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Why nerf high sec?

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Goonswarm Federation
#21 - 2013-07-18 03:08:52 UTC
If CCP wants bottom-up income to be dominant in nullsec, there must be an incentive for members of alliances to actually create that bottom-up income. Even the income from blitzing anomalies in ratting carriers or Vindicators pales in comparison to the income you can get from blitzing in a shiny incursion fleet with substantially less risk.

Twitter: @EVEAndski

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths."    - Abrazzar

Benny Ohu
Chaotic Tranquility
#22 - 2013-07-18 03:14:01 UTC
Bill Overbeck wrote:
Why should high seccer's right to have the ability to take the right to exist (or more appropriately, play) be ruined by someone else demanding their right to have the ability to take the right to exist?



man i should have worded that another way

everyone has that now, and there's no serious attempt to take it away from anyone.
Q 5
#23 - 2013-07-18 03:14:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Q 5
Julius Priscus wrote:
Bill Overbeck wrote:
I don't understand all this hate. Especially when it seems most of sov null sec seems to be high sec but with players as Concord. And it changes hands every once in a while.

when someone can happily make more isk in high sec than null/low sec... something is not right.

I know for a fact one can make a easy 1-3+b isk a week in high sec. yes I know possible to do that in null as well.

imo.. make al combat missions in high sec anti-faction missions. if you want bounties goto low/null sec for it.

Pfft, yeah if you run multiple accounts, I have good skills and I can tell you I am definitely not making a billion a week, and I'd have to work my booty off to earn that in a month....if I had the time to invest, maybe traders do...but I don't do trading.

So no cracka head ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nexus Day
Lustrevik Trade and Travel Bureau
#24 - 2013-07-18 03:27:49 UTC
A more serious answer.

EvE offers a diversified play experience . Some people call it the sandbox. But what most people see is the sand around them. CCP does their job very well. So much so that people enjoy their experience no matter what sec status or wh they play in.

They love the sand they see around them so much that they want more. What they forget is that sandboxes have structure, four walls that make a box. They forget that EvE works because it appeals to so many different play styles and if they make all the sand their sand there is nothing left for anyone else.

People need to let go of what other people have and enjoy the sand they have around them. Build a castle, dig a hole, play with army men, whatever; and respect that they share the sandbox with other people who also enjoy the sand. Just not the same way.
Upde Harris Industries
#25 - 2013-07-18 03:42:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Upde
mechtech wrote:
Risk vs Reward is one of the main pillars of what makes Eve a great game.

Make high sec too profitable, and the entire balance of the game gets thrown out of whack.

At the very least we can all agree that null sec should be twice as profitable as high sec. I personally think that high sec should be the baseline, with low sec at double that, and null at triple high sec income. 25m/50m/75m. only having very low quality lvl4 agents in high sec while having a large supply of max level lvl 4 agents in low sec would help this balance a bit.

It's not about hurting high sec or hurting a specific playstyle, it's simply a matter of wanting to keep a sane risk/reward balance in the game. Players who do choose to take risks need to be properly rewarded in comparison to the baseline ultra-safe activities, or else there is no incentive for players to choose to do anything else.

if Hisec is the baseline, then why not imply increase lowsec and nullsec rewards. Thats what thisis all bou, but too many pencil ncks in null would rather cry tears to nerf hisec so they can add a few mm to their shriveled micro sized null secs johnsons. I say choke on weasel dong then come back with a more balanced viewpoint
Benny Ohu
Chaotic Tranquility
#26 - 2013-07-18 03:56:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Benny Ohu
Upde wrote:
if Hisec is the baseline, then why not imply increase lowsec and nullsec rewards. Thats what thisis all bou, but too many pencil ncks in null would rather cry tears to nerf hisec so they can add a few mm to their shriveled micro sized null secs johnsons. I say choke on weasel dong then come back with a more balanced viewpoint

some rewards can't be increased without breaking the game. for example, somewhere between a year and two years ago it was mentioned by ccp soundwave in an interview with ten ton hammer that npc bounties were a bit too high and ccp was considering adding greater isk sinks or decreasing bounties across the board (i can't remember exactly, but this will do for what i'm trying to say). supposing npc bounty rewards in null were too low and highsec too high (this is only an example, mind), increasing nullsec bounty rewards would only increase the broader problem of too much bounty isk entering the game.

