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Discussion: Renting out a C1 Wormhole?

#1 - 2013-07-17 07:21:57 UTC
@Looser Eto: Thanks for the idea in another thread. We have discussed that and think really it could have potential.

@Mods: This is not a WTS thread or something as decision has not been made. I would just like to collect more opinions around that and discuss points to be taken care of.

Here is what we came up with so far:

We want to rent our wormhole system and provide 2 possible options:

1. Combat & PI @ 300M ISK
i.e. you are the only one allowed to do the anoms and signatures and you are allowed to install a Medium POS.
PI tax for you is 0%

2. Mining & PI @ 200M ISK
i.e. you are the only one allowed to do the gravimetric sites and you are allowed to install a Small POS (Medium POS costs another 100M extra)
PI tax for you is 0%

3. PI only
you can build up your small POS to do PI from there and store it or just just do it without a Small POS. Nice option for alt chars and works as well remotely.
PI tax will be set to 8%

Any renter under option 2, who is catched doing anoms or renter option 3 doing combat or mining sites will get his POS destroyed. That's why only small POS are allowed.
Nobody is allowed to setup a Ship Assemble Array!

Notice: Planets are nice ones for PI and more than 5. They are attractive enough if such an offer would be accepted from the market.

Now I'm interested in your thoughts and ideas. How can we protect such a project any further? Any other rules we should implement? What about prices? Too high or can we ask for more? Including PI I get more than 3B out of this wormhole every months, so I think 300M as top price is more than fair.

I assume we will have trouble from time to time, but that's usual in wormholes and have to be accepted by every renter. We can't protect renters. Everybody is responsible for his own. What we would offer is help with intruders but maybe this could be achieved by a comunity may have established in a short time as well.
Icarus Able
#2 - 2013-07-17 09:49:48 UTC
good luck getting people to rent that when they go for 100-300 mill on wormhole sales anyway
Oska Rus
Free Ice Cream People
#3 - 2013-07-17 10:32:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Oska Rus
Icarus Able wrote:
good luck getting people to rent that when they go for 100-300 mill on wormhole sales anyway

lol i agree. Cost would be ok only if you would add some services like mineral/pi/loot buyout, pos setup/refueling...
Bernie Nator
Seal Club Six
Plug N Play
#4 - 2013-07-17 10:49:13 UTC
Why go through all that trouble when c1 wormholes are cheap and easy to get?

Wormholes aren't like null sec Sov. Don't treat them the same way.
Caldari State
#5 - 2013-07-17 11:29:35 UTC
All I see is a lot of stupid rules that you can't enforce especially for people not in your corp. Renting in wormholes doesn't happen for a lot of good reasons. What happens if I, as an external "non-renter", come and run all your sites for example? I imagine the people "renting" for combat anomalies are going to be pretty annoyed (although not as annoyed as when they realise how ****** C1s are in general).
Garrus Ongrard
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#6 - 2013-07-17 11:30:49 UTC
I cant see this taking off tbh
#7 - 2013-07-17 12:28:19 UTC
Oska Rus wrote:
Icarus Able wrote:
good luck getting people to rent that when they go for 100-300 mill on wormhole sales anyway

lol i agree. Cost would be ok only if you would add some services like mineral/pi/loot buyout, pos setup/refueling...

OK. This could be something we could work on. Additional logistic services (could be easily done by an alt afk so to say), which could generate some extra profit as well. Of course we would support on POS Setups, etc. to get things rolling. That's a good point!

About the costs: Yes, that might be on the higher side what we have figured out, but we wanted to avoid too low prices at the beginning. The thing is, that in 300M ISK combat offer you have 0% tax and can stop every time you want so very interesting for smaller corps maybe who want to take a look into a C1 without taking to much investments. You don't have to shoot pocos and build new ones. You don't have to wait weeks to find a wormhole you can live in which provides also good PI and we are sure our planets are very nice! :) Buying a C1 for let's say 300M ISK, shooting down Interbus offices / foreign pocos and building new ones takes time and 700M ISK. Time where you could have done other things where money have been generated.

@Icarus: Wormholes with 9 transferrable POCOs cost 100M? I have some serious doubts about that, but I haven't checked the real value of C1 wormholes so far. We still will stay in our c1 until end of the months, so no hurry for us.

About the risk: We still have all our BS, BC and support ships there and we can leave them in our pos (Deathstar), which would require some good amount of attackers to take down in a C1. If somebody would try to attack us or other ins our wormhole we will and can provide defensive measures. We know some people besides attackers who are always eager to come for some guaranteed pew pew. :)

Finally it is just an idea I would like to discuss and thanks for all your feedback so far. Smile
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-07-17 13:01:04 UTC
tsuggerpuppe wrote:
@Icarus: Wormholes with 9 transferrable POCOs cost 100M? I have some serious doubts about that, but I haven't checked the real value of C1 wormholes so far. We still will stay in our c1 until end of the months, so no hurry for us.

Yes, because C1 wormholes are a dime a dozen. So if nobody wanted to pay your price they would just pick any of the other tons of empty C1's available.

tsuggerpuppe wrote:
About the risk: We still have all our BS, BC and support ships there and we can leave them in our pos (Deathstar), which would require some good amount of attackers to take down in a C1. If somebody would try to attack us or other ins our wormhole we will and can provide defensive measures. We know some people besides attackers who are always eager to come for some guaranteed pew pew. :)

Finally it is just an idea I would like to discuss and thanks for all your feedback so far. Smile

So now you are going to maintain a POS (needing fuel) in this old WH? Completely not worth it.

