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paying for pew with pew

Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-07-17 03:43:49 UTC
I have decided to play as a pirate. Its not easy. I fly cheap, really cheap. I usually have enough to buy a new cruiser but if I go on a losing streak things get grim fast. I know people say true low sec piracy is dead but screw those people, I'm doing it any way.

I'm looking for a show of hands. Who can attest to paying for their pvp with nothing but pvp. Ransom counts
Minmat Sebtin
House of Sebtin
#2 - 2013-07-17 04:02:03 UTC
Donbe Scurred
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2013-07-17 04:33:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Donbe Scurred
Just hunt the belts in low sec, you'll come across the npcs that carry the tags and that's how you pay for your pew. At least until there are so many people hunting them that the price drops significantly. But at that point I'll be happy as there will be more targets.

If you are in FW space you can hunt the belts and scan the plexes waiting for prey.

I caught a Gnosis the other day running a FW mission. It's easy when you can warp right to them with out probing and they are too preoccupied with NPCs to spam d-scan. I was stoked, it was my first battlecruiser kill. But then I saw his fail fit and realized he had no idea what was going on, so in reality it was no great victory.

But a victory none the less. Twisted

I think to pay for your pew by pewing, you need to be in a highly organized gang (exception Kane, and I'm sure there are a few others) and hunt targets based on intel gathered over periods of time. Not by roaming around hoping to come across high value targets that you just happen to be properly fit to take down.
Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2013-07-17 05:52:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Praxis Ginimic
My mainstay for ransom are explorers. I have a 10 system loop that I scan down then haunt with a custom fit nemesis. I don't do it as often as I should. Although it is very fun its not quite as fun as a good fight.

I have considered moving to FW space but I don't have any corp mates in FW space and even though I mainly fly solo its nice to have some back up when the Russians roll through or the neighbors have an alliance-wide roam.

I do grab any clone rats that I see while hoping around. 1 transporter tag can replace a fit cruiser so I tend to sell those as fast I can find them.
Rotten Legion
#5 - 2013-07-17 06:49:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Arduemont
People say it's impossible, but I have gone long stints whilst paying for my own PvP with nothing but PvP. It's a gamble and you often fall on hard times. When I am earning through PvP, I end up having to stop PvPing to earn isk every few months or so when times are tough, but it's worth it. If I had to give you a few tips they would be,

- No brawling (unless your really really sure).
- Use Guerilla warfare.
- Fly fast.
- Fly cheap.
- Fly with smart, capable friends.

Haunting local low-high sec transitions (entry systems) is a good way to do it. But don't get into the habit of gate camping. Gate camping will just loose you ships to other pirates. Let people get in and follow them to another gate (works especially well if you have a scout with a cloak).

Also, the guy a few posts above is correct, intel gathering is very important. Having said that, most of my high ISK loots have been from random afk haulers turning up somewhere unexpected.

"In the age of information, ignorance is a choice."

Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2013-07-17 07:18:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Eugene Kerner
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
I have decided to play as a pirate. Its not easy. I fly cheap, really cheap. I usually have enough to buy a new cruiser but if I go on a losing streak things get grim fast. I know people say true low sec piracy is dead but screw those people, I'm doing it any way.

I'm looking for a show of hands. Who can attest to paying for their pvp with nothing but pvp. Ransom counts

It is possible.
Try to NOT LOOSE ships.
Loot every wreck-even cynofrigs. A cynogenerator can be sold for double or triple the price in lowsec systems.
Ninja salvage (best with drones), steal, ransom (demand reasonable sums not " give me 500 mil isk" from a guy in an osprey).
try to get autopilot guys (yes there are a lot of them in lowsec).
PICK YOUR FIGHTS!! If you can not win or you are not 75% sure - DONT AGGRESS!
Get an hauler alt for high sec.

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2013-07-17 07:20:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
It has actually been a while since my reason for PVP was for ISK and now I am pretty flush with ISK. I am not a pirate... I wardec corps and convince them to pay me to go away.

Right now I just wardec corps and see how creative they can be to let me go away by making them offer how much they are willing to pay or give me. ISK/Ships/Modules if I like what I see I say yes. Works out very nicely.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#8 - 2013-07-17 09:49:57 UTC
Dammit, 500 server error ate my post! Sad

The gist of the post was: I tend to break even with PVE and make profit off of PVP. I do PVE in order to maintain certain corporate upkeeps and maintain my sec status. The longer you keep your ship alive the less ISK you need to break even, so at some point you reach an equilibrium where you have a hanger full of ships, a wad of ISK to your name, and simply no need for more ISK.

