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Skill Discussions

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Returning player, how best to start anew?

Jessica Hellblaze
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-07-14 02:09:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Jessica Hellblaze
hi, so I figure ill start out by telling you a little about how I got here,

back a few years ago, like 2 months after they removed the learning skills I figured id quit eve and give up on gaming, needless tos ay that failed and I started gaming again, after trying most of the fantasy mmos and wow clones etc... I decide I needed to play a game where I needed to do more then fall asleep button mashing, before I quit I sold my main and put the isk on a fresh toon,

so here I am, I came back to a new toon, and nearly 6b spending money, I made this lil girl, got the +9 attribute booster and some +3 implants mapped int/mem and here my troubles lie,

1. should I stay int/mem and get all my tanking, fitting nd cap skills to 5 right away making me sit afk in station fopr days but once its done ill have a terrific starting point or should I focus on being combat effective?

2. my original idea was using mem/int to get 4/5s in all the main int/meme skills and then remaping to will/prec get cruisers 4 frigs 5 and t2 light/medium guns then remap neutral to trail what needs doing for the year, would this be waisting remaps?

3. I cant really decide what I want in skills for the year, if I want to stay 1 race or skill into smaller stuff for multiple races, so using evemon dosent really help me out,

4. should I train both shields and armor right away? even tho I plan on using primarily armor tanks to begin with?

any suggestion and opinions are really appreciated,

thank you
Jessica Hellblaze
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2013-07-14 16:26:40 UTC
RaVeN Alliance
#3 - 2013-07-14 16:49:31 UTC
Get that 'sitting in station' mentality right out of your head. Tank or no tank, start doing *something* asap.

2. and 3.
Pick a race or a ship, and load it up in evemon. It is better to be good at 1 thing, than be half-assed at several things.
You really need to make a hardline decision as soon as possibe. Otherwise, you could train for a year and still be *not good* at anything.
If you are not sure where to focus, train skills that help EVERY thing. Capaciter suport skills, Targeting, Gunnery Suports, Drones, etc.

3a. Tau has some basic recomendations in some threads around here somewhere, about generic remaps. Basicly, the idea is, don't do a hardline map for your first year. If this is your only account and one main character, I strongly recomend this.

4. Shields skills to 3's will not take very long at all, and I sort of think they are useful. Some Armor ships also have shield tank options.

Again: My main advice is to pick a ship early. Train for it and all the skills will apply to many other ships you may want to try.

As a career choice, missioning is decent ISK, trains you to target, kill, kite, gtfo, etc, AND trains the same skills as a combat pilot would need.
Jessica Hellblaze
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2013-07-14 22:26:03 UTC
ive already decided on gallente gunships, atron, taranis, enyo, but I need the skills to fit these things don't I?
#5 - 2013-07-17 01:54:43 UTC
Ok. I'll play Devil's advocate here. How much time do you have available to play eve?

Conventionally it's much better to build a well rounded character while being active in-game.

However if you have a very busy RL, limited short term time to invest in activities featuring being in space & doing things, it MAY be viable to spend a few days, or weeks station spinning while you get a lot of core/support 'boring' skills set up BEFORE going out there and flying in space.

Either way, you may want to spend some time trying to find a corp too. Beyond skilling, having some social ties in Eve can really keep you motivated and involved in the game.