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Death to Attributes

seth Hendar
I love you miners
#21 - 2013-07-10 16:03:25 UTC
Arya Regnar wrote:
-1 to this entire idea.
Removing diversity from complex game ruins it.

And yes, choices.

exactly this:

this is meant to be complex, and one who wants an effective training would need to plan accordingly (not talking about implants here, it is another subject imao)

the curent system is not deterent to pvp at all, a player can be combat efficient in 2 weeks or so, and i've seen new player hoping in frigs and being part of the big scheme.

of course, they had **** DPS, and made some mistakes, BUT they were in the middle of a fight, and appeared on the kills of toons playing for years, in ships that, at that moment, they can only dream of.

so this is clearly not an issue pvp-side fo the noobs

the whole eve idea is about specialisation, and specialisation requires planning, time and dedication, and the current attributes/ skill system is exactly this, and is the main reason most of the players enjoy this game.

we enjoy it because everything has consequences, but also everything is possible.

it is hard, complex, unforgiving, but if you plan correctly, show yourself smart / patient, and learn (both in SP and player skills), you can achieve everything you want within eve.

eve is one of the last game were pushing a button to receive bacon is not possible, and require that you work for it, that you think well ahead, that you be patient.

and i personally hope this will stay the longest possible (even if what CCP does to exploration doesn't make me confident about it)

say NO to dumbing eve down!

Adunh Slavy
#22 - 2013-07-10 16:36:50 UTC

What about something like ... remove attributes and attribute implants. In their place implement learning booster drugs mineable from additional gas cloud types. Booster levels can be similar to what we have now, synth, standard, strong and improved, maybe add a filth level since people are used to five levels of things in Eve. Each level gives a 2% boost in training speed, regardless of what you are training, and these boosters last for 24 hours.

The different strengths can be found in various security areas, the lowest in 1.0 through 0.8, then 0.7-0.5, then 0.4 to 0.2 then last 0.1 and below. Only synth can be made in high sec, the others low sec or below. Have enough of these clouds that these products can be widely found, manufactured and used. Put them in anomalies that contain no other resources except this gas.

For all existing uninstalled implants, convert them to 365 of the appropriate level of booster. For all installed implants convert them to 730 of the appropriate level and place them in the redeemable items system, so chars can get at them, regardless of them being docked or not. Boosters useable from hangar floor or cargo hold.

This would add a few things to Eve with out removing 'complexity'. It would add a new profession and increase demand for some existing ones, encourage specialization and reduce barriers to PVP.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt

Rattini Tribe
Minmatar Fleet Alliance
#23 - 2013-07-10 18:51:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Aliventi
Remove them. Do it yesterday. In fact, time travel back and never implement them in the first place.

I know you all are crying about choices and consequences. I agree that attributes have consequences for the choices you make. But in this case I would say the choices and consequences really are not beneficial to Eve. It is like clone cost: A relic of times past that really needs to go away because it doesn't add anything meaningful to the game. The consequences are.. You are slower at training. That IMO is not a very meaningful consequence. Meaningful consequences are bad business choices and now you are bankrupt. You attacked the wrong guy and now his gang is killing you. You forgot that hardener and now your mission boat is dying to rats. Those are meaningful consequences for choices. You want to train a skill off what you are mapped for so it will take longer to train is not very meaningful.

Imagine a system where you get a flat 2250 SP/hr. It accrues in a similar way to Dust: it is dumped in to a massive SP pool. When you want a skill you select the skill and use up some of your pooled SP to get it. It is very easy for anyone to understand. It is so simple it would be crazy hard to screw up or make confusing. The added benefit is you can get rid of training queues. No more logging in to get that skill changed. No more freaking out about being somewhere you can't log in to Eve because you need to change skills. Oh noes! The sever is being DDoSed and I can't change my skill! That won't be an issue anymore.

Now off course you may want to put a cap on the pool of say 5 or so mil SP. Imagine people selling characters that have a 50 mil SP pool. Cool for customization. But kind of detrimental to those who have spent SP and want to sell their toons. I will leave CCP to decide if this is needed and if so how much.

As far as learning implants go... Get rid of them. So many people are stuck in highsec where they have +5 learning implants just waiting for skills to be trained instead of having fun. This toon I am posting this on is doing exactly that right now. The only other solution is to have an "implant" that isn't destroyed when you are podded which removes a lot of the consequences. Cool idea. But there isn't a downside like there is right now. If you can find a downside that is meaningful, but doesn't make people choose safety in highsec over doing things then go for it. Until then I vote for a full removal.
Morgan North
Wrecking Machine.
#24 - 2013-07-10 18:55:25 UTC
Atributes are the only thing that keeps me subbed
TransMine Group
Gluten Free Cartel
#25 - 2013-07-10 18:56:38 UTC  |  Edited by: hmskrecik
RoAnnon wrote:
My point being that all the arguments FOR the removal don't move me, I don't see the "problem" even after it's explained in detail because I don't see it as being a problem.

