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Ships & Modules

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Need to get out of Gnosis

Captain Von Rattletrap
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2013-07-12 19:26:25 UTC
This ship is too expensive for a noob.

Would like to replace Gnosis for level 3 mission running. All three are Minmatar pilots.

First alt (7.0 sp) is set up for drones. I think this would be the hardest to put in a new ship. I do not see how one could replace the 7 drone capacity, 5 drone bandwith or the 50% boost to drone damage and hp. This toon also benefits from the 25% damage boost on medium turrets.

Second alt (5.8 sp) is light missiles. He will train for medium missiles. Hurricane seems to be a good choice. Loses 1 drone.

Main (2.4 sp) currently tags along in a salvage setup - salvagers and salvaging drones. He is training for exhumer. Could go back to a thrasher for this one?

Thanks for any advice.

Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#2 - 2013-07-12 19:33:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Riot Girl
Captain Von Rattletrap wrote:
First alt (7.0 sp) is set up for drones. I think this would be the hardest to put in a new ship. I do not see how one could replace the 7 drone capacity, 5 drone bandwith or the 50% boost to drone damage and hp. This toon also benefits from the 25% damage boost on medium turrets.

Train Gallente cruisers and then maybe Caldari if you want a Gila.

Second alt (5.8 sp) is light missiles. He will train for medium missiles. Hurricane seems to be a good choice. Loses 1 drone.
No, train Caldari if you want to use missiles or train projectiles if you want to use Hurricane.

Main (2.4 sp) currently tags along in a salvage setup - salvagers and salvaging drones. He is training for exhumer. Could go back to a thrasher for this one?
Thrasher is okay for salvaging, Noctis is better.
Chris Winter
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#3 - 2013-07-12 20:08:40 UTC
Cyclone is a decent Minmatar BC missile boat.
#4 - 2013-07-13 09:01:07 UTC
Captain Von Rattletrap wrote:
This ship is too expensive for a noob.

Would like to replace Gnosis for level 3 mission running. All three are Minmatar pilots.

First alt (7.0 sp) is set up for drones. I think this would be the hardest to put in a new ship. I do not see how one could replace the 7 drone capacity, 5 drone bandwith or the 50% boost to drone damage and hp. This toon also benefits from the 25% damage boost on medium turrets.

Prophecy if you want to be like the gnosis. Myrmidon if you want it to hit harder than the gnosis.
Froggy Storm
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2013-07-13 09:35:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Froggy Storm
Firstly, as all of your characters are very low skill don't get in the mind set that you are tied into anything but don't let yourself be too distracted. Your career is just starting out and one of the worst traps for new players is over diversifying.

Eve rewards specialization more than any other mmo.

Next, mission running is a balance of tank vs gank. Given your low skills it is easier to build up the tank side of that ratio. This is also a trap for new players. Over tanking will make the missions seem easier but they will take longer than needed. A big factor for the gank side is damage selection. Missiles and projectiles allow you to choose damage types for the NPC weaknesses where as hybrids do not. Drones are a special case and far more complicated with the new ui.

Finally, support support support. The core skills and wep support skills will apply to anything you fly for any reason. As such if you don't wish to stay a missioner forever, those support skills will translate directly and make life much easier in future endeavors. Invest in them sooner rather than later.