) drones, the ubiquitous Hornet ECM-300. Sicking them on the enemy might jam him, buying you enough time to get out of the bubble and warp off. Might, they operate according to Murphy's law and usually only work against you, not when you need them (ECM is binary, random mechanic).

Also note that frigates, due to their low mass, don't end up deep in the bubble. Actually they land barely inside it. Therefore the best choice is to align back to where you came from, the shortest way out. MWD+cloak trick might work, depending on what ship you are facing.

I split my game time between lowsec exploration and PVP, and personally find the general game mechanics hugely in favour of the explorer. Once you learn to handle yourself, you'll become nearly untouchable by the average hunter.

IMHO there's two reasons for getting killed in EVE- you do something really stupid, or the opponent simply outplays you. What I mean that the game itself is balanced, and the subjectively felt imbalances stem from different levels of player competence and experience.

Good luck!


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