Fair enough. Misunderstanding was on my side. And to some extent I agree. As I stated in #2, attributes don't change game much. If they were removed, which I think they should (or rather, they shouldn't have been added), there wouldn't be much difference, which is argument both for and against removal:

For, because it's game mechanics which adds complexity but doesn't add many strategic options.

Against, because since removal would have negligible effect and devs' effort could be rather great. So it's better they spend their time doing something really useful or fixing something really broken.

seth Hendar wrote:
this is meant to be complex, and one who wants an effective training would need to plan accordingly (not talking about implants here, it is another subject imao)

the curent system is not deterent to pvp at all, a player can be combat efficient in 2 weeks or so, and i've seen new player hoping in frigs and being part of the big scheme.

This is because of how skills work, not because of how attributes work.

the whole eve idea is about specialisation, and specialisation requires planning, time and dedication, and the current attributes/ skill system is exactly this, and is the main reason most of the players enjoy this game.

Again, it's because of skills. Attributes have little to say about it.

it is hard, complex, unforgiving, but if you plan correctly, show yourself smart / patient, and learn (both in SP and player skills), you can achieve everything you want within eve.

eve is one of the last game were pushing a button to receive bacon is not possible, and require that you work for it, that you think well ahead, that you be patient.

Yep, skills again.

But you are free to present scenario when someone through careful and masterful attribute planning and management got much better results than someone else who left his attributes at default values.

say NO to dumbing eve down!

Welcome to the elite club of people confusing dumbing down with making things simpler.
Silent Rambo
Orion Positronics
#26 - 2013-07-10 19:11:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Silent Rambo
hmskrecik wrote:

say NO to dumbing eve down!

Welcome to the elite club of people confusing dumbing down with making things simpler.

This seems to be a majority. People seem to not understand the difference between making things not suck, and making them easy. Attributes really don't bring much to the game when they apply to skills. You are defined by your skills, not your attributes at this point. Attribute implants discourage PvP, they bring no real benefit to the gameplay as a whole. Its just stupid crap you have to deal with in order to maximize SP accrual, which you acquire without actually playing the game.

You could recycle the idea of attributes though, by separating them from effecting SP accrual, and giving a pilot very very slight bonuses to certain things (+1% weapon damage for every 10 perception, +1% sheild/armor per 10 willpower) or something like that. There are other things that attributes would be better suited for.

You really think someone would do that? Just log into EvE and tell lies?

Freighdee Katt
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2013-07-10 20:39:16 UTC
Silent Rambo wrote:
People seem to not understand the difference between making things not suck, and making them easy.

EvE is supposed to suck. Wait . . . what was the question?

EvE is supposed to suck.  Wait . . . what was the question?

Freighdee Katt
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2013-07-10 20:41:28 UTC
Adunh Slavy wrote:
What about something like ... remove attributes and attribute implants. In their place implement learning booster drugs mineable from additional gas cloud types. Booster levels can be similar to what we have now, synth, standard, strong and improved, maybe add a filth level since people are used to five levels of things in Eve. Each level gives a 2% boost in training speed, regardless of what you are training, and these boosters last for 24 hours.

Sean Decker called. He wants his 30-day 25% SP Boost back.

(Available now for the low low price of just two PLEX or $20!)

EvE is supposed to suck.  Wait . . . what was the question?

Ronny Hugo
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#29 - 2013-07-10 21:00:21 UTC
I support a rework of the skill-system all-together, the tree-shape of the skills make everyone carbon copies of each other and it is a feature all MMORPG's have to my knowledge. There's probably some obscure ones that have something else, but usually its a skill-tree. And usually you don't have to train just one branch because it would probably ruin the game if you had to forever commit to one branch of skills.
To first define what is better so we can make "better" happen: I define what makes a game good as "endless variation where player-input is necessary to win". You know, like when you play tennis, you hit a curve-ball and the opponent can counter your curve-ball if he/she stays cool and concentrated, you then manage to counter the opponents different delivery if you stayed cool and concentrated, and is quick about it, and so it goes until one outperforms the other. Right now its like two ball-machines being rolled out on the tennis-court, and each opponent just turns his on and hope it scores points faster than the enemy (by just flying over the net and hitting the court before going off the court). One could argue that this is quite exciting, and it is, but there's potential for more.
Silent Rambo
Orion Positronics
#30 - 2013-07-10 21:18:55 UTC
Freighdee Katt wrote:
Silent Rambo wrote:
People seem to not understand the difference between making things not suck, and making them easy.

EvE is supposed to suck. Wait . . . what was the question?

Some people think it is supposed to. And it is supposed to suck in certain ways (When other people with common interests get involved, its supposed to suck for you. If there were no players in this game, there would basically be nothing threatening).

