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CSM townhall and T3's

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Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#61 - 2013-07-11 15:07:09 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
I really wish using T3s as logi ships was more viable but the limited range prevent that. Cloaky logi FTW!

That would make T3 OP actually. The T3 shouldn't be better than T2 logi at being a logi ship.
Nix Anteris
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#62 - 2013-07-11 15:22:26 UTC
Kira Hhallas wrote:

We all now, that Tech3 were designed for the role to be a flexible ship.
But it think, this role was missed. Because only a few pilots change there fit.
I lived long enought in W-Space and i can say no one changed the fit.
Before you change it, the ship would die in an fireball.
And its easyer to put multible ships in an Hangar, than change the fitting self.
(And much faster to reship in PVP situations)

Exactly. We can't refit subsystems so we end up owning a new ship for every situation instead of the replacement subsystems.

The cost of ownership justifies the current power and current risk in my opinion.

If there will be a nerf.

1) Remove skill point punishment for losing a ship
2) Allow refitting at a POS
Merchants of the Golden Goose
#63 - 2013-07-11 15:53:51 UTC
I always believed that a t3 should be weaker than a t2 for the specifick task that the t2 was build for, but however the ability and customization options to combine two tasks of two different t2 (but again customization comes at a price).

It could cloaky logi, or scanning dps or whatever. But somehow a t2 should be better for what it was build.

Wormholes have the best accoustics. It's known. - Sing it for me -

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#64 - 2013-07-11 15:57:52 UTC
Onomerous wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
I really wish using T3s as logi ships was more viable but the limited range prevent that. Cloaky logi FTW!

That would make T3 OP actually. The T3 shouldn't be better than T2 logi at being a logi ship.

Why do you assume that the T3 would be better than T2 logi?

I'm thinking the T3 logi sub should have slightly less rep power as it does now but it should get a bonus to range to enable it to rep at around 20-25km (i.e. point range).
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#65 - 2013-07-11 16:04:13 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Onomerous wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
I really wish using T3s as logi ships was more viable but the limited range prevent that. Cloaky logi FTW!

That would make T3 OP actually. The T3 shouldn't be better than T2 logi at being a logi ship.

Why do you assume that the T3 would be better than T2 logi?

I'm thinking the T3 logi sub should have slightly less rep power as it does now but it should get a bonus to range to enable it to rep at around 20-25km (i.e. point range).

Cloaky T3 with Logi range? You don't see a problem with that? No, it doesn't need a range boost. It is fine as it is right now.
Derath Ellecon
Shadow Cartel
#66 - 2013-07-11 16:17:14 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
I really wish using T3s as logi ships was more viable but the limited range prevent that. Cloaky logi FTW!

Think of the Etana man! You would totally ruin VoC's lottery business.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2013-07-11 16:40:43 UTC
Onomerous wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
Onomerous wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
I really wish using T3s as logi ships was more viable but the limited range prevent that. Cloaky logi FTW!

That would make T3 OP actually. The T3 shouldn't be better than T2 logi at being a logi ship.

Why do you assume that the T3 would be better than T2 logi?

I'm thinking the T3 logi sub should have slightly less rep power as it does now but it should get a bonus to range to enable it to rep at around 20-25km (i.e. point range).

Cloaky T3 with Logi range? You don't see a problem with that? No, it doesn't need a range boost. It is fine as it is right now.

Yep your right it's perfectly fine, it's not like it's a completely underused sub or anything Roll
Derath Ellecon
Shadow Cartel
#68 - 2013-07-11 16:45:59 UTC
Onomerous wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
Onomerous wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
I really wish using T3s as logi ships was more viable but the limited range prevent that. Cloaky logi FTW!

That would make T3 OP actually. The T3 shouldn't be better than T2 logi at being a logi ship.

Why do you assume that the T3 would be better than T2 logi?

I'm thinking the T3 logi sub should have slightly less rep power as it does now but it should get a bonus to range to enable it to rep at around 20-25km (i.e. point range).

Cloaky T3 with Logi range? You don't see a problem with that? No, it doesn't need a range boost. It is fine as it is right now.

Pretty sure 20-25km isn't "logi range" I agree it would be nice if it were slightly longer range than currently. Even just 15km allows for a small gang to move around a little while staying in range.
Snuffed Out
#69 - 2013-07-11 17:36:52 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
I really wish using T3s as logi ships was more viable but the limited range prevent that. Cloaky logi FTW!

Think of the Etana man! You would totally ruin VoC's lottery business.

