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Please help me decide.

Gosch Ti
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-07-19 08:40:14 UTC
I have a serious problem: I just can't decide what to fly.

First up:
I almost exclusively do missions in High Sec at the moment.
Have done a bit of exploration too but being unlucky is just frustrating.

At the moment I have all racial Battleships at 3 and all Battleship sized weapons at 3.

I can use T2 armor Tank and could use T2 Shield Tank in 2 Days if I wanted too.

Problem is if I don't specialise now I will not be going anywhere.

I like the ease of use of missiles. It's really easy and effective.

Gallente Boats just look cool and the Hyperion can tank level 4 Missions with ease. Also Blasters are a nice weapon system. Problem with them is that I have to get to 15km to do real damage.

Amarr have pew pew Lasers and look really nice. The also can tank very well and no reloading or buying ammo.

Minmatar..... Well..... I have Minmatar Battleship so I can use a Machariel. Don't really like the looks of the Battleships at all

So where to go?
If I want to do Incursions I should not be thinking of missiles.
If I want to do more exploration everybody and their mother says to go for the Tengu(Also like the looks).
If I just want to do missions I could just about use everything.

Don't want to turn this into an racial discussion. Just want to now what you are doing in eve and why do you fly the ship that you use for it.

#2 - 2013-07-19 08:53:43 UTC
Gosch Ti wrote:
I have a serious problem: I just can't decide what to fly.

First up:
I almost exclusively do missions in High Sec at the moment.
Have done a bit of exploration too but being unlucky is just frustrating.

At the moment I have all racial Battleships at 3 and all Battleship sized weapons at 3.

I can use T2 armor Tank and could use T2 Shield Tank in 2 Days if I wanted too.

Problem is if I don't specialise now I will not be going anywhere.

I like the ease of use of missiles. It's really easy and effective.

Gallente Boats just look cool and the Hyperion can tank level 4 Missions with ease. Also Blasters are a nice weapon system. Problem with them is that I have to get to 15km to do real damage.

Amarr have pew pew Lasers and look really nice. The also can tank very well and no reloading or buying ammo.

Minmatar..... Well..... I have Minmatar Battleship so I can use a Machariel. Don't really like the looks of the Battleships at all

So where to go?
If I want to do Incursions I should not be thinking of missiles.
If I want to do more exploration everybody and their mother says to go for the Tengu(Also like the looks).
If I just want to do missions I could just about use everything.

Don't want to turn this into an racial discussion. Just want to now what you are doing in eve and why do you fly the ship that you use for it.

You are right about having to specialise, but you need to make your decisions on your own and one should not do them for you.

Instead of suggesting races, ships or weapon systems to you do I suggest that you take a break and start doing something completely different.

Do some mining or trading, go into low-sec and find fights or offer your assistance in high-sec wars or join a militia. Use the ships you currently have and train skills to make them work better. Get a better perspective of the possibilities within EVE and let go of the mission grinding for a while.

Loss is meaningful. Therefore is the loss of meaning likewise meaningful. It is the source of all trolling.

Caitlyn Tufy
Caldari State
#3 - 2013-07-19 09:20:53 UTC
Gosch Ti wrote:
I have a serious problem: I just can't decide what to fly.

We've all been there at one point or another. As Whitehound put it above, though, nobody can really help you there, you will just have to pick on your own. Whitehound is also right in suggesting you do something else for a while. Sooner or later, you'll stumble upon that ship that you really, really want to have (for me, it was the Vindicator). You can then build your skills around those required to fly that ship perfectly. You'll sort of just keep on going after that, discovering new abilities and new fun ships along the way.
Matari Recreation
#4 - 2013-07-19 12:56:12 UTC
Gosch Ti wrote:
Don't want to turn this into an racial discussion. Just want to now what you are doing in eve and why do you fly the ship that you use for it.

When I started playing, knowing nothing about the game, I chose Minmatar because I liked their lore and they sounded like sort of an underdog (slightly ironic at the time), and that's my kind of thing. A few years later, the only reason I've trained any other racial skills is because of the recent Destroyer/BC split. I like the challenge of limiting myself to one race for whatever I want to do. There are certainly some roles that Minmatar ships aren't the best for, but I haven't really had much trouble finding some way to get into anything I wanted to so far. I do some Incursioning in a Scimitar, missioning in a Vargur, I did a brief stint in a wormhole a while ago mostly flying a Loki.

Now that I'm finally starting to run out of Minmatar subcap skills to train for, though, I'm starting the internal debate over "Now, what's next?"

Point is not that Minmatar is great, but that you can probably find something in any race to use to contribute in any given content, if you don't restrict yourself to having to be "the best" immediately.