Your user interface isn't supposed to suck. There shouldn't be "features" which exist to **** you out of SP. The game itself shouldn't be out to ramjet you in the a-hole. That's everyone else's job who lives in the game with you. That's the sandbox.

You really think someone would do that? Just log into EvE and tell lies?

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#31 - 2013-07-10 21:24:34 UTC
Silent Rambo wrote:
hmskrecik wrote:

say NO to dumbing eve down!

Welcome to the elite club of people confusing dumbing down with making things simpler.

This seems to be a majority. People seem to not understand the difference between making things not suck, and making them easy. Attributes really don't bring much to the game when they apply to skills. You are defined by your skills, not your attributes at this point. Attribute implants discourage PvP, they bring no real benefit to the gameplay as a whole. Its just stupid crap you have to deal with in order to maximize SP accrual, which you acquire without actually playing the game.

You could recycle the idea of attributes though, by separating them from effecting SP accrual, and giving a pilot very very slight bonuses to certain things (+1% weapon damage for every 10 perception, +1% sheild/armor per 10 willpower) or something like that. There are other things that attributes would be better suited for.

So your argument is that attributes are too complex, which makes them "suck"?

Attributes give players the option to speed up their skill training in order to reach their goals faster. Sorry, but I don't really see how removing this option would make the game any better. Same with training implants, it's an option available to everyone, albeit with much less dramatic effects than attribute remaps.

You don't have to remap or use implants. It's your call, perhaps you enjoy that simplicity. Taking the option away from others doesn't improve the game for them.

Attribute implants don't discourage PvP any more than having 3bil ISK ships do. If you can't afford to lose them, don't plug them in.


Jasmine Assasin
The Holy Rollers
#32 - 2013-07-10 22:57:14 UTC
I remapped 21,21,19,21,17

Put in a genolution set and filled in with normal +3s (all 4 clones the same).

No ***** given.
North Wind Local no. 612
#33 - 2013-07-10 23:12:37 UTC
Honestly I think all the fuss about "choices and consequences" is missing the point -- "choices" by themselves are not necessarily a positive thing.

What if we forced every pilot to "choose" a ship class, and forbade them from flying any other class of ship for a year? You pick frigates because you like FW or whatever, great, you only get to fly frigates. For a whole year.

See, that's a "choice", and it has "consequences", but we all agree that it does not add interesting gameplay. It's a stupid choice. The same is true of remapping attributes to train faster -- yes, sure, okay, it's a "choice" that has "consequences", but it's still not a very interesting choice gameplay-wise and it does more harm than good.

Nobody is arguing that we should "dumb down the game", we are only arguing that lame and uninteresting complexity should be simplified away to make room for much more interesting and fun complexity.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#34 - 2013-07-10 23:35:45 UTC
Why do you insist on forcing players to do something?

Attribute remaps are completely voluntary.

I personally don't find allocating points between attributes once a year very complex.

Exactly what harm do they cause?

What "much more interesting and fun complexity" do they prevent?


max ericshaun
Trust Doesn't Rust
Goonswarm Federation
#35 - 2013-07-10 23:36:54 UTC
Be happy you don't have a tier of learning skills. Be even happier you don't have a second tier of learning skills. Roll

The attribute system is not hard or complicated. It takes a little thoughtfulness before you randomly start clicking your mouse over s**t. As for implants, having implants is not a valid excuse for this thread. You want a set of +5's in your head? Great. You want to pvp but are scared you'll lose said implants? Clone jump out of them or play in low sec where you have to be dumber than a box of rocks to get podded (we're all dumb as rocks from time to time). I also read mention of higher skilled players being scared to undock to pvp because of expensive clones. I'm going to have to call bs on this one too. I cringe when I get podded at close to 120 million sp's, but it certainly doesn't stop me from pvp'ing. Eve is a risk vs reward game. Eve is supposed to be complicated and in depth. Take the time to think and plan out your training and you will have no problems.

Lost in space

Hesod Adee
Caldari State
#36 - 2013-07-10 23:49:53 UTC
Does Dust 514 have attributes ?

Removing attributes seems a simple change: Remove remapping then lock all attributes (before implants*) to the same value. Cleaning up the UI is going to be a major part of the change.

*Leaning implants are a different issue, one I will not discuss in this thread.

Roime wrote:
Choices and consequences are the unique flavor of this game.

If everything is made "fun" and "easy", people will just unsub.

Meaningful choices are the core of any game. Attributes aren't a meaningful choice. If you can plan what you will be training for the next year you just plug that plan into Evemon and it tells you the one optimal configuration. If you stick to the plan for the year then anything other than this optimal configuration will be worse. So the choice is between optimal for all situations, or less than optimal.

