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new player freindly race for pvp

Jessica Hellblaze
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2013-07-12 04:51:35 UTC
im kinda torn between caldari and gallente for my character, I like difrent things about both so I guess my deciding factor will be,

is caldari or gallente more newbie friendly when it comes to pvp?

thanks for any helpful insight
The Church of Awesome
#2 - 2013-07-12 05:02:59 UTC
Just pick the faction with the ships you like the look of most.

You will get good at whichever you practice/skill at.

It's fairly even:
Just a basic example.
With Caldari you will need to train Missiles and Hybrids + Shield.
With Gallente you will need to train Drones and Hybrids + Armour.
Pew Pew Pirates
#3 - 2013-07-12 05:16:30 UTC
Jessica Hellblaze wrote:
is caldari or gallente more newbie friendly when it comes to pvp?

The faction you join has no impact on this. The people you choose to fly with are where you should be spending your time.Pirate
Benny Ohu
Chaotic Tranquility
#4 - 2013-07-12 05:29:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Benny Ohu
I suggest taking turrets as your primary weapons training. They're effective, and it's easy to crosstrain as they're the most common weapons system. Caldari and Gallente even use the same type of turret, so if you chose to specialise in hybrid turrets you could train both Caldari and Gallente frigate to level IV and see which you like better. This'd let you try the Merlin, the Incursus and the Atron, and the Tristan if you put some time towards drone skills (which you'd do anyway as most ships cruiser and above have drone bays)

This works at the cruiser level too. The Moa, Vexor (with drones) and Thorax use turrets. The Blackbird and Celestis are helpful in a gang and share the base EWAR skills

i guess imma saying is if you take turrets you can have a selection of ships from both races

Training frigate and cruiser to level IV is a matter of days, but unfortunately the two races generally use different tanking types which means a bit more training time. Although some of the Gallente ships do just fine with a shield tank

e: i didn't mention but the incursus has a very good reputation as a pvp frigate and the moa is a strong fleet ship
Taoist Dragon
Okata Syndicate
#5 - 2013-07-12 06:04:14 UTC
TBH now more than ever all races are equal in their 'easyness' for noobs.

Pick the race you like the 'idea', looks or weapons of as they are all very capable.

That is the Way, the Tao.

Balance is everything.

Tinu Moorhsum
Random Events
#6 - 2013-07-12 07:46:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Tinu Moorhsum
Jessica Hellblaze wrote:
im kinda torn between caldari and gallente for my character, I like difrent things about both so I guess my deciding factor will be,

is caldari or gallente more newbie friendly when it comes to pvp?

thanks for any helpful insight

Kind of depends on your personality.

Are you a kind of person who likes to kite, snipe and nibble at your opponent but run when it looks like the fight might be going badly? In that case look for training ships (regardless of race) that have that.

Are you a kind of person who would prefer a stronger tank to dps ratio? There are ships that do that.

Other way around, if you're looking for relatively hard hitting ships that have the disadvantage of being weaker at something else (tank or capacitor) then these options are also available.

Gallente, to answer you question directly, are generally brawlers. Blaster boats have great dps and some of the gallente ships can also be fitted with great tanks but once you engage you're committed to either winning or losing. It's a non fence-sitting race (in main lines).

Personally that fits my style/personality so when I PVP, especially solo or in small gangs I prefer to go with gallente. Obviously, however, not everyone likes to go into a fight balls deep and see how it ends so what works for me might not work for someone else. For example my current PVP main was a pure Gallente pilot when I bought him. The guy I bought him from (a corp mate) swore up and down that gallente were useless in PVP. I made 300 kills with him the first month I had him, many of those kills were solo or in small gangs. So yeah, what works for one person doesn't work for another.

Caldari, on the other hand, are a little more newbie friendly because you don't have to dictate range as much. Missiles don't hit for more or less dps over their range like turret guns do so with something like a hawk or a drake your range dictation has more to do with limiting the dps of the other guy than maximizing your own. Also, many caldari ships, and the drake is a splended example of this, can take a very determined pounding if it it set up to tank. The dps.... well... you'd alsmost say *what* dps.... but as long as you can out dps the other guys' tank then if you can hold on long enough then they'll eventually go down. That's the idea behind many of the caldari ships. It's not my thing but I can appreciate that this approach suits some people's personalities.