Cant be having that now can we! btw check this out
Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#70 - 2013-07-11 21:37:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Onomerous
Rek Seven wrote:
Onomerous wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
Onomerous wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
I really wish using T3s as logi ships was more viable but the limited range prevent that. Cloaky logi FTW!

That would make T3 OP actually. The T3 shouldn't be better than T2 logi at being a logi ship.

Why do you assume that the T3 would be better than T2 logi?

I'm thinking the T3 logi sub should have slightly less rep power as it does now but it should get a bonus to range to enable it to rep at around 20-25km (i.e. point range).

Cloaky T3 with Logi range? You don't see a problem with that? No, it doesn't need a range boost. It is fine as it is right now.

Yep your right it's perfectly fine, it's not like it's a completely underused sub or anything Roll

Well, tbh.. if you want logi then use logi.

You can use RR T3 ships if you really want . We use RR tengus to run sites from time to time. We have also done PVP where every ship had RR. Definitely not a problem. Roll
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#71 - 2013-07-11 22:31:51 UTC
Here is what I don't get.

At the present time 0,0 has more different doctrines going on then I have ever seen, truly there is Tier3 doctrine BS doctrine, talwars, T3 alpha. It really is a hop skotch of doctrines Which to me is CCP achieving a great balance already.

If T3 was so damn OP then you would ONLY see T3 used but you don't. Because they have balanced T3 in skill loss and in other drawbacks. The only ship that frankly isn't used much anymore are the Hacs. Which is kind of ironic seeing as they were all that was used for the longest time.

Anyhoo In wormholes you almost only see T3 used and for obvious reasons. they couple the kind of tank with superb DPS and tackling abilities that allow fleets to operate with effective logistics on the field.

With fights moving through wormholes you can forget about having effective sniper or range control fleets. So you need fleets that can withstand immense dps and be kept alive under guardians.

Remove this and what do you have in wormholes ? you have pure DPS fleets where whoever has enough peeps on field to alpha + more then the opposing side will win the fight every time. I'e true blob warfare.

In wormholes it has been showed time and time again that the side with the best ewar, best logistics and best tactics overall can go up versus a numerically superior enemy and win the day. This to me is what makes wormhole fights fun. It is tactics and not pure dps and numbers that wins, and this is only made possible by having ships that has both dps and such heavy tanks that they can withstand large amounts of dps without just falling apart.

And now CCP thinks that is OP and wants to remove it. which basically will just degenerate every wormhole fleet to uber dps fleet where numbers will win the day in every fight.

what is OP is Moros/Nag versus subcaps 3 classes under themselves.

Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#72 - 2013-07-11 23:04:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Jack Miton
Sandslinger wrote:
Here is what I don't get.

At the present time 0,0 has more different doctrines going on then I have ever seen, truly there is Tier3 doctrine BS doctrine, talwars, T3 alpha. It really is a hop skotch of doctrines Which to me is CCP achieving a great balance already.

If T3 was so damn OP then you would ONLY see T3 used but you don't. Because they have balanced T3 in skill loss and in other drawbacks. The only ship that frankly isn't used much anymore are the Hacs. Which is kind of ironic seeing as they were all that was used for the longest time.

Anyhoo In wormholes you almost only see T3 used and for obvious reasons. they couple the kind of tank with superb DPS and tackling abilities that allow fleets to operate with effective logistics on the field.

With fights moving through wormholes you can forget about having effective sniper or range control fleets. So you need fleets that can withstand immense dps and be kept alive under guardians.

Remove this and what do you have in wormholes ? you have pure DPS fleets where whoever has enough peeps on field to alpha + more then the opposing side will win the fight every time. I'e true blob warfare.

In wormholes it has been showed time and time again that the side with the best ewar, best logistics and best tactics overall can go up versus a numerically superior enemy and win the day. This to me is what makes wormhole fights fun. It is tactics and not pure dps and numbers that wins, and this is only made possible by having ships that has both dps and such heavy tanks that they can withstand large amounts of dps without just falling apart.

And now CCP thinks that is OP and wants to remove it. which basically will just degenerate every wormhole fleet to uber dps fleet where numbers will win the day in every fight.

what is OP is Moros/Nag versus subcaps 3 classes under themselves.

this is the best constructed post I have seen on the WH forum in months.
youre spot on all points of the matter.

PS: Yes, in WHs everyone ends up using T3s. This is probably because T3s are made and designed specifically for and from WHs, makes sense they'd be good at WHs. Saying T3s are the best ship for WHs is kinda like saying Titans are the best ship for doomsdaying carriers with. Well, yes, and?

what is OP is Moros/Nag versus subcaps 3 classes under themselves.