as another example, it's considered by some that highsec station manufacturing is too good. at the moment, these people claim, there are too many slots for what everyone produces in the game and the prices are so cheap they're practically free. you can't make low or nullsec manufacturing better than 'infinite and free', can you? if that assertion was correct, and this was a problem that needed to be solved, there would be no choice but to nerf highsec manufacturing.
Scarlett LaBlanc
Rational Chaos Inc.
Brave Collective
#27 - 2013-07-18 04:21:47 UTC
Benny Ohu wrote:

as another example, it's considered by some that highsec station manufacturing is too good. at the moment, these people claim, there are too many slots for what everyone produces in the game and the prices are so cheap they're practically free. you can't make low or nullsec manufacturing better than 'infinite and free', can you? if that assertion was correct, and this was a problem that needed to be solved, there would be no choice but to nerf highsec manufacturing.

And nerfing high-sec manufacturing would wreck the economy. Why? Large scale manufacturing won't happen in null sec. It wont happen because the Null sec power players don't see any value in industry minded players.

Until null sec alliances seek out and recruit industry players and respect them for what they can contribute there will never be industrial activity of the scale CCP says they want to have to null sec.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#28 - 2013-07-18 04:33:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Scarlett LaBlanc wrote:
And nerfing high-sec manufacturing would wreck the economy. Why? Large scale manufacturing won't happen in null sec. It wont happen because the Null sec power players don't see any value in industry minded players.
Horse before the cart.

Some nullsec powers don't see much value in industry because free and infinitely available large-scale manufacturing exists in high. Remove the latter and they're very quickly re-evaluate their views or be smashed to tiny bits. And no, highsec manufacturing can safely be nerfed a whole lot without wrecking anything.

Large-scale manufacturing would still be need and would still happen. The economy would just adjust to the new circumstances as far as costs and availability goes, and those who are in highsec only because it's far superior to all alternatives would move out and just keep going.
Benny Ohu
Chaotic Tranquility
#29 - 2013-07-18 04:36:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Benny Ohu
Scarlett LaBlanc wrote:
Benny Ohu wrote:

as another example, it's considered by some that highsec station manufacturing is too good. at the moment, these people claim, there are too many slots for what everyone produces in the game and the prices are so cheap they're practically free. you can't make low or nullsec manufacturing better than 'infinite and free', can you? if that assertion was correct, and this was a problem that needed to be solved, there would be no choice but to nerf highsec manufacturing.

And nerfing high-sec manufacturing would wreck the economy. Why? Large scale manufacturing won't happen in null sec. It wont happen because the Null sec power players don't see any value in industry minded players.

Until null sec alliances seek out and recruit industry players and respect them for what they can contribute there will never be industrial activity of the scale CCP says they want to have to null sec.

read my post again
Adunh Slavy
#30 - 2013-07-18 04:40:06 UTC
Julius Priscus wrote:
when someone can happily make more isk in high sec than null/low sec... something is not right.

You can make more in Manhattan than Mogadishu, go figure.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Cipher Jones
The Thomas Edwards Taco Tuesday All Stars
#31 - 2013-07-18 04:43:53 UTC
Fix the war dec system, period.

Thats the only "nerf" hisec needs.

Then there will be sufficient risk.

internet spaceships

are serious business sir.

and don't forget it

#32 - 2013-07-18 04:57:13 UTC
Adunh Slavy wrote:
Julius Priscus wrote:
when someone can happily make more isk in high sec than null/low sec... something is not right.

You can make more in Manhattan than Mogadishu, go figure.

AMEN. High Sec SHOULD be where industry prospers, it makes sense. Civilized people tend to profit more than people simply wanting to bash each other with sticks....

Also, Null sec in a big alliance is less dangerous than mining/missioning in high sec as a solo player. So don't give us the 'Risk vs reward' hogwash.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#33 - 2013-07-18 05:00:51 UTC
Adunh Slavy wrote:
You can make more in Manhattan than Mogadishu, go figure.
Too bad that this is a game that needs balance, not real life.