And the residents wouldn't have to kill your POS, all they have to do is over time figure out what alts you left behind (obviously you aren't leaving your mains since you want to move out) and pod them out. Then they can pop your POS at their leisure once it runs out of fuel. (just one example).

Bottom line is the only way I've ever seen anyone attempt a WH rental is to share the WH they lived in. IE, you can rent our WH space for indy purposes and ore sites, but we run the combat anoms and provide defensive support. Even then it didn't really work.

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2013-07-17 13:01:28 UTC  |  Edited by: T0SHI KONI
While I can see buying a hole on wormhole sales just to save the hassle of finding a good one, a little bit of effort will find you a decent one and then you won't have to pay between half and a third of a weeks income on a regular basis to someone else for what seems to be no benefits offered in return. Just an honest opinion so good luck and I hope it works out.

Edit: Oops sorry seems I was late getting this out and others made my points more coharently than I did.
notha atfast
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#10 - 2013-07-17 13:12:53 UTC
If the ISK was so good in your C1. Someone should take your renting idea. Then get entrances and then Evict you with a fleet of ships. Then they get the C1 loot and your loot combined. This is the Will of BoB. Inviting strangers into your WH could NEVER EVER lead to interesting times.
#11 - 2013-07-17 13:22:46 UTC  |  Edited by: tsuggerpuppe
Derath Ellecon wrote:
tsuggerpuppe wrote:
About the risk: We still have all our BS, BC and support ships there and we can leave them in our pos (Deathstar), which would require some good amount of attackers to take down in a C1. If somebody would try to attack us or other ins our wormhole we will and can provide defensive measures. We know some people besides attackers who are always eager to come for some guaranteed pew pew. :)

Finally it is just an idea I would like to discuss and thanks for all your feedback so far. Smile

So now you are going to maintain a POS (needing fuel) in this old WH? Completely not worth it.

Of course, but that was it from the beginning or why do you think we want some rental fees? How should we maintain / protect without our own POS inside? So there is no "NOW" as it was from the beginning mandatory, but obviously not to you.

@notha: Who said ISK was so good in general it is worthwile to take a fleet of 20-30 ships or more into our wormhole for 2 days and more, having the risk to loose them all just for nothing? Don't expect we can not defend ourselfs. Probably not against a bigger alliance / corp, but a fleet of 15-20 ships, doesn't matter which size I think we can handle with a lot of fun on our side. :) But maybe such a fleet came anyway only for a good fight? But that risk you have in every wormhole. So where is the difference?

Anyway it's still only a discussion and thanks for the feedbacks. At the moment I would not give it a try, but besides all the "mainstream thinking: I think it can not be dones, so it can't be done" I hope there can be some ideas and opinions besides that. The logistic service idea I liked. Something where you could work on to improve the overall idea of renting out a wormhole.

Especially PI option 3 I would assume is well worth the effort.
Rengerel en Distel
#12 - 2013-07-17 14:43:50 UTC
If you're moving out, just sell it for 1.2-1.3B and let it go. If you really might want it back one day, leave a scout alt in the hole, and check once in awhile if the corp is still there and active. If not, take it back.

With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

Honest Nonlabor
Cahoots Foray
#13 - 2013-07-17 18:07:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Honest Nonlabor
Honestly I would just buy a wormhole, you could setup a logistical service for POS'S in wormholes though, risky it would be though.
I dont troll
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2013-07-17 18:28:17 UTC
tsuggerpuppe wrote:
****************load of bollocks************

so what does the renter get for their monthly dues???

you cant offer intel channels, jump bridge networks or any of the 0.0 crap

if you want to go the null-sec renter route you need to identify something that the renters cant provide themselves
Sith1s Spectre
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2013-07-17 23:22:55 UTC
It's tempting to take option 3, then set up a large tower just to see what the OP would do about it :P

Resident forum troll and fashion consultant

Evangelina Nolen
Sama Guild
#16 - 2013-07-18 03:19:10 UTC
People won't pay to rent WH's. They will however pay for security & convenience.
Don Purple
Snuggle Society
Snuggle Society.
#17 - 2013-07-18 04:59:52 UTC

1. It is wh space not null.
2. It is a c1 wormhole, the sites are worth next to nothing for the risk
3. There is no good way for "you" to protect these people and if they are renting from you, all you or your corp is doing is making them feel safe in a place that is not safe at all.
4. As said before c1's are a dime a dozen and you can buy them for near nothing, good PI or not.
5. Never mind do it. WH space needs more incompetent pilots. Twisted

I am just here to snuggle and do spy stuff.

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#18 - 2013-07-18 06:14:15 UTC
Renting can work in WHs.
My first stay in a WH was in a C2 owned by a merc group who rented out moon space for a fee.
You can't put silly restrictions on it though. Basically you just rent the moon to a smaller corp and they get friends to PVP with as a result.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Mr Kidd
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2013-07-18 12:11:31 UTC
If you're getting 3b/month out of this hole with PI, how do you have time for anything else like pew?

You're going to rent your system and still live there? It would be liked going to bed at night only to realize my landlord is already cozy in my bed.

Don't ban me, bro!

Nix Anteris
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#20 - 2013-07-18 15:46:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Nix Anteris
I'll take one of the cheap ones please. Just ignore all of the other Bitten members coming into the hole before I break the renter agreement and you attack my POS, they're just here to eat popcorn and keep you company in local.

Also, how do you intend to protect me while I do my PI and mining? Since you have systems to rent, I assume you have a large combat presence in each system to protect your renters.

Or do you not really get how this whole renting business works...