^quoting this again in case anyone in CCP/CSM feel like addressing a real issue.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

chris elliot
Seal Club Six
Plug N Play
#73 - 2013-07-11 23:11:05 UTC
Or it will force you to break your blobs into smaller units, since if you bring a blob of straight dps through I can sit back and alpha you back to highsec.

The reason nullsec is seeing so many shifts is twofold.

One is the power of the microjump drive on battleships. Since only a scram will prevent a warpout you either have to grab everybody at once or be forced to play ping pong games trying to grab one ship at a time while being shelled from range the entire time.

Second is the tierecide has buffed neut ranges on the geddons , ewar on the celestis which allows you to play two different types of alpha that will wreck a t3 fleet. The first is alpha cap/ewar. Enough range boosted geddons will zap the cap on anything nearby. And the celestises will ensure that unless your logistics stays in the danger zone they will never be able to lock further than the paint on their hulls. The second is a combination of the tracking bonus to the mega and the sentry bonus to the domis. The latter which allows for perfect alpha, since once the drones are assigned they follow the will of the FC at the speed of the FC, not individual knuckleheads trying to find targets on their poorly set up overviews. As for the tracking on the mega, since it is now prohibitively dangerous to stay in close with the exception of suicide goku fleets or doom portals, the buff to the tracking of the longest ranged weapon in the game makes it an obvious choice. There is still a very rock paper scissors meta here, until you start doing silly things with cap swarms and supers.

The availability of cynos and variable points of entry makes this work in nullsec so it seems all well and good. In wormholes however we only have the wormhole. Which makes every fight boring, since either you have to jump into me or me into you. Bringing all ranges to zero and concentrating everything into this little bitty sphere, where the do it all nature of the t3 makes it absurdly overpowered. Most of this is due to the nature of the terribleness of command ships and hacs in their current configurations, and the squishyness and inflexibility of recons. SInce the dangers to t3 fleets are removed by way of the limited mass of the wormhole they become overpowered because the only things that can beat them can't be used. Rendering them the one and only option out there. And that is both OP and boring at the same time.
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2013-07-12 00:27:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Casirio
Jack Miton wrote:
Sandslinger wrote:

[quote]what is OP is Moros/Nag versus subcaps 3 classes under themselves.

^quoting this again in case anyone in CCP/CSM feel like addressing a real issue.

but look at this corp desert pirates cartel. they have fewer numbers (44 man corp) and are able to use the tracking dreads and webs to fight outnumbered and come on top.
Against us
vs wspace
and eventually overrun by VoC

I think this should be a legit counter for these guys who dont have the numbers like these bigger groups do to defend their hole and/or get some kills.
Jack Miton
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#75 - 2013-07-12 01:24:49 UTC
Casirio wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
Sandslinger wrote:

[quote]what is OP is Moros/Nag versus subcaps 3 classes under themselves.

^quoting this again in case anyone in CCP/CSM feel like addressing a real issue.

but look at this corp desert pirates cartel. they have fewer numbers (44 man corp) and are able to use the tracking dreads and webs to fight outnumbered and come on top.

yeah... that's because it's over powered...
you literally just proved my point, thanks.

There is no Bob.

Stuck In Here With Me:

Down the Pipe:

Caldari Black Hand
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#76 - 2013-07-12 02:27:22 UTC
Or it will force you to break your blobs into smaller units, since if you bring a blob of straight dps through I can sit back and alpha you back to highsec.

Seen quite a few try that and it don't work quite like that.


The reason nullsec is seeing so many shifts is twofold.

Comparing null sex to WH doesn't really work well. See below:


One is the power of the microjump drive on battleships. Since only a scram will prevent a warpout you either have to grab everybody at once or be forced to play ping pong games trying to grab one ship at a time while being shelled from range the entire time.

Second is the tierecide has buffed neut ranges on the geddons , ewar on the celestis which allows you to play two different types of alpha that will wreck a t3 fleet. The first is alpha cap/ewar. Enough range boosted geddons will zap the cap on anything nearby. And the celestises will ensure that unless your logistics stays in the danger zone they will never be able to lock further than the paint on their hulls. The second is a combination of the tracking bonus to the mega and the sentry bonus to the domis. The latter which allows for perfect alpha, since once the drones are assigned they follow the will of the FC at the speed of the FC, not individual knuckleheads trying to find targets on their poorly set up overviews. As for the tracking on the mega, since it is now prohibitively dangerous to stay in close with the exception of suicide goku fleets or doom portals, the buff to the tracking of the longest ranged weapon in the game makes it an obvious choice. There is still a very rock paper scissors meta here, until you start doing silly things with cap swarms and supers.