Kyperion wrote:
High Sec SHOULD be where industry prospers, it makes sense.
No, it does not make sense that the NPC-run areas offer less player freedom than the player-run areas do, and it does not make sense that the best facilities are available for free and with zero effort.
Benny Ohu
Chaotic Tranquility
#34 - 2013-07-18 05:04:25 UTC
'risk vs reward' refers to the actual base risk before players take action to mitigate that risk
Julius Priscus
#35 - 2013-07-18 05:39:33 UTC
ok guys how about....

remove concord and put the role of concord into players hands... gate guns still remain :) AND you still cant warp off with aggression...
#36 - 2013-07-18 05:48:40 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Adunh Slavy wrote:
You can make more in Manhattan than Mogadishu, go figure.
Too bad that this is a game that needs balance, not real life.

Kyperion wrote:
High Sec SHOULD be where industry prospers, it makes sense.
No, it does not make sense that the NPC-run areas offer less player freedom than the player-run areas do, and it does not make sense that the best facilities are available for free and with zero effort.

...What does not make sense is for a game to peeve off the majority of its subscribers based on a few antisocial trenchcoat mafia types.

There is NO reason why the PVE difficulty can't be bumped up and made more interactive (some kind of manual targeting for mining, maybe random asteroids crash into your ship etc.) for missions keep going with the NPC target priority, fewer ships but more powerful with more ECM/Scramble tactics....

For industry, just put some taxes on it or add some RNG across the board so its not a certain calculable thing. Or various other things

... Point is the people going around saying its only a PVP sandbox are just finding ways to justify their antisocial behavior... And I like space and EVE, but if they try to force me into null with the ****** goons and other nitwit apes hitting each other with sticks, my money will go elsewhere.
#37 - 2013-07-18 05:55:39 UTC
Julius Priscus wrote:
ok guys how about....

remove concord and put the role of concord into players hands... gate guns still remain :) AND you still cant warp off with aggression...

I'm perfectly fine with that... if they make it impossible to grind security status after it becomes negative. and gate guns instagib pirates.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#38 - 2013-07-18 05:56:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Kyperion wrote:
What does not make sense is for a game to peeve off the majority of its subscribers based on a few antisocial trenchcoat mafia types.
What majority would that be?

For industry, just put some taxes on it or add some RNG across the board so its not a certain calculable thing. Or various other things
More than that is needed to create the kind of margin where other parts of space is needed, though.

the people going around saying its only a PVP sandbox are just finding ways to justify their antisocial behavior
That doesn't make any sense. The antisocials rather seem to clamour about how they should be left alone and should be allowed to cut themselves off (somehow) from the rest of the game. Also, can you point to any part of the game that is not subject to competition with, or opposition from, other players?

I'm perfectly fine with that... if they make it impossible to grind security status after it becomes negative. and gate guns instagib pirates.
Of course, under such a scheme, sec status would no longer exist and gate guns would not care about your definition of “pirate”…
#39 - 2013-07-18 06:04:03 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Kyperion wrote:
What does not make sense is for a game to peeve off the majority of its subscribers based on a few antisocial trenchcoat mafia types.
What majority would that be?

For industry, just put some taxes on it or add some RNG across the board so its not a certain calculable thing. Or various other things
More than that is needed to create the kind of margin where other parts of space is needed, though.

the people going around saying its only a PVP sandbox are just finding ways to justify their antisocial behavior
That doesn't make any sense. The antisocials rather seem to clamour about how they should be left alone and should be allowed to cut themselves off (somehow) from the rest of the game. Also, can you point to any part of the game that is not subject to competition with, or opposition from, other players?

I'm perfectly fine with that... if they make it impossible to grind security status after it becomes negative. and gate guns instagib pirates.
Of course, under such a scheme, sec status would no longer exist and gate guns would not care about your definition of “pirate”…

There is a distinct difference between price competition resource gathering... and ganking missions or miners to satisfy some leftover unevolved impulse.
#40 - 2013-07-18 06:08:57 UTC
It really makes no sense that the galactic Empires would allow perrenial pariahs in their midst. A negative security status should be a choice a player makes, and there should be the same level of risk involved as a solo miner/missioner... right now the people who like to ruin other people's game experience have FAR FAR more freedom and play with far less consequences than the solo missioner/miner... A pirate can destroy what it took a PVE player MONTHS to acquire, and grind back the status, ships lost (IF they even lose a ship) without ANY CONSEQUENCE WHATSOEVER.... so becoming a scumbag is actually the SAFEST way to play this game.... that is dumb.