As others have pointed out a network of friends helps a bunch. With a gang at your back you can scale up your activities, such as ransoming a POS instead of a ship, or remove POCOs as merc jobs or replace them yourself for the passive income. That way you can either force others to pay high taxes, or attract new soft targets by keeping them low.

For-profit-piracy is a ton of fun. It can get a bit boring when no suitable targets present themselves, so hopping the belts looking for NPC Battleships and Clone rats is a nice way to pass the time. You make some extra ISK and there's less chance of getting hotdropped compared to gatecamping. It's just more practical to allow yourself a marginal PVE income on top of your raiding.
New Eden Tank Testing Services
#9 - 2013-07-17 10:56:28 UTC
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
I know people say true low sec piracy is dead but screw those people, I'm doing it any way.

Hehe, good for you, I like the attitude.

Never tried to pay for PvP with PvP. Lowsec PvP doesn't pay for itself for me but that could just be because I don't need it to and tend to take fights I'll probably lose without caring.

My market alts support my PvP. They have Spreadsheets V.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2013-07-17 14:17:45 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
It has actually been a while since my reason for PVP was for ISK and now I am pretty flush with ISK. I am not a pirate... I wardec corps and convince them to pay me to go away.

Right now I just wardec corps and see how creative they can be to let me go away by making them offer how much they are willing to pay or give me. ISK/Ships/Modules if I like what I see I say yes. Works out very nicely.

C&P is by far my favotite forum section and I am a fan of your work. I want to give the high sec piracy thing a try because it seems like there is big money in it. My problem is that I can't seem to fix my sec stat. I always tell myself that I'm going to save the clone tags but then I inevitably loose a fight with the whole day's loot haul in my cargo hold (bad habit, I know) and need to sell the tags.

Last week I told myself "I'm not taking any fights". My plan was to rat my sec back up to make f'ing with carebears easier. I took out a cheap fit glass cannon catalyst to help convince myself that running was a good idea. Some dumb damn incursus pilot landed right on me and popped instantly. This just teased the beast so I went and grabbed a cruiser and proceeded to gather 10 more kills. Then drunk on blood, I loaded up with extra ammo and paste and headed out to providence cause screw NRDS. Thats where I lost my ass. It was a great fight though and a good chase too.

I fly mostly Gallente and love a balls deep brawl. I also have a hard time not taking fights. I go in out numbered, I take fights on gates, I like to try to punch up a class. This costs me more in the end but I just hate docking up. The undock button is where the fun is.

Maybe I need to reconsider my ship choices or figure out how to not suck at pve... or pvp... really I suck at EVE in general. I need sponsor or something.
Xavier Higdon
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#11 - 2013-07-17 14:39:49 UTC
Step one, get rid of the chick. A guy says, gimme yo ISKies or die, I laugh at them. A girl toon says the same thing, I start transferring .1 ISK to them, asking if that's enough to see their boobs. Granted I've never had either happen. I lost my first ship to stupidity, not watching local for reds, and the second the second one to stupidity, thinking the alliance would update standings. I'm looking forward to my first ransom though. It'll go something like this: "give me ISK, or ships!" "ok, I choose ship!" *eject and warp* Which is a really useful tactic, gankers never bring bubbles, and they always assume you care about your ship.
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2013-07-17 15:03:07 UTC
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:
It has actually been a while since my reason for PVP was for ISK and now I am pretty flush with ISK. I am not a pirate... I wardec corps and convince them to pay me to go away.

Right now I just wardec corps and see how creative they can be to let me go away by making them offer how much they are willing to pay or give me. ISK/Ships/Modules if I like what I see I say yes. Works out very nicely.

C&P is by far my favotite forum section and I am a fan of your work. I want to give the high sec piracy thing a try because it seems like there is big money in it. My problem is that I can't seem to fix my sec stat. I always tell myself that I'm going to save the clone tags but then I inevitably loose a fight with the whole day's loot haul in my cargo hold (bad habit, I know) and need to sell the tags.

Last week I told myself "I'm not taking any fights". My plan was to rat my sec back up to make f'ing with carebears easier. I took out a cheap fit glass cannon catalyst to help convince myself that running was a good idea. Some dumb damn incursus pilot landed right on me and popped instantly. This just teased the beast so I went and grabbed a cruiser and proceeded to gather 10 more kills. Then drunk on blood, I loaded up with extra ammo and paste and headed out to providence cause screw NRDS. Thats where I lost my ass. It was a great fight though and a good chase too.

I fly mostly Gallente and love a balls deep brawl. I also have a hard time not taking fights. I go in out numbered, I take fights on gates, I like to try to punch up a class. This costs me more in the end but I just hate docking up. The undock button is where the fun is.

Maybe I need to reconsider my ship choices or figure out how to not suck at pve... or pvp... really I suck at EVE in general. I need sponsor or something.