The availability of cynos and variable points of entry makes this work in nullsec so it seems all well and good. In wormholes however we only have the wormhole. Which makes every fight boring, since either you have to jump into me or me into you. Bringing all ranges to zero and concentrating everything into this little bitty sphere, where the do it all nature of the t3 makes it absurdly overpowered. Most of this is due to the nature of the terribleness of command ships and hacs in their current configurations, and the squishyness and inflexibility of recons. SInce the dangers to t3 fleets are removed by way of the limited mass of the wormhole they become overpowered because the only things that can beat them can't be used. Rendering them the one and only option out there. And that is both OP and boring at the same time.

Any discussion of battleships in WH is bascially mute. WH mass limitations can really create issues. Is it possible that since BS mass doesn't work well with WH that T3 reigns for that reason? (that is a rhetorical question btw)

Seems pretty obvious your basic issue is blobs. Most often used definition for blob in EVE is "any fleet which is larger than ours".
Royal Jedi
#77 - 2013-07-12 02:48:25 UTC
Sandslinger wrote:

At the present time 0,0 has more different doctrines going on then I have ever seen, truly there is Tier3 doctrine BS doctrine, talwars, T3 alpha. It really is a hop skotch of doctrines Which to me is CCP achieving a great balance already.

Id like to see some of this in Wspace too and before someone wades in with another post like:

Jack Miton wrote:

PS: Yes, in WHs everyone ends up using T3s. This is probably because T3s are made and designed specifically for and from WHs, makes sense they'd be good at WHs. Saying T3s are the best ship for WHs is kinda like saying Titans are the best ship for doomsdaying carriers with. Well, yes, and?

Somewhat agree, but right now its pretty much the ONLY viable tactic in wspace, it shouldnt be T3 or GTFO. It would be nice to add a different dimension to wspace pvp.
Gallente Federation
#78 - 2013-07-12 03:00:14 UTC
Jack Miton wrote:
Casirio wrote:
Jack Miton wrote:
Sandslinger wrote:

[quote]what is OP is Moros/Nag versus subcaps 3 classes under themselves.

^quoting this again in case anyone in CCP/CSM feel like addressing a real issue.

but look at this corp desert pirates cartel. they have fewer numbers (44 man corp) and are able to use the tracking dreads and webs to fight outnumbered and come on top.

yeah... that's because it's over powered...
you literally just proved my point, thanks.

like i said i think its a valid counter and obviously a 25 man t3 fleet can still steam roll them over as you see on the km.
Quinn Corvez
Caldari State
#79 - 2013-07-12 06:14:52 UTC
If/when T3's get nerfed and people start using navy BCs and command ships instead, I wonder how long it will be before idiots like Messoroz starts screaming for those ships to be nerfed...
Kira Hhallas
Very Drunken Eve Flying Instructors
Brotherhood Of Silent Space
#80 - 2013-07-12 06:19:12 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Okay i stopped reading this thread befor i went to the cinema.

And i overflow all posts.
So well yes a Tech3 25 man Fleet ca steam roll a 40 man fleet. And why ?
I know some WH Corps and Ally.
So what have this Corps together,... yes !!!! i know it. They are highly trained Corps.
They can play together and they know what they do.

*snip*Posting of kill reports outside of the Crime & Punishment forum channel is prohibited. ISD Ezwal

they are fast, and well organized.

So what i want to say. If you give 25 T3 to a well trained and hogh Organized group they will bring hell on the battlefield.
Give it to a random group you wiill have 25 wracks in short time.

So every one oversee the fact, if you loss a Tech3 Ship you will loos a skill. Most time its a Lvl 5 Skill. Because Tech3 Ships on lvl4 are chreapy.
Please do me a favour, if you compare ships , use your / normal skills sets, not every time "all lvl 5".
And think about that you will pay 500- 600 milions for a fitted T2 Tengu.... so Tech3 ships have there price.

What i see is, this thread allready goes the same way like the "i hate afk cloaky in NullSec" thing.

So its 08:20 am morning i need coffee

Kira Hhallas - Austrian EvE Community - ingame =Österreich= - StoryPage - -

Cuiusvis hominis est errare, nullius nisi insipientis in errore perseverare