Does that help at all?
Roxxo I'doCocaine
#7 - 2013-07-12 09:51:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Roxxo I'doCocaine
All of the above notwithstanding...

Your race has no effect on pvp skills (aside from a few hours of free training) or ease.

You can fly any race's ships. You can use any weapon system. Asking which race is better for new PVPers is not a valid question. The right question is whether any of the weapon systems (or perhaps hull types) are more newbie friendly. Some people have already posited answers to this question. The race you choose will only decide which racial frigate and weapon system you get a few hours of free training for.

IMO, missiles are the most newbie-friendly pvp weapon system in the game. What makes it newbie-friendly is that there is less to keep track of (especially in the kinetic bonused hulls, like the Condor, as your damage type is 95% chosen for you). Missiles have great damage projection, so it's easier to keep DPS on target. With turrets, you need to be concerned with tracking and transversal. Not so with missiles. The less you have to keep up with, the more newbie-friendly it is.

Going with missiles is also a timely move as turrets are subject to tracking disruption. The current "flavor of the month" is TDs, so you are far more likely than ever to encounter ships fit with them, which can really manhandle turret boats. TDs don't work on missile boats, so all you have to watch out for are damps. Interesting missile boat hulls to train for? Condor, Kestrel, Breacher for frigates, then Corax and Talwar for destroyers. Later on you can train into stealth bombers (all 4 use torpedoes), Caracal for a cheap but effective cruiser, Drake and Prophecy for BCs, and of course the infamous Tengu. Also, as you become more proficient and able to juggle tasks, you can take advantage of the only weapon system with 100% flexible damage type (explosive, kinetic, thermal, or em).

As for newbie-friendly hulls, I'd say that T1 destroyers and T1 cruisers are the easiest to pilot while making a real difference on the field. Frigates are great, and learning how to fly them is essential, but destroyers are pretty much 1-button death machines when faced with 1 or 2 frigates. Cruisers, fitted properly, are the best compromise hull in the game. Enough DPS to matter, enough EHP to allow them to stay on field , enough slots to make them highly flexible, agile enough for most circumstances, cheap enough for most players to replace easily.

Realistically however, you will probably end up training turret skills as well. There are just too many cool turret platforms to not partake in their goodness.
Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#8 - 2013-07-12 15:02:18 UTC
Don't pick Amarr and you'll be fine

(Coming from someone who had Amarr BS V before being able to use small blasters.)

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

Deacon Abox
Black Eagle5
#9 - 2013-07-12 15:51:18 UTC
OP, you question is a little vague. Do you mean which faction is more newb friendly? Or are you asking which race of ships to fly?

I say this because you can fly Caldari ships even while fighting in the Gallente militia, and vice versa. If you are new it may seem that you have to focus on one tanking style. However, this is not true. It really does not take much time to train the two tanking types. It is the weapon types where you will have to invest more time.

The best advice for any player is to take a traditionally armor race, train it, and also take a traditionally shield race and train it also. Thus you could train Amarr and Minmatar, Amarr and Caldari, Gallente and Minmatar, etc. And lo and behold you can train Gallente and Caldari ships. An advantage of this pairing is that each use hybrid guns. Their second weapon systems differ in that Gallente add drone boats, while Caldari add missile boats. You will likely have around 17million skill points at the end of your first year. Having two races trained gives you options. You will need options.

Both militias are filled with people of varying skill and experience. I guess all the races can be or might not be newb friendly. What will be more important is the corp you will join. Some corps are very strict about sp requirements and the ships they expect you to fly. This will go for corps in either faction.

Basically, join a militia. Look for fleet ops that are open to all militia but being run mainly by a FW corp. Become known for showing up to fight, and not being a pita on fleet voice comms. You may receive an offer to apply to a corp. Or you will get to know the corps and people in them and know that way which of them would be best for you.

Being an amphibian, I will of course tell you that Gallente is better. But many a mollusk has fun as well I must admit. Whatever you do try to live in lowsec.

The highsec huggers in either faction are rather dreary to listen to. "Is the (highsec) station being camped or is the _____ gate being camped?" (where the _____ gate is always perma camped and you want to shake the questioner and say look dummy get a second account and scout your own ships to a lowsec home). "I just lost my ship and now have to fly all the back to ______ (highsec haven far away) to get a new one, will I be able to get back to the fight in time?" (invariably the answer is no and get your ships to the warfront you dummy). Etc.