It took my buddy 400mil to bring his sec status from -10 to 0.1 in one go. You dont need to grind for tags if you have isk.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Alice Saki
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#13 - 2013-07-17 15:04:48 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:

It took my buddy 400mil to bring his sec status from -10 to 0.1 in one go. You dont need to grind for tags if you have isk.

Well it got more expensive, cause it cost one of my -10 Alts to go to 0.1 700mil

FREEZE! Drop the LIKES AND WALK AWAY! - Currenly rebuilding gaming machine, I will Return.

Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2013-07-17 15:10:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Praxis Ginimic
Cannibal Kane wrote:
It took my buddy 400mil to bring his sec status from -10 to 0.1 in one go. You dont need to grind for tags if you have isk.

Now you see that's the issue right there. I live on 40mil at a time. Infact, if I put more than 40mil into a fit it makes me skittish...which sucks ass. If I ever had 400mil in one spot I would spend it all on ships and stock pile them in every system that I frequent so I could always ship up or down where appropriate and never have to wait longer than 60 seconds before getting back into a fight.

Edited for stupid smartphone
Praxis Ginimic
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2013-07-17 15:19:44 UTC
Xavier Higdon wrote:
Step one, get rid of the chick. A guy says, gimme yo ISKies or die, I laugh at them. A girl toon says the same thing, I start transferring .1 ISK to them, asking if that's enough to see their boobs. Granted I've never had either happen. I lost my first ship to stupidity, not watching local for reds, and the second the second one to stupidity, thinking the alliance would update standings. I'm looking forward to my first ransom though. It'll go something like this: "give me ISK, or ships!" "ok, I choose ship!" *eject and warp* Which is a really useful tactic, gankers never bring bubbles, and they always assume you care about your ship.

1. With a sister's launcher, a cargo full of bpc's & a clone full of prospector plugs they all pay...or I get loot. Both are good.

2. You can no longer eject while engaged. I feel bad for telling you that because the thought of the look on your face when you find out the hard way would be priceless. I guess you could still self destruct...

3. You can see my boobs any time. All you have to do is pod me and keep my rotting corps in your hangar
Xavier Higdon
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#16 - 2013-07-17 17:10:03 UTC
Praxis Ginimic wrote:
Xavier Higdon wrote:
Step one, get rid of the chick. A guy says, gimme yo ISKies or die, I laugh at them. A girl toon says the same thing, I start transferring .1 ISK to them, asking if that's enough to see their boobs. Granted I've never had either happen. I lost my first ship to stupidity, not watching local for reds, and the second the second one to stupidity, thinking the alliance would update standings. I'm looking forward to my first ransom though. It'll go something like this: "give me ISK, or ships!" "ok, I choose ship!" *eject and warp* Which is a really useful tactic, gankers never bring bubbles, and they always assume you care about your ship.

1. With a sister's launcher, a cargo full of bpc's & a clone full of prospector plugs they all pay...or I get loot. Both are good.

2. You can no longer eject while engaged. I feel bad for telling you that because the thought of the look on your face when you find out the hard way would be priceless. I guess you could still self destruct...

3. You can see my boobs any time. All you have to do is pod me and keep my rotting corps in your hangar

I can't eject while engaged? Ah well, I guess those 2 ships went faster than I thought. Regardless, gankers never bring bubbles and pods align fast and warp even quicker, so you just lose a ship. Retrievers and macks don't require many minerals to build so we have those in reserve. And hell, I'd give you a waypoint for our POS if you want to follow my pod. My mining lasers can't kill you, but our station guns can. Then I get to see your boobs! What I'm saying is ganks are almost always predicated on people not wanting to lose ships. If the person doesn't care about the ship, they just wait to warp in a pod. Bring bubbles, they can't warp, and you have more leverage. Otherwise you're stuck with crappy loot and no shiny pod kill.
Liam Inkuras
#17 - 2013-07-17 19:10:16 UTC
Praxis you have a great attitude towards this. I tried living on straight pvp loot selling but I simply wasn't killing enough or expensive enough ships to do so. My way to start paying for pew with pew is FW. Go hunt for enemy militia members, if they are running a plex, kill them, get a little LP for it, then finish their plex and get lots of LP. While it may not be piracy it still is pew paying for pew. Many militia members do pirate, however. Regarding the sec tags, I just went from -8.3 to -1.2 and it cost me about 350 mill. But I did accidentally buy 1 too many tags so in reality I was looking at 320. Not bad, but you can also just grab the tags and turn them in, paying only for the handling fee. Hit me up sometime in game if you're looking for someone to roam with.

I wear my goggles at night.

Any spelling/grammatical errors come complimentary with my typing on a phone