A meaningful choice would be where you have at least two options, one better for some scenarios, one better for others and you have to chose between them. Not one where you ask a program to tell you what option to pick.

If you don't stick to the plan (say because you specced for mining based on all the advise to start with it, only to find out you hate it) then you're running a suboptimal attribute config. But you will still train those other skills because you are training what you enjoy. So the attribute choice doesn't matter, making it even less meaningful.

Finally, when I engage someone in PvP it doesn't matter what my attributes are. All that matters is the skills my character has, and the skill I have as a player right now. Attributes only affect how fast character skills accumulate. So all they do is hold back players with suboptimal attribute configs.
Hesod Adee
Caldari State
#37 - 2013-07-10 23:59:04 UTC
Roime wrote:
Exactly what harm do they cause?

Lets take two players who created characters at the same time. Assume they burn their bonus remaps early:
P1 decides to try out activity a and configures their attributes for it. Then they find out they don't like it, so they start training for b with a suboptimal attribute config.
P2 starts off by training for activity b. So they configure their attributes for it.

On the day he starts training for activity b, P1 is behind P2 by the time he spent training for activity a. That's fair enough. But, because his attributes are for the wrong activity, the attribute system drags P1 further behind because P1 tried something he thought he would like until he tried it.

How many times have you been like P1 and thought something sounded fun, only to find out it wasn't after you tried it ?
Azn Empire
#38 - 2013-07-11 00:02:21 UTC
I don't agree and really don't see the issue. I really like the system tbh.

As far as implants are concerned, if they stop you playing then you only have yourself to blame.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#39 - 2013-07-11 00:20:17 UTC
Hesod Adee
[b wrote:
Meaningful[/b] choices are the core of any game. Attributes aren't a meaningful choice. If you can plan what you will be training for the next year you just plug that plan into Evemon and it tells you the one optimal configuration. If you stick to the plan for the year then anything other than this optimal configuration will be worse. So the choice is between optimal for all situations, or less than optimal.

A meaningful choice would be where you have at least two options, one better for some scenarios, one better for others and you have to chose between them. Not one where you ask a program to tell you what option to pick.

But there are at least two options- to follow a strict skill plan that benefits from attribute remaps, or go with balanced attributes and train whatever you feel like. I've used both, had level attributes for a year while trained skills from all areas, after that I've had two attribute-oriented training plans.

If you don't stick to the plan (say because you specced for mining based on all the advise to start with it, only to find out you hate it) then you're running a suboptimal attribute config. But you will still train those other skills because you are training what you enjoy. So the attribute choice doesn't matter, making it even less meaningful.

Sure it does matter, you wasted a remap and trained skills slower than you meant to. Don't you agree that it's a rather nicely designed mechanic, as your failure to think ahead doesn't stop you completely from progressing? :)

Finally, when I engage someone in PvP it doesn't matter what my attributes are. All that matters is the skills my character has, and the skill I have as a player right now. Attributes only affect how fast character skills accumulate. So all they do is hold back players with suboptimal attribute configs.

No, that's just the other side of the coin. They also accelerate character training when done right, opening up new gameplay for players.

Lets take two players who created characters at the same time. Assume they burn their bonus remaps early:
P1 decides to try out activity a and configures their attributes for it. Then they find out they don't like it, so they start training for b with a suboptimal attribute config.
P2 starts off by training for activity b. So they configure their attributes for it.

On the day he starts training for activity b, P1 is behind P2 by the time he spent training for activity a. That's fair enough. But, because his attributes are for the wrong activity, the attribute system drags P1 further behind because P1 tried something he thought he would like until he tried it.

How many times have you been like P1 and thought something sounded fun, only to find out it wasn't after you tried it ?

So obviously the best choice here for P1 is not to remap until he is sure about his goals. He made a bad call, he should have tried first but instead acted like a lamb. And it's also true that attribute remap clearly benefited P2. This is why attribute remaps are meaningful choices.

P2 won P1 in EVE, got laid and lived happily ever after. P1 got depressed, lost his job and now lives in a basement, too ashamed to walk in daylight again.


Next Stage Initiative
#40 - 2013-07-11 00:53:38 UTC
I'm of the firm belief that choice, consequence, and the uniqueness of a more in-depth character system were some of the shining points of this game.

This is being phased out. I'm not on the bandwagon, claiming that CCP is trying to dumb down EvE. Logically, each decision they have made in it's own merit has been sound.

But taken all together, it's ripping out a core element of the game that made it more unique. Flavor.

All cheeseburgers are not the same.

It all makes sense in the name of balance and even gameflow to remove these, learning implants, etc. I hate learning implants too.

But it is yet again removing a little more flavor. The end of this process is a very bland cheeseburger indeed.

If you're driven to threaten others with harm or violence because of what they do in game, you can't separate fantasy from reality. That "griefer/thief" is probably more sane than you are. How screwed up is that?