You will lose ships. Get a buttload of frigs. Get a few destroyers and cruisers. Don't go out in a BC or faction ship that will depress you when it goes boom (which it will), until you have more sp and more knowledge and experience in the warzone.

So the choices are yours to make. Have fun. Smile

CCP, there are off buttons for ship explosions, missile effects, turret effects, etc. "Immersion" does not seem to be harmed by those. So, [u]please[/u] give us a persisting off button for the jump gate and autoscan visuals.

Thanatos Marathon
#10 - 2013-07-12 16:11:52 UTC
If you want to learn pvp join gallente and get in a player corp. I'm biased of course but the data backs it up.

Pure and simple the frog march kills the most people consistently while having fewer pilots.
Jessica Hellblaze
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2013-07-12 17:30:38 UTC
OP, you question is a little vague. Do you mean which faction is more newb friendly? Or are you asking which race of ships to fly?

I meant witch race of ships to fly, ive already decided witch militia I wish to join, its just picking what I want to fight in.,

I think ill do what 1 of you mentioned, go caldari to get frigs 5, cruisers 5, train into missils and hybrids till t2 mediums, then go gallente ships till cruisers 5
Thanatos Marathon
#12 - 2013-07-12 17:48:03 UTC
Might I also suggest training some ECM skills if you are going the Caldari route first. Griffins and Blackbirds come in handy.
Jessica Hellblaze
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2013-07-12 18:00:08 UTC
I think ill do that, the kitsune looks fun aswell, for later anyway =)
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#14 - 2013-07-12 18:15:21 UTC
I have to agree with everybody. Pick a style that best suites you and go with it.

If you want to be courageous and daring by heading directly into a blob with your friends fighting side by side until one side is defeated, then join Gallente.

If you want to be a timid coward that fits up warp core stabs, or lobs missiles from far away and run at the first sign of trouble, then join Caldari.

It's all up to you.
Garviel Tarrant
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#15 - 2013-07-12 18:18:07 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
I have to agree with everybody. Pick a style that best suites you and go with it.

If you want to be courageous and daring by heading directly into a blob with your friends fighting side by side until one side is defeated, then join Gallente.

If you want to be a timid coward that fits up warp core stabs, or lobs missiles from far away and run at the first sign of trouble, then join Caldari.

It's all up to you.

Quite sure i've killed stabbed scrubs from every faction but alright.

BYDI recruitment closed-ish

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#16 - 2013-07-12 18:20:39 UTC
Garviel Tarrant wrote:
Quite sure i've killed stabbed scrubs from every faction but alright.

Ample midslots for tank make Caldari ships optimal for WCS pilots.
Jessica Hellblaze
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2013-07-12 18:50:47 UTC
If you want to be a timid coward that fits up warp core stabs, or lobs missiles from far away and run at the first sign of trouble, then join Caldari.

lol I have no intentions of fitting warp core stabalizers, even if I fly caldari, when i fight I win or I leave in my pod, the reason im so hesitant about galente is u have to be up some1s poopshoot to hit them with blasters and I bet most people wouldent let me get that close, rails.. well idk about rails (caldari 10% bonus to optimal is nice)
Thanatos Marathon
#18 - 2013-07-12 18:54:45 UTC
It is easier then you might think to get blasters up someones pooper. Sit on the button and be quick or get a warp in.
Jessica Hellblaze
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2013-07-12 18:59:20 UTC
could you give me an idea or 2 of how? I was flirting with ideas of AB shops with scram/web but not sure if that would actualy work, any idea? and if u have any other ideas im more then happy to take sugestions =)
Thanatos Marathon
#20 - 2013-07-12 19:10:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Thanatos Marathon
Scram, Web, AB or MWD depending on preference and what size site. - sit on the button inside a plex, watch your pvp overview and spam dscan. When something comes in have all 3 set and ready to go on overheat along with your guns. As soon as they show up on your overview and are landing click em and you'll lock and cycle all your primed fittings (guns, scram, web) then just spam approach or keep at range or orbit (depending on range you are fitting for) or manually fly around them in crazy zig zags and laugh maniacally while you blast them into space dust (or while they do the same to you).
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